《Freelance Saga》Chapter 17.2: Decisive Indecisions


He could contract with as many as five girls currently. After thinking it through, he was now certain of where they needed to go after their lengthy training period ended. Deanna had already mentioned it, and it was certainly a worthy idea.

The Roxy Woodlands was a place that held great personal horror for him, but he knew that it would be a good location to increase his harem. Rogue demi-humans swarmed there, after all.

“Master! Tell Scarlet to stop tickling me!” Mina looked to Scott for help. He laughed at her predicament. The dragon had leapt onto Mina’s chest and wrapped her legs around her waist.

“She’s mine! You’ve already gotten the chance to play with her giant boobs.” Scarlet stuck out her tongue at Scott then made a big show of snuggling against Mina.

“I, really, this...” Mina was at a loss for words.

Mina was not afflicted with silence for long, however. She grabbed Scarlet by the hair and pulled her back hard enough to force her to reveal her cleavage. “You’re one to talk! Look at those things hiding under your shirt!”

“Well, yours are bigger!”

“I’m a minotaur! Mine are supposed to be larger than other girls. What do you feed those things to make yours so big?”

Scott watched the girl’s playful bickering for a moment then quietly slipped away. He would spend some quality time with both of them soon, but the girls needed to continue to get to know each other first. Life was hard and brutal outside of town. They needed to develop as much intimacy and friendship as possible.

Originally, he had intended to spend this time going over the coming plans and deciding on a course of action. However, that had been taken care of quickly. The girls were busy, but he was interested in training further.


While the girls got to know each other better, Scott stood up and moved to a different part of the garden. He dropped down and started to do push-ups. He wanted to see how many he could manage to perform before he grew exhausted.

A few minutes passed before the girls took note of his absence. It was one of the new girls who noticed first.

“Master, what are you doing?” asked Rowan.

“Nothing special. I’ve been doing push-ups till I come close to dying. I need to see how many I can do before my health starts to drop.”

“What!” Scarlet ran over and dropped to her knees beside him. “Are you crazy?”

Scott looked up at her and smirked. “Yes, it’s kind of fun.”

“Why would you try to kill yourself doing push-ups? What if you didn’t realize it and you actually died?”

“Well, I would probably collapse before that happens. Probably...”

“My new master is crazy.” Rowan stared at the man who was now her, sort-of, boyfriend and potential husband.

“Only a little, but hey it works.” said Scott.

“It works?” asked Mina.

Scott shifted his weight and sat on the floor. “I’ve increased my strength by a few points by doing this in the past. I figure it should still work.”

“Really, how much can you lift now?” Mina smiled at him. It was good that he wanted to be stronger. That could be useful in many ways.

Scott started to answer her then blinked. He looked first at her, a minotaur, then at Scarlet and Rowan. Finally he looked at Deanna, and then back to the buxom minotaur. His strength would be ridiculously low compared to either of them. “Uh, I don’t want to say.”


“Why not?” asked Scarlet.

He coughed twice then shook his head. “I’d like to keep my wussy nature to myself until I am less of a wuss.”

This brought a round of laughter from the girls. Each of them was several times stronger than a human on average. Mina was the physically strongest of the group. She had a strength rating that was over one hundred even though she had lived an idle life of being milked and watching daytime soap operas. A simple set of push-ups would be absolutely useless for her. She would be better off trying to bench press a small automobile.

“That reminds me, though. We really need to get you girls set up on a training regimen of some type. Defeating monsters is good for leveling, but you could probably be stronger than you are if you worked your skills through heavy training.”

Mina sighed. “I’d like that, but what would I do?”

“Well, we could do training like the exercises in some of the military units back home.”

The minotaur clapped her hands together happily then asked, “Like what?”

“Well, they were mostly team building exercises, but for you it might be good solo training. We could go into the forest and you could lift large logs overhead. Though maybe there will be some kind of specialty training equipment that we could buy, too.”

“Oooh, that could work.”

“Combat skills could probably be increased just by sparring with each other when we aren’t hunting.”

“Like we did before you went home?” asked Scarlet.

He smiled at her, glad to hear that they had still done that despite the world rewrite. “Yes, but without the part where I suck.”

She laughed then leaned in and gave him a tender kiss. “That part was hot.”

“You just get off on weak little men who need a big strong dragon to protect them.”

She patted him on the cheek. “Yep.”

This brought another round of good natured laughter. Scott stood up and looked at the girls. “Want to get some breakfast?”

Food was a welcome thought, as he knew it would be. If one thing about demi-humans was universal, it was the desire to eat as often as possible. Scott and the crew got ready then headed out to find a restaurant that could accommodate them. It would probably have to be some sort of outdoor cafe, since there might not be many places in town that were set up for centaur sized customers.

While they prepared, Scott thought of the past and of days to come. He considered what needed to be done. They would be able to hunt rabbits a few more times, but soon they would need to move beyond them. The changes to the world, a better level average in his party, and his new class had drastically improved their overall combat capacity.

Soon, it would be time to actually start exploring dungeons and taking on paying requests. Life certainly seemed like it would become even more interesting in the future.

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