《Altura’s Defiance [ A Transmigrated into a Villainess LitRPG with Kingdom Building, MC befriending and Xianxia Politics]》Chapter 22- So, whats this?


“Kerrin, correct me if I am wrong, but is the valley completely surrounded by mountains? The only path out I see here is through the pass that I came through, and that is not the easiest route of entry.” I asked.

“Well, your grace, it is a valley. And its unfavorable location is the reason that the Kingdom does not care about us is that there is nothing to be had in this valley. It's a dead end, no avenues of trade, an unfriendly climate and low concentrations of QI despite it being a valley.

“ Kerrin answered.

“Have there been any expeditions to try to get out? Another pass perhaps? These forests should end somewhere.” I asked.

“I fear that this is a question better suited for the Clan Heads, your grace, but there have been expeditions. But nothing of note has been found, or at least made public by the clans.” Kerrin answered.

“Then find out about it. This cannot remain, even if we do somehow increase the farming villages' productivity, we will eventually run out of food. Not only that, but trade is one of the best ways for us to grow.” I said.

“That being said, where do you think would be the best place to build a tunnel through the mountains…” I asked. Over the next few hours Kerrin and I went over the specifics of trying to build a trade route from the valley to the Kingdom.

It would be impossible to accomplish with our current manpower, but there was one person that could do it. I just had to convince him. By the time we finished with our talk, the village was already in sight.

I had been worried that we would arrive to devastation, but that did not seem to be the case. There were plenty of buildings still standing, a distinct lack of vines and most importantly, lots of people milling about.

As soon as the carriages came into sight, all activity in the village stopped. Mothers shushed their children and people moved off the road the second they realized it was coming. Village Head Verrin stood up and bellowed,

“The Archduchess Altura has answered our call for aid! Rejoice!” Somehow, the ‘rejoice’ felt more like a command than anything else. Which made no sense…until I realized that these people were barely surviving. Food was scarce, why would they ‘rejoice’ by having a feast?

But I bet the Clans would have demanded a full-course meal. Nothing but the best.

“There is no need for that, we shall be moving on to the forest immediately. Please carry on with your day. Thank you for your hospitality.” I said while gesturing to the carriage drivers to continue onward.


Oh wait, the Village Head hadn’t gotten off yet. I gestured to the drivers to once again stop, and then turned to Verrin, “I think this is your stop Village Head. It was nice to meet you.” I told Verrin.

Verrin for his part was relieved and said, “Yes, your grace, it was a pleasure to meet you too.” and then got off very quickly. For all his bluster, I don’t think that the Village Head was prepared to deal with beasts.

“Do not disturb the forest girl! Remember, do not disturb the forest!” A voice suddenly yelled from the crowds.

The second it sounded out Verrin panicked and said, “Please do not take offense, your grace, the old man has merely grown senile in his old age.”

A thwack sounded out as a cane hit Verrin’s shoulder. It was not a particularly hurtful blow, but it was a thoroughly unnatural one. Wooden canes did not suddenly extend themselves by meters.

An old man emerged from the crowd, holding a wooden cane, the same one that had crossed a great length to strike at the village head in his hand.

“I thought there weren’t any cultivators here.” I said, looking at the old man.

“There aren’t, your grace, the old man merrily knows some tricks. That is all.” Verrin said “NO need to pay any attention to him, your grace, it would only be a waste of time.”

“Grandpa Beluviar?” Kerrin suddenly said from behind me, jogging my memory. Grandpa Beluviar was Kerrin’s Mentor character, he had been mentioned in the Capital city arc where he trained Kerrin. But that was not where Kerrin met him, Grandpa Beluviar had apparently been observing Kerrin for a long time.

It was never revealed why Beluviar was in the valley in the first place, but he had been there, operating a shop in the city market until Kerrin turned six. After which he supposedly disappeared. Classic mentor character. And as a classic mentor character he had a mysteriously high cultivation.

“Humph, what is it brat?” Grandpa Beluviar asked.

“I…just wanted to say hello. Haven’t seen you in a while.” Kerrin said, clearly having no idea what to say.

“Ah yes, I had to move out. The Clans are charging too much, and I am getting old. Though I suppose I should switch that ‘are’ to a ‘was’. After all, you’ve been changing stuff up haven’t you, Archduchess?” Grandpa Beluviar looked at me with a critical eye.

“That I have. Perhaps we should start anew, Mister Beluviar. I am Archduchess Altura, it is a pleasure to meet you.” I said, lowering my head in greeting.


“Likewise. I think I will retire now. I have better things to do.” Beluviar said and immediately walked back in before any of us could react, once again showing supernatural ability. Should I even wonder how the villagers hadn’t noticed it yet?

I moved to follow but Verrin stopped me, saying, “I think that, um, it's best if you leave the old man alone. There, um have been incidents…”. And there went that. I suppose I could follow, but I really did not want to. Somehow following the mysterious but likely powerful old man that had left instead of talking with me did not seem to be good for my health.

“Coachman, forward to the forest.” I said as I sat back down on the carriage. So all I had to do was not disturb the forest while killing the vine? That was going to be easy.

Across the mountain range, beyond the borders of the valley stood a county. It wasn’t a particularly important one, its remote location lowering any chance of progress. Yet today a monumental scene was taking place, but that would not be known for many years.

Near the border of the county, a city, if it could even be called that stood. Its only claim to fame was that it shared a border with the least powerful region in the Kingdom, the valley that no one even bothered to name in the kingdom’s records.

Within one of its many abandoned complex a strange scene was playing out. Seven men and women were sitting on the ground, each seeming more impoverished than the one before. Tattered clothes, rough hands and scarred faces marked them as being of similar origins.

“Are we sure we want to do this? There will be no going back you know?” a green-eyed woman said.

“That has been discussed Eugene, it is not a choice. If we do not leave now then we will never have another chance. This is our way out, and besides, what do we truly have to lose?” A man replied.

“What is left of our freedom Marcus. That is what we stand to lose. Or did you forget what happened in Qualtor?” Eugene asked back.

“No, I am not, but the fools at Qualtor escaped without any plans, they simply escaped randomly. On the other we have a plan. The valley is just perfect, Eugene, it's a low leveled, underpopulated area. If it was before it would not be an option, our overlords would simply demand us back, but now there is an Archduchess there. The Count can hardly demand anything from an Archduchess.” Marcus said, his enthusiasm apparent.

“Are we really sure that an Archduchess did claim it? It seems to be an area far beneath an Archduchess’ Status.” another woman interjected.

“Yes, one of my men saw her. Not more than 10 but prideful as any other. But I would doubt him if it was just that. But he said that she was accompanied by Blood General Aswelth. Yes, one of the six great generals of the Kingdom. Blood General Aswelth, the only general of common birth still alive.” Marcus grinned at the nods around the room. An Archduchess could be disbelieved, made up. But no one would lie about the Blood General.

Not the man that proved that commoners were no less than nobles. The man who, by himself and the support of the tiny army of a duchy no one had even heard about had stopped the advance of the Sect itself. It was said that he had stood against three noble Junior Elders of the sect alone to give his army the chance to beat theirs.

The Kingdom had tried to disperse credit. Make excuses, cover up the event. The title of general could be taken away from the Blood General, but they could not hide his merit. The people had heard about it. And it powered them, motivated them.

Looking around the room, Marcus knew that his job was done. The miners of Cilathria would escape. Escape to the valley where the Blood General awaited them. And his unborn son would have the greatest of privileges. The privilege of being born free. Free of the mines and its dust. And free of its laborer keepers. Who said that only cultivators could dream?


Altura Selrin


Archduchess (In name) (landed)


Dragon Fire, Snowflake ice


10 years


Military (ungerminated), Royalty (Seedling-Late(270.95/300)), Energy (ungerminated)


Strength[The amount of brute force one can use]


Endurance[The amount of time one can work continuously]


Flexibility[The range of movement of the body]


Precision[The accuracy of one’s movements]


Perception[The ability to notice nuances and advanced concepts]


Intelligence[The ability to comprehend advanced concepts]


Wisdom[The ability to effectively use the concepts]


Aura Force[The ability to force your will on your surroundings]


Combat[The speed of one’s reactions, ability to process situations and other general combat abilities]




Mid-Seedling (260/300). Element of Blood, anomalous Seedling

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