《Strange Aeons》Chapter 9 – Two Weeks Later


Chapter 9 – Two Weeks Later

Known High Races of Jita and Their Qualities:

High Human: High Humans are the ruling class of not only humans, but all of Jita. Members of this race are viewed as natural born geniuses, and are extremely adaptive. Their superior genetics make them resistant to disease and affords them a longer lifespan.

Azure Elf: Azure Elves are the ruling class of elves. They are talented alchemists and pharmacists. They have a hierarchial caste system with them at the top of all other elves.

Jade Dwarf: A deep mountain dwelling race specializing in body cultivation and metallurgy.

Arachne: An extremely effeminate race, including the males. Highly sought after as concubines. Due to this, their race has become very secretive and secluded. Their textile production is second to none.

Emist: “Emist” is something of a blanket term referring to the beastial offspring of Edall and Nodon in their many forms and varieties. Members of this race are generally straightforward and outspoken with unlimited potential for growth. Oftentimes referred to as”Beast-kin” by commoners.

– Etiquette Book of the Silver Lotus Kingdom

After waking up in the infirmary post training, Zed decided that he was well and truly fed up with unfamiliar ceilings. He immediately dove headfirst into a brutal, physically intensive training regimen focusing on grinding his swordsmanship skills. It had been an exhausting two weeks, but he found that he couldn't argue with results.

Physically, the initial results were quite striking: A combination of hardcore physical exercise and a high protein diet already yielded a small but respectable layer of muscle lining his ordinarily gaunt frame.

Not quite a six-pack, but not half bad, either. What's the next step above 'walking skeleton'?

In any case, he was already feeling much stronger and his stamina was improving by leaps and bounds every day. During his training Zed would alternate between the Soul Marionette and Crystal Blade classes to grind up certain class-specific skills. Since activating his secondary class he found that he was able to view all of his abilities in one go, with inactive class information displayed in >. Today he had decided to work with a handicap, sticking with his primary Soul Marionette class.

Zed Thorne

Level 2

Soul Marionette

53/53 HP -- ∞ MP

Constitution: 5 Strength: 6

Intellect: 9 Wisdom: 4

Dexterity: 4 Charisma: 5 (+4)

Luck: ?

Affinities: ALL

Title(s): Dark Traveller

Boon(s): Dark Divinity -- 'Protection of the World'



Elemental Strike – Active: A vicious slashing attack which inflicts bleeding and one Elemental Effect (predetermined by user) on target.

Crystalline Defense – Passive: Available once per day. Summons an unbreakable crystal shield to protect an ally from an otherwise fatal blow.>>

Shadow Puppet – Active: Materialize the shadow of a living entity. Will follow master's command for 5 minutes or until destroyed. Cooldown is increased if Shadow Puppet is destroyed. Cooldown is decreased if dismissed naturally.

String of Fate – Passive: Available once per day. If attacked while outside, wind will reflect attack or push character from danger.

Garrote Thread – Active: Creates deadly bladed melee weapon from ethereal strings. Variation(s): Flaming Garrote LVL. 1.

Appraisal LVL. 7. Throw LVL. 1. Swagger LVL. 4. (+4 Charisma)

Sneak LVL. 2. Surprise Attack LVL. 1. Fear Resistance LVL. 3.

[Dragon's Hoard] [Immortality] [Classy]

Dark Vision LVL. 1. Vision + LVL. 1. Mana Control LVL. 2.

Language Comprehension: High Human LVL. 10. (MAX); Elven LVL. 10 (MAX); Goblin LVL. 4.

Magic Manipulation LVL. 2. Fire Magic LVL. 1. Fireball LVL. 1.


Thread Control LVL. 1. Combat Meditation LVL. 1. Blade Control LVL. 1.

Novice Swordsmanship LVL. 1 Novice Martial Arts LVL. 1.

Zed was initially a little put out over how slowly he felt he was gaining new skills and rank ups. However, according to Nimoto, the fastest and most efficient way to improve one's skills was through actual combat against an enemy. The more challenging the enemy, the faster your skills improve.

“Your overall skill gain is... enviable, to say the least. When I began my formal training as a monk it took me an entire year to gain the Novice Swordsmanship skill. It took you, what, nine days?” Nimoto shook his head in apparent disgust. “I could just vomit blood!”

Zed was skeptical given his initial impression of the guy, but other members of the order corroborated this statement, expressing their disbelief in his accelerated self improvement. Clearly, if one wanted to better themselves, hard work and dedication was required.

Despite his drunken antics and childish demeanor, Nimoto was an expert swordsman and a competent instructor. The two had formed an unlikely rapport, perhaps because both men held a personal vendetta against the early morning sun.

And so Zed found himself facing off against Nimoto in the weapons training yard, as was their new post-breakfast tradition. Both men were equipped with wooden training swords and, at the monk's insistence, lightly padded protective gear for Zed.

Without preamble, Zed drew his sword up and charged at Nimoto.

What was the saying again? “He who strikes first...?”

Nimoto dodged to the left lightning fast and Zed, slightly bewildered, swung around in an attempt to correct his footing and face his opponent.


Nimoto slapped Zed's right shoulder with the flat of his blade, briefly stunning him and sending a wave of pins and needles radiating from the hit. A sharp reprimand for not following his opponent. Zed groaned.

Shit, that hurt!

As if to illustrate the point, Zed's HP popped briefly into view, displaying 51/53 HP.

Oh, come on now. Two points?

The pair froze in place, the tip of the blade resting against the base of Zed's collarbone. Nimoto's eyes went wide with surprise. Zed immediately understood why: His passive skill, String of Fate, hadn't activated when he was struck.

But why?

They stared at each other in confusion for a few moments until the gears clicked into place. Nimoto's eyes suddenly lit up and he grinned manically. Zed realized it too, and not a moment too late. He rolled his shoulder back reflexively and spun away from the blade.

Nimoto wasn't attacking Zed with any true malicious intent! If he had meant Zed any harm, he wouldn't have struck him with the flat of the blade. They were practicing.

Fuck me, he's found a loophole!

Zed spun back and thrusted his blade to meet Nimoto's next strike. The wooden swords cracked and smacked together in the mid-morning sun as the men traded a series of increasingly frenzied blows; Zed attempting to not get whacked again, and Nimoto attempting to exploit the newly discovered loophole.

However, time was quickly proving the difference between expert and novice and Zed's stamina was starting to wear out. What he needed was an edge.

Or a distraction.

Zed parried Nimoto's next attempt and sprang backwards out of his range. With a little more confidence than he felt, Zed threw his sword up into the air and summoned a Shadow Puppet clone of himself.

At that moment, the sword hurtled back to the ground and was caught in mid-air by one of the Zeds. Zed and un-Zed (the name he had somewhat affectionately bestowed upon his clone) each feinted to either side of the monk, slashing forward menacingly. Nimoto dodged backward and was forced down on one knee.


The distraction was a successful one; Nimoto's jaw fell open, gawping at the pair.

Swagger has increased to LVL. 5.

Why did it always feel like a force greater than himself was laughing every time that particular skill increased?

No time for that right now! Focus!

Zed took his chance, slashing mercilessly downward. Nimoto's blade clattered harmlessly away.

“Steel Palm!”

Nimoto clapped the descending sword between his palms, stopping the blade in its tracks and sending an electrifying shockwave up Zed's arms. He fought to keep hold of his sword as the tremors grew increasingly violent. The monk kicked spectacularly off his chest while Zed was effectively incapacitated. He somersaulted backward to retrieve his own lost sword and smirked.

“This is supposed to be a swordfight,” Zed spat, shaking some feeling back into his arms.

Nimoto raised an ironic eyebrow at the two Zeds.

“Yeah, so no magic,” he retorted.

You son of a bitch...

Zed barked a laugh, and un-Zed vanished into thin air. He cracked his neck and rushed the monk once more.

The two clashed in the center of the combat area, trading strike after furious strike. Sure, Zed's swordsmanship skills had improved significantly over the last couple of weeks, but it was becoming increasingly impossible to withstand the attacks from this seasoned veteran. With the use of magic prohibited, it had become clear that Nimoto was merely toying with him. He didn't need to get serious.

This is a problem.

Zed was panting now, sweat beading his brow and stinging the corners of his eyes. He was nearing his limit.

If only I could stop to catch my breath... wait a minute!

That was it! He jumped back from the incoming onslaught, threw his sword aside, and squeezed his eyes tightly shut.

This is either going to hurt, or--

[WARNING: String of Fate has been activated.

Beware! You are under attack!]

CRASH! Thud!

Zed gingerly peeled his eyes open one at a time, half-afraid of what he might see. Sure enough, his idea had worked. When Zed threw aside his weapon he was completely defenseless. Nimoto, mid-lunge, was unable to divert his attack and thus triggered Zed's String of Fate at the last second. He was thrown back by a sudden, unearthly gust of wind and crashed into a massive, troll-sized wooden training dummy, splintering it into oblivion.

Unique Skill Acquired: Tempting Fate.


Soul Marionette class has increased to LVL. 3.

Primary class attributes have been increased by +1. Please check your Status for more information.

A loud whooping could be heard across the weapons training yard. Zed spun around to locate the source and was almost knocked to the ground by an ecstatic Emi.

“Youdidityoudidityoudidityoudidit,” she screeched in his ear.


Zed attempted to delicately extricate himself from Emi's steely embrace. He was unsuccessful. Resigned, he craned his neck around to check on Nimoto. The man was on all fours struggling to regain his footing. A scrap of debris from the vanquished dummy slid out from underneath his palm and he went crashing back to the ground, grumbling indistinctly.

“Look at you! You're doing well, I'm so pleased!”


“Spar with me next! Come on, Zed, it'll be a learning experience!”

It'll be an experience, all right...

“My ribs...,” he croaked.

“I know what you must be thinking, but it'll be a proper exercise this time, I promise!”

Emi continued to babble on excitedly, oblivious to Zed's feeble protests. Her ample chest pressed ever tighter against his body and he gulped. Fortunately or unfortunately, Zed's present inability to catch a full breath prevented even a twitch from below the belt.

How many years have I begged for this opportunity, and I can't even savor it! Fuck!

“Emi, STOP,” he rasped, barely audible.

The High Priestess' body went immediately rigid and she pulled away, eyes wide with surprise. Zed realized with some guilt that the action was completely involuntary, a direct result of his strange connection with Emi. He doubled over, desperately sucking in fresh lungfuls of air.

“Breathing... is an activity... I greatly... enjoy. Sorry...” Zed trailed off upon noticing Emi's now pink and twitching ears.

Don't tell me I've uncovered a kink.

“D-don't be sorry! I guess I got a little ahead of myself; you're clearly exhausted. We won't spar today. But I think we should consider what to do next.”

Emi steepled her fingers in front of her mouth, not quite succeeding in hiding a smile. Zed returned a lopsided grin of his own and she turned away, clearly embarrassed.

Nice recovery, priestess. But don't think I won't try exploiting that again.

He cleared his throat after a few moments. “Meaning... what, exactly?”

“Well... after we both completed our life quests I've been feeling a little stuck. I mean, all that grand build up... all the legends... and for what? What are we meant to do now? What am I meant to do now?” Emi looked somewhat crestfallen.

“Well... that's not entirely true, actually.” Emi blinked several times in quick succession, suddenly alert. “I have one more quest. A heroic quest. I guess I'm supposed to meet the God of Justice? ...Emi?”

“What?” Her tone was incredulous. “How long have you had this... heroic quest?!”

Zed shrugged nonchalantly.

“About two weeks, I guess? I received it as I finished my life quests that one day.”

For once, Emi seemed to be at a loss for words. Zed watched with trepidation as several different emotions played out on her face: anger, despair, confusion, disbelief, and finally elation.

“This is incredible news! The time has finally come!”

“Time for... what?”

“The time has come for the Ebonblade Catacombs to be opened. It's a secret dungeon known only to the order, nestled deep below the temple. Doubtless you'll be able to move forward with your heroic quest from there. And I'll be there to help you the entire way.” She paused, ears drooping. “Why didn't you tell me before?”

“I don't know. I didn't think about it.”

Emi furrowed her brow, not understanding.

“I'm not used to sharing information about myself, or in general.” He picked at an imaginary hangnail, then shrugged. “No one's really ever cared before.”

Zed and Emi looked away from each other for some time, neither of them quite sure of what to say next. Their thoughts were disturbed by a furious yell from some distance behind.


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