《Brian the Drow: A Worldshapers & Realmbreakers LitRPG》Chapter 10: Gaming the System.
The last time this happened I was able to access my Character Information. I focus and...
Name: Brian Brantly REMAINING CHARACTER POINTS: 7 Race: Dark Elf Class: Gunslinger Background: Craftsman, WarGear Stats Skills Special Abilities Complications Inventory
Quests Combat Journal
Yes! I try and contain the growing excitement lest I go and pop myself out of this Jedi-Elf (Jelf?) sleep trance meditation thing.
Okay then. Now I think I see how this works. Sleeping will allow me to access my stats and spend my points. It's almost like the time between gaming sessions when you can mull over what you want your next level to be. Or maybe not. It's probably more accurate to think of it as taking a bit of downtime to 'level up'. You need a quiet moment to rest and reflect before you gain the benefits of your accumulated EXP. I've seen plenty of systems and even Gamemaster Houserules that require players to do that.
Though this doesn't seem to be a straight 'Level One to whatever' system either.
Which is fine by me. I have always prefered gradual character progression as opposed to the widely popular stepped level systems anyway. "Oh you gained a level? Now you have four more spells, can summon a giant goat twice a day, and select that feature in that obscure supliment that compounds with that other one to break the game, you munchkin. And remember to roll those extra hit points where you can suddenly get shot point blank in the face with a crossbow while asleep and laugh it off because a crossbow only does at max ten damage and you have three hundred Hit Points at level..."
Memories of debating the pros and cons of game mechanics and rule design in the backroom of the old Imagination Station game store derail my train of though. I chastise myself with a mental suck of my teeth then focus my attention back to more important matters.
Looking over the summary menu I remember feeling like I had triggered some new skills before, so I focus on opening up the Skills section first.
+1 Attack Value – Weapon Group (Pistols) cost to raise 3pt Explosives 13- > cost to raise 2pt Gunsmith 13- > cost to raise 2pt Weaponsmith 13- > cost to raise 2pt Riding 13- > cost to raise 2pt Stealth 13- > cost to raise 2pt Sleight of Hand 13- > cost to raise 2pt Survival 13- > cost to raise 2pt Streetwise 13- > cost to raise 2pt Charm 14- > cost to raise 2pt
Craftsman, Mecha/WarGear:
Inventor 13- > cost to raise 2pt Metal Fabrication 13- > cost to raise 2pt WarGearsmith 13- > cost to raise 2pt Airship tech 13- > cost to raise 2pt Golem tech 13- >
cost to raise 2pt Magitech 13- > cost to raise 2pt WarGear Rider 13- > cost to raise 2pt
Unlocked Skills, General:
Acrobatics 8-
cost to purchase 1pt
Insight 8- cost to purchase 1pt Trading 8- cost to purchase 1pt Deduction 8- cost to purchase 1pt Acting 8- cost to purchase 1pt ???
Cool! I did unlock some new skills.
The LOCKED section seems to just continue on infinitely till they blur out of my focus so I turn my attention to the others.
Humm? I may have gained some new skills but only at an eight or less. I don’t think those are very good odds. Maybe around 45% if this is using a 3d6 system like I think it is. And that’s not counting for any environmental factors or penalties that may be applied. And these new “unlocked” skills don’t have any raise cost either. So that means I must have to purchase them before I can increase them.
Jeez! I mean, I'd probably like it if I was at the table but, man! Talk about point sinks.
Alright, Acrobatics is most likely a Dexterity-based skill. I wonder if I purchase it will I get the same Dex boost that my other skills like Sleight of Hand or Stealth get? And the better question, can I really go and risk the Character Points to test the theory? I only have seven. If I drop even one on a new skill I could miss out on something else really cool, and/or potentially lifesaving, somewhere else.
Man, this was a lot easier when it was pen and paper and make-believe. Then again. It could still be, I really could just be in a coma in a hospital. Or more likely staring at the padded walls of my cell after having a psychotic break brought on by depression and second-hand smoke.
Greta the Grendel! Did she give me like, a cancerous brain embolism or something from exposure to her frigging choo-choo chain smoking nastiness?
Damn it, Brian! I need to stop thinking along those lines, treating this like it’s some kind of daydream that I might wake up from. I need to figure out how this system works so I don’t screw up. I’m playing with my life now. Whatever this is, as improbable as it seems, I have to, literally, get my goddamn head in the game.
I return my focus toward my Special Abilities and a new menu opens.
Special Abilities, OWNED Special Abilities, UNLOCKED
I decide to double check my OWNED first to familiarize myself with what I can do.
Heroic Ability
Danger Sense: 14 - – lvl 1– (Passive) A character with this Ability has a sixth sense about danger. A successful Danger Sense check prevents him from being surprised in combat.
Dark Elf, Racials:
Darkvision (Dark Elf): You can see in (non-magical) darkness as though it were normal daylight.
Elven Eyes (Dark Elf): Enhancement to Sight based Perception.
Expanded Breathing: Thin Air (Dark Elf): You require less air than normal.
Elven Meditation (Dark Elf): You enter a trance lasting 4 hours in which you gain the benefit of 8 hours of sleep.
Lightsleep (Dark Elf): You sleep lightly and therefore are rarely surprised while resting.
Longevity (Dark Elf): You have a possible lifespan of 2000+ years
Magical Resistance- Charm (Dark Elf): Attempts to magically charm you are less effective.
Swiftness (Dark Elf): You are fleet of foot, doubling normal movement speed.
Dark Elf, Special Abilities (OWNED)
Shadow Meld – lvl 1– (Passive): Due to both magical infusion and your own skin coloration you blend to near invisibility in areas of darkness or shadow. This ability disappears if you move quickly or attack.
Gunslinger, Special Abilities (OWNED)
Lightning Reflexes (Passive): Character has increased DEX only for the purpose of acting first.
GunFu (Passive): You have trained to fight effectively with ranged weapons in close combat situations without penalty.
Drop it! – lvl 1 (Action): Gunslinger may target an item on or held by another character. On a success, target is forced to drop the item.
Craftsman, Special Abilities (OWNED)
Mending (Action): Repairs damage to simple objects. All of the pieces of an object must be present for this spell to function. (Mana cost- 2)
I totally forgot about the 'Expanded Breathing: Thin Air' thing. That must have been why I could hold my breath for so long. I read them over once more. I really thought that Danger Sense would be good but I guess I haven't been in a situation for that it to trigger yet. Shadow Meld and Mending sure proved to be a literal lifesavers though.
I focus back to the UNLOCKED section.
Dark Elf Special Abilities: Unlocked
Elven Lightstep (Passive): This ability allows an Elf to walk on any surface and not leave signs of their passing. -7pts Purchase? Y/N
Gunslinger Special Abilities: Unlocked
Quick Draw: lvl 1 – (Fast Action): Draw a weapon as fast action. – 5pts Purchase? Y/N
FlashBang Shot: lvl 1 – (Action): Gunslinger may fire their weapon close to an opponent’s head imposing the blinded and deafened condition for a short time. – 5pts Purchase? Y/N
Pistol Whip: lvl 1 – (Re-Action): Gunslinger may use the butt of their weapon to make a melee attack. – 5pts Purchase? Y/N
Craftsman, Abilities: Unlocked
Market Song: (Action): Through minor arcane manipulation the skills of Conversation, Persuasion, and Trading are increased for a short time. (Mana cost 2) – 5pts Purchase? Y/N
Ice Maker: (Slow Action): Grants the ability to chill liquids down to freezing temperatures. Useful on hot days. (Mana cost 1) – 4pts Purchase? Y/N
Clean Shop: (Slow Action): A spell often used at the end of the day to tidy up a workshop or place of business. (Mana cost 2) – 4pts Purchase ? Y/N
Looks to be the same ones from character creation. I disregard the Craftsman ones almost immediately. As far as I'm concerend, unless I want to be some kind of merchant, most of them are a waste of perfectly good points.
I read over the choices again and again. It seems like Abilities might be a better decision to go with rather than Skills. They give an almost unnatural super skill or in some cases straight up magical benefit. Then again Skills are usable all the time. If I've learned anything in my years rolling dice it’s not just about what your character can do in a combat situation, it’s about how well they can interact with the world.
Trading allowed me to barter with Cinnamon over that magic sword. Then again, Insight and Acting might be damn useful to make sure I don’t get swindled when we arrive in town. And Athletics? Preventing falls or jumping out of danger? Man, that is always useful.
I look over Elven Lightstep. That might be a really good passive ability. Prevents some forms of tracking. It might even allow me to skirt traps if they use any kind of pressure sensitive trigger. And it would be a great addition to Athletics too. Shame I can’t afford them both right now.
Or what about straight up buying more stats? Stun and Hit Points are super important. I remember from character creation that Stun was only half a point each. Should I get a bunch of that? I don’t want to get knocked again. Or Hit Points so I don't get killed.
Though trying to make these decisions are killing me anyway. Arrrgh!
I steady my mind and try and focus, clearing it of all thoughts and doubts and bring up a few choices, breaking them down in what feels like a note section of my mind’s eye.
Elven Lightstep = 7pts Purchase? Y/N Acrobatics 1pt + Insight 1pt + Quick Draw 5pts = Total 7pts Purchase? Y/N Trading 1pt + Acting 1pt + Pistol Whip 5pts = Total 7pts Purchase? Y/N 4 Stun 2pt + FlashBang Shot 5pts = Total 7pts Purchase? Y/N
I may as well spend all the points that I have.
Racial Ability: Lightsleep.
Damn! I feel more than see the message and meaning of my triggered Lightsleep ability superimposed over eveything else. At the speed of thought I make my choice as my consciousness is pulled back from the void and returned in a rush of reality.
You are no longer Resting.
“Brian? Are you—Oh!”
My eyes snap open and Cinnamon is leaning over me, whispering in that low cute voice, her fingers barely brushing skin of my shoulder.
“Hey, Cinni. Is something wrong?”
“Gosh. You sure do wake up easy.” She smiles.
“Wake up? I just...” I take a glance around and notice that the pile of wood near the fire has gone down and a few things have been moved around in camp. It couldn’t have been four hours already! It only felt like I’d closed my eyes for maybe a minute. Two at the most. But, I feel great! The fatigue I’d felt before I slipped off into transendance is completely gone.
“Hot damn!" I smile, "Drow are crazy awesome.”
“Umm, Sure I guess.”
“Oh, don’t mind me.” I make a show of yawning, “I must still be half asleep. You know? Just babbling nonsense.”
Acting vs Cinnamon Butter: Fail!
Cinnamon raises her eyebrow and I know that behind her that little bunny tail is doing a double twitch.
“Here, ahh, Why don’t you, get some rest.” Reaching over I grab the blanket and cover myself before standing up and walking over to the clothesline. My pants and shirt were hanging near the fire are pretty dry now. I slip them on and place my still slightly damp boots closer to the heat.
By the time I finish dressing Cinnamon has already laid down in her bedroll. She jams a few arrows into the earth next to her and then places her bow and quiver beside them, easily within arm’s reach.
“Sleep tight, Cinnamon.”
After a little yawn, she gives me her closed eye smile, ”Nighty nite, Brian.” She settles down, curls up under her bedroll, and after a few minutes, I hear a soft rhythmic coo that tells me she is asleep.
I place my gun belt about my hip and toss the blanket once more around my shoulders and watch her for a few minutes with a smile. Maybe I’ll ask her in the morning if I make any sleep-snore noises while I’m doing my "Jelf " trance thing?
Moving over to the log I take a seat and run my hands through my hair in thought while scouring the surrounding trees.
I hope that I made the right decision with my Character Point assignment. I’m just about to see if I can test it out when my stomach growls loudly and I feel a painful knot of hunger hit me under my washboard abs.
Nuts, berries and a frigging salad sandwich. I groan and roll my eyes as I recall "dinner." I didn’t want to upset Cinnamon before but I need something more substantial than literal rabbit food in my belly. With a quick glance around I find my knapsack hanging from the branch of a tree. I root around inside and pull out the large chunks of snake meat wrapped up in cloth.
“Well, my Naga. Looks like one of us is getting eaten by the other after all.” I grin.
I wash the meat in the creek then make use of my handsaw on a few branches. After sharpening the sticks to points, I am soon listening to the hiss of flame touched fat and licking my lips to the delectable mouth-watering scent of roasting meat.
Survival: Success!
While I’m waiting for my, much more fitting for a person and not a herbivore, dinner to cook I check out my armor again.
Scruffy (DAMAGED) Studded Leather: Full Body: Armor: 2 Physical / 1 Energy. -2 to Dex. Skills. -1 to Defense Value.
I rub my chin. There are a few broken straps and buckles and what looks like teeth marks ringed with dark stains. I push the thoughts of what the previous owner must have gone through before the end. Hopefully he wasn’t alive when that thing started to chomp away.
I concentrate on the larger areas of damage, attempting to once more focus that energy like I’d done with my gun.
Mend cast on Scruffy Studded Leather: Mana cost 2.
Mend cast on Scruffy Studded Leather: Mana cost 2.
I grin as the twisted metal buckles on the straps bend and pop back into shape. I try again on a few of the torn flaps and they too stitch and mend before my eyes.
Mend cast on Scruffy Studded Leather: Mana cost 2.
Scruffy Studded Leather is Repaired.
On the third attempt I notice that most of the smaller stress lines seem to stay and I can tell thats the best I can do. Perhaps Mending has some kind of limitation on it? The armor does look pretty old and the obvious damage from the Naga a lot more recent. It could be that there is time limit for when an object received damage and the casting of the spell.
General Skill: Deduction: Success!
Yeah. That must be it. I smirk to myself after feeling that ding of knowledge and study the armor again.
Scruffy Studded Leather: Full Body: Armor: 2 Physical / 1 Energy. -1 to Dex. Skills.
Awesome. Looks like it’s no longer busted and with it repaired the penalties to my defensive dodge stat and Dex. skill checks are gone. Or are better anyway.
Slipping on the chest and arm pieces I move around a little. After a few adjustments to the buckles and straps I twist and swing my arms about like a windmill. Getting used to the now much more comfortable evenly distributed weight.
Checking on my boots I find they are good and dry. I give a little sigh when I slip them on and warm my chilly toes. I pause in putting on the rest of my armor when my stomach growls long and loudly. Out of the top of the sleeping bag I see Cinnamons ears twitch in my direction. Gingerly I stand from my log and step over to the campfire to pull my snake kabobs out of the heat.
Blowing them cool I take a bite.
I dont know if it's simply because I'm starving but any lingering thoughts on how eating a once sentient creature might be wrong are immediately washed away in the delicious, slightly flaky, fish meets chicken texture and taste of the flavorful smoky meat.
My stomach matches my moan of delight with its own grumbling growl of appreciation
I’m sucking my third ribcage like bone clean with a smile when a strange tingle races from the back of my neck and down my spine. The same weird feeling I have had a few times before. Like back in the Naga cave, and right before I saw that dinosaur monster.
Crap! Realization hits me like a baseball bat.
My Drow-sense is tingling!
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