《Demon in Lianzhen》Part 2-10 Sung Wei


Sung Wei turned from the decapitated corpse to the stone wall. The letters,

written in blood because of course it was going to be written in blood, seemed to stare

back at him. Leering at him with their angles and odd curves. The foreign words

translated to "Rape is punishable by death by beheading. So says The Cursed One."

On the surface, he wasn't against such a notion, but he hadn't been called to this crime

scene because of the writing on the wall. No, he was here because the man had his

chest cleaved open and his heart removed. The blood words had meant nothing to him

until one of the translators read the damn things out loud.

The Cursed One, Nar Arakna Ratahk. Of course Sung Wei instantly recognized

the words. Illiesku Nar Arakna. Illiesku The Cursed. How fucking fitting. So here she

was mocking him. One more action to rub his inability to do anything about her in his

face. The city was getting violent. Crimes like this were becoming a far too common

occurrence. The demon hadn't created the problem, she just found a scab on society

and started picking at it. Now blood was flowing in the alleyways.

"Puno." Said an out of breath aide.

"Hmm?" Sung Wei pulled his attention away from the wall and to the man.

"I was told, told to, run this to you, sir." He panted while holding out a piece of


The inspector took the note and read it over carefully. Maybe he couldn't do

anything about Illiesku Nar Arakna, but the demon hunter he had sent for could. A smile

wormed its way across Sung Wei's face.

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