《I Think My Familiar is a DemonLord》Volume 2 Ch 26: Behind the mask


Raider is out on Amazon! If you all like my novels and would like to support me and my writing I would appreciate it if you thought about purchasing it on Amazon, it helps me out a lot. Also, can we give Darkcurs3 a round of applause for getting it done so quickly? He did a pretty awesome job if you ask me. The link to it is in the Author's note above, and thank you in advance.

Also please check out Farseer, as of this post it is 6 chapters long and over 109 pages, and we are just getting started lol.



It was Lira that needed to be on Leon’s back on the way home, she needed to learn how to walk again with her new legs, and she didn't want to be seen doing it in some city where anyone could watch. And thus Fluffy’s perch was taken from her to much fake grumbling and coy remarks of payback. Lira simply ignored everything, laying her head on Leon’s back and allowing the rhythm of his steps lol her into a soft sleep.

“It is really strange though,” Krya said, looking at Lira’s legs, the long feline appendages were covered in silver hair, and ended in padded paws tipped with retractable claws. “I have never heard of someone merging twice,” she looked over at Leon, “Speaking of which, why do you even have a lion for your seal crest? You don't have any Lion like attributes.”

“Don’t I?” he asked with a smile, “Have I not formed a pride?” he looked at her and winked.

“You know what I mean,” she brushed his joke off and scowled at him.

“I do,” he stated simply.

“You do know what I mean or you do have Lion characteristics?” she asked, not looking at him, but rather at the crowded road in front of them.

“Both,” he shrugged, the motion causing Lira’s head to flop slightly.

“I've seen every bit of you, and I have seen no Lion.” the words left Krya’s mouth before she even realized what she had said. A blush crept up on her face, and Aaron who had been minding his own business up to this point attempted to hide his laugh behind a cough, only to make it sound more like a snort. Much to everyone’s surprise, however, Tilly did not club him behind the ears like usual, she simply gave him this disappointed look, which in some inexplicable way seemed to hurt him more.

“Later, I will explain,” he said, hoisting Lira higher on his shoulders, “But only if you discuss with me the things we talked about earlier.” he looked at her, and she sighed, she had hoped he had forgotten all about that, but then again this was Leon, and of course he would remember something like that.

“The two of you spent multiple lives together huh?” Tilly asked looking at Leon.

“Four that I know of,” he said, and to that Tilly smiled.

“It's really kind of romantic isn't it?” she looped an arm through Aarons and pulled him close, “The thought that no matter what happens the two of you will be together in this life and the next.”

“Must have been quite the binding spell,” Aaron remarked, “Do you remember who placed it on you?”

“No-” Leon sensed something, his mouth snapped shut and with a single sweeping gaze he assessed the crowd around them. Someone was watching them, “I am feeling worn out, let us go home.” he said, looking directly into Aaron’s eyes. It would seem Leon’s new friend was quick on the uptake, as he faked a yawn and stretch that allowed him to loosen the fabric of his uniform in such a way he would be able to fight better.


“Oh I agree,” he said rolling his shoulders, “It has been a most trying day, let us go back.” his relaxed act was actually very convincing, and the way he and Leon had quickly changed the subject let everyone in the group know something was up.

Someone was watching them.

Leon could feel it, it manifested itself as a ripple down his spine, like a cold breeze had just blown past. He always trusted his instincts, and they were telling him that this one was simply watching for now. As it stood he could not attack in the city, for starters there were too many people, besides that there was also Lira and Krya’s reputation to think about, something he had not really had the foresight to think about in the past, but now that they were more in the eye of everyone it was becoming more and more of a concern.

Every made inconsequential chatter as they exited the city. Krya quickly prepared the transport rune, using the but end of her staff she quickly scratched out the circle required to teleport them, lining it with the runes that were needed to dictate where. pulling out a vile of blood she poured them into the runes and watched as the dry dirt drank up the liquid greedily. She began chanting in a different language, and the portal opened, Leon was the last to step through, as he carried Lira with him. Before he entered it, however, he allowed his eyes to rest on the person that had been following them.

The man was dressed like a peasant, like any other commoner on the street, green tunic, slightly stained and threadbare, cotton breaches, and tousled black hair. As their eyes met Leon registered shock and fear for a split second before the man resumed his act correctly. Leon shook his head, a silent warning to the man, and whoever had sent him to spy. He stepped through the circle, making sure to scuff away some of the runes with his boot as he passed them.

The runes were only necessary for the creation of the portal, not its continued operation, and it would be next to impossible for anyone other than those approved at the castle to teleport in like they were, still better safe than sorry.

As soon as he reached the other side Krya assaulted him with questions. “Same ones as last time?” she asked, hands on her hips, staff still gripped with white knuckles.

“I don't think so,” Leon looked at Krya, “Different style, this was more mundane,” and frankly a little better executed, he had sensed the shadow’s magic, which was something that would give him away anytime, this, however, this was more a feeling that had told him, he had noticed the man one too many times for him to not be following them. “Fluffy, can you carry her to bed?” he asked, gesturing to Lira on his back. With a graceful ease, Fluffy reached up and pulled Lira off, holding her like she weighed no more than a small child. “So, remember what I said?”

“Right now?” Krya moaned the words, her face contorting in a display of emotions that surprised everyone, Leon included. “Can we uh, take a walk?” she asked, and he simply nodded and followed along behind her. The main gate closed with a loud thud, and she rested her hand against it, allowing the spell to lock it back in place. Soon her head followed it, resting against the cool smooth surface of the polished wood.


Leon laid a hand on her shoulder, and taking a deep breath she pulled away from the door. The two of them walked together in silence for a few minutes before she opened her mouth. “It's hard to explain,” she said slowly, “Emere is my brother, and I love him as a brother, but our position in the clan has led to,” she paused, “him turning out to be more like father.”

“So your father is a sarcastic dick?” Leon asked, and Krya stifled a bout of laughter.

“Not really a sarcastic dick no, I- it would be better if I told you a story I think...”


Krya leaned her back against Simon’s, both of them were sticky with sweat, both of them were panting hard, heads aching from the loss of blood. “Dearest,” Lira’s wavering vision fell on her mother, she was a tall elegant woman, one whom her father had apparently taken a liking to and had brought her here to the clan’s main home to be his wife, liberating her from the branch families holdings. Krya had her mother’s face, Simon, on the other hand, looked more like there father. “Don’t you think this is enough? They can barely stand.” her mother tucked a loose strand of blue hair that had escaped the bun she wore and placed it behind her ear.

They were all in a training room, one of many that her father had built into the Manor, the room consisted of a sandpit, surrounded by high stone walls, on which there father and mother both watched them.

“They need to learn, how are they supposed to be the heads of the clan if they cannot even pass this simple test?” Her father growled. He was a server looking man, silver long hair and wolfish grey eyes, apparently the product of a merge when he was younger with his wolf spirit.

“They do not need to be the head of the clan, that one falls to Emere, he is the oldest remember, and he is showing some great progress with the spells you taught him last week-”

“He does not have the right character,” her father sighed, brushing the silver locks of hair out of his eyes. “He is too brash if perhaps I had him by you and not that harlot I called a wife-” his fist hit the stone with an almighty thump, causing the two of them to jump at the sound.

“Shhh, dear, shhhhh,” she grabbed him by the chin, pulling his face her way and rubbing a hand over the day-old stubble on his strong chin. “They are only ten years old, please-” he sighed and looked at the two children in the ring, blood was splattered everywhere, the ruins of runes they had attempted to draw were everywhere in the sand.

His face hardened as he looked at the two of them, huddled there together. “They will go again,” he growled, and her mother’s hand fell away from his face, she gave him a reproachful look. “Do not give me that look woman,” he growled. “Remember, you are the second wife, there can always be a third.” her mother’s eyes opened wide in shock and outrage.

“What did you say?” she asked in a low and dangerous voice. Krya ignored them like she always did when they fought, she used the staff, much too large for her, to push herself up, before leaning down to help Simon up as well.

“The marriage contract said you had twelve years to give me an heir worth of the clan, there are only two years left, and these two are not where they need to be, if they cannot perform to my satisfaction you will default on the contract,” he growled, turning back to the ring. He never saw the slap coming, the sound was louder than even his fist against the stone.

“I hope they do fail,” she said softly, her voice wobbling with pain and hurt, “And when they do I will take them and leave for home, and you will be here, stuck with the memories of us, all those happy memories we had, all those memories you cast to the wind for a prodigy you will never get.” and with that she turned and left the hall in a flurry of blue and silver dress.

“Again,” her father growled, once again summoning the golems.


“What happened to Simon?” Leon asked after she had paused for a time.

“There was an accident one day when we were training.” Krya spoke softly, “A spell backfired on him, corrupted, he had been using his own blood so it got its way into his system, got into his mind.” she shuddered, “it, changed him, he looked the same, but he was no longer all there, mentally.”

“And your mother?”

“She kept her promise, well three-quarters of it.” she smiled bitterly. “When the twelfth year rolled around she left, taking Simon with her, but leaving me.” she sighed, “I doubt she would have been allowed to take me, in that time I had grown, and father had been pleased with my progress, enough to name me heir of the clan.”

“I don’t suppose Emere was very happy about this?” Leon asked.

“No, no he was not, he began hating me, blaming me for all the things he did wrong.” she smiled softly. “I found then after Simon left, what it truly meant to be alone in the world.” there was no sadness in the words, no bitterness, just a resignation. Her father only wanted a good clan heir, her mother had left her there alone, and her half-brother hated her for his own failings.

Yes, it was no wonder she hid all emotions behind a mask and acted so cold to the world. He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her in close. “You are not alone anymore,” he said, and she smiled softly, resting her face against his side.

“No, no I am not,” she breathed in his scent deeply, smiling at the warm feelings he gave her.

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