《I Think My Familiar is a DemonLord》Chapter 13: unbidden memories


She opened her eyes and felt the warmth of him on her back and his arm wrapped around her waist. A deep blush came to her face as she remembered what she had said and done last night.

‘If I kiss you it will be to claim you as my own, and once I do that there will be no other men in your life.’ that was what he had said. Her cheeks died a deep shade of red and she felt her heart start racing.

“Good morning,” she stiffened up when she heard him speak, slowly turning around she looked at him, due to the closeness of her body to his he could feel how her heart raced, it was frankly adorable, and he felt he could tease her forever.

She pulled out of his embrace and sat up, a strand of her hair fell down and covered the right side of her face. He looked at her with a smile and was about to say something, but before he could his head suddenly felt like it was dunked in an icy river before being placed in a fire.

The pain was not something he would ever be able to discribe in words, he let out a silent scream of pain and agony.

His vision went black and white and red.

Looking up he found himself looking up at that other version of Lira.

“What about your wife?” she asked softly, the slip of the night gown she was wearing fell down her shoulder.

“It really is unfortunate, you know how her race is, I doubt she will see this as anything besides a betrayal.” he sighed. Or rather the other him sighed, he was currently watching this like an outsider.

“Is it not?”

“Honestly it is not, we are one person after all.”


She laughed and slapped him on the shoulder. “Just because we are formed from the same soul does not mean we are the same person.” she said softly her head tipping to the side, the hair that was covering her face slid off to the side, before getting caught and held in place by the horns protruding from her temples.

“No?” he sighed again. “What do I tell her?”

“How do you feel about her?” she asked.

“You know how I feel...”

She laughed, “Indeed I do, but I want to hear it.”

“I love her, with all my heart, but not with all my soul.”

“Because that is mine” she said softly as she leaned in closer to him, and placed her hands on either side of his head. Her lips drew closer to his, softly brushing up against his.

“She will likely kill me,” he said softly.

“That is fine, with that we can be together again, nothing will be holding me back anymore.” she said softly. He moved slightly, and her hand fazed through his face, like either it or her was not solid. “Wherever you go in your next life I will follow, we are one in the same.” she said softly.

“I thought you said just because we share a soul doesn't mean we are the same.” he laughed, and his laugh was echoed by her.

“Ah, this form is so unsatisfying,” she whispered softly, “So many things I want to do I can't.”

“Like what?”

“Kiss you, slap you, do other things,” she laughed softly. “You will make her hate you, you know?”

“It is better that she hates me and moves on then if she blames herself, I have been married to her for the last 14,000 years, I know her if she feels it is her fault she will think of nothing else till the end of her days, I would rather she hate me than make her suffer so for my own selfishness.”


“I must go, I am weakening,” she said softly, and started to fade away into nothingness.

“Till next time Nara.” he whispered into the empty air.

Blinking he once again found himself lying in the cot with Lira sitting up next to him and looking down at him in worry.

“Are you ok?” she asked softly.

“I am fine, Nara.” Leon instinctively said.

Lira felt like a bolt of lightning had just fallen out of the blue sky and struck her. It caused emotions and memories she had never made to well up inside her.




A small glimpse of Leon carrying the corpse of a woman, as he walked through streets filled with blood fire and death.

A small hillock overlooking the sea covered in wild grasses and flowers, where he and a woman leaned up against one another as they simply watched the waves.

Of that same hill, this time however crowned with a single large stone, and leon leaning up against that stone, not moving as the rain fell down.

She blinked and looked down at Leon.

“Who is Nara?” she asked.

“I-I don’t know.” he said, his face twisted up in confusion.

“Don’t ever call me that again, I am Lira Mila Vas Lirtus, and you would do well to remember that.” she said sharply as she stood up and walked over to a partitioned section of the tent that would allow her to change.

Once behind the cloth wall she let out a silent sigh. She had been harsh with him, but she honestly didn't know what was going on, and it had been her first reaction.

Nara, why did that name spark so many things in her? She was confused with what she felt and had seen, those were most definitely memories, but they were not her own, of that she was sure.

So the question now was if they were not hers then whose were they, and why did she have them?

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