《The Great Dungeon》Chapter 5-Transmuting Bugs to Monsters


Dylan gazed at his creatures, before deciding on his next course of action. Currently, he had 3 centipedes, of which 1 was ready to evolve. He also had 4 bombardier beetles, of which 2 were ready to evolve. In his haste to kill the praying mantis, he hadn’t noticed 2 ants of his which had been romping around, chomping on corpses, their little legs unable to carry them to the battle with the mantis in time. Luckily for them too, as both of them were ready to evolve, and Dylan didn’t want to waste good evolution material, no matter how weak it was.

I would assume that I could make even ants quite strong right? Dylan pondered, then shuddered as he thought about an ant the size of a truck barreling through his cave, mandibles large enough to shear a man’s head clean from his shoulders. Terrifying, yet that would be amazing…Dylan ‘nodded’. Let us get to work now…

Dylan turned to gaze at the ants. He wanted to start with the smallest first, just to see his capabilities and just in case he messed up. He used [Forceful Evolution] targeting one of the ants.

Dylan definitely wanted to make his ants bigger and stronger, because frankly, an ant smaller than a fingernail was a huge disappointment. He utilized the mana the ant had already stored up to enhance its size greatly, breaking past the limits of the ant, using all of its stored energy to make its body 6-inches long, from the tip of its antennae to the end of its abdomen. Then, he began to use the mana which he had collected to enhance its musculature, especially in the legs and jaws. He increased the durability of the ant’s carapace, and upgraded its eyes and antennae for better detection capabilities. He used 5 mana from his own storage before stopping to observe his finished product.


Please name the new species of monster.

Huh???!! Dylan was startled at the prompt brought up by the Voice of the World. Why would I need to name this species?

Monsters and animals outside of dungeons evolve into pre-determined evolutions, and most don’t deviate from their set evolution lines with the exception from some variants. Dungeons who have reached Level 2 and above are all capable of evolving their monsters based off of their desires. Each of these monsters have distinct differences to others, even if they’re just minute details. Thus, all dungeons can choose the names of their new species.

Okay then…I’ll name this ant species after what I envisioned as I created them. Dylan replied to the Voice of the World. I’ll name them, the [Swarm Ant] species.

Congratulations, you have created the [Swarm Ant] species.

You can now [Summon]: Swarm Ant (F-)

F-? What does that mean?

All monster species have ranks. Ranks range from F to X, with sub-categories of minus(-) and plus(+). F-ranked monsters are the weakest type of monster, which can be defeated even by an untrained human. X-ranked monsters, however, are existences which all races, humanity included, would feel threatened by. Just the appearance of an S-ranked monster, which is one step below X, can prompt the blessed races to put forth their strongest champions to purge the threat.

Wow…So I probably shouldn’t be making any high-ranked monsters above A unless I want to be subjugated…

Dylan spent some mana to evolve the second ant into another [Swarm Ant], then moved on the Bombardier beetles, excited after his first success in evolution. Focusing on one of the beetles which was sitting cold and still, he activated [Forceful Evolution], and focused. He boosted the beetle’s carapace, making it heavy and tough. He removed the wings of the beetle and made the legs stronger and longer to support the beetle’s new weight, then boosted the size of the beetle, making it a whopping foot-long and 8 inches wide. He then focused on the chemical glands within the beetle, boosting the range of the beetle to nearly 10 feet, and increasing the acidity of the acid which it would fire. By the time Dylan was done with this project, he realized he had run out of almost all of his mana, with only 5 left in the tank.


Please name the new species of monster.

I’ll name it, the [Heavy Bombardier Beetle] species.

Congratulations, you have created the [Heavy Bombardier Beetle] species.

You can now [Summon]: Heavy Bombardier Beetle (F)

Without stopping, Dylan used [Absorb Bodies] before turning to the other beetle. For this beetle, he wanted to increase its mobility, rather than its defense. He first expanded the beetle, making it about 6 inches long, and 4 inches wide. He increased the musculature of the beetle’s legs, while lightening its weight by making its carapace less thick. He made the elytra of the beetle lightweight and flexible, allowing it to reveal its wings almost immediately to take flight, and bolstered the acidity of its acid. Due to fine tuning, the beetle costed a bit more than its heavier counterpart.

Please name the new species of monster.

This species will be called [Leaping Bombardier Beetle].

Congratulations, you have created the [Leaping Bombardier Beetle] species.

You can now [Summon]: Leaping Bombardier Beetle (F-)

Quickly, Dylan used the rest of his mana, and then some corpses to change the two unevolved beetles into one more of each species, before honing in on the centipede after absorbing even more corpses, nearly consuming the remaining amount in one go to quickly refill his mana.

He honed in on the centipede with utmost concentration, as this would be one of his trump cards for now. He utilized the mana within the creature to strengthen the flexibility and toughness of its carapace, then focused on its musculature, enhancing its leg strength and jaw strength. He used some of the last mana within it, as well as some of his own to increase its body length to a terrifying 6 feet long, and nearly a foot wide. He used the rest of the mana in his tank to focus even more on its jaw strength and toughness, until he had a newly created creature. That bastard had wickedly sharp mandibles which glinted in the sunlight which seeped in from the hole in the wall. Its many pairs of legs supported its long body which curled in on itself into a ball of pulsating exoskeleton and muscle. The centipede met Dylan’s vision with its own before releasing a shrill shriek throughout the cave, causing the other newly evolved species to cower in terror.

Please name the new species of monster.

Dylan smirked at the screen as he saw it pop up.

Ain’t it obvious, I name this species: [Giant Centipede].

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