《Freelance Saga》Chapter 12.2: Warm Hands
Experimentally, he ran his thumb along her pert pink areolae. The cow shuddered in response. A soft but easily heard, “Moo.” escaped her incredibly kissable lips. While that was odd, it was even stranger because she actually said, “Moo.” It wasn’t a sound-effect such as what someone might expect from a real cow.
Scott tilted his head to the side and chose not to dwell on that fact. He had to take care of the business at hand. Uncertain what to do, but willing to give anything a try, he slid one hand down to knead the flesh along her ribs just beneath her arm pit. The other hand tenderly gripped her breast.
“Moo...ooo...” The cow moaned louder now. Scott massaged her aching side muscles while kneading her breast. Soon, she began to squirm. Then she began to pant as he worked his unskilled but eager magic on her chest.
After a few minutes of relieving her tension she bit her lip gently then looked up at him. Her right hand left its spot then slid down to her panties. She blushed brightly but could not help herself. This felt too good.
“No one has ever been so gentle with me.”
Scott smiled at her and tried his best not to notice what she was doing with her hand. He failed miserably, of course. Gently, she stroked the top of her panties. “So…”
She looked up at him as though she were embarrassed. “I’m in heat... if... I mean. Well, I’ve never been bred…but…you have such warm, gentle hands.”
Scott smiled and lifted a hand up to her face. He stroked her cheek tenderly then ran his thumb across her lips. Her tongue slid out and she licked his thumb softly before sucking it into her mouth.
Her hair fell back revealing one of her ears fully for the first time. They were shaped similar to a cow. That brought everything back to reality briefly. He knew that she was the supposed ‘cow’ he had been asked to milk. Until he had seen the tail, and now her ears, he had not known she was anything but a normal human being, albeit a very ‘blessed’ girl.
Alright, he had to stop mentally dancing around the obvious. The girl had gigantic breasts. They were not so large as to be grotesque but they were certainly big, well-formed, and incredibly perky. She could probably give a couple of gallons of milk per breast!
She gasped, bringing him back into the moment. He looked down to see that she had slid her panties to the side and her fingers were now stroking her beautiful mound directly.
“I... really need it. Please… So, hot.”
Tears began to form at the corners of her eyes as her body became much hotter to the touch. She burned with a feverish passion. Was it right, though? Sure, she wanted it but he had no idea of what was right or wrong in this crazed place. The farmer had been nice to him, could he really fuck his ‘cow’ Even if she desperately wanted, would it be alright?
More to the point, what about Scarlet? Yes, she had often said that they would need to add more members to the harem. Yet, this and that were two separate things. He was not sure this constituted cheating. However, he was of the opinion that when someone was uncertain about that sort of thing it usually meant that it in fact, was cheating.
How would she feel when she learned about this? It was not something he would keep secret. Would it hurt her? He didn’t know. What did he really mean to the dragon girl? Was he just her master and potential breeding stock? Did she actually care about him as a person? They got along very well, but she had once told him that he was just a convenient person. It was hard to really understand the situation from a romantic stand-point.
Torn, he looked down at the girl. One look at her beautiful, hopeful, face made the decision. She was in incredible need, right now. He could not say no. He could, however, make her work for it. “If you want it so badly, tell me what you’d like me to do?”
“Really? I can tell you?”
Scott nodded and she smiled with pure enjoyment. “If you’d be willing could... could you suck on them?” She pulled her hands to her breasts and pressed them together for emphasis.
In response he leaned down and kissed her closest breast gently. She whispered, “Moo.” gently and then firmly when he slid his tongue out to caress her nipple. He moved his tongue along her overly sensitive flesh in a slow and sensual circle that caused her to shudder visible.
Her bull began to suck on her nipple softly. He slid one hand down to stroke her aching slit and marveled at the wetness he found there. She was right, she really did need it badly if a little light petting made her get to this point.
It was not long before Scott felt a foreign wetness in his mouth. The sweetest thing that he had ever tasted in his life filled his senses. He pulled away, and his partner moo’ed out a disappointed complaint.
“So, sweet.”
She smiled at him and nodded. “Yes, my milk is very sweet. It goes for top coin at the market.”
Scott grinned at her then took her breast in hand once more. He was ready to return to his necessary duty. However, he had unleashed the flood gates. Even that light pressure was enough to cause a pressurized stream of bright white liquid to fire out with incredible force. It was as though he had been hit in the face with water from a pressure washer.
He gagged on it. The stream of milk had erupted upward and shot him directly in the open mouth. He coughed and sputtered hard.
She cried out and offered an apology, but he told her not to worry about it. He did suggest that they might be able to do the milking now. She wanted to receive a bit more attention first, but agreed in the end. Business should come before pleasure after all.
Milking the cow was a rather intricate affair. It involved heating up a set of suction cups so that they would be reasonably warm to the touch. Scott helped her strap them on and began the suction process.
“Ok, now stand behind me and bring your arms around.”
Scott did as she asked and the cow wiggled her rear end against his groin. He smirked at her then followed her next instruction as well. He moved his hands up to massage her breasts to help the milking process along.
He kissed her softly on the shoulder and she leaned her head back, luxuriating in the feeling of being treated so gently. Usually, the farmer just hooked her up to the machine and squeezed her breasts a few times for good effect then left. Occasionally he would also bring her dinner but most of the time she had to eat whatever was available in the vegetable crisper.
Scott blew on her ear and she flicked it in response. He laughed and she giggled. “Hey, that tickles!”
“So does this!” He began to tickle her and she squealed happily. The milk-o-matic chimed out a note that signaled the end of the milking cycle.
“Oh, that feels so much better!” She unstrapped her breasts from the suction machine then turned back to the new milkman. Milk dribbled softly from her nipples and down her breasts.
She smiled at him then sighed. “I guess we’re done for the day.”
Scott smiled back at her then casually gripped her quivering mounds. “I still see milk. Obviously we aren’t done.”
Her eyes lit up excitedly. “Really!”
The milkman slid one hand down to her ass cheeks then gripped her tight. “Poor thing, you’ve been so lonely. Haven’t you?”
She nodded vigorously then wrapped her arms around him. She had never been bred before, and even though she should not be bred by anyone but her owner or a bull, it was still something she would love to try.
Scott gripped the base of her tail and stroked it gently. She cried out sweetly then fell against him. Was this really going to happen?
He kissed her lips then scooped her up and took her to the bed. He placed her down gently, and her thighs instinctively parted. Scott had to admit that he was surprised to see how excited she was. She wasn’t the least bit shy about what she wanted.
Casually he placed a hand to her love mound then it was his turn to be truly surprised. The heat that she gave off down there was incredible. When he mentioned it, the cow blushed prettily. She was definitely in heat.
“You’ve never been with a man before?”
“No. Never.” She looked up at Scott with wide, innocent eyes. She was obviously a pet monster. It made no sense to him that the farmer had never done this with her. It was pretty much a necessity for building intimacy with your pets. It unlocked new powers and strengthened bonds.
He smiled. “Well, in that case I’ll have to take the lead. Ok?”
She nodded; the cow-bell on her collar tinkled its excitement as well. It was an adorable sight, really.
Scott looked at her glorious body. Briefly, he considered what he would do if the farmer did not like him taking liberties with his milk cow. A soft moo from the impatient girl brought him back to his senses. The old guy should have been more upfront about things!
He placed his hand over her sopping wet pussy then softly traced her slit. She gasped loudly then mooed once more. Just that simple touch had been enough to make her body shudder with excitement.
“You naughty cow; you're already so wet down here.”
She pouted up at Scott but he smiled at her. He knelt down then kissed her mound softly. She began to writhe with the simple pleasure of his touch. Much like her milky explosion earlier, she had absolutely no capacity to hold back.
She cried out loudly then clamped her strangely powerful thighs around his head. The cow had nearly lost her mind after he had slipped his tongue out to trace her folds. “A-mooooooo-OOOOHH.”
Scott’s eyes widened, it was shocking to the man when he realized what had happened. She had gushed like a fountain from experiencing just this much foreplay. It was impossible from his experience for any girl to be that excited, that ready. Her body bucked and writhed as she climaxed from the simple caress of his tongue. The pressure from her thighs made his face turn red, and he began to fear for his life as the powerful girl writhed in pleasure.
Suddenly, he had realized exactly why the elderly farmer had not tried to personally breed his cow. The experience would have killed him!
He gasped and gurgled between thighs that could have crushed a bowling ball, but he could do nothing but wait out the wave of ecstasy. She bellowed and mooed three times before falling limply to the bed.
The cow panted heavily and looked at Scott in a strange new light. “More…”
“Uh, well…” He began to try and get out of the situation and managed to pull back quite a bit, but a fire had begun to blaze in her eyes. She shot out her legs and grabbed him tightly around the waist.
“More. Now.” She looked him in the eyes and made it very clear that he would not have a choice in the matter.
In desperation he began to try and find a way to break free. Suddenly he gripped the base of her tail and she cried out. Her legs lost their strength and she began to pant once again. The aggression drained out of her then, and Scott knew how to make this work.
He decided to take control of the situation once more. “N-naughty cow… just for that, you’ll have to roll over.”
“Ok.” She said in a petulant tone, but she quickly moved into the position he had requested.
Scott gripped the base of her tail then massaged the part underneath with his thumb. Just as he suspected, that action caused her to shiver and whimper. The base of the tail, and sometimes the horns, of pet monsters were weak points for erotic assaults. He felt like a pervert for knowing that, but whatever. How could you not feel like a pervert when you’re going to fuck a cow?
He slid his knee between her thighs and parted them neatly. “You want to act like a slutty cow in heat? Fine, slide back and rub your pussy against my thigh.”
She did so obediently, but made a comment about not being a slutty cow. Despite her naysaying, she certainly had no qualms about rubbing her slit against his masculine thigh.
Scott pulled her tail upward a little and she slid higher up on his leg instinctively. “Does the slutty cow like that?”
She didn’t answer him immediately, but started to rub harder and faster. She began to pant. Scott slapped her on her beautiful ass and she jumped a little.
“That hurt!” She looked back at him with accusing eyes.
“Did it really?” He massaged her perky posterior in the spot where he had slapped her. Her mouth entered into a firm, but endearing, pout then she nodded. However, her hips slid back and forth faster. Scott, for his part, began to wonder if all monster girls pouted frequently. Scarlet did it often, and this girl seemed to be quite pouty as well.
“Since you want to watch what I’m doing now, watch this.”
She looked at him curiously. Scott slid two fingers into his mouth and coated them with saliva. “How about a different pain in the ass?”
“Huh?” she asked intelligently.
He teased her butthole for a few seconds then casually slid one finger into her. He didn’t stop until he was knuckle deep. The still unnamed cow mooed out in surprise then gripped the bed sheets tightly. Scott slid the other finger inside and began to massage her ass even as she rubbed her hot wet cow pussy against his thigh.
“For such an innocent girl, you sure are slutty.”
“N-Not a slut.” She mooed softly then clenched at his fingers with her ass. Her hips began to slide easily against his soaking wet thighs, the steady flow of her love juices had well-lubricated the area.
“Really? You don’t want to be my naughty little cow slut?”
She looked at Scott and saw his fake pout. He refused to be outdone by monster girl poutiness. He could fake pout with the best of them. Her face turned bright red and she shook her head.
“Turn around and sit on my thigh.” She did as asked, and Scott leaned back a little. She continued to slide up and down on his thigh while he held her tight.
He pulled her hair a little and she looked up at him. “If you aren’t my cute little slutty cow, what do you want to be?”
She blushed then clenched his thigh between hers. “Your pet.”
That was a cause for confusion. She should be devoted to her master. When Scott asked her about what she meant, the cow replied “He is my owner but Mr. Oldman has never bonded with me as a master.”
He hugged her tight then kissed her on the side of the nose. That was as far as he could go, however. Now that he knew the truth, everything had changed. Intimacy between human and monster would forge a bond. If a bond already existed, then interacting in a sexual way would not cause a shift in loyalties from a monster to another human. However, since she had not bonded with her owner in a deeply intimate manner, if they continued what they were doing the action would cause Scott and the bovine pet to forge a tenuous bond.
It was possible that the bond was already starting to form as it did not require a complete sexual experience. Sometimes it required nothing more than a warm hug or a meaningful kiss. A capture sphere would also need to be acquired to finish the contracted bond and fully-realize the master and monster paradigm, but simple emotional connections did not require such things. You could be intimate and like each other without officially becoming master and servant after all.
This situation was worrisome to the man. He could not afford to buy her from the farmer even if the elderly man wanted to sell. They spoke quietly for a while then Scott pulled away from the beautiful girl. They got dressed. He had to go speak to the farmer. The cow sat on the bed and wrapped her arms around her knees. She looked terribly lonely as he walked away.
“Dammit.” Scott said once he left the barn. He could have just gone ahead and did what their bodies had demanded, but that would have been wrong. She wanted it, and he wanted to give it to her. Yet, the rules of this world were different than his home world. Despite his base desires, he had to think of what everyone needed. He had to be mature and responsible. It was a real pain in the ass.
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