《The Vespidian》Super Power Table, art/fan art and discussion thread.
Alright everybody I went and made a table to keep track of all this ranking shenanigans both for you and me. This way I don't trip all over myself by making somebody op as hell if they are not of sufficient Rank. This will also allow you to have a better grasp on just how scary some of these people are and how they compare with others. There are some not on this list and will be added at some point, but I got the majority of the common ones and any that are popping up anytime soon.
Here is a little art I cooked up any more that I make or receive I will put on here as well, including fan art. Credit will be given where it is due.
Vespidian side view of head. by me.
Our first fanart !! so good too :3
Vespidian full body by Lantis
Vespidian Super Power Table
Super strength
Rank 1= normal human conditions
Rank 2= can lift 1,000 pounds
Rank 3= 10,000 pounds
Rank 4= 100,000 pounds
Rank 5= 1,000,000 pounds
Rank 6= 10,000,000 pounds
Rank 7= 100,000,000 pounds
Rank 8= 1,000,000,000 pounds
Rank 9=10,000,000,000 pounds
Rank 10= unknown
About. When exerting power body is immune to force from impact, unless threshold is overwhelmed. So if a rank 3 tried to lift 10,100 pounds their arms would get ripped off.
Super Speed
Rank 1 = normal human conditions, 30 mph
Rank 2= 60mph consistent speed.
Rank 3= 240 mphs can run on water haphazardly
Rank 4= 750 mph can run on water as though it were land.
Rank 5= 1,500 mph
Rank 6= 1 mile per second
Rank 7= 2 mps
Rank 8= 5 mps
Rank 9= unknown
About. While active body is immune to muscle strains from use. In other words the legs would not rip themselves to pieces from the force of running. Reflexes are enhanced but not nearly to the point that Reflex Supers are, it is just enough to not run into things. Outside influences still effect super as normal, IE wind resistances, debris, running in the rain at mock 3 is not recommended since each rain drop would be like a bullet.
Super Endurance
Rank 1= normal
Rank 2= skin hard as bone.
Rank 3= unable to be cut by knives
Rank 4= bullets barely able to penetrate.
Rank 5= armor piercing rounds able to penetrate.
Rank 6= armor piercing bouncing off. Immune to fire, electricity, and frost.
Rank 7= unable to be cut by diamonds
Rank 8= Gauss gun rendered useless.
Rank 9= can with stand explosion of large magnitude. Ie nuke or orbital bombardment (launching hundred foot rods from orbit). Though will be wounded.
Rank 10= unknown
About. Body is resistant to external forces and absorbs impacts, due to either force field or enhanced muscle tissues. Fairly self explanatory.
Rank 1= bend spoon five foot range.
Rank 2= lift beer bottles twenty foot range
Rank 3= lift trash cans and or people. range increase to hundred foot.
Rank 4= lift dumpsters. Three hundred foot range.
Rank 5 lift cars, thousand foot range
Rank 6 lift trucks, 2 thousand foot range
Rank 7 lift tanks, range increases to 6 thousand.
Rank 8 lift medium sized building, range increase 20,000 feet.
Rank 9 unknown
Rank 1= create fire equivalent to lighter.
Rank 2= create small camp fire
Rank 3= create multiple bonfires
Rank 4= create flame hot enough to melt most metal and create magma
Rank 5= create large fire balls capable of exploding like a stick of tnt.
Rank 6= create fire balls that explode with force equivalent to 250 pound bomb.
Rank 7= able to create fire storm
Rank 8= able to make explosion equivalent to carpet bombing.
Rank 9= Able to fire explosive equivalent to hydrogen bomb.
Rank 10= unknown.
Gravity Controller
Rank 1= reduce small amount of weight usually about five pounds.
Rank 2= able to negate own body mass, levitation.
Rank 3= able to reduce weight or increase it.
Rank 4= able to negate gravity for short period of time making most things weightless. Does not work on anything larger than a van.
Rank 5= negate weight of bus.
Rank 6= Able to increase gravity or negate it in large area, roughly five acres, does not work on anything larger than dump truck.
Rank 7= able to crush tanks under their own weight.
Rank 8= able to rip air craft out of air, assuming they are within range.
Rank 9= able to create true weightless zone for five miles or increase gravity to ten times that of earth.
Rank 10= Unknown.
Rank 1= normal
Rank 2= small cuts will heal within hours
Rank 3= bones will fuse together if broken.
Rank 4= large wounds and excessive trauma are no longer fatal unless too damaging. Usually takes several days to recover. Radiation and disease resistant.
Rank 5= Able to reattach limbs that have been severed and to some degree regrow organs. Full recovery assuming no missing parts within day. Though brain damage will still induce comas. Radiation and disease immunity.
Rank 6= able to regrow limbs and organs day after they have been lost. No longer hampered by fire or acid.
Rank 7= able to regrow missing pieces in hours.
Rank 8= Able to regrow catastrophic damage within minutes.
Rank 9= unknown.
Rank 1= make single small illusion.
Rank 2= create multiple medium illusions.
Rank 3= illusions gain murky substance and feel like water.
Rank 4= illusions gain solid form and can be boosted in strength depending on metal stress.
Rank 5= Can create intricate illusions such as working vehicles.
Rank 6= Can create mental landscape in small area around projector that empowers them.
Rank 7= Mental landscape grows and can encompass more than three city blocks. Strength of illusions within is greatly increased.
Rank 8= Unknown.
Mind Diver
Rank 1= able to link minds with willing subject. Must be in contact. Only vague concepts can be conveyed.
Rank 2= Mind becomes murky mess that can be explored at own peril. Especially if Subject wishes to do you harm.
Rank 3= If host mind is willing can exchange dialogue, similar to telepathy, clear and precise.
Rank 4= Gains resistance to harmful minds though if they are determined you will be in danger.
Rank 5= May forcibly enter Subject's mind and attempt to subdue them. However is very dangerous.
Rank 6= Gains greater resistance to unwilling target. May delve through memories and extract knowledge.
Rank 7= May rewrite memories and alter subconscious at minimal levels. Takes long time and effort to make break through of mental defense, unless they are willing.
Rank 8= Gains power to mind wipe and replace personality, crude yet effective.
Rank 9= Brain washing to vivid detail and complete control over subconscious. Subject's mind becomes play grounds to your whims. All but the strongest of will are easy prey. Still requires physical contact of head.
Rank 10= Unknown extent of power. Sanguine Puppeteer has erased all knowledge of capabilities.
Counter magnetism/ flight.
Rank 1 = ability to hover several inches off of ground.
Rank 2= stable flight at five miles per hour up to three hundred feet in the air.
Rank 3= Flight at altitudes of two thousand feet and speeds of 60 mph
Rank 4= Speed increases to 240 mph and able to reach four thousand feet.
Rank 5= Speed increases to 750 mph breaking sound barrier.
Rank 6= 1,500 mph and can reach stratosphere.
Rank 7= 1 mile per second resistant to low oxygen levels.
Rank 8= 2 mps can reach mesosphere, resistant to freezing and atmospheric pressures.
Rank 9= Unknown.
Cyborg/Mechanical Suit/Weapon Engineers/Mad Scientists
Rank 1= Able to rationalize the theory behind complex machinery beyond normal comprehension.
Rank 2= able to make creations with power equivalent to a corresponding rank of other Super outside of endurance until rank 4 or higher due to metal being used.
Rank 3= Able to copy Rank 3 abilities.
Rank 4= Rank 4 capabilities. Processing techniques improve cutting raw materials needed by quarter.
Rank 5= Rank 5 equivalent. Internal circuits and machinery become more compact allowing more room for augmentation.
Rank 6= Rank 6 augmentations. Ingenuity increases enabling use of multiple powers within creations without destroying them. Has great understanding of their creation allowing them to work twice as fast by improving the over all design.
Rank 7= Rank 7 developments. Improved processing cuts down on raw materials needed by half.
Rank 8= Rank 8 improvements. Discovers counter measures to allow use of own creations even if normally their body could not withstand the power.
Rank 9= unknown.
Bio Engineers
Rank 1= Able to rationalize the theory behind complex genetic structures beyond normal comprehension.
Rank 2= Able to create first new life form.
Rank 3= Able to copy Rank 3 abilities and graft them onto life form. Life form overall is improved. Realizes creations are dangerous and makes counter measures/ control devices for all further experiments.
Rank 4= Rank 4 capabilities. Genetic strand able to be more easily manipulated creating more mutation varieties.
Rank 5= Rank 5 equivalent. Greater understanding of DNA allows for more adaptation.
Rank 6= Rank 6 augmentations can be tried. Ingenuity increases enabling use of multiple powers within creations without destroying them. Has great understanding of their creation allowing them to work twice as fast by improving the over all design.
Rank 7= Rank 7 developments can be attempted. Improved gene manipulation allows for more exotic and dangerous creatures to be created.
Rank 8= Rank 8 improvements can be applied. Failures when dealing with aberrations and highly unstable subjects drops dramatically as they are able to guide the very process of their development through gene manipulation.
Rank 9= unknown.
Mind Reader
Rank 1= Can hear vague voices of people within two feet when no one is talking.
Rank 2= Voices become coherent whispers.
Rank 3= Can turn ability on or off. Hearing range improves to five feet.
Rank 4= Can hear from fifty feet away clear voices. Can distinguish voices.
Rank 5= Can see muddy images within nearby minds. Can hear from hundred feet away as though they were right beside them.
Rank 6= Can see clear images within fifty feet and can hear from two hundred.
Rank 7= Range improved to four hundred feet and selectivity increased. Can skim mind for most recent memories. Cannot alter host mind or put thoughts into them.
Rank 8= Range increased to mile away. Can be boosted to three if desired for short period of time.
Rank 9= unknown.
Rank 1= static electricity builds unusually.
Rank 2= Can control electrical currents that are small in voltage.
Rank 3= Gains immunity to electricity and can generate electricity of medium voltage. Able to shoot it at 1,000 volts, can be lethal.
Rank 4= Generates enough power to light a city block. Attacks at 100,000 volts. Greater control, can choose to not kill.
Rank 5= Can ark lightning like strikes at roughly 500,000 volts. Static allows for levitation and small ranged emp blasts within several feet.
Rank 6= Can become electricity and travel through power lines (in rare cases). Able to produce currents to search surroundings. Can power a small power plant. Attacks at 1,000,000 volts.
Rank 7= Unknown. No reported cases.
Rank 1= animal traits become prevalent.
Rank 2=improved physical abilities, slight mental degradation. Hormonal influx during full moon renders host feral.
Rank 3=multiple physical powers manifest, though the secondary is always at minimum 1 rank smaller.
About. Further ranks increase magnitude of their power proportionally. At rank six bites are contagious, leading to further proliferation.
In case you were wondering what beat what, it i kinda like rock paper scissors.
Speed beats strength, but loses to Endurance. Strength beats Endurance but loses to speed. Elements are weak to their respective counter element so long as strength is equivalent.
Here you guys go. I tried to make it somewhat realistic and not too beyond belief so to speak. I don't want no Super Men running around with no weaknesses, besides some magical mcguffin sauce. Will add more powers to the table as the series progresses.
Also feel free to use this as a discussion board about the series. If you have questions ask away. Btw I will try to keep spoilers to a minimum.
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