《Evil Dragon on Paper》24. Ruth Dreams of Electric Sheep
Ruth reached down to his gloved hand and tried to separate the ring from the finger. Despite being a black band over the ‘clothing’ his attempt to remove it failed. It was like trying to pull a skinsuit off his body from his finger. Not only that, the ring actively resisted him and he wasn’t sure, but he was growing increasingly alarmed because he felt like it was reacting by getting just the tiniest bit tighter around his finger.
“Don’t eat me,” Ruth said after a moment. “Haha, you made short work of that enemy! Do you require another meal or something?”
There was no response. The feeling of contentedness and warmth did not fade. Ruth held his hand out to the body of the dead Mongeese with the smashed hat, waiting for it to envelope the corpse or otherwise do something horrifying.
Nothing happened. Small relief.
This was something that had to be OHMYSHITWHAT…
Ruth held a hand over his heart and staggered away from the immortal and deadly text. It had appeared directly in front of him quite insistently, just like the old days. He squinted at the new information that was flashing in an urgent RED. Normally there would be more information but now it was just.
Attention: Please find a safe place to hibernate. Your body will undergo changes in less than 3 minutes. 2 minutes and 23 seconds remain before wish protocol “I’ll do it for you, from now on” assists with bodily changes.
Less than three minutes his firmly sculpted butt! That was practically two minutes which was a world less than three!
The hum was getting louder and the first few violet lit Cannibal Pixies appeared in the broken door. They flew around in circles for a moment before settling on one of the paralyzed Mongeese at the door. Fortunately or not for the Mongeese, he would be unconscious when they ate him alive.
Ruth froze for a moment, trying to figure out what to do when the Cannibal Pixies sniffed the air and looked around. There seemed to be something about the air they didn’t like. They worked together to grab the feet of the poor Mongeese and dragged him out the door. His hat fell off in transit. A moment later a pixie reappeared in the doorway and lifted the hat, it too flew out the door -- probably to a grim end like the creature who wore it.
“Maybe that will buy me some ti--”
1 minute 57 seconds.
Ruth turned around and to try the doorknob to the door that the Haberdasher had been trying to open when he became food for the wildly unpredictable and carnivorous clothing only to stop when the door knob started to jiggle.
Ruth quickly canceled the Generic Magnetic Field before he accidentally started destroying locks and handle. Locks and handles that he needed. The door, key still turned in the slot, opened inwardly into another larger room. There didn’t seem to be any other way out after a quick glance inside.
A number of disturbing things were present but he didn’t have time to examine or comment on them all.
Time was ticking fast.
Ruth turned around and strode over, grabbing the two unconscious Mongeese and dragging them into the other room before shutting the door. Between the smoke and the one he had slain, perhaps the Cannibal Pixies wouldn’t investigate much further. Intelligence wasn’t something that he really thought they had in abundance.
1 minute 23 secon--
“Agh! Stop it! Shut up, shut up, shut up!” Ruth flailed at the box to get it out of the way. He shut the door behind him and locked it, momentarily startled when he realized that the key was still jutting out from the door on the other side. Precious seconds slipped by as he opend the door, retrieved the key, locked the door. He pressed his back against the door as his heart started to beat wildly. Already he could feel the pressure of something within his body start to sieze control of his motor functions.
Ruth quickly moved into the room and threw two chairs in front of the door. He toppled a bookshelf next to the door across the frame as well. That would have to do for now.
Then Ruth saw the portal and he paused.
What the hell was this?
The portal, described as such because it was as flat as the immortal and deadly text and circular and hovering just off the floor, gave off a silver light. Nothing could be seen on the other side as it appeared to be entirely opaque. Ruth had seen a similar event once when he had been watching some humans hunting other humans. Desperate to get away, one human had made a similar thing and called out its name in an ancient language he hadn’t understood. The human had stepped through it, his fate uncertain.
The energy in the air hummed the nearer he got to it.
Was it a way out? Was it a trap? Was it life or was it death?
Ruth took a long momen-
47 seconds remain.
--shorter moment and considered his options. Stay and hope they did not get in. Fight for forty seven seconds and die. Go through the portal and live, maybe.
He needed an idea of where the portal led.
Ruth immediately went over to one of the sleeping and paralyzed mongeese, Malika, and hefted her on a shoulder. Without any sort of gentleness he took her off his shoulder on the other side of the room and threw her like a sack of potatoes through the portal.
Malika was gone.
Ruth waited and saw no changes from the portal. A cold chill went down his spine. Had he just fed a living being to a portal to see what would happen? No! He had saved it’s life! That’s what he’d done. Probably!
23 seconds remain.
“Shut up I can’t think!” Ruth paced to the second Mongeese. There would be no point in repeating the experiment to see the result but a new worry had grown. If he left the creature on the floor and it woke up beside him he’d be completely at its mercy. He could kill it with the remaining seconds, he supposed, but a part of him refused.
“Best of luck!” He threw the remaining Mongeese through the portal.
The next eighteen to nineteen seconds comprised of two things.
The first was Ruth threw a table with several cylinders and some weird books on it in front of the door.
The second was he moved another tall bookcase directly in front of the portal hoping that this action would block it from the other side so that if the, thus far, murderous creatures woke up maybe it would be an impediment.
“Is it wrong to think that I sort of hope the portal ate them?” Ruth was already regretting his ‘merciful’ actions.
“Aghhh.” Ruth clutched his head as red started to color the edges of his vision. With a last thought, he cast Generic Magnetic Field once more. Maybe it would protect him from small metal pixies if they came. Everything in this world sucked.
“Not bad,” the woman said as she stepped seemingly out of nowhere. She cast an unworried glance at the pile of debris covering the entryway which was shaking slightly as creatures on the other side tried to push inward. A quick glance around the room was all it took. A moment of her attention and every piece of furniture, book, utensil, furnishing, and even portraits on the wall was piled in front of the door in an unnaturally entangled way.
Another quick glance had moved the bookshelf to the side of where it had been blocking the portal. The portal immediately reduced in size under her gaze. Moments later it fizzled out entirely. She moved the bookshelf back with a casual wave of her hand.
She brushed blonde hair out of her eyes and crouched down. White teeth gleaming as she smiled.
“I’ll be quick,” Tamara said. “Don’t wake up, or you’ll be sorry.”
Ruth was once again soaring through the night sky. This time instead of the blue midnight scales they were a dark lacquered gold. Scales comprised of arcing electricity seemed to make up his entire body. His body felt fierce and powerful!
Despite the incomparably free feeling of the new lightning body, there was also a painful itch that seemed to crawl over his skin. He flew downward and raked the tree branches of great oaks and elms in his passing, breaking off branches and sundering tree trunks as he flew through the forest. Trying to itch his whole body as he passed through the area.
On some level he knew, that if this were real, he would have caught his wings on the sea of trees that he was flying through and long ago crashed to the ground.
There was no time to think of that though. The itch became pain. His whole body felt like it was on fire! The burning was horrible and unimaginably intense!
Worse than the burning though was the pervasive hunger that started to flow through him. He was so incredibly hungry.
Instinct told him there was food nearby. Salivating, the lightning dragon flew frantically toward the source of food. A large field broke into view as he flew through the trees.
The field was full of sheep the size of him! The sheep were also made of lightning.
Already in the field a familiar creature was already tackling one of the sheep. It was the creature that he had fought beside earlier--
Earlier when? Ruth thought it strange but couldn’t hold onto the thread of consciousness or memory of the event.
Despite the size difference Lightning Rush crowed his victory and tore into the sheep. It didn’t seem to matter that it was three to five times his size. Lightning Rush looked up once toward him, squinting as if he were having great difficulty understanding what Ruth was. It didn’t matter more than food apparently, as Rush continued his feast of the golden electric sheep.
Hunger clawed at him and Ruth fell on another of the sheep nearby. He tore and ate fast, feeling the unfamiliar heat and pleasure of the meal sink into his stomach and spread through his body. He joined Rush in roaring victory into the night sky.
Tamara stood up at last, wiping the back of her hand over her brow. It seemed almost comical since she wasn’t perspiring and didn’t look like it had been much effort. The amount of time that had transpired was only about fifteen minutes.
“Keep being fun, and keep staying alive.” She smirked and started to turn around to leave. Then the smirk vanished and she looked upward, visibly startling like she realized what she’d said and that their might be an invisible audience. She crooked a finger upward and made a slow ‘naughty naughty’ wave.
“It’s just a pet,” Simius said in the darkness.
“Let me kill it,” Damascus replied.
“No, it’d be better if she kept herself busy.” Simius said after an indeterminable length of silence.
“-but,” Damascus began to argue.
“Do you obey?”
“--I, I obey.”
Immortal and Deadly Text
Planar Tiefling: Ruth (Level 10) (Young Adult/Lord Rush) (Lightning Specialized)
★★★★ Limited Electrical Immunity.
Intelligence Favored
★★ Shock: Jolts targets within line of sight with a moderate to heavy shock, killing or incapacitating small to medium creatures. (Mana Consumption 2)
★★Thunder Struck: Channeled spell, discharging localized lightning under user direction after sufficient channel time. Due to the volatile nature of spell, effects on targets largely uncertain. (Mana Consumption 10)
★★Magnetic Field: Powerful force to repel or attract metal using the caster as a base. Lasts for 4 hours or until canceled. (Mana Consumption 1)
Mana: 08/20
1 of 5 spell slots
- In Serial50 Chapters
Reborn in Tales of Demons and Gods
Rai need something else to entertain him while Ken is not doing anything or is just training so he decides to send another person to a different world. This time, instead of having a person change what world they are going to with a wish, he sends a survey for those who want to start a new life in TDG. The first person to reply will be sent to TDG while the rest will think that the message is a scam. I don't own TDG and Library of Heaven's Path or anything related to them. I do own my OC though... or do I? DUN DUN DUNNNN.I also don't own the picture.
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Book of Alpha
The four clans are fighting for their own level of powers and capabalities to rule the world. In order to raise their power, they need to do a quest in order to get their highest level of power. But because of misunderstanding, one secret enemy will eventually wakes up from its long sleep that will lead the world in chaos. So, the one who created them decided to choose their own Alpha’s to lead each of their clans to stop the awakening of their secret enemy called The Dark Lord. That will be the beginning of their battle. A female Alpha’s Love can only stop them from their battle that will give birth to the most powerful being on Earth exist.
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Grey Worlds
A mysterious incident occurred on a otherwise normal science centered world where all of the children from the age range of eight to sixteen suddenly vanished. “Where have their kids gone and will they ever return?” The now childless parents never got to really ask that question, because a strange new element replaced their lost children. This element slowly mutated the various animals that they once ruled over with their technology to the point that they were immune to their modern weaponry. The barren land of savages on a continent far away from theirs also had their children taken, but they easily mutated just like the beasts and only grew stronger thanks to the incident. A revolution of animals eventually took place after the mutations started to cause the animals to understand just how badly the humans ruined their lives and planet. Humans were the slowest to figure out how to use this strange new element to evolve, while their opponents were evolving and growing stronger by the day they couldn’t even surpass their modern technology. When humanity was on the brink of extinction a long forgotten event finally ended and their children finally started to return from the various worlds they were summoned to! It turns out that the mysterious new element that they didn’t know what to call was mana and that it’s everywhere in some fantasy planets. The children brought back a increase in technology and techniques to grow stronger with, which caused the humans to finally be able to build safe havens for their race. They grew stronger and started to finally adapt to their brand new environment. This is the story of a orphan who was taken away from his world, before he could gain a sense of attachment to the world. Who only has his older sister to care about and how he ends up adapting to the new world in front of him.------------------Dog notes by doggo First 'five' chapters aren't what the story is really about and is more of a prologue. The reason why some are separated into parts is because Doggo originally posted them as a entire chapter. The main setting is Ghost's actual world and not any foreign world. So this story was already posted once to another site or this site three years ago… and Dog is finally ending that three year hiatus! The explanation on why Dog was on a three year hiatus would of been written in the review section, but rrl doesn't allow self reviews. I'd have to create a alt just to self review which they obviously don't want even tho I'd not give myself any stars so its going to be here instead. The update schedule is a chapter a week till Dog get a editor and then two chapters a week till Dog gets enough money to pay for Dog’s bills. The final goal is to release a chapter every other day. Dog writes 4k word chapters so they are about twice as long as some of the other authors so every other day is actually more like once a day. ------------------- The part that was supposed to be the 'review' which Dog wont bother editing out repeat infomation since it wasn't supposed to go here in the first place. The first thing Dog will go over is what changed for the first 5 chapters, so that anyone who still remembers Dog's little novel and wants to continue from where Dog originally left off can decide whether or not to reread it. Also Dog is moving over to qidan simply because dog like the app they have. Dog won't go premium even if Qidan tells dog to and will simply move back to royalroad or create a blog.The things that changed over the years are mainly two important things. The first is that Dog changed the first person point of view to a third person, because Dog read a really bad first person novel and it reminded dog of dogs own novel. Dog also changed the thoughts of the character to be - - instead of italics. Finally dog changed chapter 3 completely to make the mc not seem like a homicidal maniac and introduced a important character in chapter 3.What happened to do in the three years that dog was away? Was dog at college and now needs money to eat? Was dog off in space after successfully becoming a astronaut and has now returned home with a completed novel or two? The answer is actually quite plain dog graduated from highschool and was supposed to only spend a year at dogs owners house to choose what major dog wanted to go to college for.Dog didn't do that and is still stuck with dogs owners and is sick of being a neet. Dog wants to move and buy doggy food, but dog is antisocial and doesn't want to work a simple 9 to 5 job for the rest of dogs life. Dog is a reader before dog is a author and the reason why dog got into writing was because dog wanted to write a novel without all the things dog finds annoying. Dog spent the first year reading various novels and dropping various novels. Dog is all caught up and has to much free time on dogs paws. The first year that Dog took off was the very same year that qidan came out so dog was naturally overloaded with free chapters. But now that pemium exists dog naturally has to limit the amount dog can read. Dog is addicted to reading like my very own readers and can understand your frustrations for dog disappearing for 3 years.Dog decided that dog will go back to writing 2 years ago. Dog wanted a decent stockpile incase dog has any other emergency so dog didn't post for a year but then dog decided to change the point of view which took another year.Dog has a patreon page https://www.patreon.com/mclaindog but there isn't any tiers there or goals till dog gets a editor. My final goal is to release a chapter every other day, but as long as Dog gets a editor Dog will do two free chapters a week.Dog will probably also make a kofi for anyone who just wants to send dog a tip and can't afford to donate money monthly while maybe having bonus chapters if the tip jar gets filled.
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Disco Madness (jjba5xreader)
What happens when a bunch of stand users throw a party and the cops bust down the door? Well... Chaos! Waking up in the sewers after running from the police and somehow ending up in Italy? Not the worst thing (Y/n) has gotten herself into.(This doesn't follow the events of part 5)I don not own Jojo's bizarre adventure.
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Dependence - Book Two (Wattys 2013 Finalist)
‘’ Ladies and gentlemen of Panem, for the Pageant of the one hundred and twenty fifth annual Hunger Games, or the fifth Quarter Quell, we have a special treat in store. Here in Panem, we are all depending on something, the Capitol depends on the twelve districts for goods, the districts depend on the Capitol for food and protection but also, the districts depend on each other. To highlight the fact that the districts of Panem are so dependent on each other, the tributes in this year’s Hunger Games will be randomly paired with one another. The pairs will be connected via a new Capitol invention that will mean when one of them dies, so does the other. This will mean that the pairs will have to protect each other, because their lives are in their partner’s hands and vice versa. As you may be wondering how this will affect the final outcome, I am very excited to announce that for the first time ever in Hunger Games history, two tributes will be able to win! Yes, you heard me correct. There will be two victors! You will all hear more about this after the Reapings have commenced, until then, I bid you all adieu. The one hundred and fiftieth annual Hunger Games has officially begun!’’
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Lore Olympus Oneshots
**2022 update: I am so sorry for everything in this series it's literal garbage on fire. However, I will leave it up just to reflect on my horrific mess and appreciate how much better I've gotten at writing lol.Short stories/ fanfics that I wrote about Lore Olympus (specifically about Hades and Persephone 🤧💕)
8 104