《The Vitaean Chronicles - Volume I: The Sanguine Prince》Chapter 23: Rip and Tear
Arcturus breathed steadily in the way his father had taught him, working to regulate his airflow and ensure a calmer mind before he fought.
He shifted stance one last time and moved to face the enemy to his north — one of two men — with the intention of breaking through him to gain positioning to watch the other three while he tried to remove one target immediately.
His jaw clenched and he tightened his two-handed grip on Perdition to try to steady his thunderous heartbeat.
“Begin!” Tylariel called at the same time as his HUD timer reached 0.
Arcturus exploded into motion with every ounce of his System-enhanced speed, racing towards the club-wielding simulacrum of a human vagrant. His sword was kept low, sweeping forwards with his movement as he rapidly approached his bearded foe.
Perception Check successful!
The vagrant swung his club with a yell, aiming to crack Arcturus’ skull; but it was telegraphed.
Arcturus’ instincts kicked in and he dropped his weight to duck under the swing, coming back up with a quick slash of his aetherblade — thankful for its disproportionate lightness — in an attempt to bisect his foe.
Unfortunately for Arcturus, he’d overestimated his own speed; and the beggar dancing back before his blade could do fatal damage. Instead, red mist sprayed into the air and a bleeding rend showed up across the man’s chest, staining his rags with vital fluid. In tandem, Arcturus noticed a red 48 flash into existence above the vagrant as his sword connected.
Floating damage text? Well, that was useful!
Unfortunately, his brief jubilation at scoring a hit distracted him a moment too long.
A feeling of brutal impact sent radiating waves of pain through his right arm, and Arcturus found himself flung off his feet and rolling across the floor, his right arm throbbing in agony. He gasped for air as he came to a halt and looked around frantically, his mind already working to centralise his location the way he’d been taught.
The culprit, one of the women, was immediately apparent given she was readjusting her club when Arcturus spotted her — at the same time as her companions were charging towards him.
He gritted his teeth and pushed himself to his feet, snarling in pain at the feeling of what was very likely a heavily bruised, if not fractured upper arm. Tylariel hadn’t been kidding; these ‘minions’ weren’t playing around.
Arcturus had managed to keep ahold of his aetherblade despite the hit, thanks to the reflexive tightening of his left hand, and he raised it in front of him defensively while wincing at the pain in his right arm.
His muscles did not enjoy being worked after that hit.
The second man was in the lead this time as the group converged on him and Arcturus stepped forward to meet him, watching his opponent’s movements as he waited for an opening.
The moment the vagrant swung — another telegraphed attack, thankfully — for Arcturus’ head, he didn’t aim to duck. Instead he brought up his aetherblade and tried to slice right through the club, prioritizing disarming his foe over dodging.
Strength Check unsuccessful!
Arcturus barely had time to exclaim in surprise when his sword was smashed aside, and the club slammed into his helmet and staggered him. Thankfully the force was greatly reduced thanks to his failed but enthusiastic attempt at a block-and-slice, and Arcturus found himself both angry and disoriented.
Hadn’t Tylariel said Aetherblades could cut through damn near anything?
Distant laughter told him his Mentor knew exactly what he was thinking, and Arcturus cursed.
Having turned the hit to his head into some sort of momentum to get away, Arcturus was thankful for his helmet when he turned back to face the band of enemies. If not for the armour, he’d very likely have been concussed or knocked unconscious by the blow. He had a feeling Tylariel would stop the training before any critical damage occurred, but… Well, he couldn’t rely on that. Not really.
He was on his own.
Get your head in the game, idiot.
Arcturus glanced back towards his enemies and saw them advancing cautiously towards him again, this time moving as a solid group. Worse still, he noted, was that the man he’d injured was already looking partially recovered. His wound, such as it was, had partially sealed itself.
“Fuck.” He cursed under his breath as he glanced between all four enemies, and then at his Health and Mana bars.
His Health had taken a hit, and was sitting at 103 / 133, while his mana was still 133 (63) / 133. A growl built up in his throat, and he decided to take a risk. His aetherblade wasn’t working, and his physical attributes clearly were overmatched. It was time to use the one resource he had a feeling he had an advantage with.
His [Telekinesis] awoke like it was eager, and Arcturus ignored the flash of a blue -3 from his Mana bar. With his left hand holding Perdition, he raised his right arm and conjured four telekinetic knives with a thought and once again ignored the flash of blue in his HUD that informed him he’d lost even more mana.
The vagrants hesitated for a moment at the appearance of monochrome fire licking the silhouettes of the pure force weapons, and Arcturus chose that moment to strike.
The knives lanced out at the encroaching group like bullets from a gun, and Arcturus could almost feel them slice through the air resistance to punch into the aetheric constructs. Three of them cried out in pain as they were telekinetically shanked, while one of the women actually managed to accidentally — so Arcturus hoped, at least — shatter their knife against their club.
“You like that!?” He shouted defiantly, before throwing out his right arm with a wince and generating four large lances, this time, of telekinetic force. When these appeared, a flicker of fear flashed onto the vagrants’ faces and Arcturus scowled at them.
They weren’t real. What did their fear matter? They weren’t real.
A snarl left his lips and he set the lances to spinning as the vagrants stared at the outlines hesitantly, looking between them and him. Finally their ‘programming’ seemed to win over their hesitation, and all four raised their clubs to charge at him.
Arcturus grinned and, instead of backpedalling, charged directly at them as a mad plan formed itself in his mind.
The first swing of a mace was dodged narrowly as he closed in, and he took another in across his protected spine with a grunt of pain — though he didn’t allow the hit to disrupt his focus, maintaining the spinning lances and repositioning them quickly.
Another crack of a club against his armoured ribs sent a cough of spittle and a little blood out of his lips, but he wiped it away and ducked another swing at his head.
He was in the middle of them now, and they’d fanned out to surround him.
It was perfect.
Arcturus shouted in rage and drew deep on his mana reserves, picturing and implementing a simple shape: A cage of four sides, made of bars instead of solid walls to conserve a small amount of mana. Thankfully none of the vagrants had stabbing weapons, which meant that when the telekinetic cage came into existence around Arcturus, their clubs impacted ineffectually against it.
And then the Lances made themselves known.
Four rapidly spinning razor-tipped spears of telekinetic force slammed into each of the vagrants, carrying them towards the cage with the momentum of the impacts as Arcturus positioned himself in the middle of an abrupt square made of telekinetic lines. As each of them slammed, screaming, into the telekinetic construct Arcturus grinned.
The cage was dismissed a second later, and Arcturus wasted no time in bringing Perdition to bear against the dazed and impaled vagrants. The lances vanished one by one as he swung for their heads, rapidly decapitating one man and one woman in fountains of red — all while doing his best to ignore the wet, all-too-real sounds of their heads hitting the floor.
He dodged a desperate club-swing from the second woman, and stepped into her range to punch her viciously in the throat. Her eyes widened as she attempted to suck in air, and Arcturus took the chance to step back and ram Perdition into her chest at an angle; right where her heart would be.
The simulacrum’s eyes rolled up into her head as blood and foam bubbled from her mouth, and she dropped like a puppet with her strings cut when he tore his blade out of her side in a spray of red mist, organs, and viscera.
Arcturus turned to find his final, and initial enemy staring at him with wide and terrified eyes.
Guilt and pity surfaced in his mind, only to be wrestled down and crushed.
They weren’t real.
They weren’t real.
No more doubt or hesitation stayed his hand as he rushed the vagrant, ignoring the pain of his ribs and the aches along his spine. The man raised his club defensively and Arcturus snorted, throwing out his right hand and generating a blade of telekinetic force, which he promptly tugged towards him at knee-height. The simulacrum’s legs were severed below the knee-caps and he screamed, only for the sound to cut off a moment later when Perdition entered his mouth and slammed down into the floor behind his head to split his skull in twain.
Arcturus staggered backwards and heaved for air as the exertion caught up to him, glancing through his hud quickly as he saw new notifications crop up.
Congratulations, you have defeated 4 enemies!
Minion Simulacrum (Level 6) 55 Experience Minion Simulacrum (Level 6) 55 Experience Minion Simulacrum (Level 6) 55 Experience Minion Simulacrum (Level 6) 55 Experience
220 Experience
Your Aetherblade Wielding skill has risen to Level 2!
A wave of nausea rocked him as he read the notification, and he tore off his helmet in the same moment as he turned around, crashing to his knees as he vomited; black and white spots appearing in his vision while his stomach heaved, and acid burned his throat.
Arcturus gasped for air, and then vomited again — right arm, ribs, and spine throbbing in agony as he struggled to keep his torso upright on trembling hands.
“F-fuck!” He rasped out as he gasped for air, spitting blood and bile onto the ground.
“Take a moment to collect yourself.” Tylariel said dispassionately from somewhere nearby. “We’ll be going again shortly.”
“What?!” Arcturus demanded, staggering up to his feet shakily and turning to face her. A warm, wet towel hit him in the face almost as soon as he turned and Arcturus stumbled in surprise more than anything else.
“Clean yourself up.” Tylariel instructed in the same ruthless tone. “That was one round, Apprentice. That shouldn’t have even made you break a sweat, let alone get concussed and empty your lunch on my good training room floor.”
Arcturus worked to clean off his face and armour quickly, surprised by how little blood there was on the steel as he wiped down his arms and chest. “Mentor, I only have three mana left and—”
“Then you will need to make do with low Mana reserves, or doff your aetherblade and rely on your psionic gifts. You will be permitted a twenty minute rest break after the next round.”
“What happens if I get killed?!”
“Then I was wrong about you.” Tylariel said coldly. “This is not your soft shard, Arcturus Regis. There will be no coddling here. You will fight, you will overcome, and you will thrive — or you will die, and I will shed no tears for such an unworthy end. You have one minute until we go again.”
Arcturus stared at his Mentor’s impassive face, and then threw the towel aside with a snarl. “Fine! Bring it on! You wanna break me? You’ll have to try harder!”
Tylariel nodded curtly, as if that was expected.
What followed a minute later was one of the most harrowing experiences of Arcturus’ life.
Four more simulacrums appeared, and despite his reservations, he faced them with Perdition active. At least to start.
Within the first few moments of the engagement he’d managed to use a weak telekinetic hook to trip up one of the male vagrants enough to take advantage, and had put his aetherblade through the simulacrum’s stomach with a snarl of pain and rage, using his anger at his Mentor’s callousness and fear for his life combined with his throbbing injuries to fuel his determination.
Realising he was incapable of keeping up with the faster, stronger foes around him using his Aetherblade; Arcturus had deactivated Perdition and instantly freed up another 70 Mana. Wasting no time, he’d used it to generate a veritable plethora of telekinetic blades and lash out. Where his skills as a duelist were lacking, his telekinetic ability — disproportionately upskilled during his fight with Jakob and the others — turned the combat into something far more manageable.
Right up until his Willpower Check failed due to his concussion.
What had previously been an arsenal of telekinetic weapons fizzled out of existence when his head rebelled against the exertion placed upon its damaged self, and Arcturus had nearly had his skull rung again by a sudden swing of a club.
Only a very lucky stumble, due to his backlash from losing his [Telekinesis], had saved him from a potentially fatal hit to the skull. With no time to waste, he’d managed to brute force his [Telekinesis] enough to throw a blind wave of jagged spikes out from him and wound all three of the remaining simulacrums enough to throw them off.
After that he’d released the skill again, grabbed the club left behind from the first of the new wave that he’d killed, and taken the fight to his foes.
Initially their greater strength and speed had been a source of frustration for him, until he realised that they were limited both by their lack of magic and their predictability. A combination of clever and subtle uses of [Telekinesis] to hook feet, smack heads, or throw off swings had allowed him to play around their relatively telegraphed attacks and dance within their guards.
He’d traded body shots on himself to learn their patterns and combinations, after which he’d prioritised attacks against kneecaps, ribs, and elbows: Primarily protecting his head while allowing his breastplate to get hammered as he traded progressively more damaged ribs, a broken collarbone, and a ruined right leg for a nauseating combination of distended, useless, and broken limbs across his foes’ bodies.
When he’d finally managed to kill them, it had been a brutal, agonising, and bloody affair: His borrowed club rising and falling repeatedly to smash teeth, crack skulls, and shatter jaws as gore and viscera coated him in deepening shades of red.
He’d vomited directly onto one of the dying simulacrums mid-execution, by the end, due to a mix of pain and nausea — and had actually seen it react in disgust and panic at what had happened.
Ten minutes after Tylariel had announced the start of the second round, Arcturus lay bloody and near-unconscious beside two corpses with their heads pounded in beyond all recognition. Eight dead or dying simulacrums surrounded him in different states of destruction, making the training arena look for all the world like some morbid battle royale site.
Not even his Mentor’s threats to break him herself had managed to rouse him by the end of the second round, and even as Arcturus saw the notification happily informing him he’d reached Level 5; his consciousness had started fading.
When the darkness finally came, he welcomed the reprieve.
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Kingdom Come: Archemi Online Chronicles Vol.3
Kingdom Come is the third book in the Archemi Online Chronicles, a LitRPG Epic Fantasy series starring a dragon and her pet rider. ***DRAGON SEED IS FREE ON AMAZON BETWEEN 16TH-21ST APRIL 2019*** Kingdom Come (Archemi Online #3) As reward for stopping a serial killer and restoring the Kingdom of Vlachia to its rightful ruler, Dragozin Hector and his queen dragon, Karalti, have earned a noble title, a castle, and land of their own.There’s only one problem – it’s occupied. By a freaking elder vampire.Not only has the vampire unleashed the blight of undeath across the land, but a crazed ex-developer is on the warpath. His mission? To take Hector’s dragon, free the Void Dragons, and use their combined power to become the Dragon-God Emperor of Archemi.Hector never wanted to go back to war, not even in a video game. But now, he must fight to claim his territory from Ol’ Fangface before everything is taken from him - including his beloved dragon. You can pre-order Kingdom Come on Amazon here: Kingdom Come on Amazon. Previous Installments in the Series: Dragon Seed (Archemi Online #1) What would you give to be a dragon rider? Before being conscripted to fight in the Total War, Private Hector Park had a shattered family, a collection of old videogames, and a promising career as a motorcycle stuntman. Now, he is dying from a virus threatening humankind with extinction. He has three days to live.When Hector’s brother contacts him after years of hostile silence, Hector goes to try and make peace. But his brother has an offer even more unbelievable than reconciliation: the chance to cheat death by joining him in Archemi, a full-immersion fantasy VR-RPG videogame. Determined to forge a life worth living, Hector undergoes the experimental upload process and chooses the difficult path of the Dragon Knight. To achieve his dream, he must prove himself worthy of imprinting a dragon, a being with whom he will share a telepathic bond more intimate than any human relationship.But at what cost? This book is live on Amazon: click here to go to Amazon Trial by Fire (Archemi Online Book #2) is the sequel to Dragon Seed, the first book in the Archemi Online LitRPG/Gamelit series. It is largely standalone, but I highly recommend reading Dragon Seed first! One man. One game. One adorable baby dragon. Two weeks ago, Hector Park cheated death by uploading his mind to the ultra-immersive fantasy RPG game, Archemi. After exposing the rotten heart of an order of dragon knights, he’s now on the run with a young queen dragon who could one day become the most powerful mount in the game. To get strong enough to face their enemies, they need a quest – a big one. Fortunately, trouble has a way of finding Hector, and it does – in the form of a series of brutally murdered priests, a king in desperate need of a hero, and a beautiful, fiery berserker. The risk? Huge. The payoff? More gold than a dragon’s hoard. There's only one problem - Archemi is haunted by the ghost of a mad developer bent on making the game his personal playground. And now that the world outside has vanished in a storm of nuclear fire, there's no one left to stop him. Or at least, that’s what he thinks. Because Hector isn't the kind of man to take this shit lying down, and neither is his dragon. You can find Trial by Fire here: Trial by Fire on Amazon
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Papercuts to Fell Immortals
Qing Shen is a girl from the counrtyside, forced into a role she never wanted by a Young Master who's infamy is spread throughout the land. As a Cultivator in the path to immortality, Qing Shen has to deal with her own problems as well as the mysteries surrounding her Young Master. Things, however, are not as they seem, and the young girl finds that sometimes the truth is more unbelievable than the lies we often follow. . . . If you want a less hidden-meaning summary: This story is about the struggles of one girl as she tries to become an Immortal. There won't be any meaningful romance, but there will be a plot that spans most of the story, and violence. Oh the violence! I'm not going to say that my ideas are 100% original (because hoo boy are there a lot of Wuxia), but hopefully I can write something entertaining. Guaranteed things: 1. Cliche events with a twist (I mean, it's literally in the description) 2. Important Characters will have backstories and motivations that will hopefully make them not one-dimensional (honestly, that's just normal stuff...) 3. Untrustworthy characters (everyone in the story lies, even me, so don't trust everything you read... but at the same time, trust everything you read) 4. Goodish grammar (not gonna say mine's the best, but it's readable in most cases) 5. Plot! (Everywhere!) 6. worldbuilding? (Should be there somewhere, but I probably won't do blatant info dumps... probably) 7. Character development? (Its there... at some point...) 8. The story gets dark at some points (if you don't like characters dying, then this might not be your cup of tea) 9. A strong main character? (She'll be strong, yes. However, her enemies are also strong. If everyone is strong, then is she no longer strong? My brain hurts) 10. Wow, this list is going on for awhile... uh, Believable and reasonable Action? (I mean, I'm writing for mainly my fun, so if I want a fight scene, then I might craft a scenario to explain it... or I might suddenly throw in a Dragon and call it a day) This story also goes by the same name over on Webnovel.com, but I'm going to be updating it here because, well I want to. They are both by me, and created by me. If there's anything that seems like a copy of another work, then that's just the genre being saturated by everything under the sun.
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He's a werewolf. She's, not exactly human. But she doesn't realize this until she gets into a car accident and she starts thinking she hit her head hard afterward, considering she was looking at a bunch of cats that only her and her sister could see. Will her werewolf mate accept her? Or will there be a conflict between their fathers because of old memories, as well as the need to never let go of his children?
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Aria and Ivy are twin sisters whose father has gone missing for three years. They have left no stone unturned to find him, but all in vain.In an unusual encounter, a business tycoon, Noah Allen Carter, falls in love with Aria. Meanwhile, Ivy approaches Joshua Martin, who is a friend of Noah, to help find her father and in the process falls for his charms. What happens when the sisters find that the people they love are the ones behind their misery?............................................................................................"Ivy, sweetheart. Please come back. I love you." Joshua cried holding her hand. However, there was no response from her. "Ivy, please say something. Don't be like this."Joshua kissed her hand, but Ivy had long made up her mind. Only a miracle could make her come back to him............................................................................................."I hate you, Noah," she shouted."I love you, Aria," he replied, pulling her towards him."No, you don't.""Yes, I do. Falling in love with you is the best thing that ever happened to me. I will always love you; today and forever." Readers can join my discord server to know more about the book.Discord: https://discord.gg/HU4xe96Disclaimer: The cover picture does not belong to me.
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Julie knows nothing about the supernatural until, one night, she gets kidnapped with Elena and learn that she lives in a world where vampires and witches exist. Her life changes then, after a certain Original takes an interest in her. (Elijah x OC) (I am well aware of the stupid mistakes in that thing) + (unfinished)Someone by the username of Phoenix1Queen has plagiarized this story, their story is called Falling in Love with an Original.I do not authorise this work, or any of my works, to be reposted, changed, spun-off in anyway no matter how many changes you make or claim you made.
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