《Cultivation Anomaly》Chapter 19: Lost in Thought


From a raised platform Felix sat with Xue and the town’s officials. Even though the Mayor’s courtyard covered a massive area, it felt cramped as nearly every bit of space was taken up by a horde of children. What really impressed him was how quiet the mob was. Whether it was the better-off children in their crisp robes and quaffed hair or those from a harder lot in life, they all said not a word. Their only sound was the hushed rustle of nervous children.

The people on the raised platform had no such compulsions. The officials chatted away while the Mayor was more than happy to exchange pleasantries with Xue. Felix found he pitied the kids and empathized with their nervousness. Many a memory drifted to the forefront of his mind where he was the small mortal child in awe of a cultivator. Some of those cultivators were of much lower cultivation than those sitting with him. Pulling himself away from such thoughts, he focused on the Mayor and Xue’s conversation.

“As you can see Fairy Xue, I have gathered every child of suitable age from the town. I even had my guards patrol the worst areas and made sure no one was left unaware of this glorious event. No one here would even hold back a slave if they were of the appropriate age. If they qualify, they are here. I am familiar with your sect’s entrance requirements, so I have limited the children to those between ages 10 and 13.”

“I am glad to hear of it, Mayor,” Said Xue, “I will pass on your dedication to the elders.”

The mayor’s brilliant smile somehow got even wider.

“You honor me, Fairy Xue. If only I had my own child to present. Alas, duties of stewardship and my own cultivation have left me with little time on my hands. Still, I am sure the children in my town will not waste this opportunity. That said, how do you plan to go about the testing. Are you looking for something in particular or…?”


Xue let out a demure laugh.

“Nothing so grand Mayor. I will, of course, do a few tests to see if the children have some special characteristics. However, any child with decent potential will be considered. I have a comprehension stone and sensitivity stone. I also brought a few other tests that my Sect has come up with.” Then Xue raised her voice for the crowd. “Though my sect is willing to give a second chance. I have brought a few simple manuals for the first level of essence gathering. Any child who can enter the first level within a months’ time is invited to a second testing back at the Thousand Season Sect. However, anyone who does this must allow me to scan their current state so I know no one has had a head start.”

As the crowd rustled, the Mayor and Xue discussed the logistics of such an endeavor

Why is the Mayor so supportive of this? Thought Felix. I vaguely remember that the Sect will provide protection to settlements in its territory. I suppose having disciples with connections to your town is also beneficial but that doesn’t seem enough.

Felix tried to comb through his own vague memories. He remembered one instance where he was a young child in a village. The local sect, named Jumping Swallows or something, had come to recruit disciples. He remembered the awe and excitement of that time. However, such memories of children gave him little advantage in understanding the undercurrents of society.

Perhaps it is just political capital.

He looked at the grin on the Mayor’s face.

Though I really do want to know. Bah, I have more important things to think about. I haven't really done anything but go with the flow. Though it also has only been a few weeks since this 'me' has been doing things. Still, I have been pretty blasé about a lot of things. Will things stay so simple...? I need to be focusing on increasing my power. I should assume I am an MC and the world will go to shit.


He felt a wave of ridiculousness at calling himself the MC.

I am totally the main character. At least I have all the trappings of one. Though don’t most people think they are the main character even in a mundane world… Argh, thinking of the world as a story is just as bad of a rabbit hole as the simulation crap. Okay, lets focus. The world is terrifying, and I want control over my own destiny. That’s reason enough.

He found he had been squeezing the armrests and unclenched his hands. The surrounding officials didn’t even look at him, but he saw Xue give him an odd look. Coughing awkwardly, he tried to relax and scanned over the assembled children.

So I need power. Whether personal or external. Therefore, my best bet is to get more KE. If the title, Pillar of the Sect is not a misnomer, the quests will likely relate to, well, being the pillar of the sect. My only data point on quests right now is that first quest about meeting people. Can I generate quests? Maybe I just need to find ways to live up to the Systems name.

He continued to look out over the children and a smile crossed his face.

Well, one possibility is smacking me in the face. What better way to support an organization than getting good recruit.

Familiar text filled his mind.

[Quest: Recruiting for the Sect]

[Aid the Thousand Season Sect in acquiring disciples]

[Rewards: KE points variable. Main factors are contribution to recruitment and quality of disciple]

[WARNING: Depending on disciples recruited due to your influence, KE points earned can be potentially negative. Effects unknown.]

Felix’s elation at the beginning of the prompt but that was shortly followed by horror as he took in the last line. The ‘WARNING’ text gave him a similar red feeling as the -ERROR- text was.

Why the heck are effects unknown? Alright, whatever. That just means I can’t just convince Xue to recruit every one of these kids. At least the main factors for KE value are listed. So, I just need to make certain that anyone I help recruit is awesome.

He stared at the horde of children and couldn’t help but feel a bit helpless. All he could see was a bunch of children. Some of them were in better shape or decent physical health for his age, but Felix realized that anything superficial like that could easily be seen by Xue.

Wait… the scanning ability of the system. How could I forget that? Obviously, that is my advantage. Unfortunately, I am not sure what information it will give me. Will it give me the statistics from like my own status page originally did? How does it even work? I should just try it on someone, like that boy in the front. Huh, how did a poor kid like that get to the front with all the rich kids? Mmm well, either way. He would work well. What did I have to do again? Just touch his hand and…

Felix lost himself once again in his thoughts as he tried to decide on how best to go about testing his method. He realized that he should probably be circumspect.

I just need to touch him as I did with Xue and find that feeling again.

As he was going through what he needed to do, a sudden silence brought him back to the here and now. He blinked and looked around to find himself off the raised platform. In fact, he looked back to find the elders all giving him confused looks and Xue was staring at him with a single raised eyebrow. He turned to the crowd to find himself right in front of that poor boy he had just spotted, grasping his hand. The boy stared back at him with terrified eyes.

What the fuck just happened!

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