《Retribution Engine [DEPRECATED - SEE SYNOPSIS]》2 - Living Failures


She stabbed straight down, into the creature’s eyes. Glass sank into flesh, tears mixed with ocular fluid spilled onto her fingers, atonal screeching and the chattering of teeth filled her ears. A sharp yank to the right. Guts and blood spilled from the wound, a half-formed ribcage forcing its way out like the unfolding teeth of a bear trap. A sudden halt to the noise, the creature’s grip tightening and then going limp. Still angered, she stomped on the thing and malformed guts burst from the eviscerated skin-sack, its single intact eye popping out of the socket.

A new smell rose as the creature dissolved into more green liquid, skin and soft tissues boiling away, thick ropes of green Fog escaping from the roiling mass to screech-like whistling. It smelled… Herbal. Identical to the emerald liquid. Though some green fluid spilled out of the melting carcass, much of it was being… Absorbed, directly through the skin of her leg. With every passing moment, more of the flesh-blob’s biomass melted away and entered into her body, and with every passing moment, more of her leg turned from pallid-white to light brown, silvery pathways in her skin becoming visible thanks to the contrast. She felt hunger and weakness fading, strength and limberness filling her as if she had just woken from a restful sleep.

The flesh, skin, and viscera was gone by this point, leaving only cartilage, bones, and teeth sitting in what little liquid remained. Slowly, ever so slowly, even these began boiling and melting, the herbal smell of green Fog mixing in with the stench of burning bone and keratin. Even still she kept an eye out on the other tumor-things, and after she gave it a bit of thought, it did make sense.

“I came out of a tank that was full of Green, and so did these things…” she pondered, turning her eyes on the nearest flesh-thing. “They melt back into Green after death, yet I absorb it… Therefore-”


Her train of thought was knocked off its rails when the creature she had her eyes on started twitching and gurgling, one of its mouths gaping wide as green spilled out of it and an unnaturally long leg emerged. Soon lurching, gurgling noise echoed throughout the chamber as one after another more of the tumor-things came alive, some dragging themselves across the floor towards her and some throwing their entire mass across the slick floor, screeching every time they landed on a shard of glass.

“How many?” she wondered, counting the moving blobs. Eleven so far, out of forty-five in total. Already she felt the slam of a foot next to hers, the mouth-legged tumor-thing trying to drag itself close enough to bite with one of its other mouths. She grabbed its leg and lifted it up, gutting the creature while it whipped about like a hooked fish. Glass cutting through flesh and cartilage, eyeballs popping and guts spilling, screeching that ended as abruptly as it began. It splashed into the floor and instantly began melting when she let go.

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