《Anya》Prologue (Part 1)


Prologue (Part 1)

In the distance, the rumblings of machines could be heard. The smell of burning coal saturated the air, however, the inhabitants of this land were used to it. In fact, it brought them comfort to know that the old machines were still alive. These machines were the gifts of the Ancients, illuminating the crystal lights that allowed everyone to see, that allowed everyone to survive. The inhabitants of these lands could not depend purely on the sky, as it only shifted between dark and black. For at best, only the outlines of objects could be seen if not for the lights.

Life within this town was not easy; food was always scarce and tools were constantly worn down. Despite all the hardships, the townsfolk still made the best out of what they could by finding whatever free time possible to socialize, and if the conditions permit, a modest festival was held.

In this tight-knit community, everyone treated one another as if they were family, giving each other a reason to live on. It is in this town that Anya was born, this town of Black-Rock.

The sound of metal striking rocks ringed through the crisp air. The citizens of Black-Rock knew that the machines were always hungry, never ceasing to consume coal. Men and women holding an assortment of rifles busy themselves in preparing the iron carriages for departure. Without trading, this town cannot hope to survive as the meager number of crops they were able to grow cannot hope to sustain themselves. With their only specialty being coal, Black-Rock had to import food, ammunition, tools, along with the foul wine needed to power their iron carriages. Luckily, the nearby city of Luminus was willing to provide it to them.

A woman in her mid-twenties, dressed in old military fatigue laced with stitches and patches directed the group of similarly dressed men and women to their stations. Her name was Anna, with unparalleled beauty and unmatched charisma, she will soon lead the convoy on their trade mission like the countless times she has done before. Approaching her is a casually dressed man in his late twenties wearing a pink apron and holding a toddler in his arms.


“Please return soon, there’s a limit to how many times I can take the horrible smell of her... you know, before I lose my mind,” the man gave a gentle smile. “How about next time I lead the convoy and you take care of Anya? You need the quality mother-daughter time or Anya will forget you.”

“Oh really?” Anna approached the toddler. As soon as Anya saw who moved toward her, she quickly spun around and attempted to jump into Anna’s bosom. “I think it’s you who needs to spend some quality time with Anya.” Anna held the toddler close to her chest. With a quick glance at Anya’s large brown eyes and cute puffy cheeks, she could not help but squeeze Anya tightly in her arms.

“She’s beautiful, just like her mother.” The man spoke with a somewhat melancholy smile. “Hey... at least let me come with –“

Before he could finish, Anna Interrupted him.

“Someone needs to stay here and take care of Anya unless you want to leave her here alone. And don’t you dare suggest leaving her with Stephan since he could barely take care of his own health.”

“Because he has such a capable sister who took care of his health for him. Besides, I’m sure he’s still angry at me for planning this route. In fact, just the other day, he threatened me: ‘Ethan, if anything happens to my sister, don’t think I’ll go easy on you just because you’re her husband. I’m going to shove my foot so far up your -’”

“I get it, I get it. Not in front of Anya.”

Both Anna and Ethan let out a light chuckle. After a moment of silence, the man’s smile soon vanished.

“Listen, Anna, you don’t have to do this. Let’s send out some scouts first. Who knows what you’ll find in the Gray-Rock Ruins. We’ll just ration ourselves until we’ve made sure everything is safe.”


“Might as well not eat if we ration ourselves any further. The only reason we are doing this is that we’re running out of time and we’re desperate. Look, Ethan, I know you’re worried, but trust me, this is not my first time traveling through ruins like this one. I’ll be fine.”

"..." Ethan wanted to retort but couldn't.

“I have to go. If we wait any longer then I won’t be able to make it through the ruins before whatever natural light we have vanished. Then, we’ll have something to worry about.” Anna handed Anya back to Ethan. “Anya, be a good girl and keep your father safe for me, okay?”

“Un!” Anya said while she puffed up her chest and made a motion reminiscent of a salute, the toddler's poor motor controls caused to her strike herself in the process.

Anna could not help but smile at the scene played out in front of her.

As Anna entered the iron carriage situated in the middle of the convoy, Ethan shouted his regards.

“Please come back safely!”

Turning to face Ethan, Anna replied with a scoff, “Who the hell do you think I am?”

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