《Keeper's World》Knights of the Round Stable: Chapter 8
Along their approach, the invading forces stopped regularly to have someone fire a spell, as if measuring the distance that they could attack from. Each time, the fire and ice that they shot lost its power and crashed harmlessly into the ground before even reaching the wall. It was clear that they were intimidated by the defense, and did not want to get any closer than they absolutely had to.
However, we would not be giving them that chance. Once Dhalia determined that they were within her range, she reached into her satchel of arrows, and took aim. I felt a slight shift in the wind, a sign that the blessing Malcon gave us was working. As soon as she noticed it, she released her arrow, not even enhancing it with her ki.
If my Power of the Archer was strong enough, I would be doing the same. However, ever since awakening fire ki, I had forsaken the bow, too worried that I would burn it and waste precious wood. As such, I could only watch as Dhalia’s arrow flew through the air, piercing into the body of one of the leading enemies.
“One down.” She said, taking a deep breath, before immediately drawing her bow and firing another arrow. After seeing that they were within our range, several mages immediately erected barriers to defend against her assault. Others tried to return the attacks, firing their own spells at us, though we were still outside of their reach.
Unfortunately for those within the shields, Dhalia was not using a normal arrow this time. What she used now was an arrow powered by her ki. As Dalin had explained to me, ki and mana naturally oppose one another. With that being the case, a piercing or slashing attack using ki could break a magic barrier much more easily than a normal attack, or even one with mana. Of course, the opposite also held true, and ki defenses could be broken more easily by piercing or slashing spells.
The difference here was best expressed with this knowledge. The arrow that Dhalia fired tore open a hole in the barrier it struck, boring through and drilling a hole in the body of the mage that casted it. This caused shocked expressions to spread throughout the opposing force. Likely, this was the first time that an arrow had ever managed to destroy one of their barriers like that. “Another one…”
It was at this time that both Namor and Dalin began firing their spells. What they used was only the simplest ice shards, but even this showed a startling result when taking into consideration the range difference. Unlike when a spell was fired up or forward, they were firing at a downwards angle, causing the shards of ice to fall from the sky like diving birds.
Each of their spells were aimed at targets not protected by the barrier spells, allowing them the most freedom in their attacks. Although there was still the chance that the spell would be dodged, at least one out of every two spells hit a target. And, whenever someone was struck by an ice shard like this, there would be no hope for them in the battle. At the very least, they would be in too much pain to continue marching, even if they managed to keep their life.
Like this, the three of them continued firing spells and arrows, striking down more and more enemies the closer they came. Under this assault, the variants from Try’s Hold were even forced to slow their charge, moving more carefully to defend themselves and be ready to dodge. Any time a mage created a barrier to defend against the ice blasts, Dhalia would target them with an arrow.
However, there were still just more than half of the enemies remaining by the time that they made it within range to return their attacks. The pegasus units all began shooting their bows, firing arrows towards us upon the walls. And, yet again we were able to see the effect of the blessing. The wind itself was with us, and would slightly push the arrows to help them miss.
With all but the strongest arrows forced off course, there was little for us to worry about in our own defense. Whenever it looked like something was about to hit, either a barrier would be created or a burst of wind ki would blow it off course. The real thing that we had to worry about were the spells, but it seemed that the enemy did not know what to do with their mages. Or maybe, they were unaware that we had Hyumahn stationed below.
A mixture of fire and ice shot out in a flurry of spells, striking at various areas along the base of the wall. The fire did not cause any harm to the stone wall, and most of the ice shards shattered upon contact. However, every now and then one would wedge itself into the wall, creating a tiny crack on its surface.
This was where having a druid came in handy. As soon as those cracks were formed, they healed in but a moment, the ice simply falling out and landing on the ground. The mages likely thought that their spells had an effect on the wall, as the ice had clearly stabbed in, so the mix of fire and ice instead became a barrage of ice shards.
Yet, while they were doing this, they also had to worry about attacks from above. Dhalia kept unleashing her arrows, first on those protected by a barrier, and then on the archers firing at us. I could easily see as her arrows were used one after another, until she reached back and felt the empty satchel, grimacing as she looked at her next target. “I’m out.” She said, shaking her head.
By this time, the sixty enemies had again been cut down by more than half. Barely twenty were left, all madly firing their spells at the wall to try to breach it. Glancing over, I could tell that Dalin and Namor were also both running low on mana, due to the grim expressions on their face. Perhaps the only one that has it easy this time is Hyumahn, as he only had to repair small cracks that appeared rarely.
“Go see if Serena has any more for you.” Given her injury in the initial attack, I had not ordered our crafter to come to fight, even though she was decent with a bow. At my order, Dhalia nodded her head, turning and heading for the nearest ramp. I wasn’t sure where Serena had gone after Hyumahn was done healing her, but I was sure that it would not take long for them to find each other.
Or, at least, that was my expectation. However, Dhalia never had a chance to come back up the wall. While she was gone, the spells from the enemy slowly came to a stop. I could see them panting for breath, some holding their heads in pain as they suffered from the backlash of using too much magic. With less than a quarter of their original numbers, they actually began pulling back.
No doubt, Dalin and Namor would be suffering from similar effects. Although, for them it was more limited, due to them not using their spells as wildly. They had been aiming for specific targets, rather than simply bombarding an area. This made it so that they used far less magic than those on the ground, and showed a higher effect.
Yet, despite them leaving, I had the feeling that something was wrong. The fight wasn’t over yet. Faintly, I could still hear screams of anger, the sounds of fighting. Before, I had only attributed it to the forces in front of me, but they were now retreating, but the sounds remained.
Turning back, I looked at the other side of the haven. I had to activate the Power of the Scout, but I soon saw that a herd had rushed through the gate. From what I saw, they were engaging in battle with the people we sent over to that side. “We have to move!” I shouted, getting the attention of the others along the wall.
While it looked like they were winning, our brothers were still suffering damage. Jayce especially, I could see blood spraying from his body with every collision, his Power of the Berserker in full effect. They were gradually pushing the enemy forces back, yet at the same time I was unsure if they would be able to win before Jayce died.
As such, I quickly ran to the side, heading down the nearest ramp before circulating my fire ki to help me make it there faster. When I passed her, Dhalia seemed to take notice of where I was going, and likewise increased her speed. We were both running with the power of our ki, but that would likely not let us make it there in time unless we used all of it, and if we did so then we would be powerless to help.
However, once again, my expectations were shattered. I felt a warm light flowing around me, similar to when Malcon had given me the blessing. At that moment, the ground beneath my feet seemed to become incomparably smooth. My speed increased yet again, and I could only thank Tryval for this chance.
Strangely, this speed boost applied only to myself, and soon I had left behind the others who had followed me. It felt like only a moment before I was rushing into the fray on the other side of the haven, my fire ki covering my hands. While I could do nothing to help in the battle on the walls, this was another matter entirely.
The herd that had attacked contained over twenty normal centaurs. Or, at least, those were what was left by the time I had noticed them. I was unsure how many had already been killed, but they were already starting to be pushed back. Part of me suspected whether there was some secret deal between them and the variants to attack at the same time.
Yet, none of that really mattered as my hand tore open the throat of one of the stronger men in the herd. “Jayce! Fall back!” I called out, yet he did not seem to hear me. He simply roared with anger, punching out at anyone who approached him. His fists carried a tremendous power at this point, with his bar of life at less than a third its full size. His arms had seemingly grown thicker, lines bulging along his skin.
This was the first time I had ever seen him go fully berserk, and I wasn’t sure if he would even be able to tell friend from foe at this point. As such, I made sure to give him a wide berth, as did most people. Whether they were from our side or the enemy, nobody wanted to approach him in this state.
As for the others, they were in far better states. Liria had remained on the wall, firing down at the enemies with her bow and arrow. Marlin stood with her, shouting out instructions. To my surprise, Serena had made her way up there as well to pelt them with arrows from above. However, that left only Jayce and Karlin to fight on the ground.
While Karlin was in better shape than Jayce, that was only because of his ki. And from the looks of things, his ki was all but depleted at this point. His movements were more sluggish, and although he was able to inflict powerful blows, they were noticeably weaker than I was used to seeing him. As for his bar of life, it was almost down to half of its full size.
Yet, somehow they had still managed to fight hard enough to push the attackers back. And with me here, the battle became even more chaotic. Thanks to the blessing I received from Malcon, I still had over half of my ki by the time I arrived. My hands lashed out, ripping apart one enemy before I sped towards the next. For some reason, none of them had bows out, only spears or bone daggers. My guess was that the others had already taken out the archers, much like we did on the other side of the haven.
This made my job easier, and also caused them to retreat that much faster. I could feel the blood on my hand with every strike, yet I continued attacking. I had already put the wounded Jayce and Karlin behind me, advancing ahead to force the enemies back.
I had already resolved myself to killing them all, yet something changed that plan. The moment that the last enemy passed back through the gate to retreat, there were barely ten of them left. And, at that time, another white light sprouted out from my body. This was different than the blessing, and was actually a light that anyone would be familiar with. It was the light of a promise scroll.
I furrowed my brows, wondering if I had accidentally damaged a scroll in the battle, causing it to break. Yet, in the next instant, everything became still. Whether it was me, or the terrified enemies I had been chasing. Even the wind itself seemed to stop as a pulse of power spread over us.
“That is enough.” A soft voice spread throughout the plains. I wasn’t sure how, but I knew that voice stretched far and wide. While I was stunned, I felt a hand land on my shoulder, instantly grabbing my attention. When I turned, I saw an unfamiliar face staring back at me. Black hair swept down his back past his shoulders, his eyes seemingly filled with an ancient feeling that I couldn’t understand.
No, to call him unfamiliar was wrong. I knew exactly who this was. Anyone would, with only a glance, even though he has not been seen in generations. “Tryval…” I spoke quietly, receiving a nod to confirm my suspicions. Instantly, the fire ki flowing through my hands stopped, returning to a passive state.
Tryval looked out at the others beyond the wall, as wall as the bodies laid out in the area. “This fighting is over. No more blood. No more hate. No more war.” As he spoke, I felt a strange power pouring out around us. Not magic, or ki, or natural energy. This was something that I had never felt before.
The next thing I heard were cries of alarm, and I looked back to see the several variants that had just fled from the battle on the other side of the haven, as well as those that I had left upon the walls. They were now all standing behind me, surprised looks on their faces. Well… almost all of them. Dalin still looked as calm as ever, a small smile on his face.
At this moment, Tryval spoke, not giving anyone he had brought here a chance to interrupt. “I have watched this go on for too long. Man against man, father against child. Entire herds attacking a single child because they were born with wings. But for what reason?”
“Because they are ‘cursed’? Because they are different? And those who were born with these gifts, instead of enlightening others as I had taught, they instead turned to violence.” Tryval shook his head, a sorrowful look in his eyes. “I am disappointed in you all, my children.”
At this point, one of the unicorns that had been fighting us just a short while ago opened his mouth as if to speak. Yet, a stern look from Tryval seemed to carry enough pressure to make his legs shake, his mouth quickly closing. “Yes, all of you.” Then, he turned to look at me. “Even you had been on the path of blood. While your intentions were pure, and you wished to share the strength of fellowship, your methods were not my methods.”
I felt a sharp pain in my chest as he spoke, and could not help but lower my gaze. He was right, I had been on a path originally that would lead me to kill in his name. For no other reason than to show that we were stronger together. “As such, I gave you and your… Round Stable, that quest.” His voice seemed to hold some amusement in it as he said the name, which only made me feel more embarrassed.
“That’s right.” He said, and I could tell without looking up that he had turned to address everyone. “The mission that they claimed was true. They built this haven for everyone, by my order. A place for everyone to coexist. Anyone who wishes to live together in harmony, to fully experience what fellowship truly is, may live here.”
“Those among you who harbored intense hatred have either already perished in the battle, or still live outside these walls.” This caused me to look up in surprise as I glanced at either of the previously hostile groups. “Those who are left are by design those that would be able to live in this place. I know that there are those who will refuse this offer, yet I shall make it to everyone. If you stay here, you will be free from the fighting. Free from the bloodshed.”
Tryval took a deep breath before speaking. “Let my voice be heard by all. There is a land of freedom, of solace. One where any centaur can live together happily. All are welcome, and by my command, none are to prevent those who wish to journey here to seek refuge.”
His face darkened for a moment before he spoke his next line. “As for Try’s Hold, the city which had originally existed to serve this purpose… You have lost your way, more than most. It was by my grace that you had a home to call your own, to be free from the violence that existed beyond your walls. And yet, you lost sight of your purpose. To remind you… Let my name be the reminder it should have been. From now on, let Tryval’s Hold show you the way.”
After that, he seemed to let out a breath of relief, turning to face us again. “Now, there is still the promised matter. I owe someone a kingship.” He said with a small smile. “The twelve of you have truly worked as I would intend, carrying out the quest I gave to the best of your ability. Now, tell me, who among you will be king?”
As he said that, he sent glances to the stunned faces of each of the members of my herd. However, each of them sent a silent glance towards me before he moved his gaze to the next. When it was my turn, I couldn’t help but look at Dalin. Although I might be recognized as the leader here, none of this would be possible without the teachings that he had given me ever since we first met.
However, he shook his head with a smile, being the first to speak up since Tryval’s appearance than Tryval himself. “I am not suited to rule, only to teach.”
With that, Tryval nodded his head in my direction. “Take a knee, Ashur.” He spoke in a soft, yet stern voice. Before I even knew what I was doing, I felt the front of my lower body lean down. My front left leg bent at the knee while the left one stretched out in front of me to stabilize my posture. As for my upper body, I lowered my head again with my arms at my sides.
Tryval nodded his head, smiling as he placed his hands on either of my shoulders. “Ashur, you have always strived to follow my teachings to the best that you understood them. Even before I interfered in your life, you had chosen to forsake your own herd rather than spill the blood of the variants. And after meeting your friends, you have led them to live a life of fellowship and prosperity. While not the most peaceful path, this is the best outcome that you could have hoped for. As such, I name you King. King Ashur Firestep, Knight of Leadership, rise.” After his words ended, I saw a series of messages appear in my vision.
Congratulations, you have earned an Achievement!
For being recognized by a god as king, you have earned the True King achievement. +2 Charm, Title forcefully equipped.
You have received the Power of the Knight
Before I could even respond, I noticed that he had already vanished from in front of me by the time I stood up. Yet, I knew that he was not gone, because his voice once again spoke to the side. “Dalin, take a knee.” When I looked to the side, I saw Dalin slowly lowering himself into the same position I had just taken. Before I could question what was going on, his voice continued.
“For guiding Ashur and his fellows throughout his journey, and displaying wisdom beyond your peers, I name you Dalin Watermane, Knight of Wisdom. Rise.” As soon as he said the last word, he had faded away like a mist, appearing in front of Jayce. “Jayce, take a knee.”
In this pattern, he appointed each of our ‘Round Stable’ members a title as a knight. Jayce’s courage and willingness to fight against all odds for his friends using nothing but his own body made him the Knight of Strength. Next was Karlin, whose eagerness to uphold honor had made him the Knight of Valor.
Then came Marlin, whose leadership and unwillingness to see his friends come to harm earned him the title of Knight of Fellowship. Unsurprisingly, Namor was named the Knight of Magic, due to his magical talent that surpassed even Dalin. Similarly, Liria’s desires to protect everyone made her the Knight of Justice.
Perhaps Dhalia was the one that surprised me the most. From what Tryval said, her desire to spread the truth and see that it was enforced was among her strongest traits. Thus, he named her the Knight of Truth.
After that was Serena, Hyumahn, and Drahman. They all received the titles as Knight of Crafts, Nature, and Tradition respectively. Again, there was no real surprise as those were the areas that they excelled the most.
Finally, it was Malcon’s turn. He had kneeled down before Tryval even had a chance to speak, causing him to smile. “Malcon, you have always been my most faithful priest. Even when I spoke of Fellowship, you were the only one that listened, that tried to spread the word. I am sorry for the trouble that caused you, but let it not deter you. For now, I name you Malcon Tryheart, Knight of Faith. May your heart never waver.”
With that, the last of the twelve had all been appointed as knights, so he took a step back, his gaze sweeping over the audience. “Let it be known, these Knights of the Round Stable have my blessing to govern this city. This… King’s Hope. Each one has their purpose, and each one is equal in their importance. From this day forth, let them govern this area as they see fit.”
After saying that, he turned his head towards me. “However… Do not allow yourselves to fall off the path again. Or else, I will return. At that time, my presence will mean the end of King’s Hope, and I shall rename it the King’s Fall.”
With that, he faded away like smoke, but this time I did not find his figure anywhere I looked. This time, he had truly vanished, having fulfilled the promise he made us before this all began. As the other knights approached and gathered around me, I looked down at my blood-stained hands, wondering just how I was supposed to lead these people in the future...
- End1482 Chapters
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