《How to Survive a Summoning 101》All Things Sangraal
So, recently How To Survive a Summoning 101 crossed a few milestones, like 500 follows, 50 ratings, 2800 views. When I started out, I never imagined that I would get so much love and affection. You guys/girls/doges are the best!
I have always been asking reviews/ratings as an author. So, that got me thinking, what can I do for you guys in return? Here is the answer. All the oddball things mentioned in HTSAS101 and what they actually mean. I hope you will find this guide useful. However, it is updated only till Chapter 13
Almost all of the terms here have been created specifically for the fiction, so it's from no known language. So, in essence, there is a lot less Japanese you people thought there was.
Dressir, my good Torrs and Sins. Myself Trompine Salperian, a poet and scribe who hangs around the Suppressor Guild in Salrest, hoping to get some work. You see, I have been kidnapped…nay, persuaded by a scary man with a big sword and a beautiful Elven woman…Aaah, how I wish to be wrapped around those thighs…Sorry, Sorry, I digress. They wanted me to sift through their story and present to the readers a few things that will come in handy. Here I will talk about the monsters, food, plants, swearwords, and even the system of nobility and magic that has come up till chapter13 for a better and more comprehensive comprehension.
Welcome one, welcome all, to:
All things Sangraal: A guide to not be taken for an idiot when you are traveling, by Trompine Salperian
How to Cuss your way through Bar fights: A Guide to Pissing off EveryoneComprehensive Table to Piss off HumansCusswordMeaningAsterhunkelA small animal that looks like a really fat sausage. Four-legs and a small, curled tail. Usage: 'You Ansterhunkel!'RintrumpA four legged grazing animal that has three tails. It farts a lot and its shit is used as fuel after drying. Usage: ‘Rintrump Shit!’Krumpera fat, dark-skinned creature that lives in marshes. Face looks like Mario banged a goat. Four-legged, with a forked tail. Rolls around in its own shit and mud.
Extremely foul-smelling. Usage: ‘Son of a Krumper!’ ‘Krumper!’ well all sorts of additions with Krumper.Son of a ScallvenScallven are like extremely ugly, deep sea squids. They have transparent bodies and no eyes. This swear word is used mostly by sailors.CrunkAnother swearword used mostly by the sailors. Means something like ‘useless motherfucking landlubber son of a cunty bitch’.Cussing Like a Dwarf CusswordMeaningSougenhachtBitch, in a appreciative sense. Usage: ‘Can’t compare to this sougenhacht’.AhrechtBeautiful/Spunky/gorgeous. Usage: ‘Maaan! That was some ahrecht puresilver hammer!’Therru forbidA swearword in their god Therru’s name.KampruchtFucked/Screwed. Usage: ‘You are kamprucht!’Making Elf-ladies swoon with your (un)savory languageCusswordMeaningUtaru ForbidA swearword in their god Utaru’s name.Somaru curseA swearword in their god Somaru’s name.JurunDick. (Salperian's Note: Don't it sound heavenly when the propah elf-ladies speak dirty with their soft lips? I certainly do.
Eat Your Way Through Sangraal: A Glutton's Guide to Best Food & DrinksFood You Shouldn't MissNameDescriptionNitelRough wheat like yellowish crop.ShimarSweet potato type crop.NiterenCircular bread made with refined NitelKofaruGruel made with Nitel and Shimar. Usually fed sick and weak people.KrauznerCandied berrirut fruit.SchellepsWhite coloured clam with two shells on either side. Eaten by steaming or grilling and then with sauceCretSour, apple like fruit with succulent juices.Apopris A fruit. Highly potent and administered to terminally ill patients to let them sleep. Banned from open circulation due to its use as illegal drugs. Quite harmful
to health if taken regularly. Used in its dried form.BerrirutA sweet pear like fruit, yellowish in colour. Popular as mild aphrodisiac.Surmar:A dish of sautéed Lizard-duck Grash meat inside baked Chuligan intestines, and barbequed, then cut into small pieces.BuchiBluish tinted shrub that can be used as a cure for hangover or drunkenness. Extremely bitter.Wash Down All That Grub With SOme Drinks, You ScallavanNameDescriptionKuruthPale golden coloured ale.MeadAlcoholic drink made from fermenting honey, often laced with spices.Khaginar/ShivangDeep red, almost black alcohol made by the Khaginar Tribe from the Ishkal Mountains. The brew method is called Zellitat,
unknown to all others except Khaginars.The Shivang wine is an excellent drug, very harmful for long term consumption.
Psychotropic Drug, often used to treat Depression and other maladies. Also used to make patients sleep.Saruri WineA drink made from Sarur berries, a purple coloured berry growing in clusters. The drink is sweet-sour and very relaxing.CharinA whitish rejuvenating drink made by boiling Char leaves. Valued for its medicinal properties. Popular as a leisure drink.CoolienCheap rum like drink. Popular among poor people.Recreational Consumables That Your Dad Hides In His ClosetHusuiDried leaves crushed and smoked via a pipe, or rolled in a leaf and smoked. Slightly hallucinogenic. Sort of like fantasy weed.UsuiFiltered form of Husui, mixed with shavings of other drugs.Salperian Notes: Don't do Shivang & Apopris...at any cost. I am only writing this because my uh employer is unsually fond of those two products.
Also, psst, you know Trahanil Inn in Salrest? Don't eat there, it's pretty bad. I...I am not saying this because Trahanil's barmaid refused my advances or anything.
A Crash Course On Etiquette So You Don't End Up Pissing Off...Well, EverybodyHonorificsGreetingsHumanHumanHonorificMeaningGreetingMeaningTorrfunctions like Mr. and used generally but can also mean Sir. Popular among nobles
and people who want to sound sophisticated or the service industries.DressirGood MorningSinSame as Torr, but for FemalesTal'HaelGood Night. Literal= May you remian protected tonight-Larrsuffix used for both young males and females, more intimate than Torr/Sin. Sort of like -kun suffix.Halak'ilCasual 'How are you'-Laisuffix for young males, used in semi-official situations.RofalkirGood Evening
Groups You Should Stay Away FromNamesDescriptionsJaelvagers4th generation gods. They came after the first three generations had ascended to the Astral Plane. A lot of them are incarnations of 3rd generation
gods themselves, or their children. A lot of them were mortals in their life.SithernWhat the Sithe call themselves collectively as a group. Consists of Elves, Fairies, Pixies and other Fae like creatures. Distinguished by their peculiar mode of AP usage and adherence
and dependence on the Tree of Life.The SyndicateFormally known as ‘Consortium of Merchants’, they are the largest and most powerful group of merchants that control trade and business through Ebraven
and surrounding Kingdoms and Empires. They have branches in every major cities. However, under all that lies corruption. Drug cartels, prostitution, trafficking, illegal slave trading,
counterfeit goods, tax evasion, you name it and they have their fingers in those pies. The Syndicate is nigh untouchable because they pay off Govt. officials, the army and
the Churches itself. Even several Kings are powerless against them as they lend huge amount of money to the crown. It is their modus operandi. Take Nobles and Kings in,
lend them money and own them when they go under debt. They also provide the maximum donations to lot of the churches.Syndicate Assassins:The Syndicate employs a lot of assassins for…smooth removal of their competitors and detractors. The Assassins are very highly trained experts, and
best at what they do. Nothing but the best for the Syndicate.Windrunners
Fangsongs:The two squads of assassins that fought Rigel and Faeve in Salrest. The Windrunners were wiped out and half of Fangsongs were decimated.Talaviel's OrderMembers of the Talaviel’s Church in Ebraven. Includes people from every walk of life. Some are there for faith, others for power and still others for the opportunities
it presents. Has its own Knight Order and Inquisitors to chase down heretics and punish them.ChurchesEbraven has many religious sects based on its pantheon of gods. The minor gods might have small churches/followers that barely number hundreds or Major
gods with tens of thousands of believers. The Ebraven Kingdom recognizes 4 Churches as its main gods. Talaviel's Order, Fargalith's order, Cromnorgar'vel 's
Order, and Bisakh's Order. The Churches have their own internal rules in addition to the Kingdom's Rules.Rolsberg OrderYou got to wait for that one, doe. Big conspiracy. If you read blurbs, you’d know what might happen. Okay, just a hint, Chapter 1 blurb and another connection
is what the people were saying about Arin when she was on the cross. NOTE: This is a semi-religious group.Suppresor GuildA consortium of people who are in the business of Suppression of Monsters. After the Black Spires rained down and monsters came about, it became necessary for people to regularly suppress it. In addition to the military of each place, civilians needed to suppress monsters since they were just too many. The Suppression Guild brings those willing civilians together. It has branches in all parts of Sangraal. Well, almost. There are regions
where they have not been permitted. Has their own sets of rules in addition to the laws of the place each chapter of the Guild is situated in.Salperian Note: Only way to survive these people is to run as fast as you can, as far as you can.
Eat Your Way Through Sangraal: A Glutton's Guide to Best Food & DrinksFood You Shouldn't MissNameDescriptionNitelRough wheat like yellowish crop.ShimarSweet potato type crop.NiterenCircular bread made with refined NitelKofaruGruel made with Nitel and Shimar. Usually fed sick and weak people.KrauznerCandied berrirut fruit.SchellepsWhite coloured clam with two shells on either side. Eaten by steaming or grilling and then with sauceCretSour, apple like fruit with succulent juices.Apopris A fruit. Highly potent and administered to terminally ill patients to let them sleep. Banned from open circulation due to its use as illegal drugs. Quite harmful
to health if taken regularly. Used in its dried form.BerrirutA sweet pear like fruit, yellowish in colour. Popular as mild aphrodisiac.Surmar:A dish of sautéed Lizard-duck Grash meat inside baked Chuligan intestines, and barbequed, then cut into small pieces.BuchiBluish tinted shrub that can be used as a cure for hangover or drunkenness. Extremely bitter.Wash Down All That Grub With SOme Drinks, You ScallavanNameDescriptionKuruthPale golden coloured ale.MeadAlcoholic drink made from fermenting honey, often laced with spices.Khaginar/ShivangDeep red, almost black alcohol made by the Khaginar Tribe from the Ishkal Mountains. The brew method is called Zellitat,
unknown to all others except Khaginars.The Shivang wine is an excellent drug, very harmful for long term consumption.
Psychotropic Drug, often used to treat Depression and other maladies. Also used to make patients sleep.Saruri WineA drink made from Sarur berries, a purple coloured berry growing in clusters. The drink is sweet-sour and very relaxing.CharinA whitish rejuvenating drink made by boiling Char leaves. Valued for its medicinal properties. Popular as a leisure drink.CoolienCheap rum like drink. Popular among poor people.Recreational Consumables That Your Dad Hides In His ClosetHusuiDried leaves crushed and smoked via a pipe, or rolled in a leaf and smoked. Slightly hallucinogenic. Sort of like fantasy weed.UsuiFiltered form of Husui, mixed with shavings of other drugs.Salperian Notes: Don't do Shivang & Apopris...at any cost. I am only writing this because my uh employer is unsually fond of those two products.
Also, psst, you know Trahanil Inn in Salrest? Don't eat there, it's pretty bad. I...I am not saying this because Trahanil's barmaid refused my advances or anything.
A Compendium Of Flora & Fauna Of Sangraal So That You Don't End Up Retching Your Bowels OutList Of Fauna That Won't Eat You. ProbablyNameDescriptionThalisSix leaved clovers, used in pain medsKarahurFir-like tree with blue-tinged leavesSillanernaWhite Magnolia like flowers growing in clumps on the ground. Used to express romantic love and very popular among couples.Blue CoranthA rare species of Coranth said to cure sadness. Actually, it’s more like a light, natural psychedelic drug. Flowers are bell shaped and hang in rows from slender vines.VertesThey glow like fire at night, taking in the AP and diffusing them in form of light. Called ‘Stealer of Emotions’, they can change the colour of its glow depending on the emotions
of the person nearby. For this, it was used in trials and during torture to verify the truthLorrasLorras flowers are small white blossoms that grew only at night and withered at dawn. They were used to make perfumes.Fauna Of SangraalPetsNameDescriptionPinneten Mouse2-7 inch long mouse like creature with long, bi-furcated tales. It follows its master everywhere and is very loyal. Popular among women and kids as pets.
Comes in white, black and Crimson colours.KurisA small animal 2-3 feet in length, with a black and white striped tail. Kept as pets. Small snout and defends its home aggressively.KitaraA small four-legged furred creature with a single, bushy tail. Can be black, white, red and blue coloured. Valued as a pet and has a very soft coat of fur that sheds in autumn.LivestockNameDescriptionGrashDuck like animals with webbed feet and lizardish scaled tails. White, brown, grey, red, black or a mix of these colours.ChuliganPygmy cows that have three short horns on their head. Docile and prized for their meat. Since they are small, their milk isn’t very profitable. They use Soft-skinned Kofar Rhinos
for that.SerradSerrads are like Velociraptors that were a little smaller than horses. They generally had deep green backs with bellies the colour of rotten hay.
Even though they were meat eaters, they are very tame and obedient and used to pull carriages due to their strength and speed.RupilBird that looks like a cross between cotton-candy and chickenDangerous Insects That Pest Control Can't Handle Korari Mountain SconA two tailed red and black insect with scythe like pincers. Grows up to 2-feet in length. Has two fangs like a cobra. Its poison is a mix of Neurotoxin and Haemotoxin
added with a special venom that makes AP go out of control inside the target’s body. Venom used by assassins as last measure. Almost no counter except few obscure magics,
Healing magic/Light magic from a healer or SoulCurer, Elven magic, Dryad Magic.
Handbook to Knowing Exactly Which Monster is Eating youName
Description GrilnderAbout 10-15 feet high, 12-19 feet long frog like monsters with green-black skin, spread with reddish or yellowish mottles. Defining feature is the huge lure aatached to its head,
shaped as a very pretty male or female. The lure has a secondary brain too. The monster uses the lure to attract people to it then attack them by lying in ambush.Kivala:Four-legged wild dog like monsters. Reddish-brown fur with Razor sharp fangs and claws. Can grow up to 6 feet in length. Coat matures to black when fully adult. Hunts in packs.Poison TirathThe monster was like a five foot long lizard, with a sharp spiny tail and red coloured tough skin. The thing had a one foot long neck that could rotate 360 degrees and then some.
These suckers were fast, nasty and plain ugly. What made them dangerous however was they injected paralyzing venom with their fangs.Errlat10 feet long and 4 feet high monsters that look like earthworms with three clusters of red beady eyes. Earthworms with two large and strong hind legs like a frog and two
shriveled and clawed forelimbs like a rat. Has two mouths, one on each end.VicretFerret like monsters that can grow upto 5 feet. Agile and has sharp teeth. Male.VestarFemale form of Vicret.Special Section :Sacred AnimalNameDescriptionCrezet(River/Lake)Sacred animal of God Zain. Crocodile like animals with strong jaws and powerful tails made for swimming. Tough, black scales adorn their body.
The Lesser River and Lake Crezets can grow upto 9 feet.
Powerful muscles and limbs topped with very sharp claws. Strictly carnivorous.Salperian's Note: This guide is entirely useless if you are already being eaten or arleady inside the stomach of some monster. Don't be a krumper and read it before that.
Core Colour GradesExplanation: Monsters take AP from environment and use it like any other living thing in Sangraal. However, unlike human or some other races, they do not use their body just as a conduit
to channel AP. Their Magic Circuits have evolved to store AP in their hearts, like a battery. They can't directly use the AP from environment to create magic. They first need to store it inside
their heart. However, this AP deposits as extremely condensed 'flakes' inside and around the circuit on their hearts. If they do not use the AP from time to time, the flakes will aggregate into
a magic core and ulimately claim the whole heart, killing the monster. Some Monsterologists say this is one of the many reasons that monsters fight each other or humans when they can't
scatter the AP by themselves. However, the progress of acculmulation of flakes is usually much for than diffusion, so each monster, unless killed by unnatural cause, ultimately succumb to it
and die.
Each monster, depending on how long it has lived and its innate capacity to reservoir AP, has a different coloured Magic Cores in them. This is because as more AP accumulates, the Cores
condense even more and change colour. The more a monster has lived, the more valuable its Core is.Core Grading(Values in Ascending order, top to bottom)ColourValueWhiteNil. Won't make any money, doe.GrayStill very little value. Just decorations on jewelry and stuffGreenSomewhat valuable. Stack a lot o' them, and you are getting somewhereBlueNow you are making moneyYellowYou can afford good dinner everydayOrangeBuy me drinks. Buy everyone drinks.RedYour wealth makes me sick, you bourgeoise!GoldenWomen are lining up to be your wife.BlackYou can now afford a harem, a trophy Noble-wife, status symbol banquets,
pay for your snotty-nosed kids' extravagance and drink your way to an early grave.
Also, fuck you!
A Guide To Not Get Lost Like a Stupid TouristPlace NameDescriptionShrafingshireA small prosperous village located in the Morrilet Dukedom in Western part of Ebraven.Ishkal Mountain RangeThe tallest and largest mountain range that encompasses Ebraven Kingdom’s western side and crosses over into Jalahaeshin Empire.Morrilet DukedomSmall dukedom in western part of Ebraven. The village of Shrafingshire is situated in Morrilet. Currently ruled by the Morrilet Dukes and under the Varasti Barony.SalrestCity in Southern Ebraven. Made up mostly of Suppressors and people in the related business. Has a strong presence of Nobility and Merchants. Many rich people
have made this city their home. On paper, the city is ruled by the Noble appointed by the King, but in reality, most of the decisions and administration is controlled
by the City Council, made of richest and most powerful members of the Inner Merchant Circle, the most powerful group/guild of merchants in Ebraven and surrounding
Kingdoms/Empires.HarrengazPleasure Quarters of SalrestSalizbergen PrincipalityA principality on the other side of Mountain of Trees. Famed for its excellent and transparent administration and regarded highly as a seat of learningCressinalCapital of Salizbergen. An advanced city and also an academy town housing the four colleges of magic learningOlyelnore Ur’vanThe Capital city of the Sun-ElvesMountain Of TreesThe dense and extremely dangerous forest on Ebraven’s border. The City of Olyelnore Ur’van is said to be situated in midst of the place. It is called mountain of the trees because, the Tree of Life is so huge, it looks like a green mountain.fgh
The-Things-That-You-Should-Know-But-I-didn't-Find-A-Table-To-Put-It-In-Guide Currency
(Ebraven Kingdom)Things Your Shit are Made OfRessCopper CoinMetalDescriptionRitaSilver Coin (Value=100 Ress)Tavitz SteelHigh carbon steel reinforced by fusing magic cores. Excellent for channeling AP and is
much tougher and flexible than normal SteelRoyal RitaBigger Silver Coin(Value=100Rita)OrichalcumDwarven made metal. Greenish hued, and extremely resilient. Has mystical properties.
Production method is a huge secretBloodsteelHeretical metal. Production is banned and punishable by torture and death. Production
method is kept extremely secret, nigh impossible to found. However, legend has it that
the meathod has been put in something called 'blurb' in the Chapter Four of a bad storybook
called 'How To Survive a Summoning 101'.Terms/LexiconElvenHumanTermMeaningTermMeaningOlyelnore Hàrjaegarthe Tree of LifeGrunterCaptain of a shipAivern(lit)- Chosen of the TreeUrvan-ere(lit)- Daughter of the Tree
Basic Astronomy Since I Have Too Much TimeName of the MoonDescription So You Can Compare Four Ladies of Your Harem to Four Seperate MoonsEranthRed coloured, seen in daytimeValarenBlack coloured, seen in daytimeSillannWhite coloured, seen at night.OlynthBlue coloured according to the legends, (The Missing Moon, The Sacrifice)Olententh SahxotlThe Ring in the sky that spans the entire globe. Runs along the equator. Occasionaly, made of chunks of ice, earth and rocks.
It is said that the Ring is actually the remains of the missing moon Olynth. However the mass is entirely too much to be just
Olynth's remains. It is still shrouded in mystery. What is known however that it is home to many Dragons and Dragonbornes.
Where the Ring dips low wnough to within a few hundred kilometres, the Dragonkin and Dragonborne have created Sky Cities
on the floating rocks.
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