《The Primordial Tower [Re]》Chapter 1- Cheerio!


“Hahaha, what a load of bullshit,” Noah chuckled to himself, those online pranksters had sure stepped it up a notch. Using a deepfake to impersonate a reporter, now that was some dedication to the cause. Noah had some work to do right now, but he did appreciate the humor- It had been a long time since he’d genuinely laughed that hard and for a moment, all his worries and anxieties were forgotten.

But man, aliens, huh? Noah enjoyed the occasional science fiction novel or movie here and there, but each time he watched one he couldn’t help but think what life would be like if he were born two hundred, no… even a hundred years later. Would humans have begun to colonize mars by then? Would we finally have made first contact with an alien species? Seems ridiculous initially, until you think about how different life was 100 years ago. The speed at which technology evolved in the last twenty years put the previous two-thousand years to shame, and while that was an unfair comparison, Noah couldn’t see any tangible reason for innovation to slow down in the future.

Either way, he was convinced that there were aliens out there- it felt incredibly conceited to assume that we were the only form of life in the universe when we weren’t even the only form of life on Earth. But Noah was equally convinced that he would not live to see such a day, he’d missed mankind’s space exploration era by a century or two. Ah well, such was life. Not that he had any far-fetched dreams of becoming an astronaut, he had a degree in economics for God’s sake, but it was simple curiosity that burned inside him like any other enthusiast.

“Huh… what’s going on?” Noah spoke out loudly, even when he was the only one in his rented accommodation. A white aura had enveloped his right hand, and it was rapidly expanding across his body. Noah started waving his arm around trying to get it off, but that only made the aura envelop him faster.


Hurriedly opening his web browser, Noah inputted the words ‘Alien invasion, New York’, into the search bar and clicked the first link that came up. A news reporter, from a different news channel this time, was focusing his camera on a weathered, ancient looking structure that extended miles into the sky. “As you can see, this is not a Hoax. I repeat, this is not a Hoax. Earth appears to have made contact with an alien civilization, as these towers materialized at roughly 2:54 pm local time in broad daylight using technology that is unidentifiable at this moment. All attempts to breach the tower by the military has resulted in catastrophic failure and 15 casualties as of this moment. Please remain calm and do not step out of your house unless absolutely nece-,” Before the reporter could finish his message, the power to his laptop cut off. At the exact same instant, all the lights, electrical appliances and gadgets either switched off or got short circuited.

A blue screen materialized in front of Noah, appearing to be floating in the air like those concept air-touch tablets, startling him.

Relocation of Non-Combatants to Floor 1 has been completed. Token Code #324321 has been allotted to you. You may reunite with the Non-Combatants on Floor 1 of the Main tower. Anyone below the age of 18 has been relocated.

“Non-combatants... Did you take my sister?” Noah yelled at the blue screen, his anger getting the better of his sense, freaked out by the sudden invasion of his mind space and the ‘relocation’ of his sister.

The Tower of the Primordial One, has yet again awakened from its slumber. Rejoice, Mortals! Break free from the shackles of mortality and take your first steps on the road to true divinity. Or simply watch from the sidelines and leave the fate of your race upon your fellow brethren, pursuing alternate paths to power.


Noah Smith, the tower presents you with a choice!

- Teleportation to the Paradise of Aeons, Floor 1 of the Main Tower. This is a [Safe Area], combat is forbidden on this floor. Restricted access to Floor 2 until the tutorial phase is completed.

- Teleportation to the Tower of Glory, Floor 1-10(?). This is a [Trial Area], combat is enabled between the denizens of the tower and fellow challengers. A tutorial phase accessible to those who dare to seize the opportunity. Access to unique rewards and paths to power that are not accessible in the main tower.

If you do not select an option in 4M 59 seconds, it will be taken as consent to participate in the Tower of Glory.

Noah stared at the screen with his eyes bulging and his jaw wide open. After reading carefully, he wiped the sweat off his brow and exhaled in visible relief. He could reunite with his sister, and his family on The Paradise of Aeons, it seemed like. His mother wouldn't be delusional enough to select the second option, and from the looks of it, his student debt had just gotten annulled.

The irony in an alien invasion, of all things, bailing him out of his student debt was not lost on him. It was hilarious, and Noah was all for it.

“Cheerio, Old Chap!” yelled a voice from Noah’s behind in a thick British accent, completely catching him off guard. A muscular, translucent hand moved past him, and a thousand questions went off in his mind. Who was this man? How had he come into his apartment, Noah hadn't heard the slightest sound of movement. But all that went for a toss, as Noah realized what his intentions were.

"NO!" Noah yelled, and his right hand darted forward towards the first option, hoping he'd get there in time. Noah felt the color wash off his face has the translucent hand got there faster by the slimmest of margins, Noah's hand only connecting with empty air.

With a flash of white light...

Noah was gone.

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