《Predators Dungeon》Chapter 2 “First floor”


“Predators Evolution” (Mythical tier) selected

You have been granted 2 monster design tickets, and 2 “common” monster unlocks which you can cash in at any time.

Great now that you have selected your core type. We can move on to deciding your location. When chosen you will be guided through the steps on building your first floor.

In front of him, there came a globe. There were four continents, and if he looked closely, he could see the lines that separated different countries, and if he zoomed in even closer there were cities. Spread out he could see some dots, which he assumed must be dungeons. But beneath them all, he could see some blue lines, that flowed everywhere, and where two meet a city or a dungeon were often placed.

“hey, what are those blue lines?” he asked

They are Dragon veins, points where high concentrations of mana, flowing through the world. They are some of the most attractive spots for dungeons, to spawn as they increase the mana regeneration of the dungeon. Incidentally, they are also very attractive locations for the intelligent races, for the increase in magical capabilities.

“Okay, so it is a good idea for me to select a place that is on a Dragon vein,” He thought to himself.

Looking around he found a good spot, in the country of Edria. There was a mountain range, called “The Wyverns Ascend”, surrounded by forest. A Dragon Vein ran through it, so I seemed like an optimal, placement with a chance to get some good monsters, in the dungeon.

As soon as he selected the spot, he could feel himself finally moving. He was being stretched, expanded and compressed, at the same time. It was weird it was like he was becoming something more than what he was until then, he became bigger much bigger, like a giant. He could fell how he would tower over anything else in existence. But then he was immediately being stuffed, compressed into something small. But oddly enough it didn't feel constraining. While he was now smaller, he still felt as big as before. Only it was concentrated into a single point.

Then he felt it, he was being moved, transported out of the darkness. Finally, he would be free from this void. So, he just leaned back and waited to be moved to his new home.


Your core has now been spawned. Now please say “update system” to get access to your abilities. Then say “status” to see your status screen.

“Update system,” he said. Whereupon he was assaulted by a series of notifications.

Achievement earned

“First of your kind “

You are the first core to be of the “Predators evolution” core type.

Effect: Enhanced Core type, 30 dungeon points

Achievement earned

“You are Mythical”

You are one of the only 5 Mythical Dungeons in the world.

Effect: Increases dungeon points earned by 30%

Achievement earned

“Sentient core”

You were born already sentient, unlike other cores.

Effect: 1 free selection below rare from the dungeon store.

Achievement earned

“Dragons might”

You were born with access to a Dragon vein.

Effect: Increases mana regeneration by 10*(floor number)

“Wow, those are a lot of achievements all at the same time. But I better move on to the next step.” He thought

“Status,” He said



[Dungeon Name]:

[Species]: Dungeon Core

[Core Type]: “Predators evolution” (Mythical)

[Core Rank]: E

[Level]: 1

[Mana]: 500/500

[Dungeon Points]: 130

[Mana regeneration]: 5/min + (10*0)/min

[Dungeon Points generated]: 7/day

[Achievements]: 4

[Floors]: 0

[Rooms]: 0

[Monsters]: 0

[Beasts]: 0

Here you can see all the information about your dungeon. Right now, your rank is E as you have no monsters or floors. You can increase your rank by leveling up, every 5 levels until you reach D rank. Then to C there are 10 levels, to B 20, and so on.

There are a multitude of ways for you to level. You can gain experience by digging out your dungeon, getting new patterns for your dungeon, successfully repelling creatures from your dungeon and finally there is killing the intruders who enter your dungeon.

But now let us move on to creating your dungeon.

Right now, your core is embedded in the ground. You can excavate the area around you by absorbing the surrounding earth, and afterward, you can claim the area, by spreading your influence.

And so, he began to try to feel his surroundings. He felt the earth around him and with a force of will he absorbed the surrounding earth into his core. By doing this he was able to dig through the surrounding earth and create his first room. He then tried to spread his influence, to claim the dugout area. But that seemed to be a little more challenging as he had no idea how to spread it. He could feel the mana inside of him, and the immediate area. But how to spread it out he had no idea.


That was until he remembered, the moment that he was transported into the core. He became a giant, and it was pressed into a core, so maybe if he took what was stuffed inside and spread it around him, that would be how he is supposed to claim an area as his.

So, that is what he did, he dug into himself and pulled it spreading it around him, he could feel as the surrounding walls became a part of him. And not only that he was able to see everything around him, not even a single grain of sand escaped his vision. He could finally see himself and find out what he looked like. He was a 6-sided gemstone of some kind, he didn’t know what material he was made out of. He just knew it was him. He had a diameter of 30 cm, and a height of 50 cm.

Immediately after he was done looking at himself, a new screen came from the tutorial.

Good, now that you have learned, how to dig and how to spread your dungeon influence. You can begin digging a basic outline for your dungeon. But there are a few basic rules that must be followed.

1. There must always be a path to your core.

2. It must not be impossible to go through the dungeon.

3. You cannot build/claim anything on the surface, besides the entrance.

It is recommended, to dig tunnels that lead to a large room, you then later can fill with monster. Just for the first floor, as to acquaint you with your abilities.

And with that knowledge, he began to dig. He started with finishing digging his core room. He made it around the room with a diameter of 10 m. And from there he just started digging straight ahead. He could feel where the surface was, so he made sure to dig a good distance away from it. But while digging a thought came to him, “why didn’t the tunnels collapse?”

Your influence, is reinforcing the tunnels, stabilizing them. Though it serves well. It is highly recommended that dungeons compress the earth in the tunnels. So that the chances of a collapse, is reduced.

After that, he just dug straight. He didn’t know what he was going to do with the floor, so he just decided to make a rough outline, and then later edit it into its proper shape.

Every so often he would begin the construction of a room, sometimes expanding a certain section into a square with an average size of 35x50 m with a height of 10 m. After which he dug a small tunnel in another direction. While digging he was able to find a few common ore veins, like iron copper and silver, and a few small bugs that he absorbed to gain their pattern.

While digging he made sure to compress the earth on all sides of the tunnels and rooms, to reinforce them, he didn’t want a cave in to ruin his progress.

His continued change of directions while digging ended up making a zigzag pattern of rooms and halls, but he made sure to also dig a few branching dead ends.

When he was done, he checked his status again.



[Dungeon Name]:

[Species]: Dungeon Core

[Core Type]: “Predators evolution” (Mythical)

[Core Rank]: E+

[Level]: 2

[Mana]: 300/500

[Dungeon Points]: 137

[Mana regeneration]: 10/min + (10)/min

[Dungeon Points generated]: 7/day

[Achievements]: 4

[Floors]: 1

[Rooms]: 10

[Monsters]: 0

[Beasts]: 0

“Huh, must have gained a level while digging,” he thought to himself.

But now that he had made the basic outline of his first floor, it was time to refine it, by filling it with plants, treasure and with monster.

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