《The Primordial Tower [Re]》Chapter 25- The Con


“You sure it has to be done this way?” Noah asked as he stared down the majestic ten-story Indigo pagoda from the corner of a deserted alley.

“These people lad, they respect two things- authority and power. What, you think you can just stroll into their sect and ask them politely to hand over their resources- No, they’ll pepper you with questions until your cover is blown. Just trust me on this.”

Noah sighed and changed into elegant black martial robes that had a golden dragon painted over them, one that he’d been forced to pilfer from the nearby market- a little misdirection and his superhuman dexterity helped. Of course, he still wore his armor underneath. With a deep breath, he started walking towards the entrance of the pagoda, which was guarded by two guards wearing exceptionally heavy armor that had a large runic symbol carved at the center of each chest piece.

Two bronze doors that were easily ten meters tall guarded his entrance into the pagoda, and Noah could only guess at the hidden defenses set to trigger inside the pagoda.

Noah puffed his chest out, slicked his hair backward, and clasped his hands behind his back- walking towards the Sect entrance with slow, measured steps as if he owned the place.

“Ahem,” Noah feigned clearing his throat and gave two glances to his left and right. There was a small concentration of crowd milling about, but people didn’t gather in front of the Sect unless they wanted to enter; the others were simply going about their business.

“Halt. State your purpose!” One of the guards pointed a spear at Noah’s neck as he continued walking closer.

“Little man, I’m here to see Bulai,” Noah replied with a level of arrogance and misplaced self-confidence that felt alien to him.


Noah flashed the man the seal, only for an instant, but it was enough for his eyes to widen in shock and the spear to freeze in the man’s hands.


“Yes, that’s more like it. Now, you two mindless brutes can lead me to your Sect Leader without making a din,” Noah snapped at the guards, who hastily retracted their spears and thumped their chests with their left wrist.

“Honored Guest, we will have to inspect you for any weapons. Please, forgive us; We are only following protocol,” The guard standing to Noah’s left said in a small and polite voice as if he were nervous Noah would snap at him.

“I am unarmed, but sure, I have already suffered your transgressions once. How bad can a second time be?” Noah mirthfully consented, and the guard on the right awkwardly, but diligently patted him down. Then, he pulled a circularly cut crystal from his left pocket and looked at Noah through it.

“Honored Guest, till your identity is ascertained by the sect master I’m afraid I’ll have to insist you wear a blindfold; These are tumultuous times and as such the location of the sect master’s chambers is highly confidential,” Both the guards gave Noah a light bow, though he just grimaced in response.

“Why call me an honored guest if you will treat me like a stray mutt? Fine, have it your way for now, but I assure you Bulai won’t hear the end of this," Noah ascented with a harrumph, and a few moments later the world went black.

Noah was led down what he could only assume was a hallway, the conversations in the hall dying down as soon as a blindfolded man was led down the Sect halls, he assumed. From then he took a left, walked straight for a few minutes, took a right again; the guards were leading him by hands of course, and then for a brief moment it felt as if Noah was moving in all the directions at once; yet none at the same time… it was a disorienting, terrible experience but it only lasted a second.

“Master Bulai, you have a guest who bears the Seal of the Wailun Clan,” one of the guards announced his presence, and a deep, authoritative voice that seemed to be middle-aged replied,


“What? How is that possible!? Unmask him, but keep your spears pointed. He shows the slightest hint of aggression, and you have permission to kill.”

The blindfold was removed, and the first sight Noah saw was a regal, middle-aged man with his hair slicked back together, an old fashioned wispy brown mustache, and piercing blue eyes that made for a stunning match with his stunning indigo robes; They were clearly of different, far more sophisticated make compared to the ones Noah had seen pedestrians wear; complex, intricate runes etched with glamorous golden thread that seemed to be slowly moving, revolving almost, around the wearer.

“Ah, Bulai, a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance. I would suggest that you fire your guards, they clearly have no idea how to treat valued guests such as myself,” Noah gave Bulai a wolfish grin, seemingly completely unconcerned by the two spears pointed at his back or the frown on Bulai’s face.

“Who are you and how did you acquire that seal. I swear if you give me an unsatisfactory answer, you will die standing” Bulai snapped, giving Noah a vehement look that promised violence.

The smile on Noah’s face vanished, and he looked at Bulai as if he were looking at something worth less than garbage. “Firstly… your Grand-Uncle sent me, I am the assassin he has chosen to deal with our mutual enemy. Secondly, do you have any fucking idea who you’re talking to? I am a patient man, Bulai, I really am. So far, I have been insulted, manhandled, and then threatened by your guards, then, you had the audacity to threaten my life. The San Sect has wiped out other sects for far lesser offenses, Bulai, should I take that as Wailun’s consent to be added to the list?” Noah cocked his head and looked at Bulai as if he were looking at a particularly magnificent breed of a fool.

Bulai’s face turned as white as paper, as he raised a pointed finger at Noah, “The San Sect…. of Western Prefecture? Im… Impossible…..”

“The very same,” Noah replied with a curt, mocking bow.

“Apologies, young master,” The two guards behind Bulai bowed their head in apology, but Bulai himself didn’t lower his guard.

“I am sorry for the earlier disrespect you have been shown, but you must be aware that tensions are running high in the town. May I ask why the San Sect has decided to intervene in this matter?” Bulai regained the pride and confidence of a leader, professionally posing questions to Noah in order to determine the situation.

“One of the items in possession of the Saemanis Sect is of great interest to a certain powerful entity within the Sect. I have been dispatched to offer my assistance and recover the item, and your grand-uncle has found my level of skill to be satisfactory. He also gave me the Sect Seal to ensure any and all my needs during my brief stay are met, I trust there will be no problem?”

“Did my grandfather mention anything else to you?” Bulai asked, and his gaze shifted to his guards just for a second.

“Appear subservient and weak on the exterior, appear ambitious yet fearful on the interior. The true dagger shall strike from the unseen hand,” Noah recited word to word, and the tense expression on Bulai’s face finally eased.

“Sanaya!” Bulai called out, and a petite lady entered the quarters a moment later. “See to it that the young master’s every need is met, Grand Uncle has entrusted him with the Sect Seal. And make sure that the matter of his arrival is only restricted to the people within the room.”

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