《This is the Wrong World! (Beta Version)》* Chapter 2 – Rise


At Saint Clair’s hospital, the doctors and healers finish attending the unconscious girl as the nurses make the girl comfortable. A nurse had taken a strand of the girl’s hair and scans into the DM System, [DNA Mana system] for identification. A match pops up in seconds as the nurse rushes back into the room.

The nurse points at the at the girl and makes noises, but nothing coherent emerges from her mouth. An exasperated head nurse takes the results from the younger nurse and begins to read the results. Her mouth flops open as the curious nurses all peek over her shoulder and have the same reaction.

The head nurse, Mildred suddenly moves and rushes out the room. The nurses all study the unconscious girl as the doctor flies back in. The doctor orders another DM verification as a nurse flies off and just as swiftly returns with the same results.

An older doctor removes his spectacles and says, “The patient is to be isolated and be under constant watch. Nothing that was spoken about is to leave this room until we are permitted to speak on the subject. Chief Nurse Mildred, inform the appropriate personal and family.”

The doctors disperse as do the nurses, buff looking guards stand at the patient’s door regulating any entry. They verify the personnel’s ID and confirm it twice, before permitting any medical personal to enter the patient’s room.

Over the phone, the doctor in charge, Doctor Wang speaks to an officer, “No, there are no signs of sexual abuse. But there are signs of physical abuse border-lining torture. She is malnourished and is severely underweight given her stature. As for her mind, we won’t know the extent of the damage until she awakens. But a medical team is on standby to reassure and treat her.”

The officer mutters something else as Doctor Wang replies, “As I’ve already stated, sir, she can’t be released to her family until she awakens and tests have been run on her. I understand that they can easily provide treatment for her, but I cannot on my own recognizance allow a patient to simply be thrust out back so roughly out into the world.”

A faint reply is heard as the officer in charge hangs up the phone as Doctor Wang shakes his head in exasperation. Doctor Wang turns around as a young nurse approaches him and says, “Doctor Wang, your wife called.”

“Thank you,” Doctor Wang murmurs in dismissal as he heads to his office to call back his wife and sort the paperwork of his other patients.


The sky is dark as the city light’s fill the night sky more brightly than the faint stars glimmering in the far distance. The girl suddenly jolts awake gasping for air as she searches her body for bleeding, gaping sword wounds. Izo’s heart pounds in her ears as a beaming grin spreads across her face as tears make their way down her face at the simple sight of modern amenities.


One did not appreciate the wonders of a porcelain toilet and modern amenities until one was transported to a fantasy medieval setting. The class had been summoned by the goddess of that world to destroy the demon king. Everyone had been excited except for Izo and Alvis, but even they did as they were told. They were promised that if they defeated the demon king, they could return home.

Alvis and Izo’s stats were in the middle, but they did not give up hope as the years slowly went on as their stats grew until they grew strong. With time, they even became friends with more of their disillusioned classmates, who became a party with them.

Ryo, a popular classmate was the destined hero of the world, but the goddess took him to her bed. Izo was disgusted with the goddess and in a fit of rage after her party of friends was wiped out by a demon general, she loudly declared, “Maybe, if the goddess also spreads her legs for the demon king, everyone can go home.”

The goddess did not take the statement very well and cursed Izo. Not only did Izo lose many of her previously hard-won stats, but her charisma and luck stats that were only +1 at the time dropped down to negative -999. Every human and most species avoided the hero cursed by the goddess. It wasn’t until 10 years later that she was finally able to level up enough to finally defeat the demon king.

The dark-haired teenage girl wipes the tears from her face as she climbs out of her bed and stares at the breathtaking city landscape seen from the window. Lights gleam and twinkle far brighter than any star ever could.

Izo reluctantly drags her gaze away to glance at the clock in the corner of the room. The glowing clock letters say, 12:01 a.m., April 2nd. Izo smiles somewhat happily at seeing that it’s only been a year back on Earth. A white glowing message suddenly pops up in the corner of her eyes. She stiffens in recognition as she opens the message and her eyes widen in disbelief.

Congratulations! You’ve defeated the Demon King!

To view new stats, please open your status!

The girl mutters a couple of choice words under her breath as she opens her stats.

Name: Izo Age: 17 [27]

Occupation: Demonical Blade Healer

Titles: Otherworldly Traveler, Language Expert, Inquisitor, Hermit, Stomach of Steel, Iron Chef, Demon King Slayer, Former Cursed Hero

[Stats: Permanently Locked at Current Level & Cannot be Increased via Eternal Item use.]

Strength: 434 Dexterity: 512

Vitality/HP: 488 Magic Power/MP: 701


Intuition: 666 Magic/Physical Resist: 599

Charisma: 5 Luck: 5

Izo eyes gleam brightly despite the fact her stats are permanently locked away. The reason for her joy is that that blasted, wretched GODDESS’S curse is gone! Her luck and charisma are once more positive in the single numerical digits and back to their rightful places.

It hadn’t been in her plans to retain her magic and abilities, but she wouldn’t be picky, she was finally HOME. “Enchanto Iemlo!” Izo softly whispers as an exact copy of herself appears on the bed. She mutters a couple more words and easily passes through the glass windows. Izo leisurely floats down onto the street completely invisible to the naked eye as she takes a midnight stroll through the city.

People rush past Izo as she enjoys the wonderful sounds of laughter and late chatter. With glee, she halts at a stop and waits for a street sign to turn red, before obediently skipping across the street. The concrete against her bare feet doesn’t even bother her a bit as she had walked across molten lava before.

Izo suddenly halts in-between buildings as she glances up at the moon. Why does the moon have a giant rose printed on the surface? Confused or possibly seeing things, Izo decides to tactfully return to her hospital room. The billboards hung high above the plaza flashes with an urgent news bulletin. Izo stops to read the bulletin as a pretty female news anchor words are transcribed on the screen, “A new dungeon had been found and cleared by the Sky Knights!”

The people on the streets cheer as Izo stiffens in disbelief. Without hesitation, she soundlessly steals a phone from a café table and retreats with full haste to her hospital room. Once seated on her bed, Izo types into the search box, historic events. The search engine spits out the same events that she was familiar with until 1978, the discovery of magic/mana by Christopher Virgo. By 1988, strange magic structures were rediscovered as well as the existence of sapient magical species. Since then humans and non-humans have co-existed on Earth.

Izo promptly curls up on her bed in a ball. This was Earth? Yes. However, magic didn’t exist back on Earth, that she knew of. Could it be a time travel event, where a butterfly was crushed in the past, which affected the future? Possibly. Unless this wasn’t the original Earth, she knew either.

The blood suddenly rushes to her head as Izo’s head pops up. That witch! That woman had sent her to the wrong world! %$#&*! &%[email protected]! #$#@ ^^*!

Izo finally stops cursing and flops back onto the bed tiredly. She glances up at the ceiling for an unknown amount of time, resigning herself to the reality. With a sigh, Izo tosses the phone into her inventory for safekeeping for now. With that in mind, she chants a spell, “Incorpatus Memoritzo.” A sparkle of light washes over her as her chest rises up and down as she falls into a deep sleep.


Hours later, early morning, two detectives make their way to the entrance. At the guarded entrance, the two detectives are forced to show their badges to the guards before being allowed to enter the hospital. The two make their way up to the hospital ward, where they are directed to Doctor Wang’s office.

Doctor Wang’s door is open as the doctor has heavy eyeshadows under his eyes. The scruffy looking detective allows the handsome young detective to take the lead. “Doctor Wang, what can you tell us?” The young man asked.

Doctor Wang sighs and says, “Nothing that I haven’t already told your commanding officers. The poor girl is still asleep. But the two of you can wait in the lounge until she awakens.”

The two detectives murmur their thanks as they let themselves out. The two walked further down the hallway and find themselves in a lounge with tinted glass windows. The detectives take a seat to wait, the scruffy detective finds a magazine to read to pass the time, while the younger one checks his texts and feed on his phone.

An hour later, a young nurse opens the door to find the girl wide awake staring at the ceiling. The girl only pauses to glance at the nurse before resuming her count of the dots on the hospital ceiling. The nurse drops her clipboard and rushes out of the room. Seconds later, doctors rush in to take her vitals as tests are done to test her eyesight, reflexes, etc. Elsewhere, a male nurse notifies the detectives that the patient is wide awake and is currently being tested on. It will be several hours before the detectives can view the patient, but once the tests are concluded, they will be able to do so.

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