《Anti-Hero: Journey of Fear》Bonus Chapter 3 - Local Map


Here is the local map, it will expand as the story goes on. There are so many people to kill in so many different locations. For reference each 'square' is about 10kmx10km. Cities, roads, and rivers are not to scale, but it helps give a general sense of where things are located and the level of development. I don't show small villages. The full map is 1000x1000, yes I know the world isn't square, but that is something that we can blame the map on. It is done up in excel in the style of those retro 8-bit & 16-bit games.

I apologize but my attempts to post a full res map using the system has failed for over an hour, so you get a thumbnail and download link.

Dark Green=Forest


Light Grey=Wall

Light Green=Plains/Fields

Light Brown=Major Dirt Road

Dark Brown=Paved Road


Dark Blue=Salt Water

Light Blue=Fresh Water (only major rivers and lakes)


Full Res Map Download

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