《The Only Real Cultivator》Chapter 3


“Fluffpile” is now named!

Fulffpile reached level two!

Fulffpile reached level three!

Fulffpile reached level four!

“Vines” is now named!

Vines reached level two!

Vines reached level three!

Vines reached level four!

Vines reached level five!

Vines reached level six!

“I’ve heard of this kind of thing before. Transported into another world? Where’s my smartphone?” I said to myself. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone. I turned it on and flipped through my apps. There was no wifi for obvious reasons. I could only use the calculator and other default apps. “Where are my overpowered cheats?” I complained.

Then I realized something. I had defeated a two story tall crystal ape with a berry. What was I talking about? I don’t need a smartphone for cheats. I’m a cultivator!

I tried to move my broken leg and choked down a sob of pain. Ok, maybe it’s too early to celebrate.

I picked another berry and tinkered with it. It turned out I didn’t feel a connection with the whole berry. I only felt a connection with the tiny seed inside. I slammed it into the ground and it grew into what I imagined an herbal plant looked like.

From the surface, it looked like a tiny plant with just a couple of leaves. I grabbed the plant and pulled up, exposing the ginseng root underneath. The root was bigger than all of its leaves and branches combined, much like a carrot. Actually, it was exactly like a carrot, except the root was whiter and uglier.

You’ve created a new type of plant! What would you like to name it?

“Boney Ginseng” has been named!

Boney Ginseng reached level two!

Boney Ginseng reached level three!

Not bothering to dust off the dirt stuck to the root, I took a huge bite out of it. As the name suggested, it was made to heal bones. The pain vanished not long after I ate it, but the rest of the healing wouldn’t be that fast.


I placed another berry on the ground near my leg. I felt wood wrap around my leg and solidify. An extra two centimeters of wood formed over my broken leg, turning into a nice little cast. I waited for a message to pop up, asking me to name the cast, but one never showed up. I shrugged, guessing my makeshift cast didn’t qualify for the system’s definition for a “new type of plant”.

“So… how does this work? Status?”

Vincent The Cultivator

Lv 1

MP : 479/2000

The status screen popped up before I said “status”, so it was safe to say it was thought activated. I tried to find any stat but mana but to no avail.

Then I noticed something else.

My mana wasn’t regenerating.

Vincent The Cultivator

Lv 1

MP : 480/2000

It finally ticked up by one, from 479 to 480.

I sighed in relief. That was some slow regeneration. I took my phone out and started my stopwatch. Five minutes later, I found that my mana regenerated at one per minute. That meant roughly one thousand four hundred per day, assuming the night/day cycle on this new planet was the same as the one on earth. I kept the stopwatch going to see how long the days on this new planet were.

I grabbed a bunch of berries, took their seeds out, and put them in my pockets.

I needed to find shelter, somewhere I could let my mana regenerate. I walked up to the vine covered ape. I wanted to see its face, but I couldn’t. The vines in front of its face suddenly parted, just as I wanted them to.

New Cultivator skill unlocked : Control!

Experience required for next level has not been reached! Control stays at level one!

At that pleasant surprise, I peered at my status screen and found that I had only used one mana, a tiny amount of mana for the amount of vines I had moved.


It growled at me from behind the vines. It didn’t seem to have realized that its life was in my hands.

Could I kill it?

I imagined forcing the vines into its throat, watching the crystal and skin pop under the pressure. The blood draining from his neck.

I swallowed. That’ll be a no for me. Besides, the body could attract even more predators.

I didn’t know how much mana it took to make enough vines to tangle up this beast, but it was probably a lot. If I could get this stupid ape to leave without attacking me, the vines could be my temporary home. They could be quite powerful too, since I could control them however I wanted.

I commanded one of the vines to lift me up to eye level with the ape. I took out a seed and it expanded into a wooden staff. I whacked the ape on the forehead with it and it roared at me. The ape wasn’t getting the message.

I don’t have time to mess with this idiot. To get my point across, I stuffed vines into its mouth and hit it on the forehead a couple more times. I don’t think I hurt it very much. I slowly let it go, limb by limb, letting it know that I could pull it back at any time. Finally, I released its last limb.

The last vine unwrapped from its crystal foot. It stared at me for a couple seconds before turning around and jumping away. It was incredibly nimble for its giant frame, swinging from branch to branch until it disappeared from sight. I could only pray it didn’t come back with reinforcements. I didn’t have a backup plan for that.

The vines around me rearranged themselves into the shape of a room. I sat down, exhausted, and began planning for the next day. Right now, all I needed was to survive.

This isn’t what I meant when I said I wanted an exciting life...

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