《The Bettor's Oath [A Dark-Modern LITRPG]》Chapter 11
It was either night or day, Lothar couldn’t tell. He was lying on his back, on the cold metal ground, when he heard a guard pass by his cell. The hatch slid open, showing a plate of steamed potatoes and vegetables with a bowl of soup and a chocolate milkshake. Lothar barely glanced at the food, his stomach begging him to move, but the pain overpowered it.
He was trapped inside his own mind and like a broken record player, the gurgling sounds of his mouth and tongue melting repeated over and over again.
The morbid melody and his angel’s insincere mutterings formed a ghastly symphony that brought tears to his eyes and inaudible sounds out of his throat.
The feeling of the pill beneath his tongue still lingered, like the shadow of a first love.
The pain crawled all over his face and it itched so badly that he wondered if ants were building a colony beneath the skin. He tried to touch the sore scars around his mouth and jaw, only to immediately regret it.
The pain doubled when he opened his mouth in a silent scream, further stretching the muscles of his cheeks and putting the agony of the devil in him.
He closed his eyes and sniffed away his tears–he had cried for hours, remembering every way the doctor carved on his body like an unwilling canvas.
He glanced down and almost retched when he saw the patched up work that’s been done to him. Skin tissues, far warmer in tone than his, were stitched over parts of his skin. Irritated and red lined, with puss filled bubbles encircled each tissue which held symbols he once saw on the Viking’s own arms.
He looked like a run me down plushie that’s been sewed up too many times until it became unrecognizable from its original form.
He involuntarily shivered. Disgust and hate overwhelmed him so much so that he scratched and tried to rip off the newly added skin only to end up popping the infected pimples and letting white liquid ooze out.
Biology forbade this kind of mutation, but the doctor laughed it its face.
He looked over his status screen, specifically his constitution spec.
Constitution: 20 [Temporary]
The worm had woken him up from his fever dream, informing him of all the ailments threatening his health. It didn’t mention the torture or the reason for its absence during it. He was only half-glad of that.
Lothar barely heard the loud footsteps coming in. He recognized the two guards, Gus and Tony. They were both harsh-whispering at each other.
“We’re taking him to Levi, I don’t care. This is madness. Look at him! He’s been crying and scratching at his arms for the past hours, and look at that–dammit, fuck off Gus!”
Tony busted inside the small cell. They stopped as they saw the new mess Lothar made of himself and halted at the smell. Gus’ jaded expression looked more lifelike than any of Picasso’s geometric portraits, but Tony truly seemed horrified.
“Shauna takes care of them, not Levi. You know he can’t know, he’s hired by the administration! You’ve been beating on ‘em like fucking piñatas, now you’re playing hero?”
Gus yanked Tony back as the latter tried to help Lothar up.
Tony barred his teeth and hissed, “Look at him! There’s a difference between showing dominance in a place filled with piranhas and this.”
He jerked his thumb in Lothar’s direction and continued, “Levi already knows, you know it and everyone else knows it. He kept it to himself for a while now. He won’t start squealing just a few weeks before the agents come and bust this cesspool wide open.”
Lothar backed away, crawling like a bug and putting as much distance between him and them. Tony had seen them pass by when they were escorting him back to his cell.
It hurts
“He barely went there for a few days and look how he came back! He looks terrified of his own shadow.” Tony unhandled himself and waved Gus away with an aging hand.
“What’s going on?” an inmate yelled over the screams of others who had started complaining at the sudden disturbance during the middle of the night. Gus cursed and shouted back, “Go back to sleep!”
“Gus, I only have my word and principles left. I lost everything in the army, I can't lose this too. I will call the doctor for him. You and Leon did your duty by bringing him in and went home. I only snuck him out.“ Tony pleaded as both men glanced at Lothar who stared blankly at the ceiling while hugging his knees in a fetal position.
Gus cursed and ran his hand through his oily hair “I need that shit signed because it’s me and Leonard’s asses on the line. Al is not here to cover for you if Jasmine got a whiff of this and she will if you go to Levi.”
Tony’s demeanor changed “I don’t need the bastard Al, we whistle different tunes.”
“I don’t fucking care if you two share the same asshole or not. Al is not here. Do you copy me?”
“Loud and clear. Tell me this, Al is playing with the crows, right?”
Gus looked surprised. He looked around but failed to find a way out of this conversation.
Scratching his beard, he replied warily.
“Yeah, he’s been running around doing errands for them. I don’t fucking know why he’s getting political, especially now. I don’t know how you found this out, but shit like that can get you killed, so keep it to yourself. Anyway, whatever you need to do,” Gus gave a look towards Lothar, “Do it where the sun don’t shine. If you get killed, say hi to Darwin for me.”
Gus gave him a last pointed look before going out “I clocked out 15 minutes earlier, ey?” he whispered behind his back and disappeared through the doors.
Tony looked down at the still man. Gus just told him he couldn’t take him to Levi. That means he needs to get the kid some kind of medical help without the medical staff’s help, if he wants to keep his head.
Dammit, who can help me? Who would risk their safety to help an inmate?
“Me, obviously” mumbled the man softly, mostly to himself.
“R-rex” Tony snapped his eyes down in surprise, the inmate gave him a pleading look that spoke volume of the pain he’s going through “How do you know–Nevermind, no time for that. You think Rex will help ya? He’s a tight ass, and that’s coming from me.”
“C-call for him.. Please.”
Tony scratched his beard thoughtfully. He couldn’t bring in any more people into this mess that risked more than unemployability.
“I need you to give me a reason I should bring an innocent guard into this mess.” The inmate pointed at his bed, specifically his pillow. Tony looked beneath it and found an ominous letter with a familiar handwriting.
“R-rex, now.”
Tony’s eyes bulged, but still nodded. He rushed out of the cell, as quietly as possible, and went towards the break room where he might find Rex.
He stopped dead in his tracks when he felt the fleeting touch of death run its stiff fingers down his spine. They were painted a beautiful shade of red, fine and gentle.
He gasped in pain and tumbled forward, his view tilted to see the outline of his own blood.
No good deed goes unpunished.
“I was not informed that the guards started having minds of their own.” The mocking words were the last thing Tony heard before he went to sleep.
Gus went home that night, unbothered by the events of the day. He had a rule he followed like he did no other, and that is ‘what happens in D7 stays in D7’. He won’t even follow the prison’s rules as religiously as he followed this one, because breaking the former earned him extra cash to get his son into a good school while breaking the latter would have him book expensive therapy sessions that could have gone to his son’s school tuition.
What happened with Tony still bothered him. The guy was an army man. He served in the battle against Dimascus on the border.
That’s all Gus knew about the man, and he was glad of that. If Jasmine ever questioned him, then he could tell her just that.
He entered the apartment’s garage and parked his old sedan next to his neighbor’s rover. His eyes went to the gas meter, and he sighed; it was practically empty. What was today’s gas tank price? 51 credits?
Gus got out and saw graffiti on the rover’s backdoor, a picture of a penis sprayed with red, and cringed.
He stepped out and grabbed the bags of fast food he got on his way home for dinner. He got a call the afternoon that Anthony won his spelling bee competition, so he got a little something for the kid. Gus smiled proudly as he took the stairs up. His doctor advised him to exercise more and since his job took up most of his time, Gus decided to ditch the elevator. He hadn’t lost a pound since the last consultation, but he knew he would easily become fit if he badly wanted to.
The keys turned the lock open, and he smiled “I’m home!” he wheezed a long breath before taking off his muddied shoes and hanging his drenched coat on the hanger.
Light footsteps hurried towards him, and he saw his kid rushing at him from the kitchen.
“Dad! I won today in the competition! Mom recorded everything so you can see. I won!” Gus laughed as he picked up Anthony, his back slightly burning from the effort.
He hid his wince with a proud smile. “Your mom told me. Good on you kicking ass out there. You better tell me all about it as we have dinner from your favorite place.” he lifted the bag as the kid’s eyes shined.
“Yes! C’mon we will eat while watching the tape.” The kid wiggled until Gus put him down and walked towards the kitchen where his wife was cleaning the cupboards. He stopped at the door and looked at her bending form.
She spoke without turning “I found a baby cockroach coming out from here. There’s probably a nest somewhere. We need to get an exterminator.” Gus sighed and replied as he put the food on the table.
“It’s just one small bug.”
His wife turned around sharply, eyes glaring up at him “It could be more than one bug. How can I cook here for our growing son knowing that there might be fucking roaches moving around and laying eggs between the plates and shit?”
Gus scratched his beard awkwardly "Okay, fine but it’ll be expensive... With the elections nearing, the Yunt-credit rate is only increasing.”
Her gaze softened and turned almost sad, voice much quieter “I know, 1 Yunt is equal to 27 credits today.”
Gus cursed and sat on the squeaky chair, hand running through his hair.
“It was 26 yesterday. Those bastards are ruining us! Eros damn them all.” Talia walked towards him and put a heavy hand on his shoulder. He rested his head on her plump belly as she played with his hair.
“Jerry called today. He said he might find me a position as a driver if I gave him the go.”
Gus jerked his head up “He did what? No, absolutely not–”
“Gus, we need the money–”
He cut her off with a loud shout, “Not that badly! I’ll take care of things, okay? You won’t be working as a taxi driver for that bastard. Mia didn’t even come to grandma’s funeral.”
Talia sighed and replied with a soft tone, “I know, honey. But her husband is willing to help us get me a job, the salary is insane too. It’s a popular service, and he promised I’ll only be assigned day shifts. Just imagine what we can do with that money! You can finally get your leg checked out.” she pointed at his knee that’s been hurting him badly for the past few weeks "And we can get Anthony new toys and books. That kid is smart, real smart. I don’t want to hinder his future because of something like pride and family quarrels.”
Gus sighed "But it’s not just about pride and family problems, you know that. If we call him for a favor now, then he’ll cash it in during the elections by asking us to vote for the late monarch’s son.”
Talia threw her hands in exasperation “So what? We’ll do that! It’s just two votes against thousands, it won’t make the results”
Gus knew there was some truth to her words, but he really didn’t want to vote for that bastard. It was during his father’s reign when the economic collapse occurred and thus pushing them and half the population of Volun towards poverty. The Bastard gave liberty to private establishments and companies to deal with whatever currency they wanted. Since most products are imported from Alka-dominated cities, then they chose the Yunt. So while Gus’ being payed with credits as a government’s official, everything from food and necessities are being sold for the daily rate of Yunt.
The Yunt is the official currency of Alka, being mostly dabbled between Soulbounds or in heavily Alka-supporting cities in the coalition for its occult properties. Alka refuses to exchange or take any currency that isn’t Yunt and because of the ever changing and evolution of Soul-technology, many regular founded companies have declared that they would use Yunt too instead of credits; whether to show their support to Alka or for financial reasons.
“Let me think about it, okay?” Gus’s shoulder stung. He jerked his head up, surprised to see her angry expression.
“Why did you pinch me?”
“ ‘cause you think I need your permission. I will take in your opinion but, in the end, I will do as I please, mister.”
He raised both arms in mock surrender and chuckled “Fine, woman. Now let’s go eat before the kid starts munching on furniture.”
He stood up and took three plates she handed over as she rolled her eyes “He stopped doing that years ago.”
He took the bags and plates and went into the small living room, setting them down on the coffee table. Anthony, sitting on the floor, turned to him and beamed “I put in the tape, was waiting for you.”
Gus ruffled his hair “Don’t play coy, I heard your skittering footsteps as we were having a private conversation.”
Anthony sheepishly scratched his cheek, a habit he picked up from his mother “Ahh, sorry. Next time I’ll make sure not to get caught.”
Gus’ voice boomed in laughter. Talia walked in with utensils and placed them on the table. She looked between the two boys then shook her head “What did I miss?”
“Your son won one competition and already got the confidence of a noble.”
“My first competition too! You make it sound like it was a trial-and-error win.” Anthony defended.
“Right, well do you intend on participating in other competitions soon?” Rebuked Gus.
Anthony shrugged “I will try out for the basketball team. Coach said I am pretty tall for my age.”
Gus nodded “You should. You know, back in my day I used to be a wicked baller. The coach was a mean halfling and I used to be a troublemaker, so he never let me take part in any games. That bastard died a few years later, overdosed on boosters. Got what’s coming for him.”
“Gus!” Talia slapped his arm and leveled him with an icy glare “No filthy racist talk in my home. You can run that tongue with your friends at work, not in front of the kid.”
Gus glanced at Anthony and winked, earning him a chuckle. He nodded at his wife "Sure, honey. Whatever you say.” the boys shot each other mischievous smiles before digging in.
“Anthony, elbows off the table! We’re not animals.”
“Okay, mom.” Dragged Anthony in an annoyed tone.
Gus’ mind wasn’t in the conversation anymore. He glanced at them with a bitter heart as he remembered the bills that were waiting on him on the Kitchen’s table.
Rules be damned. Anthony had the right to a good education and more than soup and bread every day.
It didn’t matter how much he’ll dirty his hands. To him right now, his family is more important than his soul or his life.
The privilege of choice has been taken away from me the day the precedent monarch bent his head to Alka.
“Where are you going, honey?”
“Work. Dinner was delicious, thank you.” He bent down and planted a kiss on his wife’s forehead.
“You brought the food, dummy.”
But Gus was not listening, he was preoccupied with a note he had yet to read.
He went into his bedroom and closed the door. His hand went inside his dirty uniform and snatched the note left a few days ago by the man named Vols.
If you’re reading this, then this means I chose right.
My name is Vols Chathier and I am Burt and Carole Chathier’s only child. You may look them up.
What I need is simple, and if I fail you will neither be detained nor compensated. I reckon that’s a win-win situation for you.
I can’t make sure you will deliver what I need, and you won’t be sure I will deliver your compensation, but we will have to trust each other as we are both desperate.
10.000 Yunts—
Gus’ eyes bulged. He made quick calculations and found it would equal 270.000 credits as per today’s Yunt rate. That is 270 times what he makes in a month.
His eyes went back to the note.
Hefty sum for what I want you to do, but I am buying more than your favor. I am buying your trust and eternal silence.
I can't tell you when because I don't even know, but you'll know it. Be prepared until then.
What I want of you is below. Please make sure to follow the instructions minutely.
I am not escaping my crime, Gus. I am escaping whatever terrible thing awaits me under Stevenson’s scope.
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