


Or, more accurately, she was standing at a destroyed part of the forest. She had been led here by her master, given only a single directive: to stop the fire the Sacred Beast had started.

It was a test to see how far her Qi-control had come. With everything she had learned, she was to halt the raging inferno. But she failed. The flames spread, and her fire manipulation was too weak. Eventually, she succeeded. However, only after she sacrificed part of the forest to halt the spread of the flames.

She fell to her knees, covered in ash. Her failure weighed on her. Something burned within her— the desire to never fail again.

And it was in this landscape of death, something blossomed within the girl.


“We have to lay waste to the Flourishing Flatlands.”

It is not a suggestion I offer lightly. Kalmat, Keshiy, and even Nindran— all of my friends gathered— are taken aback by it. The first to speak is Kalmat. He steps forward, meeting my gaze.

“Why do you suggest this, Tian?” he asks, not sounding too against the idea.

“These Void Pirates… these creatures, they draw from their environment,” I say as I gesture to where the living catastrophe had been. It began to reform, sweeping up trees with the wind and bubbling with water. “Our only way to stop them is to destroy the environment itself.”

“Are you serious?” Beihal protests. “That has to be some other way, right?”

Nindran agrees. “I, uh, am usually behind your ideas, Tian. But this is a bit too much, don’t ya think?”

The others voice their uneasiness with the plan. I look down, sending a blast of flames into the regenerating water. The fire extinguishes the steaming water only momentarily, but the living catastrophe draws from the embers and rekindles its inferno. I click my tongue.


“If we do not do something, it will destroy more than just the Flourishing Flatlands on its own.” I reach down deep inside of me, turning Lifeblood into Qi and unleashing it into the center of the living catastrophe.

Kalmat does not reply. There is still some hesitation amongst everyone else. Even Seiled, who is usually eager to support my plans, is apprehensive. I expect as much— to suggest destroying their very home is going to be a controversial idea.

However, one person voices agreement with me. An unexpected person.

Keshiy shakes her head. “Tian is right. By the Grovetender, she is absolutely right. Look at it! That thing is not stopping at anything until everything is destroyed!”

Once again, the living catastrophe begins to regenerate. Just the gale from the winds is enough to breathe life into its being. I turn to Beihal and Seiled, and they nod. Together, we blow it apart once more.

Kalmat turns to Keshiy as we continue preventing the living catastrophe from coming back to life.

“Keshiy, are you sure about this?” He stares at her, furrowing his brows. “This is our home. This is where we’ve lived all our lives. This is where we grew up.”

“I know, Kalamt. I don’t like this either.” She grabs his hand and meets his gaze. “But, right now, if it’s between saving our people and sacrificing our home?” Her eyes close, and she takes a deep breath. “I know what I’ll pick any day.”

“Keshiy…” Kalmat’s eyes widen.

She grins at him. “Plus, the Blazing Desert is still safe. We can evacuate there.”

They both look at each other for a moment. Explosions resound in the background as I continue my barrage with Beihal and Seiled. The boy looks tired, and I pat him on the shoulder.

“Do not push yourself too hard, Seiled. This catastrophe is weak at its current state. It just cannot be allowed to grow as large as it was before.”


“R-right.” He nods, stumbling back.

I turn to Kalmat and Keshiy. “Have you made your decision?” I raise a brow.

And Kalmat turns away from the orange-haired woman. He presses his lips into a thin line and meets my gaze. “I have,” he says.

Heads turn to face him, and he continues.

“We shall destroy the Flourishing Flatlands.”

His declaration is not met with applause— it is a bittersweet thing. But this is the only way to defeat the Void Pirates. Keshiy offers him a sad smile.

“It’s our only option,” she says. “We can evacuate the people of Thornthistle to the Blazing Desert. But it is what needs to be done.”

“Right.” His lips quiver as he speaks. But he straightens.

I draw back from assailing the living catastrophe, leaving only Beihal behind. I look over to Nindran.

“Support Beihal. We need to hold this thing back for now. Until Thornthistle is evacuated. Can you do it?”

The azure-haired girl groans. “Seriously? Why me?”

“Stop complaining and get over here,” Beihal grunts. “I can’t do this alone.”

“Fine,” she sulks, dragging her way to him.

My Aspect activates, and a pair of wings spread wide. I approach my friends, offering them my hand. “Are you ready?”

Keshiy takes it, and so does Seiled. Kalmat pauses for a moment. Then he steels himself.

“Let’s do this.”


We return to Thornthistle and begin our evacuation. We warn everyone of what happened. The news is difficult to accept, but it is not too much of a shock. After all, they can see the effects of the battle with the living catastrophe even from here.

Smoke billows up over the horizon— a looming dark shadow cast over Thornthistle. It is far away, yet so close. If Nindran and Beihal cannot hold back the living catastrophe, they will be forced to return and warn us. I hope it does not come to that.

Meanwhile, I meditate at the headquarters of the Keepers of the Grove. I heal myself of my wounds while recovering the Qi I have lost through a combination of Soul Cycle and Lifeblood’s Call. I hear footfalls echoing around my room, but I remain still.

I do not have the same attachment to Thornthistle as the others do. Furthermore, I will need the energy needed to… destroy the Flourishing Flatlands.

I continue my meditation until I hear the door to my room creak open. I open one eye, seeing an elderly woman standing by the doorway.

“Nelrel,” I greet her. “What do you need of me?”

She lowers her head, bowing slightly. “I apologize for my interruption, Tian, but I bear important news that you must hear.”

My eyes narrow. I get to my feet and face her. “What is it?”

“Pardon me,” she says and push the door fully open. Nelrel steps in, bringing with her a figure. A man bound in magic. He has purple skin and glinting eyes. He stares at me with hate, and my eyes widen.



Nelrel brings Galgom with him. I tense, but she raises a hand. “Wait.”

“What is going on, Nelrel?” I warily eye the man.

“He has something important to tell you, Tian. To tell all of us.” She steps aside, and Galgom smirks.

He sneers at me as he begins.

“Your plan will fail, girl. It will not stop those Eternal Elementals.”

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