《This is the Wrong World! (Beta Version)》* Chapter 16 – Plasma Plains


With a spring in Izo’s step, the tall hooded figure strides into the guild headquarters as soon as it opens. The Izo strides into the teleportation ring facility as sleepy mages calibrate the ring for the day. Without a word, Izo takes out her identification card and hands it over to a mage technician. “Plasma Plains and place it on my tab,” the Izo murmured.

The sleepy mage technician scans the identification without paying attention. However, he does carefully type in the destination into the system before returning the card. With a yawn, he shouts for the teleportation circle to be cleared. The mage technicians become awake and alert as the teleportation ring begins to glow. In seconds the teleportation flashes and the hooded figure of Izo is gone.


Izo yawns and stretches as she appears in a red grassland. For a moment, she stretches her senses to ensure no one is nearby. Satisfied, she chants an invisibility and flying spell, “Vwla ‘t Isible.” Izo vanishes from the scene to appear floating high up in the air. It wasn’t flying but more like bounding across an invisible floor except she was channeling mana to propel herself across the floor.

With interest, Izo spots a flying monster bird in the air. The bird is rather big and has quite the vivid coloring. Izo quickly applies appraisal to the monster bird.

Adult Thunder Bird (Rare)

Avian capable of controlling the weather and using sonic boom (thunder) to stun its enemies.

Taking a slight detour, Izo tackles the bird onto the invisible floor she is walking on. She wraps her arms around the bird and chokes it until it becomes limp. Satisfied, she carefully ties the bird up with a spell. Reaching into her inventory, she pulls something that looks like a red and white colored ball with a press-able button in the middle.

(One of the convenient modern-day inventions of monster taming. Monster Compass, the portable monster carrier. Upon defeating a monster, rather than carrying it home, capture it in a portable ball. Warning: single one-time use. Holds only ONE pet at a time. NOT TO BE USED ON HUMANS.)


Feeling embarrassed Izo grumbles, “Monster Compass, go.” The ball opens and swallows the bird. Izo feels a flush of heat on her cheeks and curses the creator. Though convenient, it was so embarrassing to say the activation code for the Monster Compass. Seeing an opportunity to make money, Izo swiftly applies appraisal to the whole area. A bunch of screens pop up revealing monsters. She swiftly closes all of them as they are only common monsters except for one.

(Young) Spectral Wolf (Uncommon)

Wolf capable of turning invisible and masking its own sound and scent.

Such a beast would be useful as a guard dog. Izo did need a guard dog for the Auction House and who better than an invisible guard dog. With that in mind, Izo darts towards the ground. The poor wolf didn’t even know what hit him as an unseen enemy struck him from above. With a whimper, the poor wolf fell into Izo’s clutches and was easily imprisoned inside a Monster Compass.

Happily whistling, Izo resumes her flight keeping an eye for any capturable beasts. It was a shame she didn’t encounter any more. With care, Izo descends from the sky not too far from Plasma Mountain. Hidden behind some shrubs, Izo observes her surroundings for any monsters or adventurer parties. She double checks the coast is clear, before making her way out into the open, and entering the dungeon carved into the mountain.

Izo’s eyes adjust to the gloom as she carefully makes her way through the gloom. Immediately, she hears shuffling sounds ahead from monster hordes. With care, she stops and waits for the creatures to come at her.

A familiar green mob of creature’s rushes at her, goblins. Which frankly was a surprise to her, since goblins existed in modern day society. But Izo guessed this was a situation much like the Native Americans. Earth was reservation land and dungeons were permitted open warfare areas. Though the goblins here seemed a lot dumber than their brethren in modern day society.


The goblins carry spears and wooden clubs as they shriek at the two-legged intruder. The human stands there dumbly causing them to shriek in encouragement. Tonight, they would be having human flesh!

With courage, the first goblin hurtles forward to only meet a flying kick. The casual kick turns the poor goblin into splatter. The goblins become riled up at the loss of their comrade. With ease, the human merely kicks or slaps them with her hand to turn them into splatter. Sadly, in the end, the goblins are smashed to pieces.

Izo wipes her hands with a handkerchief as the goblin corpses and splatter disappears. Items suddenly appear before her causing her to happily bend down to gather the fallen items.

50 goblin teeth

3 Small Healing potions

Goblin Club – common, 10+ Strength and 30+ Vitality

5 Gold coins

A bit miffed at the dungeons cheapness, Izo tosses the items into her inventory, before carefully moving on. One of the wonderful things about this particular dungeon is that booby traps are rare since there are droves of monsters. The next horde of flying bat creatures shriek towards her. Using illusions to confuse the bats, she easily tears the bat wings off before stomping them under her feet. Not wasting time studying the dropped items, Izo just tosses them into her inventory before moving.

A pack of huge bloodthirsty wolves’ snarl hungrily at her. The creatures jump her on all sides. Izo with great precision and speed grabs the creatures by their paws or tails and slams them into each other. The wolves took a bit more time to crush into a bloody smoosh.

Wiping herself clean, Izo gathers said items before once more moving on. This vicious cycle continues for the next horde groups, Kolobs, Hobgoblins, Orc’s, Ogres and Trolls. The last group left her a bit out of breath, but nothing terribly bad.

Izo feels a bit strange as afterward she only passes small slime creatures and the likes instead of higher level creatures. Rather wary at this point, Izo moves to the next chamber. A giant, over-muscular figure in a loin cloth sits on a throne made of skulls as a bulky club rests in his lap. A familiar message pops up.

Adult Grendel [Epic]

Impossible strength and toughness, the skin cannot be pierced by ordinary weapons. Natural Magic Resistance, magic has low to zero attacking effect on the creature. Nails are razor sharp able to easily cut a man in two. Cannibal, monster and man flesh eater.

Magic and Spells cannot be used in his domain/dungeon level. All healing magic is neutralized including items.

Izo almost lets a curse slip, this is clearly an A-class dungeon, who was it that classified this dungeon incorrectly? She cursed the dungeon surveyor a thousand times and may more, but especially hoping that the surveyor may fall into a sewer and die a slow and painful death.

An epic level creature is attributed to A-class dungeons. But worst of all, not only is this creature impervious to magic, but it’s strength completely outranks hers. Izo almost turns around, but the creature pretending to be sleeping tightens his grip on its club. She can’t run away nor back down at this point.

With a grimace, Izo reaches into her inventory and pulls out her scythe. The fight looked like it was going to be a slugging fest and whoever lasted on their feet the longest would be the winner. However, despite the odds not being in her favor, she had one final card up her sleeve. Izo was the Apostle of Cthulhu.

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