《Demon in Lianzhen》Part 2-1 Rin


The sun was busy casting its morning glow on the western ridge of the valley.

The bustle of people starting their day competed with the ever present sound of

cascading water. Rin wasn't used to taking this path to work, but the thought of taking

her usual shortcut sent the hair on the back of her neck standing on end. A street full of

people was the last place she expected to be attacked. Her heart tried to jump out of

her chest when arms wrapped around her. The weight of another body pushing into her

back and a chin resting on her head confused her. This was more a hug than an attack.


"A-a’te Illiesku?"


Rin let out a sigh of relief. The Oni-Kai had walked her home last night, the only

payment she had wanted was to store a few things of hers. Rin had readily agreed. It

really wasn't enough. Rin opened her mouth to speak, but Illiesku beat her to it.

"Your hair, the scent is pleasant."

"It's ginger."


"Illiesku?" Rin fidgeted in the girl's arms.


"C-can you let go of me? People are staring."

The weight and arms disappeared. Rin turned around to talk to Illiesku face to

face. The girl was in her usual grey robe. Her hair parted so her right eye was covered

and her left stared at Rin with something between boredom and affection. Rin bowed


"In payment for saving my life. Please allow me to treat you to a [day on the


The Oni-Kai nodded. "If you must."

Well, that was easy. Rin thought.

After ending the bow, she managed to nervously hold still as Illiesku reached

over to touch her left horn. She couldn't actually tell what the girl was doing, just felt the

pressure where her horn attached to her skull.

"You possess attractive horns."

"Um, thank you."

Illiesku smiled. "You are very pretty."

"Um. We, we're going to be late a-and people are st-staring again."

"Mmm," the Oni-Kai retracted her hand. "Yes, we must not be tardy."

Rin's shoulders feel as Illiesku passed her to lead the way. She followed,

wringing her hands together and trying to keep the correct amount of distance between


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