《Cultivation Anomaly》Chapter 32: Murky Waters
“Fucking bureaucratic scum.” Yelled the large man, spit flying everywhere.
Seated in the middle of the command tent, the man stared with fury at the messenger. The messenger for his part remained unfazed. With an air of casual disdain, the messenger brought up a gloved hand up to wipe the stray spittle from his face.
Damn imperial Justiciars. Thought the large man. Even outside their Dao forsaken empire, they keep their noses perpetually in the air. If only the High Justiciar wasn’t flying about…
“Count Niko,” Said the justiciar in the same bored tone he had been using since the beginning. The tone of a man dealing with something vastly beneath them. “I am simply relaying the High Justiciar’s words. The Thousand Season Sect has found and destroyed our forward base. The initial strategy has failed.”
Count Niko stared at the Justiciar. We are hours away from our target, deep into enemy territory and he comes now.
Then Count Niko waved the Justiciar away in disgust
“Then be gone from my sight. I should have known you paper-pushers wouldn’t have the guts to do what’s needed.”
The Justiciar frowned ever so slightly but gave a bow.
“By your leave, your grace.” Said the Justiciar. Then he strode out of the tent.
Niko stared at the still wavering tent flap, trying desperately to find a solution. Then with a great sigh, the man relaxed into his plush chair, taking a deep draught of his already cold tea. With a satisfied smack of his lips, he slammed the teacup back down with enough force to shatter a more mundane item.
“Well Li, what do you make of our allies most recent fuck up?” Said Count Niko to the seemingly empty room.
A second later, the count’s shadow rippled like water. Churning, the ripple bulged out until it became humanoid, quickly solidifying into an older man with a droopy mustache. The man stepped out of the shadow and walked around the table to take a seat at the chair across from the count. The chair that the messenger had disdainfully refused. Count Niko’s face scrunched in remembered annoyance.
Conceited little git.
Count Niko gave himself a small shake, focusing back on his companion.
“Your grace, I feel I must first report on something else. Apparently, there is a child in a nearby child town that has displayed an unusual level of skill in alchemy. Curious, I decided to go confirm the rumors. To my surprise, the child does not only possess skill but displayed skills vastly beyond his pitiful level of cultivation. Knowing your grace’s current needs, I left my man watching over the child and rushed back.”
Count Niko’s eyes lit up.
“Fantastic! Our forces have been crippled since our last alchemist died. I give you my permission to personally obtain the child at once. Even if it is just a treasure and not him, we can certainly make use of it. Oh, and take your time getting back if you need it. We cannot let any of the other nobles get wind of such a valuable seedling. Now, answer my first question. What do you think of the most recent information from our ‘friend’ in the empire?
“To be honest, your grace,” Said Li, stretching the words out into drawl. “I fear we may have overextended ourselves. If we had maintained the element of surprise, our rushing ahead of the other nobles would be worth the risk. The resources gained in ransacking the Bloody Buddha Monastery would have given our forces a leg up. As it is now… I believe we should rush back. If the Thousand Season Sect has really discovered the imperial base, then they have contacted Clear Sky Sect. If Clear Sky Sect knows, then any organization with a spirit stone in hand will know. Every one of them, including our target, will be on high alert.”
“So, do you think we should just retreat then? Run away with our tail between our legs?”
Li slowly shook his head in shared regret. “I know it is distasteful my liege, but I feel it is the right decision.”
Count Niko closed his eyes in thought, idly bringing out a full teapot from his ring. With a few deft movements and a skillful application of qi, the scent of strong fresh brewed tea soon filled the tent. After a pointed look from his companion, the Count cracked a smile and brought out another teacup. Filling it, he pushed with the tip of his finger, sliding it across the table to land in Li’s waiting hand
“You're right, as always Li. I am beginning to regret having been so adamant in being the vanguard. But how could I stand still while the royal family’s killers still live? Those Onooka clansman freaks should have been wiped out long ago.”
“Mmmm, I am beginning to have second thoughts about that myself.” Said Li tentatively. Count Niko watched his long-time friend stare into his cup before looking up to meet his eyes. “I think we have been misled. In fact, I am almost certain it was not the Onooka Clan who killed the royal family.”
As Count Niko followed the logic of that statement, he felt his favorite tea turn to lead in his stomach.
“What are you suggesting?” Said Count Niko.
“I believe it was a coup. For us to have been fooled, many if not all of the other nobles must have been in on it.”
“…so they sent us to die,” Said Count Niko with a snarl. With a quick motion, he hurled the table out of the way. Ignoring Li’s concerned look, he strode out of the tent and raised his voice so all his men could hear.
Turning back to his tent, he waited as Li walked out after him. Then with a few quick motions, he packed the treasure tent into his ring. He turned to Li and rested a hand on his friend’s shoulder.
“Li, I want you to find and bring back this child. We need to achieve something from this fiasco.”
Li glanced around and then sent a spiritual message, “but my liege, who is going to watch your back when you meet up with Duke Duwei and the others. You must realize that they probably hope you’d suffer an accident out here.”
Count Niko laughed, revealing the first smile Li had seen on him since the king's death.
“My old friend, I am not going to rejoin the den of vipers. Not so soon at least. However, we cannot let fear keep us for making the most of the situation. Now go.”
Li gave him one more concerned glance and then was gone. With a sigh, Count Niko turned back to watch his men finish packing up the rest of their supplies. It was only ten minutes more until they had everything stored in their spatial rings.
I suppose I won’t punish them for not being done before Li left. Though let’s scare them a little.
With a smile, Count Niko raised his hand to release a qi attack into the air. He frowned as the expected explosion fizzled out anticlimactically.
What? I haven’t had an issue with such an easy attack since I was a boy. How…?
Then his eyes open wide. The early nascent soul count spun around, causing the straight blade that would have pierced his dantian to only cause a hole in his side. In rage, he tensed his body cultivation powered muscles to trap the sword and continued his spin, ripping the sword out of the hands of the surprised assassin. At the end of his spin, he brought a fist up to smash the cloaked figure right in their mask covered face. Clutching his side with one hand, he watched the man fly back even as fighting broke out at the southern edge of the camp.
…Even if they didn’t kill the king, I still hate these sneaky bastards.
He spared another precious moment to glance down at the bleeding hole in his side.
Li is never going to let me live this down. It's not even been half an hour and I was literally stabbed in the back.
With a quick scan of his spiritual sense, he saw his men had already gathered in a battle formation. With a thought, he told his captains to begin an organized retreat. He turned his attention to the collapsed man who was just now getting up. Then the bottom half of the man’s mask fell off, and Count Niko couldn’t help grimacing.
Oh, come on. I should have realized it was the patriarch.
“Damn body cultivators.” Said the Onooka patriarch, spitting out a mouth full of blood.
Licking his lips nervously, Count Niko pulled out his family treasure, hoping it would be enough.
On the third floor of the Hall of Knowledge, Felix watched the girls face off.
Then Xue ran up to Everglade, slapping her in the face. Yet before Xue could continue the attack, Everglade jumped on the taller woman, bringing them both to the floor in a blur of silk and limbs. Xue’s indignant squawk was cut off by Everglade's generous lips even as her naughty hands started exploring. The observers watch on in awe.
Felix shook his head, dismissing his delusions of a steamy catfight.
Wow, my mind needs a checkout. Though I suppose this weird unity is better than the normal emotional dissonance.
He focused on the two women who now stood only feet apart. No words had been exchanged yet nor had there been any physical exchange of any kind. It almost felt like both of them refused to be the first to speak.
With pursed lips and arms crossed under her chest, the diminutive Everglade matched Xue glare for glare. Felix could feel a pressure from both of them, though Xue’s cold aura dominated Everglades refreshing rejuvenating aura. Despite this, Everglade remained unflinching.
It’s weird how the coldness in the air seems to increase in parallel with the degree to which Everglade’s lips purse… Come on me! Focus!
He watched in growing alarm as Xue strode right up to the pissed off Everglade, pointedly entering the smaller girl’s space.
“Sister Everglade, it is so good to see you.” Said Xue, putting her hands behind her back and bending ever so slightly to look down at Everglade. “I am just surprised to see you here in the Hall of Knowledge, I would have thought you would be working in your garden. I just love how you embrace your roots like that.”
Everglade’s pursed lips transformed into a too sweet smile while the rest of her body remained as hostile as an unsheathed blade.
“Oh, thank you for understanding, Sister Xue. You know how busy I am cultivating and practicing my profession. As we both know, true warm-blooded humans will do something else besides just cultivate.” Said everglade, letting out a little laugh. “Just imagine how boring and cold-hearted a woman who didn’t? Now I seem to have lost my young wards but now they are found. I will just take them and go”
“I’m sorry Sister Everglade,” Said Xue, putting on a sweet smile to match Everglades. “I just saw how unguided they were and decided to help them. As the elders say, we need to help each other. So, who better to help them then the only core disciple in the entire sect. How would I ever forgive myself if I let some junior sister who is still stuck in essence condensing teach them?”
“Of course not,” said Everglade. Felix noticed how her hands had begun clenching the sides of her dress. “But remember our morality class? The lessons on avoiding becoming a caricature of a person? Therefore, we need to be careful and make sure they aren’t taught by narrow-minded idiots who only pursue cultivation in lieu of living.”
“Oh, of course.” Said Xue, her own smile tightening. “Maybe we should have them focus on auxiliary support techniques. Who needs personal strength when you can just win people over by providing service? I’ve heard that there is an ancient profession with a similar philosophy.”
They stared at one another, their too cheerful smiles standing in stark contrast to the growing tension. Yang Mei and the three boys seemed desperate to be ignored. Felix idly noted that Chu literally had his face pressed into the pages of an upside-down book.
What the hell is wrong with these two? Not even a few minutes and they are ready to tear out each other’s throats. They aren’t even that subtle about it. I would be more scared if this wasn’t the Hall of Knowledge.
In unison, Felix would swear he saw the two girls tense a minuscule amount.
Okay, I can’t let this go on.
Felix tried to channel his entire being into confidence to the point he believed it. He put on that smile he used with Yang Mei and dubbed his ‘Fix It Man” smile.
“Senior Sister Everglade, it is so good to see you again so soon.” Said Felix loudly, walking forward slowly. He spread his arms wide and moved frantically as if he was really excited. “Senior sister Xue has been complimenting you nonstop since I ask her about you after class.”
Both of the women turned to face him. Felix felt his confidence almost crack as Everglade’s stunned face was only outdone by Xue’s look of utter shock. Even as the two seemed to be struggling aligning Felix’s statement with their understanding of reality, Felix was suddenly beside her, slipping a hand behind her back. Timing it exactly right, he opened his mouth at the same time.
“You won’t believe what Elder Shen said about you,” Said Felix, bringing her to the exit of the floor. He could feel the others pointed stares at his back like knives, yet they felt like nothing under his new found energy.
Somehow not realizing she was being led around, she just looked at him.
“Wait, what?” She said.
He enthusiastically nodded as if she totally got it. Her confusion gave him a wave of smug satisfaction. They reached the stairs and began moving down.
Bullseye. Now to sell it.
“Elder Shen agreed to help me cultivate. He thought I had a little talent with cultivation methods and wanted to let me train with the three recruits. Well I thought of how impressive you are, and I knew you could help. You did promise to help me, and you are already looking after the kids. It's perfect under your guidance, right?”
“Yes, I did promise…”
“Well that’s great.” Said Felix before an awkward pause could develop. “I also know how great you are at herb gardening. Could you tell me about that?”
She gave him a confused look as he smiled right back. He had to force himself to maintain the same measured pace. Then she opened her mouth.
“Well, herb gardening is normally under pill cultivation but it is much like all subjects related to cultivation. Any part of a subject can be expanded vastly. So does herb cultivation have vast complexity in and of itself. The properties of a herb depend on the herb itself and its surroundings. Between these two things, every small change in turn makes a difference in the result. Of course, you can follow the written directions to raise a herb but that is only ever going to give you one result. Well, if the person is competent enough to follow directions. However, if you truly understand the underlying process, you can customize it to the individual herb to produce a different desired result. That’s only one plant. There is also breeding and grafting that adds vast complexity beyond this. Now also imagine the near-infinite plants found between heaven and earth. To understand it all is truly a long journey.”
“Wow,” Said Felix, staring into Everglade’s eyes he’d imagine would be drawn full of stars. “That’s amazing! It must go great with your cultivation method.”
Everglade smiled and puffed out her chest but then stopped and gave him a confused look.
“Wait, what do you mean? Go great with my cultivation technique. Don’t tell me that bitch Xue said something about it?”
“What? No. Every time I have asked about you, she hasn’t said a single bad thing. I just assumed because your aura literally felt rejuvenating that you would be good with plants.”
Everglade blushed, breaking eye contact.
“Oh, well I just assumed… Look, Xue and I have bad blood between us.” Said Everglade, shaking herself. “As for the rejuvenating part, well that is in part because my cultivation method is based around wood. Though a lot of my techniques and methods lean toward support. I won’t go into it now but altogether you get that rejuvenating feeling.”
“That’s pretty amazing.”
Felix idly noticed that they had made it all the way to the entrance of the Hall of knowledge.
Okay, still got my hand around her waist. Now I just have to disengage without taking a cultivation powered slap to the face.
At that thought, Felix felt the familiar disunion emotions, including the weird one that focused around odd food cravings. Then Everglade suddenly came to a stop mid-stride, forcing Felix to also come to a jarring halt. He absently noted with amazement how he couldn’t even budge her.
Everglade suddenly glided out of his grasp, facing him with narrowed eyes. Felix felt a bit religious that his smile stayed strong.
“So,” Said Felix. “Thanks again for agreeing to help. I need to spend a bit of time planning on my end first of course but when do you want me to come to you for help? Oh, and where should I tell the recruits to find you?”
Everglade glared at him and opened her mouth. Then she just sighed, shaking her head.
“Alright, I am not sure how you just did it, but you win. Tell the recruits that I will be at the medicine pavilion when you are done. Oh, and let me give you directions to my abode when you need training.”
“That would be awesome. I am really looking forward to receiving your guidance, Senior Sister Everglade.”
Everglade shook her head one more time and headed out of the crevasse. Felix thought he caught a small smile at the words ‘Senior Sister’, but he wasn’t sure. When she finally disappeared, he started back up the tower.
Wow, that went perfectly for some reason. Why was I so confident…
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The Cyclical Nature of Time
A girl’s life ends unexpectedly early, or so it would seem. Instead of eternal nothingness, she wakes up in an empty valley with no clue how she got there. Taking her predicament in stride, she sets out to do something about it. Unfortunately for her, the first couple of people she meets aren’t much help. They claim they haven’t heard of electricity and dress as if they were on a break from their job at a Viking-themed amusement park. MC is a somewhat normal girl. She's pragmatic and not very angsty. The story is tagged with anti-hero, but to be clear, she is not a villain. She does good if she can, she just isn't morally motivated to do so. The story starts out smelling of fantasy but will eventually shift towards sci-fi. It contains some supernatural elements and has a strong lead, but it is not your usual power trip. Expect a story that takes its time, but not to the point where entire chapters are spent on mindless chit-chat. I’m not into that. This is my first serious attempt at writing and I've learnt a lot writing this. Unfortunately, that shows. Chapter 1-10 is slow and rather pointless. Things get better, but it is not until chapter 25 or so that I began understanding how to structure chapters and to make them support the larger story. I publish about 3000 words a week (every sunday) but I write about 10000 words a week. Sticking to that pace, which is easy, the last chapter will be out by July.
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Reunited At Last|✔️
[COMPLETED]BOOK TWO OF HIS MAFIA QUEEN. NOT TO BE READ AS A STAND-ALONE. DESCRIPTION CONTAINS SPOILERS IF YOU HAVEN'T READ THE FIRST BOOK|Disclaimer|• More Romance•Sexual Scenes~Liliana Romano, now known as Elena Rose, made her grand escape to London, UK. After being shot by the love of her life and deciding she wants out of the mafia life, she leaves, faking her death and breaking hearts. Six years later, Sebastian Di Salvo and Liliana's paths cross as she finds out he's finally tying the knot with Isabella Moretti. The news of Liliana's heart beating shakes the mafia world causing her life to be on the line once again. But she risks it all to stop Sebastian from making the biggest mistake of his life.What happens will happen. It's unstoppable and unavoidable. Maybe reuniting at last won't be so bad? After all she is his everything as he is hers.Will they reconcile their love? Have they always loved each other? Will they get the happy ending they've dreamed of?~I watched as Sebastian stuffed his hands into his dress pants pockets, keeping a careful eye on the time. "You can't marry her. I can't let you." His head snapped towards mine. "I didn't see you there beside me as I grieved for you," he snapped. "She was there.""She's also the reason why we lost each other." He let out a scoff. "We lost each other because you gave up on us and ran away. I'm marrying her and that's final. If you came here with the idea of us getting back together then you need to get the fuck out 'cause that's not happening."My breath hitched in my throat. She's poisoned his mind and turned him against me. But what could I have expected? I showed up here out of the blue after six years. I let him go once and now, he's in my reach, I'm gonna do whatever it takes to get him back, no matter what because I now know that we're meant for each other. But if he's happy with her, then reuniting won't be an option after all.Started: January 2022Finished: March 2
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