《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 7 - History of Droney [Edited]


History of Droney

Hiro's POV since the last one was short, just like this:

He measured us up, then he started speaking. “I think that you should know my name so how may I call you?” He asked us while looking into our eyes. “Hiro.” “Alice.” Both of us told him our names and waited for him to continue his speech.

“Hiro and Alice, okay. You may don’t know but you have done a great deed to me. In the old times, many generations before, my family have risen to fame by producing many strong fighters and by killing all of the high-level beastmen in this sector. That's how this sector became a Human Sector."

"Like that, we became the governing power here. We take the taxes from world traveling and we also take ten percent of every transaction as taxes. That’s how we get our money. We spend most of it to keep up the order in our cities and this whole army. You probably noticed that there weren't any bickerings or fightings on the roads."

"That's thanks to our guards and soldiers, who are keeping up these rules. In fact, we don’t have any beastmen community threatening our sector, so it’s kind of peaceful here, or so it was supposed to be.” He said his long explanation with a sigh at the end of it. As he started telling the story of this world, we kept listening to it curiously.

“But after many years there appeared this Wu family. You may don’t believe me, nor do you have to but, we never wanted to ‘conquer’ other sectors like how others are spreading such false rumors. This false rumor was made up by that damned family. Like this, the neighboring sectors feared us, so they gave their support to the Wu family.”

“In the beginning, they were only a little family, but after doing this they slowly started to gain power. Luckily for them, a person at the fifth level has descended upon this world searching for some kind of lost part of a treasure or what. The thing is, that this Wu family helped him with all their power and then they asked for a ‘favor’. That was how the formation was created at that time.”

“That was a very young world, but by doing what they have done, it destroyed its potential completely. After Wu Shan started acquiring Universe Energy liquid, he said that those who are willing to become his loyal soldiers will get their share. Naturally, this struck the crowd and everyone was running to join his family to gain the magical liquid."

"By doing so, Wu Shan was able to gain a lot of support and he was able to become almost as powerful as my family. Although they are still not as powerful as our family, but ever since that day, they are constantly gaining power and unlike me, he really wants to dominate even the neighboring sectors."


"Unfortunately, when I became the head of the family I was still young and hesitated to make a choice and destroy them and unfortunately, my predecessor didn’t take them seriously enough... *Sigh* It was really stupid of us.” He continued on once again after a long sigh.

“My only problem was that I didn’t want to sacrifice so many of my loyal soldiers just to destroy a family. Even if I would have done it, maybe the two other neighboring sectors would have attacked us after we were weakened by the war, overtaking our sector and killing us in the process.”

“So that was the reason why my hands were tied. I’ve been in a need of a trump card that could finally tip the scale towards our side.” He said as he looked at us. “And we are those trump cards by destroying their formations,” Alice said with an inquiring look as she raised her brows.

“Yes. Now that their formation is destroyed, their ‘loyal’ soldiers are probably going to leave slowly but surely. Actually, all I have to do is wait for at most one year and then I can destroy their whole family. They even dared to threaten me time and time again... I even have their letters... Seriously, they are a family of trash.” He said thinking about the past with a wrathful look.

He wasn't lying and we were sure of that. Our eyes had a curse on them, which was called the Eye of Truth. Anyone looking into them, wouldn't be able to lie without us noticing. Because of that reason, we knew that he didn't lie. “They even sent you letters? Hahaha!” I laughed upon hearing his words. Alice also chuckled upon hearing it.

It was really hilarious at this age, sending someone a provocative and threatening letter. Probably Wu Shan tried to make them attack. Like that, they could ask for help from the other two sectors to help them defending their sector from the ‘conquerors’, making their chances to win quite sure.

This was actually a well thought out plan, but unluckily for them, the Shao family wasn’t so stupid and even their formation was destroyed by us. At this point, even if they were to be the ones to attack bear more fruits, than if they wait. But after meeting with Wu Shan, in person, I'm quite sure that he is too stupid to realize that. Well, only idiots would serve such a person for such a long time, only to gain a little Universe Energy once...

“That’s why, you not only saved that mortal sector from being unable to produce cultivators, who knew the right way of cultivation but you also saved my family from the Wu Shan's evil plan and for that, I’m truly very grateful!” He said honesty as he stood up and bowed in front of us. Seeing this, not only us but even the soldiers accompanying his daughter and she herself was surprised.


Bowing to someone who was weaker than you was truly unheard of! Power is everything and these we were only at the second stage while he himself was at the ninth stage! Who would bow to a junior!? A grateful person! He was grateful from the bottom of his heart!

"You know, others might not know about this, but my wife Shao Xin Lao knows it all too well, how much this was bothering me. I felt a knife at the neck of his whole family yet my hands were tied and I couldn't do anything!" He said honestly and his despair could be felt through his voice.

Both of us were surprised. We didn’t expect that the situation was actually this grave for the Shao family. If we wouldn't have destroyed those formations, then this family might have perished. Maybe only their ghosts would be here a few years later! Now we understood that we unexpectedly saved a sector and a big family just by destroying a formation...

“Well, though it was unintentional, saving your family that is, but no problem!” I said with a smile. After seeing that his thank was well received, he became happy and the heavy mood was lifted. “So my friends I would like to ask you to accept my hospitality. I thought about making a party for you to thank it!”

The truth is that I hated any kind of party to the bone. I don’t like drinking alcohol not because I can’t hold my liquor, but because I could never get drunk even in my past life and to begin with, I hate 'losing' my head to alcohol. I liked chatting with my friends, but I always hated when the 'drinking party' has started and I was left all alone, sober... Why can't they simply enjoy talking about funny things and such things?

Why is it good when you lose your head? In my opinion, most of the people are drinking to oppress some of their emotions. Why? Because they are weak and can't bear the weight of their own emotions? I just don't get it. Or are they drinking alcohol out of rowdyism? Thanks, I don't need that... If they are drinking because they like its taste, then that is another thing once again, but otherwise...

On the other hand, I also hated parties because it was full of people who put on their best faces, their best clothes and kept showing off their good faces which were as false as my operating systems... So I was trying to politely refuse it, but with no success. Alice hasn’t been to any kind of party before, but seeing how I was reacting, she didn't feel like trying it out either. Especially considering that we liked the same things.

I'm quite sure that she realized that parties aren't as good as they sounded from my expressions. “Ugh- Uhm- Please, you don’t have to! Please don’t bother yourself by organizing things like parties. To begin with, who knows if the Wu family is coming after we-” I wanted to continue my protesting, but he denied my words.

“What are you talking about. It’s not bothering me, I’m doing it for my friends who saved our family’s life! And even if the Wu family would dare to come, we would be immediately notified by our spies on that planet, " Shao Xian said, denying my words and reminding me of this family's strength.

Travelling might take longer times but communication was possible by using long-range communication devices. It felt quite weird that parts of Earth's technology could be found here. Of course, the cultivators didn't bother to invent things like video games and televisions. Who the hell would watch it when everyone was striving to become stronger and ascend to the peak of the universe?

Even these are only developed because of those that know that they can’t ascend anymore. They want to live a more comfortable life so they poured their remaining time into making something useful for everyone! Unexpectedly, they gained huge influence by doing this for example like the StarTraveller companies and now they could truly enjoy their lives.

“Hmph! And to begin with, his hands are going to be full! He has to deal with those that want to leave his ‘family’. Now he also lost his face because he couldn’t even catch two ‘brats’ to use his words... so he has become a laughingstock. Thanks to your performance, once again. Who would want to stay with a dying family which is also a laughingstock?” He said raising his arms and his brows while looking at me.

His words were indeed true. I wouldn't want to stay in such an unproductive organization either... After hearing his explanation I could no longer refute his words and I had to accept it. I felt really bad. I've never wanted to participate in any kind of ‘party’, yet now I have to. I could indeed simply leave, but when they are holding this party for us THIS sincerely, even he can’t just leave.

If the invitation would have been half-hearted like most people do these kinds of things while thinking ‘what a bother...’, then I would have happily declined his offer and do like as if nothing has ever happened. They would never see me on such a party.

Unfortunately for me, I'm weak to sincere people... And now I, the loner who don’t like masses and only like to be with my sweet lover am being compelled to attend to a party full of people... This is hell.

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