《One Piece's Messenger of the Sea》Life on Little Garden (5)


Morrow stood looking down at his prisoner, and cursed chance that kept ruining his plans. He originally didn't want to interfere with the Straw Hats outside some small butterfly effects, but this could totally have unintended consequences. What if Nami didn't stay long enough to catch sick? What if no eternal log pose was sent because Mr. 3 was gone? It might ruin the show he was looking forward to.

Sigh, too late to consider 'What if" scenarios. I did owe Dorry and Brogy anyway, even if they will never know about it.

Not wanting to be a target for Crocodile and with no way to cash a bounty, he broke Mr. 3's neck and tossed him overboard after searching him. No point taking chances.

Now if I remember right, Mr. 3 had a woman partner who should be on the island as well.....Miss Goldenweek I think she was called? Wasn't she the little girl painter?

While Morrow would readily admit he was more on the ruthless end, killing a kid was more than a bit too much even if she really wasn't a good crop herself. He'd just tell Dorry and Brogy to be wary of her just in case and avoid her himself. He knew that was kind of half-ass, but it was either that or kill her too. He loaded up the remaining wine below deck before taking a full barrel to go visit Dorry.

"...so be careful. I don't think she has the courage to attack either of you, but she might try to pull something shady when you fight Brogy. Their goal is just you guys' bounty by any means possible, so don't expect anything honorable."

"Ok guest, I'll keep it in mind. Will you be leaving soon then?"

"Yup, my pointer should be set in a week or so, so this might be the last time. I brought a barrel of my latest attempt to celebrate. I'm pretty confident in it..."


"That's more like it! I was just fixing to get some barbecue as well."

After leaving Dorry, Morrow went back to his ship in order to move it somewhere more hidden. There was a cove about a mile up the coast, and while it wasn't perfect it would hide it from any casual inspection when the search for Mr. 3 comes through. He called Yoshi up from the sea to keep an eye on it for an added protection.

Yoshi had grown over his year of eating dinosaurs as well. The glutton was now nearing 30 meters and was much larger than his poor boat. It was still just as agreeable as it was before though, provided that you had food he hadn't tried.

Somehow it's turned into 'Alcoholic Fishman and his Gourmet Side Kick' rather than a journey to become the strongest.

Shaking off that sarcastic thought, Morrow swam out to sea for his next round of training. Lacking appropriate weights, he had to borrow nature to give himself a workout. Which meant depths for beyond any diver could endure, and some not-so-friendly sparring partners.

A week passed as he waited for his log to settle, and during that time he visited Brogy to give the same warning and pass a barrel of wine over in much the same way as he had with Dorry. Even if he seemed kind of skeptical, with that Morrow's conscience could be considered clear.

Huh, humans again?

He was hunting for some last-minute meat reserves to complement his seafood when he sensed a considerably strong aura running through the jungle. By feel it was actually significantly stronger than Mr. 3 had been.

Not Baroque Works then probably. They shouldn't have the kind of manpower to send someone over at this critical point. Straw Hats then?


Morrow uncosciously modified his route a bit to cross paths, wanting to confirm his guess. That was complicated by the fact his target kept randomly changing directions.

This has got to be Zoro. No one else is so retarded....

Morrow was proven right a few seconds later, as he finally caught up and the moss-green hair came into view. He gave the idiot a hail so that he wouldn't be misunderstood as an enemy.

"Hello there traveler! You lost?"

"I'm not lost, everyone else is! Who are you anyway?"

Ah, this is going to take a while, I can just tell.

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