《Flowers From A Killer》Sneak Peak of Book 2: Loving Thorns


Opening my eyes I sighed as my mind returned from my memories and gazed up at the overhanging trees above me. Had it really been 6 years since Conner and I crashed the limo into the river. It seemed like only yesterday yet here I was a 21 year old woman still struggling to cope with the betrayal of Aaron. Sitting up and swinging my legs off the little white bench I lay on I gazed down at the flowers surrounding me as I tried to stop the pain raidiating from my shattered heart. I know I should move on and try to find a new life purpose especially since it had been 2 months since the kidnapping. Yet for some reason no matter how hard I tried my heart just wouldn’t let go of the past. Maybe it’s because we had been together for 5 wonderful years before he decided to finally propose. I am not sure what it is holding my heart hostage. All I know is that ever since that day I can’t bare the thought of being with anyone else. Doctors have told me it’s depression and post-traumatic stress disorder but honestly I don’t care. Maybe if I had only been a better girlfriend and payed more attention to Aaron he never would have done what he did. I know that’s stupid to think. I know it’s not my fault but what if it is. If I hadn’t gone to the circus with Conner. If I hadn’t… I was pulled from my thoughts as the snap of a tree branch sounded to the left of me. Glancing over I feel my heart freeze as I see Conner strolling toward me, hands in his pockets, and a smile on his face. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes as I swiftly turned away from him. I heard him sigh as he sat down beside me not saying anything just relaxing. Tentatively I cautiously glanced over at him. He had his legs crossed hands clasped calmly in his lap as he gazed at a butterfly flittering along the edge of the flower petals. Glancing over at me he smiled as his eyes met mine. Blushing I turned swiftly away. I could hear him chuckling beside me at my feeble attempt to avoid him. I stiffened as I felt his hand under my chin as he gently turned my face toward him. He grinned as once more our eyes connected.


“There that’s better. There’s the beautiful blue eyes of my best friend. I was starting to think I would never see them again.” He chuckled causing me to blush harder.

“Sasha. I know you are hurting, but please stop avoiding me. Ever since that night it’s like we are playing a game of cat and mouse. I can’t imagine the pain you must be feeling right now but please let me help you. You don’t have to go through this alone anymore.” He softly spoke staring into my sea blue eyes. Pulling away from him I looked down at my feet to ashamed to meet his gaze.

“I’m sorry Conner. I just… It’s my fault Aaron turned against me, and because of it you were hurt. When I saw you that day in jail you looked so close to death. I was terrified I was going to lose you. I already lost Aaron. I couldn’t bare the thought.” I whispered clutching at the gold chain around my neck. He didn’t respond probably unsure of what exactly to say. Glancing down at my hand I noticed a look of confusion cross his face as he noticed the chain around my neck.

“Is that the promise necklace Aaron gave you after he proposed.” I blushed sheepishly guilt feeling my heart.

“Yes.” I whispered barely loud enough for him to hear.

“Why do you even still have that. After what happened…”

“I know Conner.” I snapped cutting him off pain in my eyes as I clutched the necklace closer to myself.

“I know. I want to get rid of it but..” I trailed away unable to come up with the right words.

“I understand its only been 2 months since than. Of course it would be hard for you, but so long as you keep holding onto that you will never be able to move on. Here how about you give it to me and I will get rid of it for you.” He offered holding his hand out for the necklace. I hesitated a moment before sighing and slowing unclasping the chain. My hands shaking I moved it over to his hand to give it to him. It was inches away from touching his finger tips when I snapped. Snatching it back I swiftly fastened it back around my neck and hid the chain in my shirt. Clasping my hands over the spot where it was hidden I gazed up at Conner as if daring him to try to take it. sighing he lowered his hand back to his lap. I relaxed slightly once I saw he wasn’t going to try to force me to give it up.


“I know I’m pitiful. He nearly kiiled me, and practically beat you and all the other inmates to a pulp. So it shouldn’t be so hard for me to give up something as simple as this necklace, but I just can’t do it. It was the only thing besides the ring I have left of Aaron. I know he is a monster but I love him Conner. I hate that I do. I want to hate him for what he did. Yet I can’t. I just can’t. I’m so sorry. I bet you hate me now don’t you. I wouldn’t blame you either” I sobbed curling inward. I felt Conner’s arms surround me as he pulled me in for a hug.

“Sasha I may not understand exactly what you are going through but I will always be here for you. I promise I am not going anywhere, and I defiantly don’t hate you.” He soothed kissing the top of my forehead. He held me like that neither of us saying anything. After a moment he pulled away stretched and got up. Holding out his hand to me he gave me a goofy grin as he waited for me to take his hand.

“Now how about we go see what Fredrick is doing. We haven’t bugged him in forever.” I laughed smiling up at his lame attempt at a joke. Reaching out for his hand I was inches away from taking it when I screamed. Pulling my hand back to cover my mouth in horror I stared at the red blossoming around the arrow that just shot through Conner’s chest.

“Well will you look at that. There’s an arrow in my chest.” He weakly chuckled gazing down at it. his eyes glazed over into a pearly hazel marble as he swayed from side to side. Falling backward onto the ground I watched in horror as a pool of blood surrounded him.


To Be Continued!!

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