《The Path of Rey Skywalker Written By Travis Willier Fan fiction.》Chapter 009 The End


Rey walked up to the Red force Crystal and started to use the force examining the crystal.

Zon walked up beside Rey to ask what's going on.

“Rey, what's happening here?”

“Zon, To perform the ritual one of us has to heal the Crystal, Which is going to result in the death of one of us, our life force is the only thing strong enough to

Heal this Bled force crystal.”

Rey looked at Zon who had a blank expression on his face.”You and I both saw the rituals.” and Zon nodded. “ I said.. I would use my Force powers to heal. I know what I must do.”

Zon Walked up to the Crystal Zon Felt the force and started to use it to reach into the Crystal And begin to heal the Crystal with Rey. Their force together was surging through the crystal and room. The Strobing light made Chewie raise his hand over his eyes.

There was a Flash and the room turned white the Geometric patterns turned white the room was bright and metallic.

And the Silver mirror was now fluorescent blue.

Zon laid there Rey walked up to him and knelt beside him. Rey placed her hand on his chest and felt he was still breathing. Zon opened his eyes.

“Am I Dead?” Zon asked, laying on the ground with his eyes closed. Rey smiled “No, My friend you're not.”

Zon opened his eyes and sat up and felt his chest and laughed. “Ahahaha, I'm Alive.”

Rey helped him stand back up. And they walked to the blue fluorescent light and Rey felt her force energy connect through the portal of blue light and she reached in with her right hand into the Blue esoteric light.

Rey Felt someone reach back and hold on to her hand.


Ben solo walked out of the blue fluorescent light holding Rey's hand.

Tears fell from her face as she held the sides of Ben Solo's Face.

They kissed and when they looked each other in the eyes. Rey felt Bens love their force connection.

“Ben.” Then Ben cut off Rey. “ I know.” and leaned in to kiss her. And their force power and energy together radiated through the Blue ethereal portal which emanated White Force Light and through it walked Luke,Camie, Leia, Han Solo, Then Chewie Roared out in happiness at the sight of them. They all walked and hugged together with Rey and Ben solo. Luke smiled and looked at his nephew. “Told you I would see you around kid.”

And Ben hugged Luke. all of their Energy powered the Portal even more and then they all turned hearing a familiar voice. “ Gone I Am Not, Back I AM.” Master Yoda walked out young and with long hair and white jedi robes. “Restored, the Jedi order is.”

And Every Jedi that was Killed in Order 66 walked out. Then four last Jedi walked out together. Qui-Gon Jinn, Anakin, Padme and Obi wan. Together the Jedi Order used the Force and the Planet wide storm on Tython vanished and the beautiful Sunlight filled the skies.

“Brought, Balance to the Force, We Have.” Yoda Said to all the Jedi In the Massive Room.


9 months later

Rey walks in the living room and sits in her brand new blue Jedi robes and sits on the couch in their home in Wasko holding her stomach.

Ben Solo Sits beside her. “You think we will send her to train on Tython with the Jedi Order?” Ben looks at the Pregnant Rey. “She isn't even born yet.”


“But she will be here soon, we should think of these things.”

Ben stood up and helped his wife Rey to a standing position as well.

“I propose we, Chat about it after dinner at Yoreen’s.”

“Will your dad and mom be joining?” Rey asked Ben Solo who nodded in approval “ I believe so.”

Ben Solo walked to the front door, put on his boots, threw on his favorite brown vest and held out his arm for Rey. Rey stepped up to the front door and held Ben Solo’s Arm and put on her brand new strap sandals.

They opened the sliding door and walked out into the street which was a nice, busy, crowded street. The city of Wasko was busy and the people were going about their duties.

Rey and Ben walked through the city waving at random people, till they finally got to Yoreens nice Blue stone home. Ben and Rey stepped up the staircase to the front door.

Rey knocked and Yoreen opened the front sliding door. “Come join us, oh My Rey you look Stunning in that blue, I told you.” Yoreen walked in and Rey and Ben Solo followed her inside her blue stone home.

Rey walked in to see Han Solo, Leia, Chewbacca sitting at the table.

Which was filled with an assortment of food. Rey Smiled. Seeing the beautiful painting of Theed, Rey gifted Yoreen above the dinner Table.

Rey and Ben Found a Chair at the table after taking off their footwear.

They sat down and began to Dish up. “About time you showed up, the food was turning cold.” Han Solo Said then the door opened again.

Han Solo looked across the room holding his hand just above his pistol.

Then four hooded figures walked in the door and stood across from the table.

Then one hooded figure pulled the hood down. “Master Luke!” Rey called out.

“Luke!” Leia called out and stood up and walked to hug her brother.”Camie!” Leia Said hugged Luke's wife after she hugged Luke. The other two robe figures pulled back their hoods. Padme and Anakin Skywalker. They were greeted by everyone who got up and hugged Padme and anakin.

“I Thought you were training young padawans on the Planet Tython, Uncle Luke?” Ben Solo Asked. “ Yeah, But the Jedi Order can handle that for now, there is no other place I would rather be.” Then Luke Sat down with his wife Camie “I can Only Agree.” Said Anakin who sat down with his Lovely wife Padme who was dressed in a white pink dress and together they all ate. Laughing, sharing their stories, About the galaxy.

The End. The Path of Rey Skywalker Written By Travis W Fan fiction

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