《Emperor Saga》Chapter 19 : Journey With Aramis 2
Here you go next chapter. It's still not proofread. And thank you for reading this
Before dawn, Chrono and Aramis managed to get to the 'Spider Queen' . They decide to just fight the mini boss instead of went back and recover. Aramis bonus would disappear as soon as the sunrise, they need to slayed the 'Spider Queen' before that happen.
But once they get closed to the 'Spider Queen', hundred of spider monster swarming the place surrounding them.
"(Damn, I got too closed)"
Chrono and the wagon also get surrounded by the spider monster. Chrono take out a sword from the portal and get ready for battle.
"Chrono!! I cant help you, take care of yourself!!"
"Okay, you focus on slaying the 'Spider Queen'. "
"(I should make a fire sword for myself before.....)"
Chrono and Aramis fight their own battle. It was harder for Chrono alone to defend the wagon, but Thorin unexpectedly helpful in defending the wagon. With Thorin help, the front wagon was safe from the monster attack. Its level intimidated the spider monster and its swift and strong attack destroyed any monster dared to come neared the front wagon.
"(I shouldn't let it accumulate experience but it's a dire situation.)"
Chrono himself didn't fight monster for a long time, but Daniel always diligently practiced his sword skill. Currently, Chrono relied solely on his real life skill to fight the monster. There was no 'Soul Eater' that would grant him extra strength or recover his health when he slayed a monster. No 'Soul Blade' that can deny defense. 'Soul Wall' that can greatly slowed the enemy unavailable either.No great attack damage from Grave. And no 'Shadow Ghost' that has 100% chance to dodge physical attack.
Right now, there's only him and his amazing sword skill.With his diligent practiced, Chrono managed to fight while wielding his sword as if his dancing. The sight of him dodging while striking his sword swiftly with great precision without lacking any strength would make anyone watching him in awe.His stat definitely far below Aramis but his skill on a different level.
Watching from afar, Jurek, Sitka and other 3 high rank BloodBrothers member was in awe with Chrono skilled.
"Amazing, so that's why his eye are blood red when he first enter the clan."
"Sitka, did you know he can fight like that?"
"No, I never saw him fight before.I just felt he was a good fighter when we first met.But I never knew he was THIS good. What did you think leader?"
Watching silently on Chrono fight, Jurek finally spoke.
"Hmmm.....I wonder why he choose the merchant class. If he choose at least a decent warrior class he can stand on the same level as the Emperor challenger."
While Chrono showing his amazing skill, Aramis was too busy fighting to watched. Ignoring the minion, Aramis focus solely on attacking the 'Spider Queen'. There was a lot more minion surrounding Aramis since the minion tried to protected the 'Spider Queen'.
"(It's harder than I thought.)"
Aramis worn a light armor for greater speed while having little defense. Even with his +80% bonus stat, it was impossible to dodge all the minion and the spider queen attacked. It turned out Aramis needed to tank some of the attack but tanking wasn't his forte.In this part of the battle, Aramis was on the losing side.
The fight went on for an hour. Aramis health dropped to 25% and the sun would rise after 30 more minute. Aramis confident he can keep on fighting but his not confident he can slayed the 'Spider Queen' before the sunrise because when the sunrise, the bonus will disappear and he can die. Aramis almost fell on despair when a 'Scorching Heavy Spear' flied passed him hitting on the 'Spider Queen'.The 'Spider Queen' get knock back by 10 metered and its body covered with blazing fire.
"Aramis! The monster over here aren't much anymore, I can assisted you occasionally!"
"Mind your own business!!"
Even though Aramis said that, he started to smile and was relieved with Chrono sudden help. He get motivated again and prepared to attack.
After he unleashed his 'Scorching heavy Spear' Chrono continued on fighting the monster on his side. When his health get too low, he jumped on top of the wagon and used 'Fake Death'.Then he stealthily drank a potion when the monster turned their attention to Thorin and the wagon. He quickly aggravate the monster attacking the wagon after he finished recovering. Thanks to its sturdy material, the monster continue to fail crushing the wagon.
When the monster number dropped further, Chrono started throwing his spear toward the 'Spider Queen' while fighting the monster around him. He also throwing a few spear toward critical conditioned monster around Thorin to keep it from accumulating experience by killing more monster.When there was 10 heavy spear spiked on the 'Spider Queen', it start to moved slowly while its body still in a blazing fire depleting its health gradually.
Finally Ragnarok impaled the 'Spider Queen' making it unable to moved anymore. Aramis takes this chance to cleared the minion around him and finally slayed the 'Spider Queen'.The fight was over just before the sunrise.
Spider Lair cleared
"Both of them are amazing, good job on recruiting them Sitka."
"Thank you, I knew Aramis would be a great asset to our clan but recruiting Chrono are just luck. I thought it would be fun to have a merchant in our clan."
"His skill are rather strange, I never saw any skill like that. Did he lied to us about his merchant class?"
"No he definitely a merchant, maybe he got that particular skill from a hidden quest."
"Guys, never reveal to anyone what we knew about them. Remember we are BloodBrothers, we treat the clan member as if they are our own blood brothers. And our brothers secret are our secret."
"Yes, leader."
All other high rank member bow their head to Jurek as they know they would get smacked if they didn't play along when Jurek tried to play the mob boss acted.
By clearing the spider lair, Chrono and Aramis only needed to pass through 3 more monster lair.But after they cleared the spider lair, Chrono confirming on something that has been bugging him for quite awhile.
"(My experience didn't budge)"
Soon after Chrono losing Grave, he hunt a few monster to test how far his combat skill get downgraded. But after slaying a few monster, he found out that his experience didn't budge even by a bit. He thought it was because the game still didn't recognized that his character already lose Grave.
But after he joined the clan, he didn't get any experienced when he craft things. Because the experience get from crafting are minimal, Chrono still can't confirm it. Finally, after Chrono and Aramis cleared the monster lair, Chrono realized that his experienced still didn't budge.Now he can finally confirmed that there was something wrong with his character.
"(Is there a bug? I hope there is customer support for Emperor Saga at this time.)"
DT Entertainment, the company that created Emperor Saga won't give customer supported related to the game unless the problem came from the hardware part which is from the capsule.This was because DT Entertainment claimed that Emperor Saga are perfect as a game and every bug will be handled by the AI swiftly.
"(I will try asking Seth for advice later.)"
Chrono let a huge sigh when he realized that he would missed ton of experience he should get from this quest. Aramis noticed Chrono sighing, but he didn't asked Chrono anything even though deep in his heart he actually quite concerned.
When they on their way to the second monster lair, Chrono and Aramis stopped at one of the safe zone to eat to fill their satiety level. Chrono prepared plenty of food supplied in the freezer room, for the pass 3 days, they ate the food prepared by Chrono. This timed too, Chrono want to take out the food he prepared in advance to reheat it before they ate. But before Chrono take out the food from the freezer, Aramis told Chrono to stop.
"I'm tired eating your food, go away."
"What? But we need to eat, it's not your place to be picky about food."
"Just get out of my way, this time I will cook."
"........Ha?" Chrono in disbelieved.
"I just founded a cooking material for the type of dish I loved in the last battle.Let me cook this time."
"Ah, okay."
Aramis prepared his cooking material and begun to cook.
"I can't raise my cooking mastery further than intermediate level, but my real live cooking skill are grand master level."
"Now hand me the knife."
"Ah? Okay here you go."
"Now, give me that meat."
"........That's just beside you..."
"Just do it!"
".......Here you go."
"(Why is this guy act like he's a grand chef that cook for thousand of people?It's only 2 people meal!!)"
Unexpectedly, Aramis takes great detail when he cooked. When the food ready, Chrono and Aramis ate the food together.
"Hows the food?"
"With just intermediate level and without any other bonus, the food turned out better than my own cooking."
"So its good?"
"Yeah its delicious, I hope I can enjoy this even in real life."
"You actually can."
"How? I tried it before and it turned out worst. The material here are imaginary thing, I don't know how to cook by replacing the game material to the real life material."
"I can teach you. First, this thing can be replaced with...."
Aramis teach Chrono on how to cooked the same recipe in real life by replacing the material used. In awe with Aramis knowledge, Chrono excitedly take a note. After a long time together in the same clan, Chrono finally send a friend requested to Aramis in case he needed a cooking recipe.
Before dawn, Chrono and Aramis finally arrived at the second lair. The lair fill with Feryl, winged dog type monster. From the clan information, Feryl are extremely weak against electric type attack. Chrono and Aramis agreed they should wait for Aramis bonus by waiting for the nighttime. This time, Chrono craft electric rapier for Aramis and electric spear for himself.
By the nighttime, Chrono and Aramis begin to move.
"You will aid me in the distance, just don't get too close like the last time."
"Okay, I think we can cleared the lair before sunset, Feryl a bit more weaker than the spider."
"Yeah, but we can't get complacent."
Even though Aramis did all the killing, Chrono should get equal experience with Aramis since they are in a party and Chrono already set the experience sharing to 'equal' instead of 'distribute by contribution.'. But still, Chrono experience still won't budge. Unsettle with the current development, Chrono speak to Aramis.
"Aramis, can you take care of the wagon instead for the next monster horde?'
"What? No way, just do like we plan."
"But........I need to find out something, just for the next horde, please."
"...........Okay, fine but I can't help you in a pinch because I need to defend the wagon. Just get back here after you respawn, that is if you actually die."
"Okay, thank you Aramis!"
For the next horde, Chrono fight at the front line instead of Aramis .Chrono start by charging to the nearest Feryl and swing his sword swiftly toward it.
Critical Hit!!
Even with critical hit, the damage aren't as high Aramis near miss blow. But Chrono keep attacking with the flurry of critical hit while dodging with flair. Since his speed aren't as high, he get hit sometime. With his low defense, even near miss blow take almost 10% of his health but when he almost died, Chrono unleashed his best survival skill.
'Fake Death'
When the monster turned their attention to Aramis and the wagon, he rose again to drink the potion he prepared before to recover. He continued on attacking before the horde of monster reaching Aramis and the wagon after he finish recovering.
With his amazing skill, his fighting performance are amazing, but because of the lack of attacking attribute, it takes longer to clear the monster horde. By the time Chrono cleared the horde, his sword already has less than 10 durability due to his need to hit at least 20 times before slaying a monster.
"(...........My experience still wont budge)"
"Aramis, did you get the experience when I slayed the monster?"
"Yes, why?"
From the start of the quest, Aramis already enjoyed 10 level up but Chrono was still level 50 and his experience didn't budge an inched. All kind of thought haunting him while he tried to figure out whats going on.He's in despair but he try to hide it from Aramis not because he can't trust Aramis but he feels his current dilemma will only burden Aramis and disturbed the quest progress speed.
Chrono felt Aramis was quite a caring person,he notice when Chrono sighing and tried to cheered Chrono up by cooking for him. Aramis cooking surely make Chrono mood brighter,if not for his cooking, Chrono may scream in frustration or maybe do a crazy things like deleting his character.
Chrono back to his role after he cleared the last monster horde. He can't sacrifice the quest by trying to figure out his current problem. Chrono decide he will just stick to his role until the quest is over.With better chemistry, Chrono and Aramis party managed to get deeper in the lair faster.When they encounter 'Chimera', the boss monster in the Feryl lair.
One of the reason Feryl are weaker than the spider monster was because the strongest monster in the Feryl lair are boss level monster instead of mini boss level like in the spider lair.This time, Chrono keep a safe distanced from the monster horde while Aramis worked his way to the 'Chimera' with Chrono 'Spear Throw' assist.
Occasionally, there was stray monster trying to attack the wagon. Chrono managed to obliterate the incoming threat while not neglecting his duty to assist Aramis.When the minion around 'Chimera' get cleared, it was easier for Aramis to move around fighting the 'Chimera' but the boss monster are 3 times stronger than the 'Spider Queen' which mean its harder to slayed.
The battle went on unexpectedly long, with Aramis trying to adjust himself because he never fought winged boss monster before.The exchange between Aramis and the boss monster are minimal since the 'Chimera' always fly back to the sky after it attack once. Aramis can beat the 'Chimera' if he has all night, but Aramis only had 2 more hour until the sunrise and 'Chimera' still has around 80% health.
Chrono spear assist aren't as effective to the boss monster since he was too far from the battle scene making it easy for the boss monster to dodge his spear.Realizing the situation, Chrono take out his sword while patting on Thorin head.
"(I'll leave defending the wagon to you.)"
As if it understand, Thorin nod to its master. Chrono went to the battle scene to help Aramis slaying the 'Chimera'.As soon as he arrived, Chrono saw 'Chimera' doing its usual aerial attack toward Aramis. Chrono charged toward the 'Chimera' side swinging his sword aiming its wing.
You hit the target
The damaged are minimal, but it was enough to make the 'Chimera' losing its balanced and staggered. Aramis take this opportunity to unleashed flurry of attack to the 'Chimera'. Chrono also joined on Aramis relentless assault with his chained of critical attack. Whenever Chrono has the opportunity, he would throw his spear toward the 'Chimera' body. Finally, Chrono went all out by used all his mana casting portal.
"Rain of Blade!"
Chrono pick the sword dropped from the portal and continued his relentless assault. His previous sword already broke due to its durability reaching zero. Aramis also change to his own rapier, the 'Moon Rapier' after the electric rapier he used broke due to the same reason.
With their strangely good chemistry, Chrono and Aramis finally able to depleted the 'Chimera' health to the critical condition after an hour and a half battle. Now Chrono just needed to deal the finishing blow to finish of the 'Chimera' Aramis just let Chrono do it this time.
Critical Hit!!
You Slayed Chimera
You accumulate enough experience to revive Grave
Grave revive
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