《Welcome to the Charlotte Family: A One Piece Fanfic》17. The War Begins
Chapter 17
In my hotel room, I heard the yells and screams as chaos took hold of the Archipelago with news of Straw Hat Luffy punching a World Noble came out. In all honesty, I was tempted to join the chaos and see the infamous Straw hat captain for myself but I knew that doing so, I would be detected by the Pacisfas as well as Admiral Kizaru. I didn’t want to attract unnecessary trouble especially with the war so close. I would need everything I have to save Ace during the Marineford war.
A couple hours later, I heard the loud crash as a grove crashed into the ground, the sound of burning and the screams of people. Kizaru had arrived. I had already done my research beforehand and both docked my ship as well as my stay far from where the conflict would be ensuing, but as expected, the sheer scale of the chaos was too big for a single island to keep silent.
Watching the news on the screen (a den den mushi) provided by the place, it was honestly pretty entertaining. Much better than the anime if I can say, as expected, live action is the best (no, I do not mean that netflix adaptation crap).
In a deep part of me, I felt a little bit of sympathy for Luffy who must be devastated right now assuming that they were completely and utterly defeated by Kuma, but I’ve got things do as well. Once news came around that the Marine Fleet left with Kizaru, I came back out in search for Rayleigh. He was right where I expected him to be; He was at Shakky’s rip off bar...again.
Me: Hey there old man. Sorry for your losses, except it really isn’t. You’ll see him again soon, won’t you?
Rayleigh: So you know too huh? Tell me, what are you? A prophet? An oracle? I’ve seen all types of people in the grand line but those with your observation are rare...very rare.
Me: I have the blood of the three eyed tribe in me. I may not have my third eye but I have the potential to awaken The Voice of All Things. I believe you know what that is? I think the Pirate King himself has reached it...all without the help of any bloodline.
Rayleigh: Impressive...even with the help of inheritance, awakening haki to begin with is no easy feat, and to progress it close to awakening that final step. You have already accomplished so much. Oh, and I’ve already finished coating your ship by the way. Thank you for letting me borrow your Vivre Card, those little soul things didn’t bother me once they knew I had it.
With that, he handed me back the fake receipt in which held a small part of Mama’s soul.
Me: I should be the one thanking you. Things can possibly go my way now. Change things from certain doom if you will. Honestly, it was nice meeting you Dark King. If I meet you again, I’ll buy you a drink...though please don’t order anything too expensive from here. The stuff here is already too expensive as it is.
Rayeligh: huh, good luck saving that young kid...my captain’s son.
Me: ?!
So he knew as well...then why didn’t he come to help? I would imagine someone like him would do anything to keep the memory of his best friend and captain alive but he didn’t. Well, who was I to judge? He was old...already over the loss and no longer grieving. Perhaps he just no longer wanted to have a hand on things like this anymore.
Giving him a ‘goodbye’ once again, I left the bar, probably for the last time. I had no idea if I would see or Shakky again...probably not. Instead, I went to the market district and bought one of the high functioning Den-Den Mushi, the ones used for broadcasting. If Sengoku was going to try and hide something, I might as well plant one of these to cause as much of a distraction as possible.
After reviewing myself on the broadcast function of the den den mushi, I started to head back to my ship. Only to be interrupted by those Space suit wearing fools.
They were just exiting and heading back from what I expect to be the human auction house, but I just had to bump into them...*sigh* they were too weak to differentiate from others. I thought they were just some random marine squad passing by. When the others kneeled in their presence, I just decided that it wasn’t worth the risk and kneeled down as well. I made sure to not make eye contact and hoped they would move on but...
Perhaps it was because they were just in a bad mood, or maybe it was because of my luck but they seemed pissed off. The female World Noble ordered a girl to be pulled out into the middle of the street before she slapped her, over and over until she shot her right in the chest.
Noble 1: That’s what you get for thinking you’re prettier than me! You dirty commoner! Hey slave! Get me my hand sanditizer, ugh, I can’t believe I touched a filthy commoner!
Yup, it was official. I never saw these fools before but now I definitely hated these fools. But Kizaru only just left the island, it would suck to have to face someone of that caliber again. In addition to the fact that it would bring more trouble to me...but that was silenced when the World noble pointed at me.
*sigh* fuck it I guess?
Just as I was about to be pulled out to receive the same treatment, I just pulled out my ‘not today bitch’ card.
I let my King’s aura flood the area. As the color of the supreme King (hot pink) crackled in the air, everyone in the vicinity collapsed before they could do anything. By doing so, I had technically not attacked a World Noble, in addition, there were no den den mushi or anyone nearby (other than the ones who were already unconscious) to witness anything. After quickly fishing out the bullet embedded in the women’s chest, giving the quickest first aid I can, I dipped out and ran for my ship.
Me: If I ever meet her again in less stressful situations...I swear I’ll kill her.
And I wouldn’t feel bad about it at all. Those fools deserved it more than anyone. In a not so great mood, I ordered the ship to leave port. As the ship began to submerge under the water, the bubble coating around the ship began to take affect as we began to sink deeper and deeper into the ocean floor.
Finding the underwater current was slightly harder than finding the winds but at least it was slightly visible this time. Also, all the Navigation homies were trained for the route to Fishman Island so they were trained for underwater sailing (not that I am heading to Fishman island).
Me: Ignore the Gate of Justice. We are going there the long way...enter the sides and into the Bay area.
Navigation: Estimations are around slightly over a day without your power my lady.
Me: I need my energy and power for the war.
Sailing underneath the murky depths with the remains of the eaten Sea Kings, we sailed towards possibly the (currently) most heavily guarded area in the entire world. All just to execute one man, a man who held the blood of the Pirate King himself.
Without the help of the Gates of Justice, I barely made it in time. I arrived before anyone but it was also before any of the Marines could check what was going on. I would need to stay under water for over a full day but to me, that meant safety and time to prepare. I couldn’t just recklessly jump out of the water and try and grab Ace (though it would be tempting). The full force of the Marines and all the Admirals would be there. What difference could one minor Superpower of the New World make? A lot in the later parts of the war but not much if I needed to stand alone.
Finally, so painfully long the Marines assembled and Sengoku gave his famous speech. It was painful to have to hear Ace in so much (emotional) pain and turmoil and yet could not do anything...yet this was the Marineford war, the Paramount War, the war of the best. One wrong move and even she was dead. She might be strong but against a soil hit from the true monster up there could cripple me.
As the origins of Ace was declared, the Gates of Justice finally opened, showing the undersides of the allied forces of the Whitebeard Pirates. While my ship was hiding in the corner right underneath the port, I saw the massive shadow of the Moby Dick and 4 more of the Whitebeard ships approach. Inching closer and straight underneath all the defense the Marines had planned for him.
Sengoku was undoubtedly the superior mastermind but Whitebeard was also a Captain. A great one as well...he came here to save his son but he didn’t intend to lose anyone either. At least, he prayed he wouldn’t have to.
Things didn’t progress as slowly as the Anime portrayed it but rather at a rapid pace like that of the manga. After nothing but a few words, I felt the ocean floor crack and shake as Whitebeard made his first move against the Marines. Perhaps it was just me but he felt... more powerful than what I felt two years ago. i guess that surgery did him some good after all.
As the ocean above me froze solid, I expanded my range of observation to keep an eye of what was happening up there. I decided not to give it much thought as it was pure chaos. Allies were simply trying their best not to hit their friends and the whole things was just a mess. Only the extraordinarily strong were able to keep a cool head and face off properly against their opponents.
I looked directly above me to where Whitebeard was and waited for the signal, not that he knew I was here but if things go as they are supposed to, I decided that would be when I would make an entrance.
Truthfully, I had multiple entrances. I had activated my devil fruit ahead of time and reached out to multiple places so I wouldn’t need to load when things needed to happen immediately. I waited a little while longer when it finally happened.
Above me, I felt things going worse. Sengoku’s plan was coming to affect. Instantly, I jumped out, out and taking a little of the bubble with me as not to get wet. Within moments, I had broken out of the ice, used soru to transverse the entirety of the Moby Dick in a blink (from the back).
With a haki imbued hand, I stopped the blade Squard had aimed for Whitebeard’s back.
Me: You really fell for Sengoku’s trap, didn’t you? Did you really think that your Pops would betray any one of his sons? Is your trust in him that shallow?
Both Whitebeard and Squard seemed genuinely surprised by my appearance but times being times, Whitebeard didn’t show anything more than that. Squard on the other hand panicked; it was expected behavior as first, he had failed to do what he intended to do and was found in the act, and second someone strong just caught him. In normal situations, things wouldn’t look too good for him.
Squard: ...shut up!!! I know everything! I talked to the Marines! I know that they have agreed to spare the lives of you, your crew, and even Ace!!!
Crewmate: What is he talking about?
His screaming has caught quite the attention. Thanks to the fact I was wearing my cloth mask, it seems as if nobody figured out who I was yet.
Squard: WE WERE TRICKED! I...I had no idea that Ace was Gold Roger’s Son!
With almost desperate and tearful eyes, he turned to Whitebeard as if it physically pained him to do so. Behind him, Marco was there holding Squard’s hands behind his back, ready to subdue him if he tries anything stupid again.
Squard: When you found me, I was all alone...!! You know the reason, don’t you? It was because all my friends, all my comrades were for so many years were Slaughtered by Roger...!!YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I HATE ROGER!
Whitebeard looked back at his son with...with a look I’ve never seen mama give to one of us. One of which that reminded me of a father who looked at his he himself had failed his son. Regret...pity...but also painful love.
Despite this, Squard refused to look at Whitebeard in the eye, he continued to rant. Rant while the sea burned around them.
Squard: ...So you should have said something!! You should have told me that Ace was Roger’s son and that you were guiding him to be the next Pirate King...!!
Squard dropped on the ground and started to bawl like a baby, crying in anguish about his story, his pain, and his frustrations. All while the Den Den mushi hidden in my cloak was recording. At least the audio.
Squard: That was already a betrayal...what a fool I was, treating Ace like a friend! and then when your precious little Ace got captured, You sold us out!! FOR ACE’S LIFE!!
Your crew and Ace’s will be spared!! You made a deal with Sengoku, it’s true isn’t it? AND WE HAD NO IDEA!
He continued. He continued to vent his anger.
Squard: We have been fighting for you Ace, LOOK! Who are the Marine’s targeting? That’s right, US! We are trapped by Ice! There is nowhere to run...so no matter what you say little miss, I won’t be deceived. I’m ready...just kill me already.
Marco tackled Squard to the ground, raging with anger at what he just said.
As Marco was almost strangling the poor guy, Whitebeard spoke up. His loud voice rising clear as day throughout the entire battlefield. Audible to every ear on the island.
Newgate: It’s true Ace is Roger’s son...They manipulated you, knowing how that information would affect you...they are one step ahead of us.
Sengoku: AOKIJI!!!
Suddenly, the temperature of the world dropped, freezing multiple soldiers and...all the remaining den den mushis...except for mine which was still safety tucked inside my hoodie.
Newgate: You foolish son...! You dare raise your sword against your father?
Squard closed his eyes, expecting the end.
Newgate: You may be foolish...but I still love you.
The heartwarming scene from the manga played as Whitebeard knelt down to meet Squard eye to eye level and pull him into a fatherly hug.
Newgate: It was Akainu, wasn’t it? I know how much you hate Roger...I am painfully aware of it. But Squard, it’s ridiculous to hold children accountable for their father’s deeds. What has Ace done to you?
As Whitebeard said his heart spoken words to Squard, the light returned as he realized what he has done. Nothing physical but rather had attempted. He had almost just stabbed his own father for no good reason...he fell right into the Marine’s trap.
Newgate: Ace is not the only special one...you are ALL my family.
With this, the doubt the cleared from Squard’s eyes as it began to water. Across the battlefield, the tide returned to the Whitebeard pirates and their allies as they once again confirmed their love for him. Their trust in Whitebeard.
Then all of a sudden...the world began to tremble once more as Whitebeard turned his attention to Sengoku and the Marines. His anger bubbling over the edge as he realized that they had almost turned on of his own sons...his own son! against him.
Newgate: You really think I will sell out my own son...?!!!
On both sides of Marineford, the Ice wall crumbled as Whitebeard gave the Pirates an escape route.
Roars and cheers shouted across the island and beyond as the spirit of the Whitebeard pirates rejuvenated, ready to face the Marine Headquarters head on once again.
Newgate: As much as I enjoy seeing you again daughter, I have a son to save. We’ll catch up later.
Me: You haven’t changed at all old man. Though you can maybe at least thank me for saving you a hold through your lungs or maybe that cancer I cured you of?
Newgate: Cheeky like always, aren’t ya? Gurararara...if you want a thank you, why don’t you save your little crush then? THOSE WHO WOULD FOLLOW ME, BE READY TO LOSE YOUR LIVES!!!
Just like that, the war continued to rage on.
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