《Power》Warming Up
The next day in California Mary arrives onset of The Shake-Up, talking and hanging out with her other castmate waiting for shooting. Jane shows up late and takes Mary away to tell her something secret. Jane brings Mary off to the side where no one can see them and she tells her. "Mary I have something to tell you. Okay, you know that ambushed our live stream."
"Yes and when I find out who that punk is I'll beat him up all the way back to the stone age." Mary angrily says while punching her fist in the palm of her cracking her knuckles.
"I actually talked to him and he's a really nice kid." Jane tries to explain to Mary but she just ignores her saying "Jane of course you think that. You're too nice and he's a perv just trying waiting for his next prey."
"No Mary trust me it's not like that at all. The whole thing was an accident."
Mary being skeptical asks her "Really how is he video-bombing our stream in his underwear and running around your house an accident."
"Ses he actually has super-power and he is trying to control them."
"Oh Jane, so gullible, that is the lamest excuse I have ever heard."
"And I totally agree with you but he's very convincing."
"How's he convincing? What kind of superpowers can he do?"
"Well, Mary as a matter of fact he can turn invisible and…"
Mary interrupts Jane saying "and let me guess he's here with us spying on us."
"Not the spying but yes. I invited him."
Mary not believing jokingly tells her "Jane it's time for you to go to the crazy house if you honestly believe that kid is he…"
"Hello." Terry appears next to Mary
"Ahhhhh!" Mary so much that she screams and draws the attention of everyone on set
"How you do that." Mary asks Terry, still terrified of his sudden appearance.
"I didn't want to be seen and so I wasn't." Terry explains sounding a bit shy
"That's so crazy." Mary says as she slowly takes in Terry's unreal power
"Um, hi my name is Terrence." Terry awkwardly says while taking his hand.
"I'm Mary" she responds, taking his hand to shake it.
Terry then thinks to himself frustrated with himself "Again, you said Terrence again. Say Terry you want to be called Terry."
"I can't help it, it's my default."
"No one ever gonna calls us Terry are they."
"Not in our lifetime apparently."
The girls' director (who is tall, has curly black hair, and is of Argentine descent) comes up to them saying "Okay girls we need you on set." he then looks at Terry and asks the girls "Who is he."
"Francisco this is Terrence. I invited him over to see the place." Jane tells Francisco.
He looks at Terry really closely and asks him "Hmm, do I know you?" Terry shakes, nervously saying "I don't think so."
Francisco, not being able to place him in his memory, loses interest in him and tells the kids "Whatever come on girl we're about to start shooting. Terrence, stand off to the side and don't get in the shot."
The director yells action and Mary and Jane do their work. The scene is Jane has to clean her room before she can go out to play. Mary enters her room and starts bugging her about it while playing in Jane's mom's make-up bag. The two discover vanishing cream and use it to clean her room, making all Jane's junk invisible. The two then use it on themselves and go have some fun around the neighborhood.
The kids take their break shooting for now and the two interviews Terry. After they're done they decide to go to the mall. They have Mary's mom give them a lift.
"So what kind of superpowers do you have." Mary excitably asks Terry.
"Uh, I don't know, still trying to figure it out. The closest I can say is... magic?"
"So you can make anything you want?" Mary concludes
"Seems like it."
"Make Alex jump up and down on one leg, pat his head, and rub his stomach, saying I'm a monkey." Mary asks of him. Alex plays one of their friends on the show.
"Uh, that I can't do. I'm still learning about my abilities and I won't make people do things unless I am 100 percent sure I won't cause any mental problems to them."
"That's really responsible." Jane tells Terry, admiring his maturity of using his power.
"Okay but what if a guy just came in a shot up the place, you wouldn't make him drop his gun and surrender."
"No, I probably would just drop something really heavy on him to stop him."
"Cool." Mary says thinking that's way better than just stopping the guy
Since this episode involves the girls being invisible for most of the episode they have some free time to do whatever.
"Well, we have some time left before they need us again, let's go to the mall." Jane suggested.
"Come on Terence take us to Westgreen Galleria Mall." Mary tells Terry.
"What do you mean? Teleport us there at the mall." Terry tells Mary.
"Yes you can."
"I can't, I've never been there, I don't know what it looks like. I can't take you to a place that I've never been." Terry explains to her
"You manage to get yourself at Jane's house no problem." Mary argues
"That was different. I had a clear picture of what her room looked like. Do you have a picture of this mall I can look at?" Terry tells her sounding salty
"Fine, let's just get my mom to drop us off." Mary says annoyingly.
Mary asks her mom (who looks just like her daughter but much older) if she can take her, Jane, and Terry to the mall to which she says yes. While driving to the mall. Mary's mom makes some small talk to Terry to get to know him.
"So Terry you live around here."
"Um no I'm just visiting"
"Oh where do you live then"
I live in... Washington DC. I'm here visiting my grandparents."
"Oh, that's sweet. So tell me, how do you know Mary and Jane if you don't mind me asking."
"Oh, I uh…"
Jane interrupts Terry telling Mary's mom "I found him sitting all alone so I invited him to the studio."
"Awe, that's very nice of you Jane."
Once they arrive at the mall the girl instantly runs upstairs to shop for some fashionable, cool-looking clothes. Terry looks at the with amazement never seen a mall before living in a small town. The mall was filled with people and a bunch of stores Terry never even heard of. The mall has beautiful decorating lights and is three-stories tall.
They shop at Forever Jenny Gal which is on the third floor filled with expensive and beautiful clothes. The girls talk for a while picking out their favorite clothes and trying them on while Terry holds everything and follows them.
After a while, they take note that Terry isn't conversing with and Mary tells him "You don't talk much do you."
"I don't have anything to say." Terry answer
"I don't believe that." says Jane.
"Then I don't have anything to say as of now"
Done with their clothes shopping they head over to the cashier where there is a long line filled with people carrying lots of clothes.
While standing off to the side Jane notices a lot of clothes Mary picks out. "Damn Mary, that's a lot of clothes can you afford all of that?"
"Of course I can with my new friend here" looking at Terry as she says it.
Terry with his deadpan face tells her "I'm not going to create money for you."
Mary frustrated complains to him "Aw come on what good are you if you can't do things for your friends."
Just then the duct tape materializes over her mouth.
"You talk too much." Terry tells Mary.
"I'm sorry about Mary, she can be a little… extra at times." Jane tells Terry.
"It's okay. For some reason, her bossy attitude doesn't really bother me" Terry explains to Jane.
Mary takes the duct tape off "Owwww!" Everyone looks over to Mary causing her to be embarrassed. "Okay well, can you at least make the line move faster?"
Terry drops all the clothes he's been carrying and puts out his right hand and turns it clockwise. Time seems to speed up as people start to move super fast. As he stops the girls are almost at the cashier as they notice him and Mary tells him "Finally we've been waiting 2 hours for you to break out of your little trance."
"Mary, it's only been 20 minutes." Jane clarifies Mary.
Terry with his eyes wide open and stunned in silence turns his hand counterclockwise, reversing time back when Mary just removed the duct tape "Owwww!"
the clothes he's been carrying start to fall since he is no longer in the hold clothes possession he was in. Terry looks at the clothes that just fell as Mary tells him "Okay well can you at least make the line move faster."
Terry silent and still in his frozen state.
"Terrence? What wrong" Jane asked him.
Mary starts to feel bad and tells him "Fine I'm sorry if it seems I'm using you for your super-powers, it's just you don't get the opportunity to…"
"Shhhh. I'm still processing" Terry tells Mary.
"Don't shush me!" Mary yells at Terry being all sassy.
"What are you doing." Jane says as Terry links his arms with both of them and again turns his hand clockwise not stopping till he sees nobody in the line anymore. The girls look in wonder as they see people around them moving at hyperspeed.
Mary is impressed by what she witnessed, looks at Terry with excitement, and yells out to him"Alright my man!" slapping his hand.
Terry starts feeling the girls making sure they are still with him. Terry then explains to them still in his wide eyes expression "I did this earlier and you guys didn't come with me."
"Is this your first time traveling." Jane asks.
"Yes." he responds
"I'm glad we were your first." Mary says to Terry as she grabs her clothes and makes her way up to the cashier.
The kids put their clothes on the counter and are greeted by a white female employee with brunette hair who looks at the kids reluctantly.
"You kids have money to pay for all this?" she asks the kids sternly.
"Yes, we do." Jane responds, being nice.
"We're Mary and Jane from The Shake-Up. Perhaps you heard of us." Mary tells the employee being all showboating
"Definitely heard of Mary Jane." the female employee says sound disinterested in the kids
The employee scans all their clothes separately while muttering some unknown things under her breath.
"Well somebody salty." Mary tells her friend noticing the employees attitude
"Come on Mary. She's just probably having a tough day." Jane says trying to be understanding.
"Still she could be a bit nicer. We are paying customers after all." Mary points out.
The female employee is done scanning and tells Jane"Okay, that will be $82.5 for you" then Mary "and $150 for you."
Terry flabbergasted hearing the price whistle and said "That's a lot of money."
The girls take out their purses and take out their money to pay
Terry looks at the girls causally paying like it was no big deal. "I never knew how much I hated you girls till now. I want that kind of money."
"Well, you can when you're on a hit show like us. Maybe I can hook you up." Mary mockingly tells him
The employee looks at the girls aggressively. And told Jane I can't accept your dirty money. There is no way a person of your kind can have this much spending money unless your parents obtain it illegally."
"But..." Jane tries to tell her with her eyes slowly watering but the cashier employee cuts her off by telling her "Leave before I call the cops."
Jane then starts running out of the store crying. Mary runs after Jane and Terry look upon her with anger and disgust before he too runs after Jane. Outside the store, Mary tries to cheer up Jane as Terry stands next to her patting her back.
The cashier employee walks out of the store and tells Jane sincerely as possible "Little girl I'm sorry I don't know where that came from. I've just been having a stressful day, I've kept everything in and I took it out on you. I'm sorry would you like a pass for a life-time of free clothes."
Jane looks at her and says strong and confidently "No. I don't accept your apology. You just can't say whatever you want then just take it back as nothing happened. Hope you have a nice day you piece of waste of life."
Jane then storms off with Mary and Terry following her.
"Why didn't you accept her apology. She seemed really genuine." ask Terry
"Terry you have to learn people like that don't apologize for nothing. She was probably worried I'll sue the company and get her fired." Jane tells him.
"Are you going to sue?" asked Mary.
"No the company didn't hurt me, I don't need anything from them, but they are going to hear about what that employee has done." Jane tells them trying to let that woman phase her.
As the kids are walking back to Mary's mother, they hear someone screaming. They quickly turn their heads and see some guy falling off a three-story balcony and another guy running away. in a panic and without thinking Terry freezes the guy mid-air breaking his momentum before letting him fall safely on the ground.
The guy who threw him off runs off pushing people out of his way and makes his way towards the kids. the girl immediately runs out of his way but stands still with fear. Before the guy could get his hands on him a voice in Terry's head tells him "bash him!" Terry moves forward bracing for the guy's impact and smashes into him with all his might sending the guy flying, sending him into a department store window shattering the glass.
The guy slowly leans up and looks at Terry. Terry in anger his eyes start to glow white and his fist starts to illuminate. The guy is in fear, screaming at Terry, convinced that he's a demon.
Once the mall security showed up the glow from Terry's eyes and fist dims out. The guy screams begging the cops to take him away from the kid, but when the cops turn around they don't see him.
Terry appears again behind Jane and Mary. The girls turned around and Jane asked him "Why didn't you show yourself?"
"Yeah, you're a hero with all the fame and recognition." Mary asks imagining how awesome that would be.
"I don't want the attention." Terry answers
Jane's mother comes over and hugs the kids worried about them. Jane's mom takes them back to the studio to finish their last shot. The final shot Jane's mother is fighting a cop over who gets to use the megaphone. The cop wants to use it to tell the kids they're in trouble but the mother wants to use it to tell her daughter to just come home. The family dog sniffs Mary and Jane out and licks them wiping away the vanishing cream. Jane's parents both hug the girls telling them they miss them.
Shooting ends and the girls look for Terry. As they leave the studio they spot him lying outside on a grassy area looking up at the colorful sky made by the sun going down, looking at the clouds. Before Jane and Mary leave they decide to join him.
They both lay down next to him and Mary tells him. "You're a very quiet kid, Terrence."
"Yeah." Terry responds
"You know what they say about quiet people?" Jane asks Terry.
"They're usually psychotic." Mary answers
"No." Jane tells Mary annoyed "That they're the most nicest creative people" Jane continues to say
Terry smiles as his body begins to vibrate. Terry begins to astral projects out of his body looking at himself with Jane and Mary.
"Today was a good day." Terry says to himself.
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MANTIS: On Hiatus
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