《Brian the Drow: A Worldshapers & Realmbreakers LitRPG》Chapter 8: Loot and Plunder
“Want me to push harder?” A dribble of sweat trickles down to sting my eye as I look into the face of the gorgeous bunny girl.
“No! That’s perfect. Don’t stop, just a bit more.” Cinnamon grunts then bites her lip in concentration, “Be careful. Don’t let it slip out.”
“Okay but...Whoa! Watch your fingers it’s a really tight fit.”
“Well we want to make sure we get every last drop in there, don’t we?”
“Definitely.” I say with a grin.
“And .. Ahhh, yeah! That’s it!” Cinnamon squeals with delight and I feel a gush followed by a sound of liquid splashing into the glass bottle crammed into the Nagas’ mouth. I give a few more gentle presses on the poison gland and am rewarded with a final couple of healthy squirts.
“I think it’s empty.” I say.
“Looks like.” Cinnamon removes her hands from between the jaws careful not to prick herself on the last large fang that we haven’t yet removed.
“Good job, Cinni.” I stand up and move over to the water tunnel and wash my hands and arms free from the blood and saliva. She giggles in that cute way of hers before moving over to place a now full bottle of poison with the pile of goods that we’ve collected from the nest and the Naga corpse over the past few hours or so.
We haven’t talked as much as I’d have liked. Well, not to get to know each other anyway. We both thought it best to do a thorough search of the cave before we try to leave. And so our time has been spent mostly calling out what odds and ends we have discovered in our poking through the cavern, and the various techniques for harvesting any useful bits from the Naga. Apparently the Survival skill I picked up in character creation is useful for more than just making campfires and pitching tents.
Something that is becoming increasingly hard not to do as Cinnamon gets more comfortable around me. Especially with the touches on my shoulder or back as she helped me pull out some of the half buried loot.
“I guess that’s the last of it.” Flicking water off my now clean arms I move over to stand with Cinnamon at the pile, “Should we go through it all and divide it up then?”
“Yup, I don’t think we’re going to find much else.”
I nod and look over the pile. We managed to pick through all the bones and scrounged up eighteen gold pieces, thirty-two silver pieces and a pile of seventy four copper. Luckily some were still in pouches so we divide them up evenly between the two of us first. Next are the few gems. I take an emerald while Cinnamon takes the two rubies.
There is a backpack with a few water stains but otherwise undamaged. A suit of dark brown studded leather armor that’s a bit stiff. The sword, now laid out on the ground. Two daggers, one looks to be unsalvageable, though it did have a moonstone set in the pommel that I pop out for myself. The other dagger is in great condition though, the blade still sharp as a razor, and was what I used to slice off the hide of the Naga earlier.
“Cinnamon, do you mind if I keep this?” I hold up the blade by the tip then reach over to pat the dagger on her hip. More to see if she objects to my touch than to point out the fact that she already has one. She glances down to her side. Nervousness that I may have overstepped immediately gets the best of me. “You know? Seeing as you have a dagger already.”
“Sure,” She smiles, “I don’t mind.”
I kick myself for chickening out like that and kneel down. This body may be super-hot eye candy for the ladies but it seems that I’m still the same insecure doof inside. I turn my attention toward a pile of arrows trying not to think about the many previous failed attempts at flirting in my life.
There is a dozen or so arrows, with two of them looking rather out of place from the others.
Arrow: Mundane: Ammo: x11 Damage: 1-6 Lethal
Arrow: Magical: Ammo: x2
Huh? As I study them I get that strange rush of knowledge similar to when I was looking over my character info before. There were other times that I recall now too. Like when I was fighting the Naga. A strange understanding of how, for lack of any better term, the mechanics of this world worked. Was this happening when I was talking to Cinnamon before? Was my 'character' making various social or awareness rolls without me even realizing it?
Unlocked: General Skill: Deduction: Success!
That would make total sense. I want to ponder on it further but the need to find out more about the loots pushes the thoughts to the back of my mind. Besides, I think I'm starting to get the hang of it.
My attention is drawn toward the two arrows that stand apart from the others. One is a painted yellow and orange with fletching dyed a bright red.
Firestorm Arrow: Damage: 1-6 Lethal Magical: This arrow explodes in a ball of flame upon impact dealing an additional Damage: 3-18 Lethal, Fire to the target and Damage: 2-12 Lethal, Fire to everything in a 5ft radius. Damage: 1-6 Lethal, Fire to everything in a 10ft radius.
The second appears to be made from a sharpened length of polished steel, ringed with glittering blue runes etched along its length.
Arrow of Accuracy: Damage: 1-6 Lethal Magical: This highly accurate arrow bestows a +5 to Attack Value and 2-8 to Damage Lethal.
It is still a weird feeling. I can almost see the rules breakdown for the equipment but I don't remember any sort of prompts during the fight, though I know by that summery review of my character sheet that I was indeed making them. Armed with that knowledge I'm now positive that I had to do the same during my earlier interactions with Cinnamon.
The ol meta-gamer in me wishes I could see or hear the prompts and the result on whether I passed or more importantly, failed.
But then again, that always did sort of break game emersion. Whenever a Game Master would ask for players to roll persuasion or perception or similar everyone would immediatedly start acting out of character. Becomming suspicious of everyone, pouring over the most inconsequential detail, every other player suddenly wanting to make the same roll too, in case the first player failed. All of it slowing the game to a crawl.
And how many times was I tipped off by knowing I had to make a roll to notice a trap or a hidden enemy ambush? Then there was the time that the barkeep was secretly a cannibalistic cult leader...
Damn. Now I really, REALLY wish I could see the prompts.
I shake off the memorys of that particular nightmare inducing Halloween night horror game and scour over the rest of the gear we recovered
Lesser Naga Venom: Paralytic venom of a Lesser River Naga. Injury Poison: A creature must take Lethal damage from a weapon or object coated with Injury poison to be exposed to its effects. Doses: x2 Effect: Paralysis. Damage: 3-18 Stun for 5 rounds. Defense: Poison Immunity.
Lesser River Naga Hide: The scaled hide of a Lesser River Naga. Units: x1. Armor: 3 Physical / 2 Energy. Enchantment Property: Swift
Snake Meat: Servings: x12
Wing Blade: Magical Shortsword: Melee / +1 Attack Value / Equipped Damage: 2-8 Lethal. Magical: Wielder may use their Re-Action to negate damage from falls in 15 ft increments. (Mana cost: 5)
The sword is magical? Awesome. It does seem like a pretty high mana cost for its special ability. Though, taking no damage from a thirty foot fall is pretty damn cool.
With a shudder I recall a fall off a chair when I’d been changing a light bulb in the break room. And the embarrassing following minutes, that had been spent in near tears when the wind had been knocked out of me, wheezing for breath in front of my snickering coworkers.
I take out my pistol with a deft spin and study it.
Rusty Pistol: Mundane: Ranged / Shots: 1 / Misfire: 20% / Equipped Damage: 1-10 Lethal.
I let out an outward groan at the misfire chance. One out of every five shots? And in a fight it takes awhile to reload too. Man, this thing sucks! Though the damage potential does seem to be pretty good. After all it did save my life and was the only thing that actually hurt the Naga. Still it deserves another tisk of disapproval when I look at its piss poor condition.
“Is something wrong?” Cinnamons ears twitch.
“Ah, it’s nothing. Just my pistol here definitely needs some work.”
“It does look like it's seen better days.” Cinnamon leans over next to me and places a hand on my bare shoulder, which immediately sends my libido into overdrive.
I’d removed my jacket, shirt and boots and tossed over them over the edge of a crystal growth when we had started working. First, because they were soaking wet and would probably start to chafe. And second, which was really the more important reasoning for the decision, I wanted to see if my glistening, half dressed underwear model body would get a reaction out of Cinnamon. Though, I might have pushed it with the slow ringing out of my shit.
“You might be able to find a new one in Redtree. Is that where you were headed too?”
“No, actually. I guess I got a bit lost while I was traveling.” I return my ugly looking weapon to its holster. “You mentioned that name before. Is it a town near here?”
“Yup!” She gives a little pause.
Unlocked: General Skill: Insight vs Cinnamon Butter: Success!
The corner of my eye catches the double twitch of her bunny tail and I sense a little nervousness in her demeanor.
“Umm. Did you want to come along with me? We could travel there together.”
“Cinni. I would love to.” I say with a smile. Play it cool, Brian.
“Great!” She coo giggles then gives me that weird closed eye smile. I wonder if it’s some racial or cultural thing. Either way, it's hella cute!
“So,” Cinnamon eyes pop open and she leans forward to scoop up the arrows, “Did you want these?”
“Why? Can you use them?” I don’t actually know if I can even use a bow or not but not like it matters much at the moment.
“Sure can.” Cinnamon grins widely, “That is, if I can find my stuff. I’d set most of it down and had been taking a quick break from walking. You know, cooling my feet in a creek,” she wiggles her little four toed foot in my direction, “when that icky Naga ambushed me.”
“Tell you what. You can have the arrows, if I can have the sword?”
“Awww, but you said I could hold onto it.” Cinnamon pouts a bit.
I laugh and almost concede to her immediately but, even the facing the overwhelming odds of a pouting, buxom doe eyed playboy bunny, somehow I manage to stick to my guns,
“That was only in case I was a ‘villainous bad guy person,’ remember?” I smile and give her a set of air quotes,“As I am clearly not and you are getting all those arrows with two of them being magical...”
Unlocked: General Skill: Trading vs Cinnamon Butter: Success!
“Fine, you meany.” She continues her little pout but wraps up the bundle with a strip of cloth and places them into a recovered bag.
Victory is mine. With a grin I collect my sword and loop the scabbards for it and also my dagger onto my hip. I give the dagger a look over too.
Dagger: Mundane: Melee / Can be Thrown / Equipped Damage: 1-5 Lethal.
Not too bad. Seems to be pretty close to the damage of the sword, and it can be thrown so that’s a plus. Beside you never know when a hold out dagger will come in handy.
There are only a few items left in the pile now. The backpack, armor, Naga venom filled bottle, the Naga hide and the meat.
Adventurer’s Backpack: Mundane: This item can be used to pull forth 5 mundane pieces of adventuring gear. The items retrieved cannot have a value of more than 5 gold. Once an item is called forth from the pack it remains. Contents: 50ft Hemp Rope, Grappling Hook, Handsaw. Uses Remaining: x2
That’s weird. This isn’t a magical item? I poke about in the bag for a moment and sure enough it has Rope, a grappling hook and a handsaw along with all sorts of other items, but for some reason I can’t seem to focus on any of them. I’m tempted to try pulling out something to test the ability but I don’t want to waste it. It almost seems like this is a storytelling item. When a Game Master doesn’t want to be bothered with the players keeping track of niggly bits of bookkeeping. Like how many fish hooks, candles, lumps of soap or bits of chalk the players are humping around with.
“Mind if I take the Naga Venom?” Cinnamon plucks up the bottle and swirls it in her hand.
“You did do most of the work milking it. I had no idea how to after all. All I know how to do is skin and dress something for eating.” My gamer instincts kick in and I glance over to her, “Where did you learn how to do that anyway, Cinnamon?”
Insight vs Cinnamon Butter: Fail!
“My pop-pop taught me.” Her ears give a little twitch, “ He knew all kinds of things about plants and animals. What could be used as ingredients in potions or how to mix salves and elixirs. I’m nowhere near as good as pop-pop, but I know a little bit.” She pushes her hip out and jangles the bottles hanging there with a little shake.
“Well it looks to me like he was a good teacher.” I smirk. It feels like she isn’t telling me something but I dismiss it as I watch the booty shake. I take a second and concentrate on the bottles to see if I get any information, but nothing pops up in my mind’s eye. Perhaps it has to be not owned or equipped for it to work.
Looking up I realize that I’ve been staring at her hips and I get a bit embarrassed at being caught gawking, even if I didn’t mean it in that way. “Sure, it was your bottle anyway.” With a sheepish grin I thumb toward the pile, “Do you mind me taking the backpack?”
“Nope, and you can have that yucky meat and stuff too.” She sticks out her tongue and points to a stack consisting of the bloody Naga hide, the few teeth that we didn’t break to make it safer to milk out the poison, the rattle frills and large chunks of snake meat.
“Okay. I guess the only thing left is the armor then.”
Scruffy (DAMAGED) Studded Leather: Full Body: Armor: 2 Physical / 1 Energy. -2 to Dex. Skills. -1 to Defense Value.
I check it out then compare it to what I had before.
Worn Leather Jacket: Torso / Arms: Armor: 1 Physical / 0 Energy.
Soft Leather Riding Boots: Lower Legs / Feet: Armor: 1 Physical / 1 Energy.
Eesh! I didn't have much protection before. I’m suddenly even happier that the Naga never actually hit me with one of its attacks. Nothing even triggers for my pants and shirt. Looks like they don’t offer anything ability wise. Still the armor does have penalties to Dex skills and Defense Value. Maybe because its worn out and damaged? Given a bit of time I could probably repair it.
“I don’t think it will fit me." Cinnamon gives a glance to the worn out looking suit and then at my still drying clothes. "If you take it would you mind if I used your old jacket and boots?”
“Yeah? You would be good with that?”
“Yup, yup.” She nods.
“Thanks, Cinni. You’re a gem.” With a smile I walk over to my jacket, making sure to stop and pose-wring out my slightly damp shirt for good measure.
Cinnamon, meanwhile, has already skipped over to my boots and leaning on the crystal block, pulls them on.
I don’t know if my antics had any effect on her, but watching a bunny girl centerfold tug on a pair of over the knee thigh highs must definitely be my kryptonite. I can feel my stupid grin but can’t seem to help it as I step forward to assist her dressing by placing the jacket on her.
She flips her long hair over the collar and her hotness jumps up another few points.
“Thanks Brian.” Cinnamon moves over to the reflective wall and turns left and right.
“Damn. You look amazing.”
“Yeah, you really think so?”
“Either that or something's wrong with my eyes,” I give her a sly smile, “because I can't take them off you."
“Now you’re the one that’s going to be Naga nibbles for being too sweet.” She giggle coos then spins around. “Well, you better get yourself ready too so that we can go find my stuff. It shouldn’t be too far from here. I don’t think.”
“Good idea.” I say.
Just like being able to shoot and knowing how to field dress a gigantic snake I put on the armor like its second nature. Though it does take me a few minutes, and a few more to stuff everything else into my backpack. I’m just about to tell Cinnamon that I’m ready to head out when I get an idea. With a final poke around I scrounge and fill up a couple tattered pouches with colored and glowing crystals of various lengths and sizes. After they are secured in the backpack with everything else I head over to the water filled tunnel were Cinnamon is waiting.
“Sucks that we are gonna have to go into the water again. I'm not looking forward to walking around in soaking wet clothes.” I kneel down and drop to my waist the cold water. The sudden shock nearly steals my breath and I have to force my teeth together to keep them from chattering.
“That’s true.” Cinnamons little tail double twitches and a blush tinges her cheeks. “I guess we will just have to take them off and let them dry overnight while we make camp.”
“Yeah. Good idea, Cinni.” With that picture in my head I suddenly don’t mind the cold water.
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