《Evil Dragon on Paper》56. Ruth Bids Farewell
“Now is not the time to speak of this,” Merriweather stepped in and put a clawed metal glove on Titania’s shoulder, staring into her eyes. “Much to say, but not here.”
TItania tore her incredulous gaze away from Ruth and stared at her daughter, her free hand suddenly touching Merriweather’s arm as if the brief contact initiated by her daughter were a lifeline. She roughly pulled her into a hug. “Good, good, good…”
Ruth finally stopped pointing at the Matriarch as the hug continued, a confused expression finally cementing on his features. Golden vertical slits watched the emotional display in silence. He wasn’t wrong was he? Wasn’t this a moron? He had expected a bigger reaction.
Well, for a moment, Ruth thought the Matriarch whoevershewas had seemed like she was going to turn him into paste. Tamara probably would have stopped her though, right?
Ruth looked past the two that were hugging and saw that Tamara was standing at ease, lazily staring out into space.
He pressed his lips together in a grim line. Better not trust that Tamara would do anything to save him or be otherwise useful. Maybe he should just keep his mouth shut?
“Flynn, I believe it is time we had words,” TItania finally allowed Merriweather to extricate herself, mostly, from her hug. She kept a loose hand on her daughter’s shoulder as she turned and looked at the Arachne.
“I had nothing to do with that,” the puppet said flatly. There was no trace of humor or amusement in the tone of its voice. It was guarded and defensive.
Ruth tilted his head, wondering what both Titania and this spider guy could see about Merriweather that made them both think something was wrong with her. He stared at Merriweather’s back, idly wondering if she was defective somewhere, but, no? She was pretty much perfect. The danger sense that he got from her was the highest of everyone here except Tamara… and Merriweather’s mom.
“Your words are not enough,” Titania said calmly. Then she turned, her gaze softening instantly. “Daughter, who has done this?”
Merriweather frowned, “now is not the time…”
“Was it Flynn?” Titania moved her hand under her daughter’s chin and lifted it slightly, eyes searching.
Merriweather’s jaw clenched and she just stared stubbornly back, eyes burning. The two stood silently as they stared into each other’s eyes while the castle guards, Ruth, and the other two gods watched. Eventually it was Titania that looked away first.
“I see, you are not able to tell me,” she mused aloud, her gaze turning once more to stare emotionlessly at Flynn. “That is a strange thing, to compel silence. Would it not be simpler to just kill her? What if she somehow managed to point out her attacker to me without violating the soul oath? Surely anyone who has the power to do such a thing to her soul would know who her kin were and that we would wipe them out if they were ever discovered?”
“I cannot speculate, since I am simply witness to a tragedy and not it’s perpetrator,” Flynn replied, a polite nod directed at Titania. “My condolences on the loss of your child’s future.”
“Mm. Yet, she was here? Does that not… complicate things?” Titania asked, her eyes darkening.
“Do you obey, Titania?” Flynn asked after studying her for a moment.
“Of course, my clan is the vanguard of the Table. We proudly serve on the frontlines.” Titania lifted her chin, an arrogant sneer appearing on her face. “Don’t speak to me of obedience. If that is a not-so-subtle reminder that I can’t hurt you without approval, rest assured I’ve no need of it. Just because I can’t hurt you doesn’t mean I can’t just start wiping out every spider with a human torso I see that isn’t you. Some might even be your family. Then what would happen? Hmm? Would you obey, Flynn?”
“What do you want?” Flynn finally seemed exasperated.
“This ridiculous place has a formation tied to the people who live here. It saps their mana. Am I correct in assuming you have a child here? I think you should consider giving me a few concessions to appease my wrath.” Titania bared her teeth in a vicious smile.
“You may not have my daughter,” Flynn replied carefully by way of answer, “that is my bottom line.”
“Fine. I want the formation destroyed. I will also take charge of this…” She looked around and sneered, “place.”
Flynn’s puppet went completely still before shaking his head slowly. “I will release the people you wish to take with you and your daughter, and I have no desire to have this place after a certain period. RIght now, my daughter is at a crucial time where she is reaping the mana from this place. You can have it in ten years, and you can have any people you wish before then, good?”
Titania began laughing, a tinkling noise that slowly became sharper the longer it lasted. The puppet grimaced and waited for it to end. He was about to ask her again when she raised her trident and waved it expansively to indicate everything around her.
“Flynn. You’re trying to negotiate with me when I said you should be giving. I don’t care about your daughter’s troubles? If anything, inconveniencing her is just the icing on the cake. As for this place? I shall take it because I have the feeling that if I left it unstewarded after I had you destroy the formation you would just send your progeny to reap the lives of everyone on this planet in a more direct fashion.” Titania just smiled widely as Flynn openly grimaced, as if he’d been caught in the act. “You’ve always been an obvious murderous creature.”
“Fine, since Tamara is also implicated in this plot with your daughter…”
“Pfft.” Tamara snorted.
“...I’d like to hear what you have to say to her?” Flynn asked, the barest hint of civility still being entertained.
“So basically, since you just ate some shit you’re going to try to spread it around? Hahaha. Fine, let’s hear it…” Tamara turned to Titania, a lazy grin on her face.
Titania studied the goddess and was about to open her mouth when Merriweather tugged on her shoulder. She leaned down and listened intently, a strange expression of disbelief appearing before immediately vanishing. She straightened after a minute and Merriweather politely stepped back.
“Fine, give me your chosen,” Titania said casually. “Merriweather claims him as part of her retinue.”
“What?” Tamara’s relaxed stance immediately vanished. “I found your daughter for you and you try to take something of mine? I was actually thinking I would be rewarded…”
Titania began to smile slightly, not bothering to reply as she watched Tamara’s face carefully.
For the briefest of moments, there was the barest hint of violence on the wind. Like the wind shifting in a sudden and unfavorable direction. Tamara obviously struggled to rein in the subtle change in her reflexive aura, but it was already too late.
Even Flynn had noticed how furious Tamara had become and was now turning his attention to Ruth…
Tamara turned from Titania to Flynn and then back to Titania, a sudden look of defeat crossing her features. A slow smile started to spread across her face as she spread her arms wide. The power that had been kept in check slowly started to pool at her feet as if it were made of liquid. It began to spread out inexorably from her feet and started to move outward, as if it were devouring the ground. When her voice came, it was barely a whisper. A whisper that still set everyone on edge.
“I feel I’ve been very patient, but, if you want me to show you why I am called the slaughter god I don’t mind…”
“Don’t you obey?” Titania asked, casually glancing down at the growing pool of power at Tamara’s feet.
“I do obey. I also know that you think you got me because I care about that thing just a little bit. But, Titania, your daughter is here…” Tamara narrowed her eyes and turned a vicious gaze toward Flynn, “...and yours as well. Think carefully about what it would mean if I went crazy here.”
“Perhaps we should let Ruth decide,” Merriweather said, surprising everyone because they had been largely tuning out the smallfry. “Ruth, do you want to come with me for now?”
“Please, as if his desire at this point means anything to m--” Tamara was stopped from sneering as Ruth spoke.
“I’ll go with Merriweather. Tamara, let me go, or else!” He really didn’t know what was going on, but there was some sort of power struggle. They were actually capable of pressuring Tamara! If that was the case, why wouldn’t he dump on Tamara? Merriweather was better anyway. She was going to teach him swords.
Ruth didn’t know what to think of Titania, honestly, so he didn’t.
Tamara started to say something and then stumbled. His words seemed to surprise her. The power at her feet immediately vanished and her hands lowered from threatening to at ease at her side. Her body shook as if she had been physically struck.
“Let you go,” she grit her teeth. “I suppose I deserve this.”
Now Flynn and Titania made no effort to hide their wide-eyed surprise.
“So even Tamara can be reasonable?” Titania murmured. “You won’t suffer a total loss, Tamara. I’m just keeping him for a time while I sort out the responsible parties. If I find you had no part in it, I guarantee you won’t suffer a loss. In fact, I shall do my best to provide your chosen with opportunities…”
“On the front lines?” Tamara was still giving Titania quite the look. “Why don’t you just skewer him now?”
“No, not on the front lines…” Titania turned her gaze to Ruth. “Not until he becomes a demi-god at least…”
Tamara’s shoulders slumped. She turned to Ruth and stared at him, mouth set in a grim line. He shifted uncomfortably, wondering why he was getting such an intense glare. He was also trying to remain calm because…
...did he just get a free pass away from Tamara?
Big if true.
Tamara gave one short nod and then turned around and walked a step before vanishing.
Ruth let out a hiss of breath he didn’t know he’d been holding!
Under Arch breathed easier, though most would never know why.
Matriarch Titania herself supervised as Flynn removed an insidious spell formation that tied everyone born in or around the garden and Under Arch to his daughter. The actual efficiency of the spell was awful. A crude spell, according to Titania, which sapped the future potential of the inhabitants and gave minimal returns to Wilkeena.
When she mentioned this to Merriweather, her daughter had quietly explained to her that in addition to tapping all the living people in this way, the Arachne herself often sent out waves of plague or Cannibal Pixies to routinely reap the lives in the garden for a more direct mana gain.
Disapproval was evident in her expression, but she said no more on the subject.
When the formation was removed Matriarch Titania immediately commanded Flynn to depart with his daughter. WIlkeena, who had been deep in hibernation at a crucial juncture, woke up with great reluctance and was spirited away without fully understanding the situation.
Most of the guards chose to remain in Under Arch when Titania announced that she would be taking Merriweather with her when she left, and any who chose to remain in her retinue would be welcome as well.
Jeanne, Lina, Solace, and two guards named Matterly and Stirling chose to join Merriweather’s retinue.
Ruth himself was excited about the prospect of leaving. After a brief discussion with Merriweather, he had convinced her to leave Sikes behind. She had been a bit amused with how adamant he’d been, but decided to accede to his wishes.
In addition to the strange request on who not to take, Ruth also championed the small crew that Rush had been gathering. Merriweather asked her mother, but, Titania took one look at the children, her gaze briefly lingering on Chance, and gave a ‘get on with it’ gesture, obviously not concerned with a dozen or so ragamuffins being added to the journey.
Rush set out through the city with his hopefuls, a large red hand comprised of aura hung over his head carrying everything easily. Blankets, trinkets, pots, pans, and a considerable number of other odds and sundries hanging overhead while his small personal retinue trailed behind him like a sort of tiny parade.
Most people had the good sense to lock their windows and doors and hide their pots and pans upon seeing him.
When they arrived at the place they had agreed to rendezvous, the castle training grounds, they were given a few strange looks but Titania once again made a get on with it gesture. She rapidly swung her trident a few times and lines of blue fire began to appear and hang in the air.
While most people gawked, they were seeing a portal to another planet appear from nowhere, Titania was so nonchalant about it that most people just assumed that this was how it was done. There was no one to compare Titania to, after all. Their interactions with gods being sorely limited.
“Where are we going?” Ruth finally thought to ask.
Merriweather, who had been about to be the first to step through the portal, turned back to him. A quizzical expression appeared on her face. “You only think to ask now?”
“Any place without Tamara is a better place, but this is all happening so fast I didn’t think to ask.” Ruth admitted.
Merriweather studied him for a moment and a small smile blossomed on her face.
She walked through without any further words. In a grim silence, Ruth, Rush, the children, the guards, and eventually Titania herself all walked through. A single moment passed before the blue energy began to devour itself from the outside before collapsing completely. The guards that had witnessed the travel stared at each other and then unanimously decided to call it a day.
No one had the spirit left to continue training.
Sikes sat in the dirt on the street, watching expressionlessly as the Archives went up in flames.
He wasn’t sure what he was expecting for the day, but this certainly wasn’t it. Rush had been in a hurry to go somewhere with his kids and had told him to go get some bedrolls. While he didn’t normally serve the small soul shape with any sort of ardour, he did do tasks like that for him from time to time to keep the peace.
When he was halfway back to the Archives he could already see the red glow. He had known then, that something bad had happened.
Abandoning the bedrolls he had run through the streets and pushed his way through the crowds. Everyone loved a good fire, after all.
Cut into the front of the burning building were words. They were direct, blatant, and a message he knew was for him.
‘Value Loyalty Above All Else’
‘Goodbye. Permanent.’
There was a minor Arachne that sat in the castle watching the fire burn in the city below from one of the grand balconies. Her connection to Wilkeena was cut. Solace and Merriweather were gone. Many of the guards that trained down below weren’t even looking toward the castle. It was possible that many of them would forget she existed for a time. She would eventually have to go down and assert some sort of control so people didn’t get it into their heads that the castle was abandoned.
The Arachne wasn’t sure what to do.
She decided she would have tea.
Arc I: End
Rush and Ruth Will Return...
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