《Wayward Soul》Chapter 1: ~Brave New World~
*Sound Effects*
Chapter 1: ~Brave New World~
An ethereal woman, Airi, brushed her golden hair aside. This goddess' gaze was filled with utter boredom. However, today she had a visitor.
"Tired of your job?"
"Sort of," answered Airi. "My realm has grown quiet lately and nothing too exciting is happening," she complained. "Even if things are about to escalate, the wait is still killing me."
The person who had spoken earlier held out a glowing orb. Airi eyed the object with absolute delight.
"Can I really have it?" she asked timidly. "Is this really okay, Chronos?"
Chronos, another ethereal person, shook his free hand nonchalantly.
"It's just a small portion of my power," he explained. "I don't see how you could possibly do anything too troublesome with it." Chronos gazed at the pool of water that Airi was sitting near and asked, "dearest sister, dost thou have a target in mind?"
Airi nodded while waving her hand. The pool shimmered and focused on a distant point, within moments it was clear again. A young man in handcuffs was happily snoring.
"I'll use it on him," she claimed joyously.
Chronos laughed at the poor sod.
"Why him?" the god asked, having taken a slightly closer look.
"Because he doesn't care about his own life. At this point the boy still has hope and continues to move forward," Airi crushed the glowing, silvery orb. "I can't wait to see what happens when he realizes it. I've always enjoyed watching him. To this day I still can't predict what he'll do most of the time."
The two of them snickered as Chronos turned to leave.
"Do tell me when he starts doing something entertaining... or goes mad, either is bound to be worth watching."
Airi stopped Chronos by tugging on his loose gown.
"You can't tell?" she asked skeptically.
"What do you mean?"
"Use your power..." she implored eagerly, "and really look at him."
Chronos paused for a few moments. His eyes narrowed while an amused smile graced Airi's lips.
"Oh wow — think I'll hang around to watch. May I join you here?" he asked excitedly, like a child who just found a new toy.
"Of course," Airi snickered. "We rarely see something like this."
Chronos plopped down on some cushions while conjuring a drink.
"How do you think he'll react?" the god of time asked, obviously amused.
"This boy..." Airi gazed willfully at her realm, "has a hero complex. Very little interaction with the actual world caused him to draw ideals from fiction. I think he'll use it to try and save everyone of them. Even the ones that hurt him so deeply."
"I take back what I said," he claimed dryly. "You're going to get into a lot of trouble for this."
The scent of freshly baked donuts roused Nathan from his slumber, this youth had always been a light sleeper. Outside — past some iron bars — one rather attractive woman in form-fitting clothes handled a steaming box. Nathan took advantage of the fact that she didn't know he was awake and peered in her direction with a lecherous gaze. He was snoring again by the time she noticed him.
"You can quit pretending to be asleep," the woman chided in a playful voice. "How could you possibly be asleep right now?"
Nathan opened one eye, sat up, and bowed slightly.
"Thank you for the meal," he said with an impish grin.
She actually laughed a bit as his emerald eyes glanced at the box of donuts.
"I go jogging in the cold for these donuts. They aren't for you kid," she claimed without an ounce of shame.
Nathan mused over whether or not he should come clean, then chose to let sleeping dogs lie. No reason to get this attractive officer of the law angry. In the end, he still couldn't stop himself from staring as she tied her wavy, crimson locks of hair into a ponytail. Something about ponytails...
"Are you really that hungry?" she asked, having noticed the look in his eyes.
"I really am," he snickered.
Nathan received an apple fritter for his trouble. Either this woman was naive, or he was being too vague. Normally he'd never act this way, but considering what he was in the middle of right now — Nathan was feeling pretty brave.
Ignoring his inner demons Nathan went to town on the piping hot pastry. The slender officer actually turned and gaped, he really tore into it.
"That was super delicious," he commented while bowing slightly. "May I know the name of my savior?"
The woman suppressed a laugh.
"You may not," she said coldly, still a little angry at him.
"It was worth a try," he rebuked while falling onto a stiff bed. "Seven days right?"
"Six and a half now," she answered, then cocked her head sideways. "Why did you do it?"
Nathan smirked proudly as he gave his brief, albeit misleading answer.
"I'm skipping school," was all he said, plain and simple.
She absentmindedly flicked his identification crystal. A soft hum resonated from the translucent, jagged object hanging like a keychain.
"Nathaniel Lucas Verasparion Dela'marthus, sixteen years old. No juvenile record," she frowned. "Then again, being a Dela'marthus..."
Nathan waved his hand at her dismissively, he knew what she was implying.
"My parents definitely could've cleaned it up for me, right?"
She nodded in agreement, trying not to blush after indirectly accusing him of subterfuge.
He snickered and claimed, "they wouldn't do that. It'd be easier to disown me."
Nathan ignored her further questions until she asked, "why skip school? No dreams or aspirations?"
"I don't want to be a warrior, an artificer, or a magus. My parents gave me tickets to the most prestigious schools in Eritrea. The artificer's academy — Regis, and the magus city — Valkfolgen." Nathan eyed the woman again, then proudly said, "I plan on running from them both."
Her jaw hit the floor, that was a very incredible line he just dropped.
"Why would you do that!?" she shouted, shock and awe sprawled across her face.
Any normal person would jump at the opportunity, studying at either place nearly guaranteed your future. They were the best of the best after all. One for technological studies, the other for all things magical. No kid in their right mind would throw away the chance he had. Especially one who could clearly use magic effectively — Nathan performed a rather impressive trick to get jailed in her detainment center after all.
"You have to leave now..." she started fumbling with her keys, "or else you won't make it before they close the gates."
Nathan smirked with a pure, happy, benevolent demeanor.
"That is the plan," he said with a roguish grin.
*clang clang*
She had dropped the keys.
"What plan?" the woman asked, until now he’d seemed a simple trouble maker.
"That's for me to know, and you to guess," he said while frowning.
The officer was gazing at him willfully, upset by something he had just said. It didn’t take Nathan long to notice her displeasure.
“What?” he asked timidly.
"I'm sending you to Valkfolgen, get up!" she commanded.
"I just committed a small act of terrorism. I must serve my penance dutifully..." Nathan remained in his place, "as a man of this world. It would bring me great shame to leave now."
A glare was leveled on the youth.
"You're throwing away so much..." she argued.
Nathan couldn’t fault a woman who was so worried about himself, a perfect stranger who had done nothing to deserve her kindness. However, that line she just said still irked him — painfully so.
"You have no idea what I'm throwing away," he returned her glare. "Save your insights for normal people."
The woman took a moment to gather her thoughts, then sat back down to finish her donuts.
"I still can't believe that a Dela'marthus waved around his flaming arms and set my uniform on fire... in the middle of a transit station," she drolled listlessly, occasionally glancing at Nathan.
Nathan let out a hearty laugh. His eyes fell upon the crimson haired beauty of lithe proportions once more.
"I certainly enjoyed it when..." a chill went down his spine before he could finish that sentence. "I am truly, deeply regretting that unfortunate accident. I never meant to compromise a woman's modesty with my antics."
"At least you paid for the new uniform," she let out a long drawn sigh. "What's your plan exactly?"
"Well, get arrested for a short period. Then wait here — both of those bodyguards should be trying to contact my parents now. By the time either of my them get back to you, it'll be too late. After that, I don't know... freedom?" he jested. "Those bodyguards were here to make sure I get on the right bus or train. Now that there isn't any point, I imagine they'll be angry."
The fiery red head looked him over, then took out a piece of paper.
"What should I call you?" she asked, having given up on him going to Valkfolgen.
"I like Nathan, but my one true friend calls me jellyrolls."
"Why?" she asked, genuinely curious.
Nathan stood up, then raised his shirt and unleashed a tidal wave. The officer busted out laughing as his generous midsection rolled like thunder. With a slight cough, he sat back down.
"I may be a little out of shape," he explained, despite knowing that some things need not be explained.
By now the woman was scribbling while ignoring him. A few minutes later she was done with her task — a letter of some sort.
"I never would've guessed by just looking at you," she said in a confused tone.
Nathan smiled painfully and removed his ring. The form of his body visibly changed. He took one look at her, then put it back on. The officer was genuinely shocked at what she'd just seen.
"That's a pretty expensive optical device," she said timidly. "Makes you look quite a bit slimmer."
Nathan shrugged nonchalantly while toying with the ring.
"Couldn't very well have a pudgy Dela'marthus running around. Mother dearest wouldn't be able to take it," another pained expression covered his visage. "She'd sooner die than let someone tarnish the family's reputation. When I said disown, I meant the kind where you find me in a ditch somewhere — less alive, more dead."
The prison's cast iron squealed, a sturdy gate swung wide open. Even the fading scent of freshly baked donuts couldn't cover her perfume — some sort of flower, maybe a rose. Nathan looked up as the older beauty — a whole ten steps out of his league — waltzed in. He was actually pretty darn content when she started ruffling his scraggly, black hair.
After a while she kissed Nathan's forehead and gave him a sealed letter.
"My grandparents are always looking to hire around this time of year. All the young run off to school after all. Seeing as you've got nothing better to do..."
"How can I ever repay you?" he asked dramatically.
While retrieving his identification crystal Nathan gave her the cosmetic ring. When she began to panic he boldly claimed, "today is the last day I'm a Dela'marthus. I've no need for that trinket — do with it as you see fit." While taking one final, lingering glance at her, he said, "a small token of my appreciation."
The woman laughed nervously because he’d just given her something easily worth fifty gold. Ten months of her salary in one lump sum.
"Tell them Emma sent you," she said fondly while looking up at Nathan. "If it wasn't for the fact that you're nearly six feet tall..."
Nathan snickered while being released from his cuffs.
"I'd be a pudgy bastard, wouldn't I?" he asked without shame.
Emma actually blushed while averting her gaze from his own.
Nathan didn't give her the chance to apologize by quickly asking, "where am I going?"
"A village called Gureld, do you know it?"
"Yes I do... that's actually pretty near,” he mused. “Just one stop on the train, am I right?"
"Yes, once you're there it's straight down the main road. About three miles out look for a farm on the eastern horizon," she explained carefully.
Nathan stretched a bit, his true form now on display for the world to see.
"Looks like I'll be pushing it to the limit today," he said in honest happiness.
"Do me a favor, no more fireworks in the bus station," she begged dryly.
Emma began to laugh again because Nathan was displaying his physical prowess. As she waved goodbye Emma gave a silent apology. I think farm work will do him some good...
Before he got too far Nathan shouted — for everyone around the station to hear.
"I'll be back in two years to properly propose, please think of me every time you wear the ring. Thank you for accepting it and all of my heartfelt intentions!" Emma slammed the door as he blew her a kiss.
Nathan waltzed towards the bus station and tore open her letter, after reading the contents it went up in flames. The one spell he could use without a chant, the only one he'd practiced enough — .
Nathan silently gazed at the bus stop's dome structure. He shook the dust off his auburn robes and started walking. Staying here any longer than necessary was asking for trouble. He had no desire to see either of his bodyguards again.
As much as he'd like to go to Emma's farm, there was already a plan. Use this transit station, ignore the trains, and catch a ride out of here.
Within the hour he was boarding a northward bound bus. Gears cranked, coals burned, and steam shot out from long pipes. With a grinding noise the bus slowly accelerated. Nathan found a seat all the way in the back that was surprisingly comfy. The hum of hot coals churning from below was enough to sooth him back to sleep, it'd be a damn long ride.
*pin pon* *pin pon*
"Now arriving at Letli. Now arriving at Letli!" the driver shouted over his intercom. Nathan didn't appreciate that, nor did he appreciate what happened next. People poured in one after the other. Within three minutes the bus was at full capacity.
Not really being one to introduce himself meant gazing out the window with a pensive look on his face. About five minutes later it became apparent that his tactic was failing. No longer able to ignore the person poking him...
"Nice to meet you," he claimed in a seemingly honest voice.
A blonde boy around his own age replied, "likewise, I'm Peter."
He quickly shook the youth's hand. There was no point in being rude here.
"Nathan, bound for the capital."
"I'm being sent to Milvane," Peter replied. "Wish I could go to the capital."
Nathan did not envy this Peter. Milvane was known to be a strict warrior training facility. The sort of place he would never set foot near. However, Nathan did enjoy their encounter when he realized that a Peter had poked him... multiple times. The blonde guy had no idea why Nathan suddenly lost it, he'd never seen someone laugh so much. When Nathan did manage to catch his breath the conversation died down. They didn't have much in common after all.
Nathan wasn't too keen on getting to know others if he could help it. The less people who saw or remembered him, the better. His goal was to disappear for now.
The fact that mother and father dearest weren't likely to give a damn where he disappeared to was nice, but his eldest sister would still be trying to find him — discretion was key to this escape.
The best part was that she wouldn't be looking for him out of love. Nathan had set her precious villa on fire. That empty vacation home went up in flames as he left. It had been a liberating experience for Nathan, one he would never forget. Forever in his mind the words, burn baby burn, would be etched in flawless platinum. Certainly not one of his better moments, as liberating as it was.
While he silently watched the landscape change Nathan mused what it would be like to travel across those barren plains, lush forests, rocky crags, mountainous hills, or deserted ruins. The only reason he'd stay in populated areas from this day forward — without fail — were monsters, the stuff of nightmares. Even if he could brave the environment, confronting a human sized tarantula was out of the question. He'd sooner scream like a little girl while streaking down the capital's main road.
A red band of skin around his pale finger still ached, one constant reminder that he'd never been what his mother wanted. It was sad really, Nathan had done it all on purpose. He'd lowered his grades to disappoint father. Let himself grow a bit plump and pretend he couldn't cast magic to disappoint mother.
All he'd ever desired was a loving family — shame it wasn't real. Years ago, as a younger child he'd realized that his parents only cared about achievements. Some small part of him hoped that it was more than that, but when Nathan deliberately sabotaged himself... they hid him, threw him away.
These past seven years — locked in a cold, lonely tower — had turned him indifferent. Who wouldn't feel wronged after spending most of their days hidden away from the world. His only solace had been found in the fictitious books they let him read.
For a long time now there was no family. Just strangers he'd last met seven years prior. Parents that coaxed and bribed him into going to the other's school. His father, the artificer, had sent him a ticket to mother's magus city. His mother, the magus, had sent him a ticket to father's artificer academy.
That was the last straw, the end of it. Fuck them, was all he could think. Nathan believed that his eldest sister was a haughty, pretentious, and annoying vixen. Burning her vacation home had been a bonus, nothing more.
*pin pon* *pin pon*
"Now arriving at The Holy Capital, Radison. Now arriving at The Holy Capital, Radison!"
Nathan was immediately drawn away from thoughts of his family because he'd finally arrived after nearly ten hours. A loud crank sounded as the bus shut down. Gears popped, lowering and raising to their default positions. Sparse dregs of steam shot out from corresponding pipes as blazing coals cooled.
Before him, reflected in emerald eyes, the Holy Capital. His new home, Radison. Four story stone buildings lining a brilliant marble street, easily wide enough for wagons and stalls. Merchants peddling goods like food, materials, tools — a whole lot of everything. Something about the way chimes rang in cold winter gusts pleased him to no end.
His stomach grumbled and caused a quickening of Nathan's pace. First stop, the bank. He had spent all of his money on a new uniform for Emma after all. In its own right, that had been very worth it. A pleasant mistake that the woman wouldn't likely make again. When someone's arms are on fire, you don't try to cuff them... unless you do want to catch your shirt on fire and give people a show. In that case, it's totally a good move to make.
As Nathan quickly trekked his way down Radison's main road, leading deeper into this bustling city, he made a point of avoiding patrols. Something about armored knights — authority figures in general always made him uncomfortable. The clang of their armor or weapons was enough to alert him. Most never even glimpsed Nathan's slightly large frame.
He had done his homework so the bank wouldn't be difficult to locate. It really only took about half an hour. After making his way down the main road it became visible — off to the west. A large fortified building that had been covered in defensive glyphs and surrounded by armored knights. Ignoring a somewhat absurdly large castle — obviously the royal home — he entered this bank with ease. No one saw the robed adolescent as a threat. A few long minutes of navigating the bustling crowd later, he was speaking with an employee.
"Your crystal please," a small bald man demanded politely. "Need to know who you are."
Nathan handed over his fake identification crystal.
"Of course, sir," he answered, just as politely.
The man scanned it with a basic scrying spell. His face was a complete mask to Nathan, betraying not a single emotion that he could read.
"Nasir Valtorin, seventeen... account balance... seven hundred gold," the man smiled brightly. "Would you like to make a transaction?"
"A withdrawal," he answered. "Five hundred silvers."
The man nodded in approval, probably happy to collect his transaction fee.
"That will leave your balance here at six hundred ninety-five gold."
After receiving his money Nathan quickly left the building. It was uncomfortable — using a fake identity. His first order of business now was knowledge. The gold, despite its absurd amount, wasn't enough to retire on. He'd only managed to smuggle it through some painstaking efforts.
To make a living you need skills or knowledge. To that end, he decided to find a home and library. As far as a home goes, making a large permanent purchase may draw unwanted attention. For now a rental would suffice. He had seen a few inns near the cities limits, but being near the most crowded areas so often wasn't something Nathan wanted. So he decided to bite the bullet and ask a local for information.
Wandering around aimlessly only got him ignored by a few people. One roguish man took ten silvers to tell him that there's a pretty park for camping. In bitter hindsight, it may have been wise to do a little more research about the capital before coming here. Feeling like a lost lamb and not wanting to admit that he got taken for a fool, Nathan made his way to the park. On the way there two silvers got him some meaty skewers and fresh water.
Once the park was in sight he stopped in his tracks. It was big to say the least. A few massive oaks stood center, intertwined in an unnaturally artistic way — obviously formed with some sort of nature based spell.
Wooden benches and tables were all over the place, plenty of oddly shaped bushes lined canals. Artistic people all around were practicing, some seemed to be having fun. At this moment alone he could count five people altering the hedges, trees, and plants. An old fellow explained to Nathan why they were all here. There was a nature glyph on the park. All of the bushes, plants, and trees return to their default state once a week. A great place to practice your magic manipulation or technical sculpting skills.
Nathan made his way to a bench — on a raised platform — and gazed at the setting sun. He was determined to blow off some steam, it had been a quite the day. No place to stay, weary from a long journey, and cold in the winter's wind. Despite the circumstances a fond smile graced his lips. Free at last — no more tower, no more confinement, no more rumors.
A few minutes after finishing his skewers he went out like a light. It must've been his weary mood that caused it. Most people wouldn't fall asleep on a cold bench like that.
One of the people who had noticed him watching their work waltzed up to the snoring kid. She took a few moments to inspect him. Something about his pale skin and ebony hair struck her. Not just that, this brunette woman had seen his eyes — emerald eyes are seriously rare. The quality of his robes also made her believe he was likely a young noble. After packing away her tools she effortlessly hoisted him over one shoulder... and marched away with a stupid smile on her face.
The beginning of a new story, yippee! :grin:
Edit: I'm going through and changing the way I do dialogue a little bit. Also increasing the font by one size so that bold text is easier to read on smaller screens.(So no more complaining about it! >
The last thing I'm doing is taking out double spaces and destroying that bad habit. I was taught that you're supposed to use double spaces, apparently that is an outdated practice or something?
All in all, making a few minor changes. Trying to please the peoples! :grin:
♥NaughtyHippy lives to serve the peons!♥
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