《Monstrous (First Draft)》Ch25. Roast


I picked up my previous leisurely pace and quickly arrived at the spot the Murolok was slain. With a glance I could tell that it was decapitated by an enchanted weapon, it was a clean-cut to clean to be anything else. I waived my hand and the corpse started to wriggle and pop, a handle started to slowly emerge from the stomach area. I grabbed it and pulled causing the corpse to shrink as a blade emerged. I could have used the sword that pierced the sentry’s heart but I still wanted to examine it a bit closer, and if I infused my magic into it the residual auras will dissipate.

With a final pull, the blade was finished and the corpse was gone, and I quickly pursued the figure. I soon came to a hard right turn and found the same setup as the sentry’s hall, but this time my goal wasn’t the final door, it was the one to the right of it. I carefully approached the door and readied my blade before sending out a concentrated wave of magic causing the door and surrounding wall to be reduced to rubble. An enraged roar erupted from the room and a grotesque emerged from the rubble. It was tall, a bit taller than me in my current form, and a chalk-white, in its hands it held an oil lantern and a large two-handed broad sword.

It looked at me with a head that lacked all features except a large smiling mouth that opened to let out a shrill shriek when it “saw” me. It tossed its lantern at me which I easily blocked with my new hand and a half sword. Once the lamp impacted the ground it exploded into a ghostly green flame which emitted the screams of the damned. The creature charged with impressive speed before making an impractical twirl which I took advantage of and gave his exposed back a vicious slash, interrupting the momentum it was gathering for an attack. I'm sure the twirl works wonders for creatures slower than it but unfortunately, I’m much faster.


It tried to ignore its newly severed spinal cord and tried to continue its attack which I easily blocked. It backed away and reached for the green fire coming from its lamp, but before its magic could connect with the flames I severed it and took control for myself. The ghostly fire had a strong innate connection with the creature which I easily disrupted, causing the creature to drop to its knees and cough out a black sludge. I gestured to the flames and they majestically rose before brutally slamming into the creature causing its cloak to burn and its skin to char. It screamed in pain and threw its cloak off in an attempt to save itself, which surprisingly worked. It seems it had an innate ability to control these flames even though I thoroughly severed the connection.

Its fleshy upper body was now exposed, sickly pale but muscular. I could see now that my strike on its back was almost completely healed. It quickly regained its stance and readied its sword, and after a second the blade started to glow a deep purple. Once the sword was completely coated, it performed a horizontal slash causing a purple wave to come forth. The wave uprooted the rubble and sent it hurtling towards me but it stopped in its tracks when I sent out my own magic wave. The violent collision caused the already damaged room to partially collapse.

The creature seemed unperturbed though and launched another attack, it rushed forward and performed a one-handed jab towards my chest which I sidestepped. As the blade barely brushed past me I retaliated by chopping off its exposed arm at the elbow. It stumbled due to the sudden loss of weight and I took the opportunity to take a swipe at its leading leg which it barely avoided by jumping back. It retrieved a dagger from its belt and tossed it at my head which I easily caught and promptly returned. It struck its knee reducing the bone to splinters, it reached down to pull it out but while it was distracted I tossed my sword and it stabbed into the creature's side causing it to stumble back. I grabbed the creature’s own sword and ripped its severed arm off the hilt before ramming it through the creature's chest while it was trying to right itself, pinning it to the ground.


It squirmed and kicked but the battle was already over, I walked over to the lantern and grabbed it. The greenish flames had reduced significantly and revealed that the lantern was completely intact. I looked it over and noted several symbols that I was unfamiliar with. Figuring I’ll have plenty of time to study it I walked over to the pale creature and sliced open its stomach before inserting the lantern into the wound. I stepped back and snapped my fingers causing the lantern to erupt with green flames. The creature roared in pain and violently struggled but it was soon silenced when its body cavity was emptied by the flames. I grabbed the lantern and placed it under my cloak before inspecting its body, turns out it was an elemental but I couldn’t narrow it down to an existing type. I retrieved the dagger and two swords before deciding to visit the word of demons.

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