《Earth to Rae》Chapter 1 - 10 Years Later, And It Begins


10 Years Later

A handsome young man was sprinting after a beautiful girl down a strangely empty sidewalk after he caught up to her; he had his hands on his knees while struggling to breathe.

“Rae, you’re getting faster! Before you took Kendo, you never would have caught up with me.” The beautiful girl complemented.

“Kawazoe Sensei has been tearing me down almost every day! Before, all I did was play video games and read manga and novels in my free time, and when wasn’t doing that, I was doing schoolwork or prepping myself for Helen’s company. It was an absolute nightmare when I first started.” Rae said.

‘Kawazoe Sensei is an absolute monster despite being such a tiny and cute looking woman,’ Rae thought.

“Well, whose fault is that, huh?” Mary said. “I wonder what the pining ladies at Ford Ash Academy would think when they find out their lonely and solemn idol is used to be just regular bookworm otaku at home?” She asked with a taunting grin.

In fact, Rae was more than "just" handsome. With a well-chiseled jawline (like this, for picturing \_/ ), high cheekbones that made his cheeks sink ever so slightly, straight nose and blue eyes, white skin, most of the ladies in the academy were quite attracted to him. Even some of the female teachers thought he was handsome as well. Not that they would cross “that” line, anyway. What his most eye-catching feature was his silver hair that went down just a bit past his shoulders that he swept behind his ear on his right and leaving his left side hanging. All these put together and he was a bonafide lady-killer at the age of only 17.

Well, he would be if he took advantage of his looks.

Mary thought of how he looked when her mother had pulled him out of the dumpster and then compared to how he looked now. She couldn’t help but smile deep inside.

“Well, I wonder what the pining gentlemen would do if they found out their idol was just a tom-boy with a smart mouth. I still remember when you punched Neal Halden and knocked one of his teeth out on my first day of elementary school for calling me “Dumpster boy” and screamed to the rest of the room, “Don’t you dare bully my big brother!” He retorted in a playfully and nostalgically after he caught his breath from the sprint.

‘Although I said that, I love you just the way you are,’ Rae thought to himself.

Actually, even if they did know, Mary would still be incredibly popular. She was almost the spitting image of her mother except without the graceful aura that came with a maturity that her mother had and although she was not as buxom as she was, she still possessed a shapely figure despite only being 15 years old. In addition, like Rae, her long silk-like silver hair that went down to her back was eye-catching as well. In fact, she was probably more popular than Rae was as she had not only gorgeous looks but also an outgoing personality.

Mary crossed her arms and looked pointed her nose in the air in a smug way and said, “And nobody ever called you that again. Mom had never been angry, but more so proud at the same time as that day.”

They both chuckled and as if she knew what Rae was thinking before, Mary closed the distance between them, bent over slightly so she was face to face with him and said with a sly smile, “And although you say that, you love me just the way I am, don’t you?”


Rae became dazed for a few seconds because her beautiful face was so close to him. ‘Whew, if I didn’t have self-control…’ but he stopped his thoughts, and then smiled in a way he didn’t even realize he was doing. “Yeah, I do.” Afterward, he turned away and restarted their walk home from Ford Ash.

Mary froze up at his dazzling smile, stared at his back with a deep blush on her face, and couldn’t help but think about how handsome Rae was.

She then smacked both sides of her face to wake herself up. ‘I have to stop doing that.’ She inwardly sighed at the thought and started walking to catch up to him.

Normally, students would stay in the high-class dorms but Mary and Rae weren’t comfortable with that so Helen had set up a regular chauffeur, but since Rae started practicing Kendo, he decided he should start walking home for extra exercise as their home was only about an hour away on foot and Mary decided to join him as well.

On the way, Rae spotted a garbage dumpster in an alley and it reminded him of that day 10 years ago. He knew it wasn’t the same dumpster or the same alley yet he still wanted to see it for some reason. Rae then started walking into the alley.

When Mary saw this, she knew what it meant to Rae as it also reminded her of the important day he came into her and her mother’s life so she followed him in.

After they were in front if, Rae and Mary just stood there in silence. When a few minutes had passed, Rae turned to Mary; he took both of her beautiful soft white hands and held them together. Then he looked into her eyes and smiled, and just when he was about to say something he saw a figure cloaked in all black with a ski mask on running towards them from behind her.

‘What the hell?!’ Was all Rae could think of before the man pulled out a Taser, but before he could fire, Rae pushed Mary out of the way and then swiveled his backpack in front of him as quickly as possible as he didn’t have time to propel himself in any other direction after pushing Mary out of the Way.

Luckily, the man couldn’t stop the motion of aiming the Taser at him and firing, thus hitting the backpack.

‘Holy shit! The kendo lessons with Sensei Kawazoe paid off,’ He thought excitedly. Then, realizing the danger of the situation pulled out his Shinai while shouting to Mary as loud as he could. ”Mary! RUN NOW!”

“BUT—“, but before Mary could finish, the man looked at her said something that made the situation seem much worse than a random mugger.

“Stay. If you leave, your brother dies,” The man said ominously.

‘How does he know Mary is my sister?!’ Then Rae realized this man actually never asked them to hand anything over.

“Mary, run now!” Rae yelled again. “B—“She was cut off again.

“Mary, you need to run and get any help can and look for one of the Ford Ash guards that patrol the area! I will stop him! This isn’t a random mugging!” Then shouting in the loudest and angry way he had ever done towards his little sister, “SO LISTEN TO YOUR OLDER BROTHER AND RUN, DAMN IT!”

He said it with all his soul because he truly wanted to keep Mary safe. His little sister that would knock out bullies for him when he could not defend himself as children. The only other person he has ever loved in the world that saved him from being and eating literal trash. He would die for her. He always felt that he owed Mary and Helen his life anyway.


‘Please be okay. Please be okay. Please be okay. Please be okay. Please be okay,’ Mary kept hoping and telling herself.

Then, she took a deep breath and with tears in her eyes, she ran as fast as she possibly could toward the man. The other side of the alley was a dead end so Mary had no choice but to go in the direction of the man, and they had not walked too far from the academy and Mary was athletic so if she tried her hardest, she could get there in a few minutes.

When she got close to the man, the man pulled out a combat knife and thrust his left hand towards her, hoping it would deter her from running but before it got even close, Rae jabbed the man’s hand with his Shinai and the combat knife fell to the ground.

However, it wasn’t enough to stop him and the man started moving his other hand to grab her. ‘Fuck, you piece of garbage! Since you really want to do this then don’t blame me afterward because you’re not touching a hair on Mary’s head.’ Rae cursed inwardly. He hardened himself and in the next second, there was a scream.

“AHHHHH!!! MY EYE!” the man screamed. The man clutched his right eye and screamed in agony while blood was flooding out from his eye socket. He started writhing and looked like he was about to collapse.

Rae had thrust his Shinai into the man’s eye to stop him. His Sensei had told him doing this was taboo but he did not feel guilty. In fact, he was happy it did that much damage as it allowed Mary to get away.

‘I’m glad she got away,’ Rae sighed inwardly in relief. However, was not the time to relax as he was still in trouble.

When Rae regained focus, he noticed something strange; the man was not screaming anymore. ‘How is that possible? The man had just lost one of his eyes and was screaming like a maniac. Now he’s as quiet as a lamb?’ Then he heard a sinister laugh coming from the man.

“Kept me from my one and only Mary! I wasn’t going to let you off since you’re her brother, but you had to take out my eye, didn’t you? Well, that’s okay. I’m sure she’ll forgive me when I cut her up and eat the pieces so we can be together forever.” The man creepily said in a singsong voice.

‘This guy is one sick bastard. I’m going to try and disable him as fast as I can.’

When Rae decided on his next course of action, it was already too late. The crazed man had pulled out a gun and shot him in the stomach.

Rae was shocked. ‘Huh? He had a gun? Seriously? How am I supposed to fight against that?’

When Rae grasped the reality of the situation, he clutched his profusely leaking stomach. Then he started to feel the sting and his legs could no longer support him through the pain. He then fell down on his side and then onto his back.

Rae looked up at the sky.‘Well, the last 10 years of my life were absolutely fantastic. I wish I could have spent more time with Helen and Mary and told them many things I haven’t done yet, but oh well. Dying for them isn’t such a bad thing anyway.’ When he was lost in thought and looking back at the last 10 years of his life, he heard footsteps coming toward him. He turned his toward the source of the sounds and looked at him up and down. ‘Well, if I had one regret, it would be that this fucking bastard is still alive. It’s, somewhat fine I suppose since it’s not like he’ll have a chance in hell to get near Mary after this as Helen and Ford Ash will have her protected 24/7.’

The crazed man looked down at him, then slowly took off his ski mask and smiled.

Rae was shocked! He would never have thought that this crazed and obsessed man was our chauffeur! ‘What the hell?! It’s the driver! This guy was always so nice! He drove us to and from school every day for years and we never noticed what kind of “thing” he is?!’

“HAHAHAHAH! This is what you get for coming in between us.” The crazed man gloated. “You know, I’ve always been jealous of you? What with being so close to my goddess and all. Moreover, that face. Who gave you the right to be so damn handsome, huh?! NOT FAIR! NOT FAIR! NOT FAIR! NOT FAIR!”

Rae looked at the man with contempt and squeezed out two last words.

“Fuck. You.”

The crazed man then pointed his gun, shot him four more times in the chest, and started to laugh crazily again.

“HAHAHAHAH! This is what you get for coming in between us. How dare you act so cocky in death! HAHAHAHA” The crazed man gloated.

However, what the man didn’t notice was that Rae had secretly smeared blood on both of his shoes and pants. He had prayed to himself that this would help in some way in capturing him. Though he also understood the possibility of the man ditching the clothes, if he didn’t do it fast enough, the patrol would catch him.

The crazed man had had enough gloating and chose to leave before Mary returned with the guards.


‘Please be okay. Please be okay. Please be okay. Please be okay. Please be okay.’ Mary was still praying while shouting as loudly as she could for help along the way to Ford Ash Academy, but no matter how loud she was, no one comes.

That wasn’t the strangest thing. She also couldn’t see a single person around. Since this area was near Ford Ash Academy, it would usually be busy no one could be seen today but no one was around. ‘I don’t have time for this. I’ll just run straight to the academy for the rest of the way.’

A few minutes later when the academy gate was in sight, she started screaming to the guards about how Rae was in trouble and took them to the alley where they were attacked.

Mary didn’t seem to notice or remember the fact that she couldn’t find anyone when searching for help but when she returned with guards, they all returned and nothing seemed out of place.

“It’s over here in this alley!” Mary screams as she led the guards.


An old man with a Ron-Swanson mustache and no hair on his head that was wearing very small round glass, a small brown top hat, a brown suit, and brown dress shoes was watching everything from afar.

‘That youngling, Kahlos is too “preoccupied” to notice I did anything. Well, it’s not like he could even if he was attentive.’ Thought the old man. He looking down on a powerful god-like Kahlos. One could only imagine how powerful this old man was.

‘I hope you’ll forgive me for allowing you to die, one day, Rae. It’s for the greater good. You have a future you couldn’t possibly imagine. Well, it’s not like I don’t have a little bit of selfish motivation but it’s only a small wish I hope you can grant this old man one day. I’m sure you’ll use my gift well.’ The old man who was there one moment was gone the next and no one in the area noticed.

If Rae were to see this old man, he would recognize him as the one who ignited the fire in his heart to change his life.


When Mary went into the alley and the pool of blood beneath Rae’s body, she broke down and harder than she had ever before.

‘*Sob* he *sob* died *sob* for *sob* for *sob* me!’

She could still hear him yelling to at her to run while at the cost of his own and it only made her more depressed.

‘*Sob* Mother *sob* will *sob* be *sob* devastated *sob*’


When Rae woke up, he found himself in a dark room with only a leather upholstered double door on the left, a throne and a podium with a floating crystal ball.

‘Where am I? Moreover, what the fuck am I doing here? I died, didn’t I? Rae had many questions but no one to answer them until a certain someone appeared a moment later.

“Behold, mortal! I am the great Kahlos, watcher of Earth and you are here to be rei—eh?” While Kahlos was in the middle of his grandiose speech, he realized Mary Greyfield was not here and became slightly panicked.

‘Wait, where the fuck is she?! She was supposed to bite the dust this very moment! Oh, shit shit shit shit shit. Okay, Kahlos. Calm down. There was a 3-year safe period. So let’s just find out what happened and fix it and Big Sis won’t fuck me up.’ Kahlos eventually sorted out his thoughts and finally noticed the person who was in the room.

‘And who the hell is this brat? Looking at his face pisses me off for some reason.’

“Mortal, who are you?” Kahlos asked in a demanding tone. It was normal, as he was a god and Rae was just a puny mortal after all.

When Rae saw the person who was speaking as if he was god, he couldn’t help but turn his to the side and wonder, ‘this puny brat is a god?’

Rae could feel something definitely strange was going on so as he was sure he died to the chauffeur.

“I’m Rae Greyfield,” Rae answered.

‘Greyfield? I wonder if he knows Mary Greyfield’ Kahlos then pulled out the black book in search of Mary’s name…’Found it! Why are her death time missing and her name marked in red?! This has never happened before. Let us search for this ‘Rae Greyfield’ as well… His name is marked by even darker red! I have to find out what happened. Kahlos then turned to Rae and asked, “How did you die?”

Rae then told Kahlos what happened.

'This Rae Greyfield somehow subverted Mary Greyfield’s death, but that still doesn’t explain why there is no time stamp on Mary Greyfield’s name. Even though her time of death was subverted, it should have just changed to a different date… That either means my book of death cannot read her date because she is supposed to die on another planet or…no. That has not happened in a long time.' He inwardly sighed. ‘What should I do? I promised Big Sis, Mary Greyfield, there’s only 3 years left for that, and since I can’t read her time stamp, it means I have no clue when it will happen and it’s not like I can kill her myself because the Akashic System would punish me severely…'

Rae had been waiting there quietly for quite some time since he told Kahlos how he died. ‘What’s this shrimp thinking about?’

As if Kahlos had heard the rude remark by Rae, he looked up all of a sudden and had an epiphany. ‘I can just send Big Sis, Rae! This boy is clearly not normal if he could subvert someone’s fate, and although his talent in magic doesn’t seem to match up to Mary, it’s pretty good even among Alterans. If I can groom him a bit and send him to her, although she might be a bit disappointed with his magic skills, she won’t punish me! Also, I told her 13 Earth years. Therefore, that means he’ll have 9 years to get stronger on Altera! This should work. Okay, now I have to convince this brat.'

‘Why has this boy-god been staring at me so long? Does he roll “that” way? Is that why he looks like a kid? I mean, I have been told I’m handsome but I don’t want that! No no no no no, nuh uh!

“Rae Greyfield, I, The great amazing awesomely talented great god Kahlos, need you to be my hero and want you to reincarnate into a magical fantasy world called “Altera”! Kairos said while activating his「Godly Aura」to make it seem as epic as possible. If the other gods knew what he was using his 「Godly Aura」for, they would gang up on him and beat him silly. Especially his “Big Sis.”

“I have a few questions, Kahlos,” Rae said. This had been too sudden and he just needed to be sure of some details to be safe.

‘Kahlos, GAME TIME! We just need to convince him he wants it himself.’ In his most dignified voice, combined with his 「Godly Aura」he said, “You may speak, Rae Greyfield.”

“The first question: is it possible to return to Earth from Altera and if so, then how?” This was Rae’s most important question, as he would not want to be in a world without Mary and Helen.

“Yes, it is possible. There is the reincarnation method that you would be using. The strength method where you become strong enough to traverse worlds yourself. There are also other methods aside from these two but they are extremely special circumstances so there would be no point in telling you.” Kahlos answered honestly. He needed this bugger on his side to stave off the catastrophe that is “Big Sis.”

“Second question: what is the time difference between Earth and Altera?” His second important question, as there would be no point in him coming back to an Earth when Mary and Helen had already died.

“Altera is faster by 3x. So 1 year on Earth is 3 years on Altera,” answered Kahlos.

“Last question: will you give me cheat like powers like in novels?” His final question. As to why? Isn’t that obvious? What kind of reincarnation adventure didn’t give the person cheat like powers?

Kahlos had thought about it for a second and said, “I can only give you three.”

“What are they?” asked Rae curiously.

“Increased Perception of Eyes,「Appraisal」and 「Status Concealment」” Said Kahlos. He didn’t want to give straight up overpowered ones so he could at least rely on himself somewhat.

“Oh! Appraisal, the tried and true classic reincarnation cheat ability. Status concealment is also good for reincarnators going into hiding and increased Perception of Eyes sounds basic but useful.” Said Rae in excitement. He had always read about reincarnation and cheat like abilities in novels, now he was going to have all of that! How could he not feel excited as a tried and true otaku.

“Right, right! 「Appraisal」 is a classic and your novel knowledge isn’t bad to know the uses of 「Status Concealment」and Increased Perception of Eyes.” Kahlos also excited as an otaku.

“Hmm? Kahlos… are you an otaku?” Rae’s otaku meter went through when Kahlos was just speaking.

“Huh? Oh *Cough*, I just look at some stuff here and there.” ‘Where would my dignity if I admitted to liking mortal entertainment, huh?’

‘Definitely an otaku. Will keep it in mind in the future,’ Rae thought to himself.

“Oh yeah, what do I need to do as a hero?” Rae asked.

“Just go about your business and focus on getting stronger. The hero business will come naturally like it does for everyone,” Kahlos said carelessly.

Rae thought about is some more and Kahlos was right. That is how it is for most heroes and it completely fell in line with his primary goal of getting strong enough to return to Earth.

“Okay, Kahlos. I accept being your hero on Altera.” Rae said with an adventurous smile. If there were any women around right now, they would probably swoon.

Kahlos could barely contain his excitement at the achievement of his plan.

“Alright kid, hang on tight. I’m sending you right now. Any last question?” Kahlos asked.

“Yeah, why do you look like a kid? Not becoming of a god and all to look like a shrimp,” Rae asked thoughtlessly. He had forgotten he was talking to a god because he found out he was an otaku.

‘You just had to go and say it didn’t you? Only Big Sis is allowed to mention the way I look, fuck! Well then, let’s see how you like it being the size of a middle schooler!’

Rae thought Kahlos was just concentrating on reincarnating him. That’s why he ignored him.

‘Mary, Helen, just wait for me a bit. I’ll be back,’ Rae thought before a burst of light flashed around him and he disappeared.


Rae found himself in an enclosed and wet space. After struggling to move around but failing heard a female mechanical voice.

『Akashic System』 Initiating...

『Akashic System』 Initiating...

『Akashic System』 Initiated

『Akashic System』Scanning Host...

『Akashic System』Detected residual traces of previous body vessel in host soul, and detected mutation in host soul.


『Akashic System』Identified mutation as 『Origin Vampire Soul』

'How the hell did I get that?! Uhmm, let's try this out; activate「Appraisal」 on 『Origin Vampire Soul』

『Akashic System』: 『Origin Vampire Soul – Increased attributes. No weakness to sunlight or fire. Grants「Blood Manipulation」and「Absorption」』

'That's a bit overpowered. A bunch of positives with none of the weaknesses of a normal vampire.'

『Akashic System』Would host like to assimilate mutation and residual traces into the new vessel, or discard them?

'Do I get to keep my old appearances because of the residual traces? Moreover, this『Origin Vampire Soul』seems overpowered, but I don't know where it came from or how I got it...? Oh well, ACCEPT!'

『Akashic System』Now adjusting host Body to synchronize and accept host soul.

『Akashic System』Host body and soul synchronization 20%...

『Akashic System』Host body and soul synchronization 40%...

『Akashic System』Host body and soul synchronization 60%...

『Akashic System』Host body and soul synchronization 80%...

『Akashic System』Host body and soul synchronization 100% Complete!

『Akashic System』Host body has undergone mutation to accept host soul.

『Akashic System』Host has gained 『Title』:『Origin Vampire』

'Ooohh, that sounds cool. Hmmm, let's see if this works: STATUS!


『Titles』[Hidden]: 『Electra's Gift 』『Origin Vampire』

『General Information』

Name: Rae [Hidden] Gender: Male Age: In Womb Race: Mutated Goblin Level: 1 Class/Level: 「N/A」

『Resistances』[Hidden]:「Lightning: 0%」「Fire: 0%」「Wind: 0%」「Water: 0%」「Earth: 0%」「Light/Holy: 0%」「Darkness: 30%」


Health Points: 380 / 380 (+11.4/s)

Mana Points: 540 / 540 (+5.4/s)

Stamina Points: 240 / 240 (+3.6/s)

Origin Vampire: Fledgling


Strength: 110

Endurance: 80

Intelligence: 150

Dexterity/Agility: 130

Perception: 300

Charisma: 105

Wisdom: 90

Luck: 100

『Skill List』[Hidden]

「Blood Manipulation LV1」「Blood Absorption LV1」「Appraisal LV5」「Noble Aura LV1」「Status Concealment」 「Perceptive Eyes LV5」「Night Vision」「Enhanced Six Senses LV1」「Mana Perception LV5」「Darkness Magic LV1」 「Universal Language」

'FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKK! I got reincarnated as a goblin. How?!'

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