《Steven Universe - Don't break this one!》Chapter 2


« Why won’t she understand? » Pink Diamond mumbles.

The Gem is enraged and hits a wall in anger. Some tiles fly off on impact. She walks away, growling. If Yellow Diamond really wants to lead alone, then so be it! Pink will let her handle her stupid invasion in peace, in this filthy Moon Base. Why can’t she ever put herself in her shoes? Blue, Yellow and White all live with clear responsibilities, colonies, fleets, armies and servants. They even design their own Gems!

What does Pink have for herself? Not the smallest colony, no fleet, no army. She isn’t even entrusted with her own servants! She must be content with what the other Diamonds are willing to lend her! Her only creation? An insignificant modification of the Quartz soldiers, in order to make a variant more in line with her own preferences—that's all Yellow allows. This is how the Rose Quartz were born, the only difference with their Amethyst cousins being cosmetic. Good luck making White Diamond agree to deploy one in a battlefield. By putting her foot on the teleporter, Pink Diamond realizes that her Pearl is far behind, at the top of the stairs. The unfortunate Gem is too small to keep pace with her mistress:

« Faster, Pearl! »

« Yes, my Diamond! » She replies, starting to run.

Her stature does not allow her to move quickly, but she tries. The little one ends up joining Pink, impatient, at the bottom of the stairs. The Diamond just grumbles. She climbs onto the teleporter and disappears with her maid, reappearing a minute later at the palace. Her anger refuses to die down. The only thing that comes to her mind is to go immediately and ask White Diamond to give her a colony. This must end! Pink can't stand being the youngest anymore. But this desire comes with a terrible fear. White isn’t easy to deal with. She was born with a vision for her compatriots, a goal: to make everything better, more effective, faster, more efficient. When Blue announces a big project, White proposes one ten times better within the hour.

All her demands are huge, and the Gems that cannot rise to her level end badly. Many people say there is sadism in her personality. But that is unfair to White. She feels no « pleasure » in doing what she does: this is her function. She was the one who divided the Gem society into castes, not out of personal preference, but because it seemed more efficient that way. The figures do not lie: since her reform, everything has indeed progressed. White Diamond subsequently deduced that removing individuality would make Gems considerably more productive. As a result, free will no longer exists. The way White sees it, it all comes down to calculation.

In the end, she doesn't care about the well-being of others. What matters is that the Gems thrive as a collective. Diamonds have an unofficial hierarchy: the one that controls the most resources is the most useful. Yellow fights to keep her second place. She is terrified that White may considers her « imperfect ». If White questions her value one day, what function will Yellow have left? It should therefore be very easy for Yellow Diamond should to understand Pink’s feelings, but no! She's so obsessed with her sickly urge to shine before White that nothing else matters, except maybe Blue.


The latter is closer to Yellow than White will ever be. It has been so since the beginning of time. Yellow acts, Blue thinks and White perfects. Where does that leave Pink? Her Pearl observes in silence. She's waiting for somebody to ask her something. Pink Diamond often identifies with her maid: she too feels like she only exists be pretty. Is that why she feels so close to the little one? If Yellow finds out that Pink is treating her Pearl with more familiarity than necessary, she will take her away that very day. A Pearl is not a toy. It is a tool. No, worse: an accessory! Yellow would say to her: « Do you want to have fun? Then I will give you a Spinel, but your Pearl has to stay in her place! It's wrong to allow her to believe that she is worth more than that! » Pearl is enough. Pink doesn't want a Spinel.

What a hypocrite! As if Yellow didn't treat hers with the same kind of familiarity! But then, White has decided so. A Pearl is an accessory created to make Gems more useful. Period. Another principle imposed by White to satisfy her own vision. All hypocrites! Too bad. Pink Diamond starts walking determinedly towards White Diamond’s quarters. Enough playing around. It's time to act. Every step gives her a terrible impression. This is a bad idea. But she keeps moving and makes herself go faster. Her Gem gets hot. Is that what fear is? No, she shouldn't let herself be stopped by a mere sensation! Feeling are a weakness, Yellow would say.

Pink Diamond passes in front of the Amethysts which guard the door to White's quarters. They do not dare to interfere. Pink looks furious, and everyone knows what can happen if she gets angry. No one wants to be shattered. Diamonds will solve this problem. She approaches, puts her hands against the doors and pushes so hard that they come loose and fall.

« White! » She yells at the glittering humanoid, not so much out of anger but to keep up her courage.

« Oh, it's you. » She retorts.

If Yellow is huge compared to Pink, White would make Yellow look like a dwarf! The Diamond is so big that Pearl can probably only see her legs. Her eyes are freezing cold. About ten Peridots take note of all her suggestions. Seeing Pink, they move away by reflex. The last time a Peridot got in the way of Pink Diamond, the pieces had to be cleaned up all over the ballroom! The worst part is that she who was responsible for this carnage noticed absolutely nothing. To her, it was just a weird noise under her slippers. The poor Gems shake, but keep smiling. It's best not to anger White Diamond either. It would be worse. The unfortunate little gems feel like they’re caught between a rock and a hard place. They know that their value is barely greater than that of a Ruby. Their destruction would have no consequences. A slight inconvenience, nothing more. Violet 38's Kindergarten would only have to produce more Peridots to compensate.

Everyone knows that Pink Diamond is a monster. The last millennium has anchored this image in the minds of every individual, from the wisest of Sapphires to the most modest of Rubies. There are those who respect her power and those who are terrified of her violence. The Jaspers esteem her very much, obviously, but they're not dumb enough to stay in the same room as Pink Diamond when she has that look on her face. The worst part is that Pink is not aware of her own reputation. She shatters without even realizing it. What could be more terrifying? However, despite all this, there is a third category of Gems, rarer and more discreet, of which Pearl is the main representative: those who love her. After all, she embodies a fundamental, yet silenced, principle: individuality.


« What do you want, Pink? You know I don’t have much time for your frivolities. »

White makes an effort to be kind. She doesn't like to be interrupted, but enjoys Pink's company so much that she doesn't dare to blame her for coming. Actually, why doesn’t she come more often? Yellow must be responsible for this. A commendable attention, which prevents White from being disturbed, but still: what a pity! Pink has such strange and often pleasant manners. White appreciates her more than she should. It's almost a guilty pleasure. Today her face is twisted with frustration and rage. What did Yellow say to her this time? What has Blue done wrong again?

« I want a colony! You all have dozens of colonies and I have nothing! I am a Diamond, I want to finally be seen as such! »

« ‘I want,’ ‘I want,’ “I want.’ Always those words. Never ‘the Gems need this’ or ‘It would be appropriate, for the sake of all Gems, to do that.’ Again and again: ‘I want!’ »

« Does it change anything, whether I want it or whether it is for the sake of the Gems? Yes, White: I want it! »

The giant lady sighs. This little one never understands what people try to tell her. All that goes through her head is her own opinion. How can she ignore the common good in this way? How many times has it been necessary to repair all the damage she has caused? So many immaculately cut Gems disappeared in a fit of anger, damn her!

« A colony is not a toy, Pink. Our entire civilization will have to commit resources to the invasion process. You will have obligations and imperatives of result. This new colony must be quickly effective, otherwise all the Gems will pay the price! I don't think you're ready. Such an effort requires qualities that you lack. Blue is patient and calm. Yellow is precise and reliable. You are brutal and angry. Why should I entrust such a huge burden to someone who thinks only of herself? »

Pink Diamond is speechless. Her anger is rising to levels she never imagined it would ever reach. She stomps the ground, which cracks loudly. The Peridots flee, but are stopped by an immaculate beam launched by White:

« Stay right here, we’re not done working! » she snaps.

The unfortunate gems are terrified and do not know where to hide. Pink Diamond's Pearl moves in their direction, trying to calm them down with words. Amazingly, she succeeds! Her words hit the nail on the head. The Gem is smiling, sweet and sincere. She seems happy, which White does not fail to notice. However, the Diamond carefully avoids to speak her mind. Right now, that's not a problem. Unimportant foolishness. The little gem returns cheerfully to the feet of her mistress.

« Why are you so convinced I would fail? You keep telling me I'm not ready, but if you never let me do anything, how can I ever achieve anything? No, this is just an excuse! The truth is, you're afraid I will be better than you! »

« Better than me? Ha! » White reacts.

She laughs! Her mirth is dismissive: no matter how much she appreciates Pink, this one will never surpass her. It's such a stupid idea that she can't help but mock it.

« My dear, you really don't know your place? You always have new ways to make me laugh! »

« That's enough! »

Pink Diamond unleashes her anger, projecting a shockwave in all directions. It breaks columns and part of the ceiling. The energy released is such that White Diamond collapses. The whole planet has just suffered a brief but violent quake:

« I'm tired of being looked down upon! » howls Pink Diamond, as a second burst of energy emerges.

A Peridot flies away but, luckily, comes out unscathed. White Diamond gets up heavily. Her face has turned cold and stern:

« What imprudence! You want a colony, but look at this appalling spectacle! And I should trust you after this? It is... »

The Diamond does not finish her sentence. It's not her younger sister's tantrum that stops her, no. White has seen her do it all too often. She points her gigantic index finger towards Pink's feet and exclaims in a cold, dark voice:

« Another one! What a waste! How many Gems will it take for you to shatter before you are finally satisfied? »

Pink Diamond does not understand where her sister is going with this. She looks down and notices something broken at her feet. Pearl. What remains of her. Her anger is suddenly extinguished, replaced by absolute terror. Her Pearl is in pieces! What... why? White Diamond is moving for the first time in a century. She reaches out her hand and lifts the shards, all of which land in her shining palm.

« I was the one who gave you this Pearl! You don't even respect my gifts! » White's voice is filled with immense disappointment.

Pink Diamond seems paralyzed. Pearl cannot be destroyed, it’s impossible! No! Suddenly, the pieces reassemble and return to their original place. White's will is enough to accomplish such a miracle. The little one reappears in a bright flash. Half of her face is fractured. Her gem looks intact, though. It doesn't matter: Pink is reassured. Pearl survived! Her terror abates all at once... until Pearl gives her mistress a one-eyed glance. There is only pure horror in her expression. Her only friend, looking at her like she’s a monster! Pink doesn't know what to say.

« I’ve tolerated your tantrums for long enough, Pink. You don't deserve this Pearl. I take it back. This kind of gift is not suitable for irresponsible people like you. Always breaking what is perfect! Out of my sight! »

Pink turns and leaves the room, shaking. Her Pearl is... why? She was right here, at her feet, and the next moment all that was left... Her horrified expression is now etched in Pink Diamond's mind and refuses to disappear.

« What have I done? » she asks herself, crying, before running to her room.

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