《The Primordial Tower [Re]》Chapter 10- Humanity


“Ow,” Noah groaned, as he went down tumbling with the now deceased red goblin. Panting, he unsteadily got up back on his legs, and started retrieving his belongings. First, the bloodied dagger that had penetrated deep into the goblin’s neck- which had been way more useful than he’d expected, and his trusty ol’ gladius lying on the floor- flash strike was a hell of a good perk, without it there was no chance he was catching the red goblin off guard.

He was beat down, tired and wanted nothing more than a good meal and a night’s sleep, but for now looting the goblin came first.

Slain Goblin Avenger (Level 4, sub-elite) x 1- 600 EP awarded!

Triple Drop Rate is in effect (+ Bonus modifier for slaying a sub-elite ranked foe beneath your level)-

Loot Tab

Hammer of Minor Gravity Manipulation, Uncommon

Night Wanderer’s Greaves, Common

Gloves of Deftness, Common

Weapon Evolution Stone, Common

Title Unlocked- Unflinching

Even in the face of long odds, you remain unflinching and confident. Unlocked by slaying a higher-level sub-elite ranked foe within Floor 1 of the Tower of Glory, Gridlocked.

+5 to All Stats (Except LUK)

Hammer of Minor Gravity Manipulation, Uncommon

Requirements- 30 Strength

A mighty hammer fit for an equally mighty warrior, it is imbued with gravity reduction properties, allowing it to heft a tremendous amount of bulk yet be comfortable in the hands of the wielder. The way of the hammer is of one where there is no room for clever swordplay or genial posturing, only of raw, unfiltered strength and a desire to reduce one’s foe to nothingness.

Additional Effects-

Temporal Compression- The hammer of Minor Gravity Manipulation adjusts its size and weight according to the wielder’s specifications. The bulk and length of the hammer is equal to the wielder’s total body weight and height, to a maximum of thousand kilograms and 3 meters in length.

Gravity Manipulation- Reduces the weight the wielder of the weapon has to carry by up to 65 percent to a maximum of 650 kilograms.


Consecutive Blows- Every third strike made within a minute has a 50 percent chance to deal 50 percent more damage. The blow must make direct bodily contact. Cooldown- Can only proc once every 60 seconds.

Night Wanderer’s Greaves, Common

Offers light protection against weapons up to [Common] Grade. Greaves crafted specifically for the watchers who wander the darkness, requiring easy maneuverability and light clothing that doesn’t hinder mobility. Medium concealment ability.

Gloves of Deftness, Common

Attacks made while wearing these gloves are 5% faster.

Higher EXP awarded for slaying a higher level sub-elite foe.

Congratulations, you have reached Level 3.

Congratulations, you have reached level 4.

You have 10 unassigned stat points.

Name Noah Smith

Level 4

Race Human

Titles Trailblazer, Unflinching

Primordial Spirit: (0/8 slots filled)

Combat Art -

Intelligence 9

Strength 7

Wisdom 7

Constitution 8

Dexterity 10

Luck 1

Free Points 10

“Hahahaha, you cheeky bastard. You actually did it!” Liam exclaimed in joy, genuine joy, from the sound of it.

“Did what?” Noah asked, puzzled.

“You remember how I told you there were two crucial elements to slaying the goblin lord? Well, you just solved the first piece of the puzzle lad, be proud,” Liam said with a glimmer of pride in his voice, seeming actually surprised for once.

“What? Slaying the red goblin? I don’t see how that’s relevant… Or are you talking about the title? 5+ all stats sure is awesome, I feel like I’ve been reborn… I can see… and do so much more now,” Noah said, his voice distant and awestruck, as if he’d been awakened to a new realm of possibilities, an entire new world.

“None of that lad, the hammer, the bloody hammer of course. With this, you have some fair odds, old chap, real fair odds. Full disclosure, I’d still bet on the goblin lord. Now, put seven points into dexterity and 3 in strength, and off we go,” Liam explained, while Noah just watched him with a confused expression on his face.


“Wait, Liam, I can’t even use that god damned hammer. Hell, I thought the tower had conned me with that absurd strength requirement, I don’t even want a strength build for fuck’s sake,” Noah protested with a sour expression, unable to understand where this was going.

“Oi lad, no need to send me to damnation- as you can fair well see, I’m fully capable of making my own way there. As for the stat requirements, don’t sweat it and just do as I say,” Liam replied back with a casual wave, going back to flipping pages of an obsolete car magazine. What was he, in the 1990’s or something?

“Just do as I say, just do as I say, and keep finding new ways to get my fucking head lopped off. Fine, asshole,” Noah said with an exasperated sigh.

Name Noah Smith

Level 4

Race Human

Titles Trailblazer, Unflinching

Primordial Spirit: (0/8 slots filled)

Combat Art -

Intelligence 9

Strength 10

Wisdom 7

Constitution 8

Dexterity 17

Luck 1

Free Points 0

“I did it. Now what?”

“Now, my boy, we head for the grand prize.”

“Which is?”

“Why, the goblin lord’s den, of course.”

“Wait- What the hell. I thought we needed one more piece before we were ready?”

“Of course, lad. What better place to hide the greatest reward on the tower than the most well-guarded, secure and dangerous place that any sane man would not dare to venture unless pressed by a dearth of choice.”

Six hours have elapsed.

The first contraction occurs. Challengers, please leave the area marked with a red aura within 10 minutes of face immediate termination.

Survivor Count- 2136/2500.

364 people had already died. That fact hit Noah like a blow to the head, rattling him. By the end of this trial, how many of them would be left? 1000? 500? And this was only one instance, only God, and perhaps Liam knew how many instances this scene was playing out in. Noah couldn’t save those in other instances, but if he brought the goblin lord to its end in his instance, how many lives could he save? The challengers that participated in the Tower of Glory knew what they signed up for, but they also had a definite advantage over people who didn’t, and Liam said many of them went on to become peak rankers.

If Noah changed the past now, if he saved a hundred or maybe even two-hundred souls that were destined to die in the original timeline, would that increase their chances of survival? Maybe by a miniscule amount, maybe by ridiculous odds, but it was something worth pursuing. It was what his father would have wanted him to do. Out of a sample of a hundred odd people, perhaps some would be rotten to the core. Others, morally flexible, greedy to satisfy their own desires. Most? Desperate people who wanted to save someone they loved or live a little longer, but whatever their reasons they would have to climb the tower for that. He wasn’t saving saints.

But perhaps the world didn’t need saints for its salvation. Just people with the ambition, drive and greed to face overwhelming odds for personal gain. The world just needed.... humanity, at it's imperfect best.

Instead of letting his fear overwhelm him or demanding a different plan, Noah hardened his spirit and replied, “Fine.... tell me what to do.”

He couldn't bear the burden of saving the entire Earth from it's fated apocalypse, but the little he could contribute.... he wouldn't let fear stop him from doing his part.

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