《Unwieldy》From the Ashes...


Rises an old story, born anew. Sort of, anyways.

Hello there all, this is Sarius—wait, you forgot about me? That's fair enough. I've been gone for... a while. The reason for this? I could give you a whole rap sheet, but it really isn't important at all. Not even a little.

What is important? Unwieldy has undergone a little editing (so I reccomend you re-read it for the best experience), and Unwieldy will be posting again within the next few days!

"Wow that's, like, super great for you, maaaan. But why should I care?" I hear you ask. Thankfully, I have the answer for you. I've written a whole 30 chapters ahead of where I finished off here, and in the first month it'll be releasing as many as 4 times a week! The backlogged chapters almost hold a total of 70,000 words!

"Like, I guess that's cool, man. But why did it take you so long to write all that stuff? It's been, like, decades or something!" Ah, yes that makes sense, I have absolutely no reason that it might have—Sike! I didn't just do one story, I've done 3.


Yeah, you heard that right. In my time away, I wrote 30 whole chapters for each of these three stories, totalling 90 chapters at approximately 200,000 words!

“Yo, uh, so when do these stories come out, man?” As soon as the new Unwieldy chapter goes live, there will be two other stories for you to enjoy from my hand! And the best thing about all this? You’ll be getting from 2 to 4 chapters of these stories a week! You'll be able to go to my author page and see them all soon!

“Well, that’s kinda cool, not gonna lie. What are these stories about?”


Well, I’m glad you asked! This is a world exclusive event, revealing all about a tiny online author's new stories!

My first new story is named Fixture in Fate:

Fixture in Fate is a Superhero Fantasy story, set in a world where having a ‘link’ is everything. If you become a Linked, you have instant power at your fingertips, the mere title alone giving you arguably just as much power as the link itself.

The world was once enamoured by the Linked, hailing them as heroes with naïve, hopeful eyes—but now the world is a scarred and battered thing, tremoring in the corner of its cage, too terrified to know a helping hand from one ready to beat it.

We follow a team of Linked, deemed to have ‘undefined’ links—weak and inconsistent—as they try to navigate a world that so desperately wishes to not be saved.

“Ooh, well I dunno man, that seems a little dark, no?” Well, of course its dark! Can you imagine one human one day getting the power to control all gravity? Well I can, and it only really ends with them doing something like crushing the earth, and that’s an optimistic take. I believe that, if you liked stories similar to Worm by Wildblow, you might like Fixture in Fate!

“So, what about the other one then?” Oh, right. Onto the next story!

My second story is named Ribbon:

Ribbon is about a young man after his world has been turned upside down. He decides to leave the remnants of his old life behind and start anew somewhere else. That somewhere else just so happens to be the area with the highest spiritual activity in all of Japan.

The world he enters, and what he finds out about himself, twist his perception of reality inside out and right side in—learning far more about himself, and those around him, than he ever bargained for when he signed up for a new life in Japan.


This story is a fan fiction of a popular manga/anime series called Bleach. Many of you who know the story probably just cringed for a whole host of reasons. Some because the story was a mess for two entire arcs, some because they know that the cannon for the story is a massive incorrigible mess, and some because fan fiction for anime/manga properties are usually pretty bad. And that’s all understandable. Though, this story is really my try at doing a manga/anime fan fiction well, and not a terrible, tropey mess filled with horrific grammar and too many emoticons to be anything other than a twelve-year-old’s writing.

So, you made it to the end of this post. I have to say, thanks for even giving me this much of your precious time. I know that this story has been ‘dead’ for a while, even though I never had plans of truly discontinuing it, but it probably sure didn’t seem that way to you all. Most of you will barely remember what the story I wrote was even about, or who I even am, and that’s fine. I’m cool with that.

If you want to remember, and have a trip down memory lane, I suggest that you go re-read Unwieldy. I have edited the chapters, with some pretty important tweaks that lead to plot points within the written content that I’ve already completed in my backlog. There will be more information about other things, like a community Discord and a Patreon that I’ll reveal in near future—giving you access to a possible total of 90 chapters ahead of the publicly released ones.

And for those of you who remember, and are excited to see more?

I can’t thank you enough.


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