《Blackthorne》Chapter 7.2: Please Insert Tokens


Mature Content Warning: Foul language and booty wiggling

Author's Notes: I was up since I'd been asleep most of the day, so I cranked this out. I do have a question. Would 'Ero' content really turn you off as a reader of this story? I don't intend it to be a 'porn' story or whatever, but there's no reason to avoid characters getting frisky if they feel frisky. If there's a lot of dislike for that (Despite the mature tag) I'll save any scenes like that for the commercial version. I wouldn't have many scenes like that in the commercial version either, but there may be some.

Chapter 7.2: Please Insert Tokens

Jackie pouted in a cute, somewhat disturbing, manner. “You mean we can’t just leave right away?”

Blackthorne shook his head. He had explained his current situation to her clearly, but it was obvious that she was disappointed. She was ready to head back to her people in the Highlands. “No, you promised to train me in swordsmanship, and I need to clear out that damned scorpion in the mine so I can fulfill an agreement.”

He also pointed out that they would need food and supplies for a trip that would take at least two weeks of travel normally, but a bit longer due to his nature as a traveler. “As soon as I finish that obligation, we can head out Jackie. Though, I would like to train my magic a bit more as well.”

The Valkyrie sighed at him. “Fine, but don’t call me Jackie. That’s my slave name.”

Blackthorne nodded to her. “That’s fair, what did you want to be called?”

“Well, my maiden name is Sonja. Would that be fine, master?” she asked with a smile.

Blackthorne smiled at her and then said, “Sure, why not.”

He started to say something else, but a whisper informed him of something bizarre and somewhat disturbing. “You have acquired a slave and are now a slave master.”

“I’m a slave master?” asked Blackthorne in surprise. Well, it was obvious that he would be, but he had no intention of taking up slaving as a trade.

Sonja laughed at him. “You sound so surprised.”

He glanced at her then checked his status. His surprise increased further when he noticed that the slave master title had a level next to it!


<<< Profession Title >>>

Slave Master

Level 1 [0%]

Renown: Unknown

Experience Absorption From Slaves: +0.1%

+10% bonus to buy, sell, or trade slaves

The slave master title is awarded to anyone who owns a slave. Increase your experience and skill as a slave master by ordering your slaves to perform tasks.


Blackthorne stared at the information then slowly shook his head. Yeah, that would go over well in modern day America.

Still, it was something he could use. “Hey, Sonja. Stand on one leg for a minute.”

Sonja raised her eyebrow but complied with his wishes. She stood on one leg for roughly one minute then put her foot back down. “What was that about?”

Blackthorne checked the professional title once more then snorted. He had gained one-one thousandth of a percentage point for ordering her to stand on one leg. “I was just checking something. Apparently, the moment I agreed to name you Sonja, I gained the professional title of Slave Master.”

The Valkyrie laughed at him. “Seems like owning a sexy slave girl agrees with you.”

“Well, I don’t hate it so far. Looks like I’ll have to order you around a lot.” said Blackthorne.

“Oh? Will you, now?” She eyed him critically for a moment.

“Sure, might as well get some use out of you right?” he asked cheerfully.

“I certainly hope so...” she replied.

He considered her for a moment then nodded. “Well, first you said that you would give me some basic equipment.”

“Absolutely, though give is a strong word...” she said.

“It’s also the exact word that you used.” said Blackthorne.

“Ha ha ha... Did I?” She laughed lightly then looked away.

“Ok, out with it. How badly did you screw me over?” he asked.

“What? Not at all! I did not lie, exactly... I can give you equipment.” she said quickly.

He stared at her for a moment. She muttered nervously, “Of course you’ll have to be willing to collect it.”

“What does that mean?” he asked.

“Well, there’s an ancient burial ground a short distance from here. We could be there in a few hours.”

He ignored the fact that she thought that walking for a few hours was a short distance. “Burial ground. Are you trying to help me earn a grave robber title, too?”


“No, no...” She laughed nervously.

He eyed her carefully and her nervous laugh intensified. “Is that true?”

“OK, so... maybe you’ll possibly earn some sort of tomb raider title... That’s useful, though! You’ll be able to raid tombs better and find better treasure. Maybe...” said Sonja.

She coughed twice then looked away. It was official, the girl was a nut. Still, he had to admit that she was sort of cute when she was full of shit. Besides that, raiding a tomb actually sounded sort of fun.

“What sort of issues should we expect, there? I’m not exactly dressed for heavy combat.” said the mage.

Sonja smiled at him. “Just your standard ghouls and zombies, maybe a few of the ancient desecrated souls of the deceased. Be sure to use your magic for those.”

“I’ll have to enchant your sword. The only spell that I currently know is Jolt, and its range is practically non-existent.”

“You can enchant weapons?” she asked in surprise.

Blackthorne nodded at her. Suddenly, he found himself pressed hotly against the wall.

“Oh, master... Where have you been all my life?” She kissed him on the lips then nuzzled against him. His eyes went wide for a moment then he decided to just go with it.

Sonja released him from her dire lip-lock then sighed. “I’m gonna get an enchantment!”

She started to hop around like a small child who was getting extra special presents. It was quite endearing, and more than a little distracting considering the fact that she still wore nothing but a low-cut apron.

“I guess bitches love enchantments.” muttered Blackthorne. If he knew enchantments made hot girls horny, he’d have been enchanting things since he was like six years old or something.

Sonja pouted at him. “You think I’m a bitch?”

“No, not really.”

She sighed then turned around and pressed her ass against his groin. “Too bad.”

Most guys would have probably grabbed those wiggling wonders and enjoyed them in great detail. However, Blackthorne was more interested in why she kept throwing her body his way. “Why do you keep doing that?”

“Hmm?” asked Sonja mid-wiggle.

“You don’t need to do that anymore, so why do you keep at it?”

Sonja blinked then slowly stopped her gyrations. “What’s wrong? Don’t you like it?”

“I love it. That doesn’t mean I expect you to throw yourself at Me.” said Blackthorne.

“Why not? You’re my master? My body is yours, at least until you fulfill your promise to take me home.” She looked at him curiously.

He gazed into her soft blue eyes then shook his head. “I may ask you to do odd things like stand on one foot, but I won’t order you to have sex with me or even touch me.”

She stared at him for a moment. “Are you... not interested in women?”

“I am incredibly interested in women.” he replied casually.

Sonja looked at him carefully and after studying his face she saw nothing but resolve and sincerity. “You... You’re serious? You don’t want me to do any of that?”

“If you feel an urge, that’s your business. You don’t need to throw yourself at me. I’m already happy to have you around. You’re not a whore, you’re my... well you’re my slave, I guess.”

She snorted at him then looked away. A faint trace of a blush formed along her cheeks. “I am quite skilled at making men happy... You know.”

“I’m sure your husband will enjoy that someday.” replied Blackthorne.

“Right, like any real man would want me after what I had to become...” she said, tightness in her voice.

He did not offer her hollow words of encouragement or try to speak to her like they were friends. Her plight was really none of his concern. He also refused to judge her. She did what she had to do and she survived. Her choices were her business, and none of his.

“Would you like to go brutally murder some already dead things?” asked Blackthorne gently.

She blinked, memories of the past faded from her inner sight, and then she turned her head to look at him. “That... Yes, that would be nice.”

“In that case, I order you to lead the way to that burial place that you mentioned.” replied the man.

“Do you, now?” she asked with a smile.

“I have to practice mastering you, don’t I?” he asked pleasantly.

She blinked, a hint of tears formed at the edges of her eyes. A small, and quite sincere, smile spread across her face. “Yes... Yes, I suppose you do.”


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