《Anti-Hero: Journey of Fear》Chapter 15: Its a Twap!
We returned to the central plaza where the various vendors were packing up their stalls. “Geld and Gillow you both stay with the wagon. Yalow and Ulther with me.” The two went off to the side with the wagon while the rest of us moved to where Ralo was standing in front of the bank. I looked around, but nothing appeared to be off. The soldiers lining the central plaza were slowly leaving with the various merchants.
“Welcome, follow me. Your companions can come as well.” I gave a small nod. We entered the building and made our way up to the third floor. Opening a set of ornately carved wooden doors, Ralo led the way into a room with a half circle table and took a seat at one end. There were six other men sitting around the table. For the most part they did not wear vast amounts of gold and other ornaments, rather their clothes were clean and were well tailored.
Looking about the room, I saw a map of the city and a map of the surrounding region. “Thank you for allowing me to speak with all of you.” I said.
“You are worth quite a bit Kenji Shadowen, or Rain of Blood. Your reputation proceeds you.” The man at the center of the table spoke. “Indeed, when I learned that a person who was worth ten thousand gold pieces and a noble title in Breckley was here in Balkor, well you can understand both my fear and joy.”
“Doesn’t look like much, like an imp, but the really dangerous ones are always underestimated.” The man across from Ralo said.
“Very true, now what are you proposing that is worth more than what Breckley is paying.” The man at the center spoke again.
“Simple, your lives in exchange for being left alone.”
“Ah, the mystical reincarnation of the Travelers. Indeed it is a dire threat, but doubt it will be that easy.” A massive pressure suddenly slammed down on me. Ulther and Yalow both collapsed on the smooth wood floor. I was barely able to keep my footing. “Impressive.” The force disappeared. “As you can see we are not defenseless. So threat for threat. You attack, you die. You might get me and a couple of us in the process, but you won’t succeed and the rest of us will be quite a bit richer.”
“Its a trap.”
“Not a trap, a chance to negotiate. You thought you held the position of strength, but I merely wanted you to understand things.”
“I cannot match Breckley’s offer except through deeds. I can think of none that would meet the cost of ten thousand gold pieces.”
“Indeed, you see our problem. Killing you and transporting your corpse and transporting the gold back is estimated to cost fifty seven gold, including all expenses. In addition, Breckley is our neighbor and we could always use the good will for future trade negotiations.”
“If you are talking, you want something.”
“Not as dumb as you look. Str has mobilized a large army, and we suspect they will march on our city. We want you to go and-“ While the old man was speaking I had pulled off my canteen and took a small sip of vine poison. Giving the illusion it was just water. I squeezed down and waved the canteen in an arc in front of me.
It struck all seven merchants and they collapsed screaming. I spun around and Ulther had the presence of mind to duck as I splashed the four guards behind us. They went down screaming as well. I cast the canteen aside and drew both my blades. The pressure struck again. I let arms and swords rest against my body as I slowly dragged my feet forward, one bit at a time.
In a flash of flames a man was standing between me and the table. “Observe.”
The Waking Demon, Yal-Ral-SalLvL: 145Strongest Stat: WisdomHP: 10023MP: 8021SP: 1025
“Impressive you can stand up under the weight of my presence.” The man said calmly. He appeared so normal, but with his strength he was a monster in reality or VR as it were.
“Ulther, chant of Dexterity. Yalow, secure the door.”
The man gestured with a hand and beam of fire erupted from it. Yalow was skewered through the chest and collapsed to the ground dead. “There is a reason a merchant’s council remains in power, me.” He gestured again and a beam of flames came straight at me. At the same time Ulther had finished his chant and I felt the pressure retreat.
I bent out of the way, but the flames still scorched my left arm, burning through my clothing. I moved forward and cut out at the figure. My blade phased through his body leaving a ripple of flames in its wake. I slashed out again but a wall of flames appeared between us and I was forced to take a step back. The Waking Demon turned towards Ulther and gestured. Ulther finished a second chant just as the beam struck him.
The flames coursed over his body, but only his cloths burned. I threw one of my swords. It went straight through the man’s body with only ripples of flame to mark its passage and no visible damage. “Observe.”
The Waking Demon, Yal-Ral-SalLvL: 145Strongest Stat: WisdomHP: 9873MP: 7214SP: 986
All that and there was almost no damage. That had been the Fey blade I had just thrown. Things were not going well. The merchants and soldiers in the room and all passed out from the pain. The only good news was that I didn’t hear anyone else approaching. The bad news was that I had no idea how to beat the Waking Demon, Yal-Ral-Sal.
“The Waking Demon, Yal-Ral-Sal, I know your true name and bind you to my service.” He looked at me.
“Interesting, no one has attempted to deal with me in that way.” Another beam of fire cut across the room. The flames vanished once they struck a wall or floor, preventing the building from becoming a raging inferno. I grabbed my second canteen of poison I had on me and squared off against the demon.
He gestured and another beam of fire cut towards me. I dove to the ground on my stomach and then squeezed the entire canteen of vine juice onto the demon. It struck his clothing and was immediately burnt up in gouts of flame. The demon gestured again and I rolled across the floor, pushing out the poisoned contents at him while a beam of fire trailed after me. I ran into the wall and scrambled forward hoping to avoid being burnt to a cinder.
The beam of flames didn’t strike and I glanced at the demon. A cloud of purple smoke swirled around him and he was coughing. “Observe.”
The Waking Demon, Yal-Ral-SalLvL: 145Strongest Stat: WisdomHP: 2431MP: 5422SP: 893
I chucked the canteen at him. It phased through him in gout of flames, but that only sent up more purple smoke. I grabbed my swords and quickly sheathed both of them. I then grabbed up Ulther and tossed him over my shoulder. I let out a grunt, he was eating way too much. I made my way over to the door and opened it. Yal-Ral-Sal disappeared in a pillar of flames behind me as I made my escape.
The cloud of deadly smoke began to spread throughout the room. I made my way down the staircase back towards the front door. Ulther was breathing, but his clothing was burnt and he looked exhausted. I made my way to the entrance, and there were still no soldiers. I looked outside to a grizzly scene. Gillow had been hacked to pieces and the wagon looted. I had all our money on my person thankfully, but that was just cruel the way he had been killed. Both horses lay dead in the street as well. Geld was lying on the street, dead or unconscious I couldn’t tell. I closed the door softly.
Ulther and I were trapped and he was just dead weight. I lowered a steel reinforced wood beam into the brackets were mounted on the doorway and wall. That should keep out people for a bit. The desks were empty of anything useful and there was the staircase back up and one leading down. From what I could tell, the third floor was a meeting room, and the second floor held lots of paperwork when I had went by it. “Open screens.”
Experience+300005+10 LvLYou are level 70
Quest-ImpossibleThe Fires of HellSlay the Greater Waking Demon+1000000 EXP
+10 Stat PointsAccept (Yes/No)
Dammit, the merchants must have had high levels so I couldn’t tell if the demon was dead or not. I then looked at the new impossible quest. My guess was that quests went up in difficultly anywhere from ten to a hundred times from the previous level. If killing a Dragon was considered a lifetime quest, then this really was impossible.
One waking demon, wiped my team out…wiped me out. A greater one probably had at least twenty minions to be halfway respectable. I accepted and closed out the quest screen. If I ever found out where it was living, I would get twenty barrels of vine poison and drop them in. If that didn’t work, twenty barrels of Ent sap. The number of problems that cannot be solved has an inverse relationship to the size of the explosion. This current problem I was in needed an explosion that would wipe out the city, the way things were going.
I continued down the stairs until I reached a pair of steel doors. I pushed and they slid open, they scraped against the floor. The room suddenly burst into light as torches exploded to life along the walls. There were shelves, boxes, and all other manner of gold coins and valuables. At the far end of the room sat the demon on a stone throne. Not dead then. I set Ulther against one of the doors and drew both my swords.
The Waking Demon, Yal-Ral-SalLvL: 145Strongest Stat: WisdomHP: 97MP: 3891SP: 673
It was almost dead, but on the other hand it was near invincible to physical attacks and I had no more poison. “So you came hero, to free this city?” The man demon asked giving off a bored vibe.
“Not really, but I was in danger so I attacked the merchants and then you attacked.”
“I would only come if they were attacked, that was one part of our deal.”
“The rest?”
“And what interest is it to you?”
“Your strong, we should team up.”
“Ha! My kind seeks to undo the seven seals in this world that bind my master. The merchants would use their wealth and information for my benefit in exchange for my protection. What can you hope to do that all this gold and their connections could not.”
“Well for one, I am a Traveler. I don’t give two coppers about the fate of the world.” One day impossible quest, one day. “Second I travel all over the place, killing people, having adventures. I am sure information on these portals would come up. Finally, we would make a kick ass team.”
“Intriguing, but in the end just talk.”
“I offer a challenge. I will get you information on one of these seals in the next hour. Describe as much as you know. I will return with the location of a single one. If I succeed you serve me while we look for them. If I fail, well you think of a punishment.”
“A daring offer. I know you Travelers can cast your soul from this realm of existence. So if you return, what is to stop you from escaping?”
“The same thing that would have you serve me if I succeed.”
“There is another option.” The man gestured and an obsidian table appeared in a burst of flame between us with a piece of parchment and a black feathered quill resting next to it.
“If you sign your name on this, I shall be able to sense your soul wherever you go on this plane.” The man demon grinned at me.
“And the reverse?”
“Well you will just have to trust me.”
“Trust a demon? You must have inhaled too much poison. I sign, I want something of equal or greater value. Your blood.”
“My blood….and what do you plan to do with it?”
“Drink it and see what happens.”
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, that is the most insane thing I have ever heard of. You really think you can take my powers into you with my blood?” I walked over to the desk and picked up the black feathered quill and began to circle the desk.
“Honestly who knows? I make my own rules.”
“Indeed that is-“ I lunged forward and drove the quill into the demon’s eye. I ripped it out and then jammed it in the other eye. My hand was burnt from the ripples of flames the demon had given off when I had stabbed his eyes with the quill.
“You killed my team, you die as well, ass hole.” I heard banging coming from above. The soldiers were probably trying to break down the door. I returned to the vault entrance and pushed the steel doors closed. I slid two long steel bars into place, barricading it. Thankfully whatever demonic magic that had created the smokeless flames around the room was still going strong.
I carried Ulther and propped him up near the table and throne. I then began to look around the room. More wealth than I could imagine, but none of it useful. It was all gold, jewels, or trinkets. After making two complete circuits I let out a sigh. I walked over to the demon’s corpse. I went and got a large gold bowl. I then set the corpse up so when I slit the throat the blood would drain out. I did that and the basin began to fill.
I had no idea if drinking this things blood would empower me. If I was a betting man, I would easily put money on it being a very bad idea. Unfortunately I was trapped in an underground vault with soldiers closing in. I could hear noise from the other side of the steel doors now. “You know, it is times like this I really want to just be a craftsman.” I mumbled out.
I picked up the basin and began chugging away. Demon blood tastes like all other blood, nasty and salty. He probably has some weird disease, like demon AIDS that I was going to get. It tasted nasty going into my mouth, burned on the way going down, and then gave me a severe stomach cramp. I dropped the drained basin and stumbled around for a moment before collapsing.
"Finally the door is open."
"What the hell. Did...he drink its blood."
"Kill the boy, take the body. He will want to examine what happened here. We can send more men to pick up the rest."
"Are you sure, we should just kill him."
"Rain of Blood is a person of interest, so we take him."
I was cold. I opened my eyes and it was dark as well. I felt around. I didn’t have any clothes and all the walls and floor were smooth stone. Everything shook. I was tempted to shout, but decided pretending to be unconscious would be better for now. My room was only four feet long, three feet wide, and three feet tall. Sitting in the corner the room shook and moved every so often.
I looked at my MP bar and I figured I had been unconscious for the whole night. At least I was still alive, that was all that mattered at the moment.
A small panel opened up in the ceiling letting light in. A canteen and some bread were dropped in and the panel closed up. “Hey what is going on?” I shouted but there was no answer. I carefully drank a small amount of the water, the taste was off and I spit it out. Same with the bread, probably some kind of poison.
I poured out the tainted water as hid the bread between my ass cheeks so they would think I ate and drank. I then lay still in the bottom of my coffin. A panel above me opened but I kept my eyes shut. The panel slammed shut and then the entire lid was removed letting in fresh sunlight and air.
“Looks like he pissed himself. You can carry him.”
“No way, this is a new outfit. You said you would, so you do it.”
“Fine, but only because we have to get away from here.” I felt myself being lifted up. After I was slung over someone’s back I opened my eyes a little. It looked like I was still in Balkor. As I was carried I prepared myself for action. I reached out and wrapped my hands around the man’s sword. I drew it in one quick motion and he spun. I held up the blade and cut through the other man’s neck as I was spun around. He collapsed to the ground in a spray of blood, trying to plug the fatal wound.
I then drove the sword down into the man carrying me. The blade went through the base of his spine and out his groin. He collapsed screaming and I untangled myself from him. I retrieved the other man’s sword and slew his wailing companion with a well-placed stab. I retrieved the sword I had used to stab him in the groin and then turned to a nearby house.
I kicked down the door and entered. There were two young men in the midst of a love making session. I had startled them and one had bit down slightly. His companion was lying on the bed trying to stop the bleeding while his companion looked between me and him.
“I need clothes and you will take me to the central plaza.”
“But he needs-“ I cut him off by holding a blade up under his throat.
“I am in a bad mood, hurry. Also bring me some beer.” The guy began going through a nearby closet and tossed me a bunch of clothes. The underwear had some skid marks, but it was better than running around naked. By the time I was done changing the young man had set a pitcher of ale in front of me. I gulped it down in a single swig.
My headache eased up slightly. “He isn’t going to die. Now come on, to the central plaza.” The young man began leading me through the winding streets. I kept one sword rested on his left shoulder and the other one at my side to bring up at a moment’s notice.
Fifteen minutes and a number of looks later we reached the central plaza. The place was in chaos as people were looting, fighting with the soldiers, and helping the soldiers loot a number of shops that lined the plaza. “What is going on?”
“Um, I heard the council had died but I didn’t expect this.”
“Get out of here, I have business to attend to.” The man ran off. I went straight for the bank. People stayed out of my way for the most part and I soon came to the front entrance that had been torn open. I looked back at the plaza and saw the blood stain from Gillow and our horses. I walked into the bank, vault, or merchant headquarters, I really didn't care.
Two soldiers stood guard at the staircase leading to the vault. I approached and they both drew their weapons. We charged at the same time. I blocked one blow and then spun around the man’s shield to avoid his partner. The blade in my right hand impaled the man in the neck and out the other side, showering his partner with his life blood.
I let the corpse slide to the floor and stabbed forward. The other soldier blocked with his shield and jabbed back. I stepped to the side and in to avoid the blow. I stabbed down with one blade, impaling the soldier’s foot. He screamed and I used my other blade to silence him by jabbing it into the side of his neck over his shield. I then stepped back and ripped both my blades free.
I continued down towards the vault. I reached the steel doors which had been hammered open. Almost everything had been cleared out. There was the demon corpse, still lying on the table. No one had touched the blood caked bowl which was resting near the corpse. I looked over and saw Ulther. I checked his pulse, there was none.
I then checked over this body and saw a deep stab wound under his arm. He probably bled out by the amount under him. This shit, just got real. I was going to kill everyone. By everyone, I meant every single human being inside this city. It wouldn’t just be a rain of blood, but a hurricane, no, a maelstrom of malice. I stood up from the corpse and went over to the demon’s corpse. I put my hand on its chest hoping to feel something, but nothing came.
I opened up my status screens. I had been putting this off in hopes of avoiding the worst.
Murder of Merchants-1 MAXDon't ruin the clothes+10 Fate+2% Constitution+2% Wisdom
NOTIFICATIONYou have wiped out a faction, Merchant's Council of Balkor
NOTIFICATIONYou have slain a Waking Demon
Demon Slayer-1You walk the edge between light and dark+10% Fire Resistance
Demonic Blood Corruption-1You have taken the blood of a demon in your body-20% Constitution+50% Fire Resistance
Well that was a harsh trade off, but I would take fire resistance over most other things. This brought it up to seventy percent and I wondered how much it would protect me. I looked back at the corpse. I cut out the heart and began ripping into it. Blood and pieces of flesh, dribbled down my chin. I ate the whole thing and felt sick. I bit down hard forced myself not to throw up. After a minute the feeling passed and I pulled up any new status screens.
Demonic Blood Corruption-3You have taken the blood of a demon in your body-50% Constitution+70% Fire Resistance+10% Automatic Fire Generation
Much better, I walked over to one of the undying flames and slowly moved my hand near it. The fire was uncomfortably warm but didn’t burn me. I then left the vault, every so often one of my footsteps left small bursts of flames after it had touched the ground or a puff of flame appeared behind me.
As I reached the main floor, four soldiers were walking in with a crate. They looked at me and then their dead comrades. I advanced, they dropped the crate and unsheathed their swords. “You are all going to die. Fear Aura, ten minutes.” One guard wet himself.
I rushed in. Five slashes and seven fiery jabs later there were four new corpses. I left the building and walked out into the plaza. At first no one really noticed as I struck down one person after another. That was when someone noticed and the screaming and running started. I didn’t bother running I just killed anyone I came across, those few brave souls who tried to confront me, the helpless peasants and merchants, even a dog who ran across my path.
“No further demon. I call upon Wasdoh, bend the edges of dusk and seize the abomination before me.” Dark voids leaped up and began tracing their way around me. I shook myself and a small ripple of flame trailed down one of my legs, breaking the shadows.
I looked and saw a priest with two guards besides him, facing me. “You will all die in this maelstrom of madness.” I threw both my blades, impaling each soldier to either side of the priest. I broke free of the remaining shadows and walked forward.
“For a man of god, you are unworthy!” He tried to back away and was pleading, but I had closed the distance and kicked him in the groin as hard as I could. I felt something burst and he collapsed to the ground with a scream. I pulled out my two swords out of the soldiers. I killed another twenty people before I noticed my SP was just about empty.
I found a house and made my way inside. A woman and two small kids were huddled in a corner. I closed the partially broken door behind me. “Make some dinner, or I kill the little ones slowly.”
“Please don’t, please-“
“No talking, you annoy me.”
“Don’t talk to mommy like that, meanie.” The woman paled.
“The only reason you have to be afraid is if you talk or are not making dinner.” She got the point and started piling wood into a cast iron stove. I turned to the kid. I was covered in blood and bits of flesh, but just couldn’t find it in myself to care. “I am strong, so I can do what I want.”
“Big brother is the strongest.”
“Oh and what is his name?”
“Big brother?” I looked at the woman.
“What is his name, you may say it.”
“Geld.” I blinked. I didn’t believe in coincidences and I had just run into one.
“What happened to him?”
“He was attacked yesterday. They took him to the church of the Eight for healing, but with all the chaos, we don’t know what happened to him.”
“Interesting. Boy go bring me a bucket of water.” The woman nodded and he picked up a bucket and raced out of the house. “Girl, go get me some clean clothes. Get me one of your big brother’s outfits, underwear too.” She looked at her mom who nodded and pointed at the stairs.
The boy came back and I stripped myself. The mother looked like she was about to say something as her kids went wide eyed, but I didn’t care. I poured the bucket over myself, cleaning off the blood. I then put on a clean outfit. Much better.
Someone began opening the front door. “Hey Marissa, I saw the lock broken and-“ I pulled the man in and closed the door.
“If you speak a single word, I will kill you and one of the children. I am about to enjoy a meal.” I began eating some thin bread, slices of fried meat, and some sliced fruit. “Excellent.” I washed down my meal with a mug of beer the woman had provided. “I am going upstairs to sleep. The boy will stay with me as a hostage. Only disturb me if Geld returns, if not leave me alone.” I grabbed the young child and carried him upstairs. I found a bedroom and went inside. I moved a dresser in front of the door and then grabbed the boy and pulled him next to me on the bed.
I woke up to shouting. “Someone is going to die.” My SP was filled up again, and judging by my MP it had been about nine hours. I pushed the small boy onto the floor where he let out a cry in surprise. I didn’t care. I pushed the dresser out of the way and made my way downstairs. There were two mean looking brutes in the kitchen. One was undressing the woman while the other was searching the cabinets.
I stabbed the one holding the woman in the head. I then walked over and stabbed his companion through the back of the neck. I yanked my sword to the side and a spray of blood coated the kitchen. “Thanks for the hospitality, your boy is fine. Have a nice day.”
I stepped out of the house and made my way back to the central plaza. The stench of corpses was heavy in the air. I saw someone had tried burning a couple, but the fire had been too small to catch. I grabbed a young man who was running by and slammed him into the ground. “Show me to the temple of Eight or you die.” I pulled him up and l kept a firm grip on his shoulder as he led me through Balkor. We finally arrived at what appeared to be a temple. I let him go and he ran off. “Fear Aura, ten minutes.” I stepped up to the double doors and pushed them open.
Three priests turned and looked at me and they all paled. “Begone, evil one, we-“
“Shut up. I am here for Geld, young soldier, brought in before all the fighting.” The priests looked at each other. “I can kill you all and then look or you can tell me and I can be gone from your presence.” I ran a hand along the door frame leave spurts of flames behind. The priests gasped.
“In the ante-room over there.” One of the priests pointed.
I walked into the room, hands on the hilts of my swords. I saw Geld laying there unmoving. “Fix him.”
“He needs his rest and by the Eight’s grace.“
“Fix him now, I don’t care what it takes.”
“Um, alright. Oh Onciontituts please heal and shape this being back into his proper form. Knit him flesh, sinew, and bone so that he might stand amongst us once again.” A glow encircled Geld and then faded. I tapped him on the cheek.
“Oh…what is going on?”
“I have repaid by debt. Go to your mother and family they need you.”
“I thought you were-“
“I am, go. Now!” Geld scrambled out of the bed and ran out of the room.
“There is still humanity left inside of you, perhaps it is not to-“ I stabbed the priest through the eye. He didn’t die and began to wail and thrash about. I kicked him in the chest, sending him sprawling on the floor and freeing my blade. I then left the temple.
6996: Oh what glorious chaos, the city burns
UltimataSecret: It seems Lord of Blood is once again alive
Ramponator: The city is a cluster fuck with the merchant council and their pet demon gone
ClosetCreeper: Two for two, I don’t think anyone as left this much destruction in their wake
HatMan: Demons, I thought there were only humans
6996: I will miss Yalow, he had his priorities straight
TheLordBreckley: New event, pillage Balkor
Author’s Note: Your reviews and ratings are like the stars, endless but you just to look out and see/post them.
For those of you who are confused and must know every single detail here is a minor explanation (spoiler lite) of the reasoning behind some of the events. The demon is not human, and doesn’t have a concept of death. It is an immortal being, unaging, unlike the NPCs. Its charisma was fairly high and it was confident in its approach despite its low health. Our MC has such a violent streak and his blood was going, this caused the Charisma attack to fail. Fleeing was not an option because
After he drank the blood he was taken by soldiers under the employ of ‘someone’ and was being transported. The drugged food and drink were to keep him knocked out and to not cause problems if they had to take him out of the stone casket. This group was ambushed and killed in the chaos from the merchant’s council fall. The MC then woke and killed both of the surviving individuals from that assault.
As for Wasdoh, there is more than one pantheon. Geez you thought it was simple and you had the divines all figured out. ;p
As for Geld’s family. Fate is a mysterious force. I will just say, it has a tendency to force events to occur that would normally not happen. Advertisement Previous
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8 161 - In Serial8 Chapters
Jellystone: The Ultimate Crossover! (Collab with Glitchy Yoshi) (In Progress)
It's Jellystone, but this time, we're going all-out with crossovers by adding Wild Kratts, Odd Squad, Mixels, MLB, Felix the Cat, and much more!
8 116