《Brian the Drow: A Worldshapers & Realmbreakers LitRPG》Chapter 21: Mo' Bunny, mo' Problems
I have been sitting in silence for nearly an hour. The only sound in the room the steady crunching from Cinnamon, or perhaps now more appropriate, Bunnimon as she continues to devour the leftovers from her dinner.
I had found the plate of unfinished food on the table; after more than a bit of a pacing about, coupled with hands to my head, fingers running back and forth through my hair, in mind swirling panic. Puzzling over the sudden shifting of her form ever since it happened.
Is this how the lepuri have sex? If so I wanted nothing to do with that! No, thats a stupid notion.
Maybe I did something wrong and triggered some kind of defense mechanism? But what kind of dopey defense was turning from a obviously capable humanoid into a defenseless bunny? Then again there are those stupid goats that faint when surprised. Or the way a possum will play dead in the face of danger. And do ostritches really stick their heads under the sand to 'escape' predators?
Damnit, Brian! Whatever, it all made little to no sense.
And the way that Cinnamon was acting and talking. That she was broken in some way?
I shake my head and try not to think about it anymore. I should’ve known when I saw the rabbit back in the Naga cave, but I simply didn’t put two and two together. I can’t really blame myself though. After all who would?
She’d change back at some point, I was sure of that.
But when?
Bunnimon, finishes the last of what I assume is her comfort food carrot and hop-waddles over to where I’m sitting on the bed; where I have been positioned ever since recovering from my initial period of shock and confusion.
The cute bunny lays her head across the top of my thigh. Ears flat down her back and my heart breaks.
She looks so sad.
“I know, Cinni.” I say in a soothing voice. “Don’t worry. We will fix whatever this is.” I reach down and stroke her head and soft fluffy fur.
I’m not sure if she understands me, but her ears give a little twitch.
Slowly, Bunnimons eyes close, and judging by the steady rise and fall of her small abdomen, she is either falling asleep or has already done so.
Poor thing. She must be exhausted.
It’s a not so subtle reminder of just how absolutely pooped I am as well. Leaning my back against the wall I rub my eyes with thumb and forefinger in an attempt to remove the sting from the edges. It doesn’t work, so I decide to close them as well. Only for a few seconds, to give them a short rest.
Darkness envelops me and I enjoy the calm of the black for a brief moment.
You are Resting.
Ahh, poop. I give a little sigh and a shrug in my minds eye. Well, since I've slipped into my meditative state, I decide to give a look over my character sheet and take my mind off of my rabbit girl problems.
Name: Brian Brantly REMAINING CHARACTER POINTS: 12 Race: Dark Elf Class: Gunslinger Background: Craftsman, WarGear Stats Skills Special Abilities Complications Inventory
Crafting Quests Combat Journal
I've racked up twelve character points already? Nice. I’m just about to open the combat journal and see just where they came from but quash the idea when I notice that there is a new listing.
Time seemed to go pretty quickly in my ‘Jelf’ trance and looking over the fight with the Drayger and perhaps even Kryst and Crodrick the Troll might eat up a little too much of my limited time. Besides, if I really wanted too I’m sure I could always revisit at a later date. I’m much more interested in checking out this newest addition and what exactly it may entail.
Narrowing my focus to the Crafting tab I get a basic information pop-up.
Crafting: Downtime Activity
By undertaking this activity a character can craft various items based on their skill sets, available materials and the expenditure of character points.
Bonded Items: Once crafted a 'Bonded Item' can be recrafted/ recovered with a limited expendature of time, materials and (unless multiple duplicate items are made) no additional Character Point Cost. If attempts are made to sell 'Bonded Items' they will be henceforth converted to 'Accessory Items' and all associated rules apply.
Accessory Items: These creations can be crafted at a greatly reduced Character Point Cost with the condition that should they be sold, broken or lost in any way all associated points and materials are lost as well. Once crafted an 'Accessory Item' can be recrafted by the expenditure of all the initial requirements of crafting time, materials and Character Point Costs.
Oh hells to the yeah! I had no idea that it would be some kind of a point based purchase for me though. That little bit of information puts a damper on my initial excitement. But, many games systems utilize rules that dictate the player has to spend both money and experience points to craft items; especially the sorts of creations that have any sort of in-game benefit. It seems that the same holds true here.
I puzzle over the 'Bonded' verses 'Accessory' item descriptors. I suppose that a 'Bonded item would be something more of a signature weapon or piece of equipment. Perhaps tied into the initial character concept. Like Spider-mans web shooters or Luke Skywalkers lightsaber. Sure they could be taken away, and quite often were, but it was pretty much guaranteed that they would get the item back in some way. That's pretty cool.
I open the selection and am immediately presented with a couple of options.
Pistol Goggles
Amazing! During our trek toward town I had come up with the idea of making some kind of glasses to cut down on the, borderline painful, glare the sun had on my sensitive drow eyes. And it seems that this ‘system’ had actually taken note of it.
Focusing on the goggles option I receive an info block.
Blackglass Goggles: +5 pts Flash Defense: Sight
These goggles protect the wearer by reducing the duration or negating imposed conditions due to bright light or visual based special effects or attacks.
Required Materials: Lenses: x2 Blackglass / Frame: Misc. Heavy Leather
Required Craft Skill: Inventor
Crafting Time: 5 hrs / 3:45 hrs Remaining
Bonded Item Character Point Cost: 2 pts
Accessory Item Character Point Cost: 1 pts
I pause after reading over the description. Strange, I don't recall finding anything called Blackglass. Though, in the hope that I had scrounged something that might make suitable lenses, I had sorted through the bag of crystals that I had collected in the Naga cave.
Funny enough there were two that had been nearly perfect. They must have been the Blackglass materials I needed. And I had spent a bit of time shaping them with the tools from my tinkering kit. So that explains the deducted hour or so from the time requirement.
A quick focus brings up a description from my inventories.
Bag of Assorted Crystals: Mundane: This item can be used to pull forth up to 10 mundane pieces of crystal. Once a type of crystal is chosen from the pack it remains. Contents: x2 Blackglass Crystals. Uses Remaining: x8
Whoa! I hadn’t thought of that. Though it does make sense. It seemed that my collection of crystals works similar to my ‘Adventurers Kit’ in that I can use it to pull out various types of crystals as needed. That bit of knowledge opens up a whole new range of possibilities. Perhaps I could create something like a magnifying glass or a telescope. Or better yet a pair of binoculars.
I’d have to puzzle that out later. The more pressing matter was dealing with the issue of my annoying light sensitivity.
I read over the description again. Ugh! Goggles? I really don’t like the sound of that. I'm a hot, dark elf gunslinger after all. I can't be looking like some dork, walking around with big ol’ googlie safety glasses strapped to my face. In fact, I had even started working on the Drayger claws during our rest breaks to use as a possible frame. Though, I hadn’t gotten very far in the carving.
I concentrate on the entry once more and attempt to manipulate the description; picturing in my minds eye a pair of bad-ass looking shades befitting an action hero.
Stylish Dark Sunglasses: +5 pts Flash Defense: Sight +3 Presence +1 Charm
Sleek and sexy these stylish sunglasses not only add an air of mystique but they also protect the wearer by reducing the duration or even negate imposed conditions due to bright light or visual based special effects or attacks.
Required Materials: Lenses: x2 Blackglass / Frame: Black Drayger Claw
Required Craft Skill: Inventor
Crafting Time: 8 hrs / 5:50 hrs Remaining
Bonded Item Character Point Cost: 5 pts
Accessory Item Character Point Cost: 3 pts
I give myself an imaginary slap on the back, followed up with a double fist pump. It worked! Sure the cost increased but it seemed I can actually make changes to what I would like to craft. For those additional characteristic and skill point bumps it wasn't too expensive. In fact It proibably equated to at least half the cost compared to if I purchased them inherently.
Damn if that 'Accessory Item' option isn't super tempting. But even cheaper I ever lose or break them those points are gone for good. Eeesh! A risky proposition. I really don't like the idea of losing character points.
Yeah, decision made. It didn’t seem like my innate racial vulnerabilities would be going away anytime soon and making my bad-ass shades a expendible resource just seems foolish to me.
With a mental grin I accept the 'Bonded Item' and then focus back on the other entries.
Pistol Sunglasses
I open pistol next and am rewarded with the description of my crappy gun.
Rusty Pistol: Mundane: Ranged / Shots: 1 / Misfire: 20% / Equipped Damage: 2d6-1 Lethal.
Repair: Replace pistol grips with carved Drayger bone. Reduces Misfire: 5%
Required Materials: x2 Drayger Bone
Required Craft Skill: Gunsmith
Time Remaining: 5 hrs / 5 hrs
Character Point Cost: 0 pts
Thank goodness for small favors. It might take a little while to make the repairs but the least I could get that misfire chance down a bit and it wouldn’t cost me any points either. It didnt seem to have a Bonded or Accessory listing for this. Perhaps since it was a repair it didn't have that as a possible rules choice. Did that mean I could use the handles on a different gun later? I'm about to accept but a message floods my consiousness.
Racial Ability: Lightsleep.
I let out a silent sigh. As awesome as this lightsleep ability is. It's damn annoying! I have yet to be able to get an uninterrupted chance to spend my points!
You are no longer Resting.
My eyes snap open as I come back to awareness. Cinnamon must have reverted back into her humanoid form while I was traced out as her head is now resting in my lap. I briefly wonder if that was what triggered my lightsleep but a rattling at the door makes me think otherwise.
A moment later the door swings open and I see an extremely inebriated Kryst all but fall from where she had been hanging off from the door handle.
She lands somewhat gracefully, perhaps that Kung fu fighting muscle memory of hers kicking in, but then topples over onto her butt. Her dirty, and most likely repeatedly filled through the night but now empty, shot glass clatters across the floor and I stop it with a foot.
Kryst staggers into the room and points an accusing finger at me before letting out a strange snorting exhale from her lips.
“Would you is... doing is wrong, Ba-rian. You know? It's not... not right. You need to respect nature and not going you go screw it.” Kryst shakes her head so vigorously she throws off her balance, “That's bestiality! You know that?! It’s not right... it’s not right.”
“Will you keep your voice down.” I whisper and follow up with a shuush-ing motion and a finger to my lips. Sliding my legs out from under Cinnamons head I place the pillow underneath it and stand. She moans a little and turns in her sleep but otherwise makes no further movements.
“I thought you were cool, man.” From the center of the room Kryst waggles a finger up at me as I step over her to ease the door closed as quietly as I can. “I thought... This guy?” She bobbles her head up and down, “This Guy. You know?” She shrugs.
“Alright calm down, Kryst.” I say as I reach down toward her.
“Don’t touch me, you... you, buck-nasty!” She says shoving at my palm but only succeeding in throwing her own body off balance to stumble in the opposite direction. She goes down, but then rolls to her feet again.
Insight vs Kryst Thunderfist: Critical Success!
Though her slurred words and body language speak to just how intoxicated she truly is. I see something else. Something disguised in those slow, erratic, wobbling movements.
"Great." I suck my teeth in frustration. I have little desire to test myself right now in another round of fisticuffs against regular Kryst, never mind some kind of fiary-fied drunken monkey style fantasy martial art that she's trained in also.
“I tried to tell you before you ran out. It’s not what you think. Something happened and..." I kneel down and whisper, "I think something is wrong with her.” We both shoot a look over toward Cinnamons sleeping form. "Going off some of the stuff she was saying I think maybe it's some kind of magic, but I don't know what."
The fairys eyes narrow a little at me but Kryst must see the concern on my face because she seems to relax a little. "So you two weren't getting all freaky by..." She makes a lewd movement with a fist and her other hand.
"No!" I stage whisper-shout, "C'mon. Jeeze, what the hell is wrong with you?!"
Kryst makes a blowing raspberry sound with her mouth then gives an over exaggerated drunk shrug. “I dunno. You’re weird, man.” She states.
“Whatever. ” I sigh. “Discussing this with you when you're this sloshed is pointless anyway, Kryst. We can all talk about it in the morning. Maybe you can even help to figure out just what is going on. Until then, why don’t you sleep it off.” I pull open the top drawer of the dresser and make a quick bed out of my folded shirt for the fairy.
"Fine." There is a pause and Kryst suddenly grasps her mouth and starts to sniggle and gafaw behind her palm. Her face turning even brighter red. "Ohh... You we're all hard-up like..." She lifts a hand above her head. She then covers her mouth with her hand again and starts laughing histerically.
"Yeah, tell me about it." I lament.
"You have a ... you have a nice big' un though, you know." Kryst snickers, "Here, lemme see it again." She stumbles forward to where I'm kneeling and reaches up to grope my crotch.
"Hey! What-- Stop that!" I say in a low firm voice, standing to get away from her tiny grasping hands.
"Ha, ha! Tease!" She takes a long inhale of breath and steadies herself for a moment. "Man. I'm gonna miss stuff like that." She says quietly.
"Nuffin." She waves her hand in my general direction then turns and stumbles toward the nightstand. "Okay, okay. I'm drunk. I'm going...going to go sleep."
I reach down to lift her but she smacks my hands away, and buzzes her wings angrily.
“I can do it!” She burble complains, then spends the next minute stumbling and flopping about on both the floor and a couple of feet in the air in her attempts to get up to the top of the nightstand.
After a particularily noisy thump and crash into our travel bags I once again reach down to, slowly and gently, scoop her up.
This time Kryst all but goes limp in my hands and is asleep almost as soon as I place her down in her tiny private bed and cover her with a sleeve as a makeshift blanket.
I take a few moments to let the quiet settle in the room. I still feel quite tired, somehow knowing I need at least an hour or more in my trance to completely rest my tired body and refresh my mind. But, with my exhausted, and drunk, companions both down for the count I decide to stay up a bit longer.
This time I do remember to lock the door and then retrieve my tinkering kit. I pull out my various supplies, and flip the metal plate down over the glowing globe of light fastened into the wall above the desk. Although the room is plunged into darkness my eyes immediately adjust to see everything in crystal clear clarity.
Crafting: Downtime Activity
Before settling in to start my crafting work I glance between the two ridiculously hot females with whom I'm sharing a room. I fire off a silent prayer that I'm a quick study at learning how to deal with the complicated problems of fantasy women.
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