《This Strange New Life》Chapter 10 - A spark of green and hope
Chapter 10 - A spark of green and hope
(Yeah, I try to make poetic titles. You’ve got a problem with that, you punk?)
(Mother, stop bothering the audience please.)
(Alright, alright. You’re no fun.)
One month after Vi’s accident. Two and a half since I was born.
It was the weekend. Vi and Noa wanted to train but, as December wasn’t kind in term of heat, they had gone to Sir Gregory’s house since he had an interior training ground.
How befitting of a knight.
Vi was now sitting on the ground of the training room, legs crossed and eyes closed.
As usual when she had the opportunity, she had taken me with her, and so I was now sitting on her lap, between her legs.
What? Mom and Dad are not being concerned about me?
Well. Noa and Vivianne had clearly wisened since a month ago, and my effect on both twins was pretty clear. Also, you needed to be blind to not see how much I liked being with the twins. And, finally, Sir Gregory kept an eye on everyone, me included.
Out of concern, Mom had joined us on the way to Gregory’s home, but that’s all the worry she had, really.
And now, in front of her, horizontal to the ground, Vivianne was holding a wooden training sword. Her breathing was slow, her mind focused.
Not far from her, Noa was sparring with Crisnée with the same kind of wooden sword, bursts of Shi used here and there by both sides illuminating the room of their green radiance.
Now, you could have been under the illusion that Shi was something widespread, right?
It was not. If my info were right, in this room were present all the Shi-wielding children of the city.
Five thousand souls, and only two children able to use Shi. That gave you the scale.
There were also about ten adults that could, Nicklass being one of them, but it was still a low number.
I came to realise that Sir Gregory’s move in taking Noa and Vivianne under his wings was also due to Noa’s abilities toward Shi. A pupil that could wield Shi was something of a great honour.
Even if it was the weekend, Sir Gregory was still monitoring the training of his pupils. In fact, from time to time, you could see the sketch of a smile appear on his face. He liked dedication.
Completely immersed in her fight, Crisnée’s common green eyes were focused solely on Noa, and her red hair was made into a bun as to not have it disrupt the fight. In a strange dissonance, her face and hands had delicate features but, under her training clothes, one could see her already somewhat toned muscles.
The fight kept going for another ten minutes or so before Noa lost, as usual. They then took a break, Gregory talking to them as they drank water and wiped their sweat, praising them for their masterful display and giving them advice, and scolding them for the errors both new and old, some they were still making even though he had already underlined them.
This is very peaceful, in a way.
Yes. It’s just here and now. No worries about the future, no plans to formulate, no armies to command, no impending doom.
Blissful tranquillity.
I moved a bit, adjusting my position in Vivianne’s lap, making myself more comfortable and using the opportunity to affectionately rub my head against her belly.
You really are a cat.
Meh. Cuddling is good.
Yes, a cat indeed.
I think that, by moving, I had broken Vi’s focus, as she opened her eyes and put her sword down. She then proceeded to take me in her arms and play a bit with me, nibbling my nose and kissing my cheeks and forehead.
I answered to her attention with laughter and touch of my own. In particular, I liked to grasp her nose or her ears. Hey, it was fun, okay?
“How’re you doing, sis’?”
At Noa’s voice, Vi stopped playing with me and rose to talk with her beloved brother.
“I think I’m near. I’ve grasped something.” Her calm demeanour did not entirely hide her excitation.
That’s good. She’s getting lively again.
Yeah. I was really worried about that too. Guess she’s slowly starting to accept what happened?
Yes. Or she has something else on her mind.
Hum… your guts are telling you something?
Yeah. I don’t know, the look in her eyes, the way she moves. That’s not someone mourning…
Oh? Then let’s keep an eye on her, shall we?
Of course. She’s my big sister after all.
“That’s good! Keep going sis’, I’m sure you’ll do it!” Noa used one of his signature move, the overwhelming happy smile, to try and cheer his sister
“Thank you.” She did not smile per se, but Noa’s effort seemed to have worked a bit as there was happiness in her voice nonetheless.
Crisnée looked at Vi but quickly averted her gaze, in the usual fashion she had come to adopt those two last weeks.
It wasn’t contempt nor disdain, not fear nor disgust. It was… uneasiness, as if she hadn’t yet figured out how to approach Vivianne.
“I’ll go back to my training, you go back to yours.” She ended their conversation saying so, sitting once again on the ground and putting me back between her legs.
Motivated by his sister’s words, Noa went right back to spar with Crisnée.
Look how alive she seems, going against Noa. This lass, I think she really likes swordfight.
Well, Noa himself isn’t left behind in this aspect. He just keeps coming at her again and again even if he loses all the time.
That’s a good spirit.
Suddenly, something interrupted Psaï answer.
And this something was…
...No way.
Was a small sheet made out of green glass, now covering Vivianne’s sword.
“Gah!” I inadvertently let out a cry of joy, which led to my sister opening her eyes.
She cocked her head, looking at her sword, and you could see her eyes change from their normally calm composure to the roundness of pure astonishment.
As the two other children were focused on their spar, the next person that realised what was happening was not Noa nor Crisnée, but Sir Gregory.
Eyes now on Vivianne, his shocked face nearly made me laugh, as it was clearly not an expression he was used to make.
He started to move toward us, but the green glass, the Shi, had already flickered out of existence by the time he made it to our side.
“Is everything alright master?” Just realising something was off, the two fighters had stopped their training, and were now looking at Vivianne and Sir Gregory.
The knight, however, did not even answer their question, focused as he was on the young lass. His gaze was fixated on Vivianne, a mix of surprise, expectation, hope and curiosity.
“Girl, look at me. Good. Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and try to grasp the sensation of what you just did.”
Without thinking twice Vivianne closed her eyes, launching herself in the exercise, excitation both fueling and disrupting her focus.
Curious, the two trainees came closer to us, looking at Vi with confused gazes.
One minute passed, five. Then it happened again. A very small layer of green glass over her training sword. She opened her eyes again, looking once more at the green matter and…
And she smiled. A genuine smile
“I did it.” They all looked at her, at a loss for words.
“Gah! Abu-abu-abu!” She did it! YES!
She did it… interesting. You could hear the smile in Psaï’s voice.
They had stayed there, silent, for another good minute before their teacher broke the silence.
“This is very good, Vivianne.” Sir Gregory praised Vivianne in his usual down-to-heart tone and, as if his voice had broken a charm, Noa started talking to.
“YEAAAY!” He literally jumped on his sister, hugging her and me at the same time, showering us with his seemingly unlimited amount of love and cheerfulness.
“You did it! YOU DID IT! It’s so cool, now we can train together and all!” He seemed as happy about the fact that his sister awakened Shi than about the consequence of it, aka that, for now on, they would be able to be together even for this.
So, I know it’s not always like this but, siblings bond sure is something amazing.
I don’t know you, but I like this life more and more. We may have had to let some things go but…
Yeah. You lose some, you get some, and this time it seems like I’ve gained a lot.
Next came Crisnée, all flustered by the turn of event.
“C-congratulation, Vivianne.” She said in a tiny and awkward voice.
“T-thanks, lady Crisnée.” And Vi answered in the same awkward voice.
But somehow, I felt as if the very first roadblock of their relationship had been overcome.
“We ought to tell your parents. This is a miracle, for not one, but two Shi wielders to be born in the same family, one being a girl!” Now Gregory was all fired up. He turned toward Crisnée, a spark in his eyes.
“Milady Crisnée, do you mind if I escort the twins and their little sister back to their home, to report the matter to their parents.”
“N-no, do as you see fit.” She answered timidly.
It always baffles me to see the difference some people show in their behaviour in and out of battle. I mean, look at her. She’s a monster of presence and determination when she fights Noa. Now? She’s a shy little girl.
You’re one to talk.
“A-as it is a somewhat important matter, I’ll even a-accompany you, sir knight.” Too bad her cold ladylike demeanour became so cute when her shyness came into play. Too bad for her, that is, for I never had enough cuteness.
“Of course milady. That’s settled then, let’s go.”
And just like that, I found myself on the road home, carried by a Vivianne torn between worries and excitation.
Once home, Sir Gregory knocked at the door, and we were quickly greeted by Dad in his cooking attire.
“Yes? Oh, Sir Gregory?! Did something happen?”
“Yes, but nothing to worry about. Can we come in? It’s a bit cold for the kids outside.”
“Ah! Of course, of course, come on in. Take off your shoes, please, I’ll make us some tea to go with the fresh cookies I made, just make yourself cosy in the living room.” He disappeared in the hallway, surely going in the kitchen.
Dad’s cookies. Too bad I still can’t eat them.
Soon enough, mother. What is a year in your whole life?
For a normal human? More than 1% of their life. That’s a lot you know?
You’re no normal human, and you know it. Stop messing with me.
You’ve no humour.
We have the same humour and I can assure you, right now, you were not funny.
Following Dad’s instruction, we left our shoes at the entrance and settled in the living room.
Not long after, Dad came back with a plater full of cookies, a somewhat worried smile on the face.
“So, what happened that justifies the pleasure of your visit?” I was always surprised by how much two-faced Dad could be.
At home, a nice and soft house-husband that took care of the kids, sometimes taking them to play in the garden under the excuse of ‘training’ them.
However, when he was set for a hunt, he became a dangerous predator, sharpening his tools and resolve with one goal in mind: being the one killing the other, and not the other way around.
“Your daughter, Vivianne. Today, she showed us that she had the ability to wield Shi.”
Dad, who was in the process of serving tea, stopped dead in his tracks. His hands trembled a bit and he quickly put the teapot down, before taking a seat.
“W-what?” He turned his gaze toward Vivianne, who answered with a truly radiant smile.
“Dad, dad, it was amazing! She just started creating a sword sheet out of nowhere!”
“Is that true?”
“Yes it is. You’re a very lucky man to have two children wielding Shi, and with a seemingly genius girl! Creating a sheet on her first try, that’s not unheard of, but it’s still quite rare! I bet you’ll get a very good place when the master instructors from the-” But Sir Gregory stopped talking under the urging gaze of Dad, whose eyes were clearly saying to the knight to shut the fuck up.
“Ahem, so yes, I came here to announce you the news personally, seeing how important and joyous it was.”
Nice catching-up, mister knight, but now I’m curious about those master instructors.
I had also caught Crisnée’s reaction to Gregory’s words, how her mouth distorted at the mention of those ‘master instructors’ and I started to worry a bit.
“And where is your wife? I’m sure sharing this with her will make her happy.”
“She’s working. She never stops unless she’s dead tired or the kids are around. I’ll try and see if I can coax her out of her workshop with the bait of the children being here. Please, indulge yourself in the tea and the cookies.” He stood up but, instead of exiting the room, he walked to Vivianne and kneeled before her, putting his eyes at the same levels as hers.
“I am very proud of you, Vi. You worked very hard, and now you’re rewarded for it. That’s proof of your potential, fo the greatness sleeping in you, don’t ever forget it, okay?”
“Yes dad!”
“Abu abu!” I love my Dad!
You got lucky. Not all dads are like that if I remember Wanderer’s tales of childhood.
Do you think Wanderer tried to be a good dad because his own parents were bad?
Plausible. Likely, even.
I could feel it under my hands, in my pack, against my head. Vivianne’s body was more… relaxed. At ease. She was proud of herself, rightfully, and it made hugging her that more lovely. To mark the occasion, I cuddled energetically against her.
Aaaaah, I want to be bigger to hug her and be more active!
Sometimes, I wonder who’s the older one here.
You know it’s a trick question, since we’re the exact same age.
That’s my point. How come you’re such a child when we have literally the same age?
Because I nurtured my inner child?
You can’t argue against the advantage of a youthful soul, you old dusty thing.
I can be childish too, you know? I just try to be responsible.
I feel like we already had this discussion.
That’s because we already had this discussion.
Yeah, figured. Now, back at cuddling!
...Hhmm. Okay. That’s one part I can accept.
Answering my affection, Vivianne played a bit with me all the while eating cookies. Since her sole hand was occupied with the food, she used her face to make grimaces, or bit at my nose, those kinds of things. I fully committed to the game, happily fighting my sister’s face.
Unsurprisingly, Noa joined us, and by looking at her, I could see that Crisnée looked at us longingly.
Oh. We can’t let such a cute child make a lonely face like that.
It’s criminal.
“Abu! Abubu!” I stopped playing with the twins and started extending my hands toward Crisnée.
“Oh? What’s happening, you want something?” Noa looked at me, then followed my gaze toward the young lady, Vivianne imitating him.
“I think… she wants to… to go in your arms?” Said Vi in her staple shy voice.
“Abu ABU!” I drove the point home with one or two more exclamations, flailing my arms in Crisnée’s direction.
“What?” The girl’s reaction was pretty fun to see.
“Yes, she definitely wants to go to you. That’s how she shows that she wants to be in someone arms.” Added Noa, taking me in his arms and approaching Crisnée with a resolute gaze.
In a sofa, Sir Gregory was looking at all of this from the corner of his eyes, his cup of tea a poor cover to hide his budding smile.
“Wait no I’m no good with chil-”
“Tatata, just take her. She’s very light, you’ll see, and she always behaves herself.” Interrupted Noa, nearly shoving me in her arms.
Crisnée didn’t move a muscle, too anxious and surprising to do anything.
Oh come on girl, you never had a child in your arms?
I started cuddling with her, gently rubbing my face against her chest, seemingly making her snap out of her stupor.
“I think she likes you.” Noa was all smile, seeing me showering his sparring partner in love.
“Yes yes. She never asked anyone out of the family to take her in their arms. I think you’re the first one.” Added Vi in a surprised voice, the kind that showed you were impressed by your interlocutor. She’s quite talkative today. That’s good!
It is.
“I-is that true?”
“Yes! Here, I’ll help you.” Vivianne, all in her excitation, started helping Crisnée adjust her posture to carry me more efficiently. Surprisingly, the young lady reacted quite positively to Vivianne, letting her do as she pleased with her body till my sister was satisfied.
And for those asking, yes, efficient was a real stake while carrying children. You ever tried to keep a baby in your arms while in an uncomfortable posture? Yeah, that’s not great.
My head now in the hollow of her neck, I felt myself going to the land of dreams and, as I had somehow a good feeling toward Crisnée, I let go of my consciousness.
In That Moment of Suffering
Originally a slave, Senna experienced a never ending hell pleasing her cruel master. By sheer luck she assists an angel that arrives in her world by mistake. Their chance meeting breaks her away from her confinement and whisks her away to another world. Given unexpected freedom, Senna decides to live her life to the fullest and enjoy everything this new world of swords and magic has to offer her. Unfortunately, the scars of her past run very deep causing numerous problems for both Senna and the people around her. Note: A random, story I wanted to write on a whim using a more cliche transported setting. The story starts a bit dark, but becomes lighter in the main story. Tags: Mentally unstable Protag, Female Protagonist, OP Protagonist, Yuri (undertones as of now), Status: Dropped
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