《Melas》Chapter 133: Adrian XI - Change


The world was always changing. Things that greatly shaped your future could occur at any moment. This was a concept that Adrian grasped, even back in Villamcreek.

But to actually experience it— it was a different thing entirely. He never fully comprehended the implications of change back home. However, ever since a single event— the death of Aria— things had been rapidly changing around the boy.

The dull village he grew up in was now tens of thousands of miles away from him. The dull sights of farmers and peasants making their way through their cyclical days were replaced by the vibrant gilded halls filled with students rushing to their classes. And the joy that had colored his life was gone.

There was one thing Adrian looked forward to, almost every day of his life back home. A girl, roughly his age, with sable tresses and a pair of moonlit eyes. She lived in the outskirts of Villamcreek, so he rarely ever saw her, but when she strode down the dirt path, his gaze was always caught by the cool aura she exuded. He’d freeze in his tracks, try and muster up the courage to talk to her, only to sullenly return back to his home at the end of the day, disappointed in his own cowardice.

That was until he finally managed to overcome his shyness to speak with her. Melas. The daughter of Aria. The girl who vanished after her mother’s death.

This had been the greatest change in his life. It was what started the turning of the gears that led Adrian to Xanderia. It had entirely flipped his life over. Now, he was no longer a soft spoken boy with a playful penchant for humor. He was Adrian, one of the most talented students of his class. With his simple brown hair and unrefined demeanor, he surprised even his teachers with what he was capable of doing— with the inventions he made and the duels he kept winning. It impressed the noble children of the Holy Xan Empire so much so that they were starting to accept him.

“Adrian,” a haughty voice drew his attention.

Onia strode up to the boy’s desk accompanied by her own posse of friends. She was the daughter of a Duke— highly ranked amongst the nobility, so it was obvious that she had many friends. And it wasn’t like these were unknown children either. For example, Ilyse, the girl standing at Onia’s side, was the daughter of an Earl.

They had bullied Adrian when he first enrolled into Xander’s Academy. He was a commoner, while they were nobles. They thought he shouldn’t be around them. But Adrian didn’t scowl, nor did he purse his lips as they approached. Because this time, they were here as friends.

“I have a ball coming up in a month.” Onia slipped a piece of paper onto his desk. It was fancy— ornamented with gold linings. “It is for my birthday. This is a formal invitation for your attendance. You may bring a plus one to this event, but just know that the dress code is formal. Goddess grace us, if you come to it wearing rags…” she trailed off, and he raised a brow. She let out a soft laugh. “I am joking.”

“It may be a joke to you, but it’s very much a reality for me.” He gestured at his uniform. “This is the only piece of clothing I have.”

Onia’s jaw went slack. “I…” Then she sighed. “You may attend dressed in the school uniform, if you so desire. Just please don’t make a fool of yourself. My parents will be attending the ball, along with various other members of the high nobility.”


Adrian nodded. “Sure,” he said, unsure of what else to add.

She left, followed by her friends, headed out of the classroom now that the school day was over, and he just watched. That was the thing about change. It sometimes happened at a pace you couldn’t adapt to. The brown-haired body felt slightly uncomfortable around Onia, considering that she’d bullied him just a semester before.

Now, she and her friends accepted him. He didn’t know how to react to it; he pretended to take it in stride, however he honestly found the situation rather awkward. And it wasn’t just him either.

Alice stood hesitantly to the side, not sure whether to approach him. He looked up at the blonde girl as he stood. “Hey. What are you doing just waiting over there for?” he asked casually.

“O-oh, sorry.” She hurried after him. “I was just…” She glanced uneasily at the direction where Onia had gone. “I… just didn’t want to bother you and your new friends.”

And that was another thing about change. It had consequences. Sometimes subtle consequences. But Adrian noticed how he had been given an invitation, while Alice hadn’t.

The blonde girl was Adrian’s friend, but not Onia’s. The other noble children grew to respect Adrian because he excelled in class. Alice… had not.

Sure, she was talented. As a commoner, she managed to get accepted to the Academy for her genius. But being a genius in the rest of the world was only slightly above average here. Not enough to earn the respect of snobby nobles.

Adrian sighed as he left the classroom. “They’re not really my friends. Or… I guess they kind of are? But I consider you to be one of my closest friends, Alice.” He waved a hand off. “If they’re making you uncomfortable, I’d choose you over them any day.”

Alice blinked. Then she flushed. “T-thank you. That means a lot to me. But you don’t have to—”

He shook his head. “I’m being serious.” The pair spoke as they strolled down the decorated hallways of Xander’s Academy. “If you’re unhappy with it, I won’t even go to Onia’s party.”

The blonde girl’s eyes widened. “You can’t do that! That’d be very rude— you heard what she said, right? It’s her birthday! She’ll take great offense if you skimp out on it.”

“Ugh, that’s a pain.” Adrian scratched the back of his head. “ I’m definitely not going to go by myself. I’d feel too out of place. But if I bring you with me, they’ll just shun you.”

She hesitated. Alice stopped a few steps behind him, and he turned around. “You could… you could always go with Faizan, if you really want. I know I’ll just be…” She shifted slightly.

He blinked. “Hm. that’s a good idea, actually. I just sort of assumed he’d be invited. But since he’s a Half Elf… it’d also be a good way to help his reputation amongst the nobility, right?”

Alice stared at him. “O-oh… alright.” She took a deep breath. “Yeah, that’s a good idea.”

Adrian smiled. “Thanks, Alice. You’re always full of good ideas.”

“Sure! I-it’s not a problem at all…”

It was a good plan. One he didn’t really think of. Adrian wasn’t enthused to go to the party, but if he did, he wanted to go with someone he really knew. And he had just spent most of summer vacation hanging out with Faizan and Alice. So, bringing the former would be a good alternative.


But for whatever reason, despite being the one to suggest it, Alice seemed a bit apprehensive now. Adrian found it odd. Adrian assumed it was probably because of her worry for Faizan. He was a Half Elf, so Faizan might’ve been discriminated against too. However, Faizan was also a noble, and could actually stand up for himself unlike Alice.

That’s probably it, Adrian told himself.

He’d be proven wrong over the next few days.

“Hey Alice, Faizan,” Adrian called out, approaching the girl. She sat on a bench just outside of the main building of the academy, flipping through a book, chatting with Faizan. “Are you guys busy? I was thinking of heading to the city today—”

Alice jolted as she saw him. She sat up abruptly, closing her book. “I-I’m fine…” She hurried past him, waving goodbye to Faizan. “I’ve got to study!”

Adrian stared at her as she ran off. “Oh, I can come—” He raised a hand, but she was gone. “What’s her problem?” He frowned.

“Midterms are coming up,” Faizan said, standing to his feet. “She was just asking me to tutor her.”

“She could’ve asked me.” Adrian furrowed his brows.

The Half Elf boy placed a hand on his shoulder. “So, what were you thinking of doing in Xanderia? I can show you around, but I’m more familiar with the noble district of the city.”

Adrian looked back. “Oh, I was thinking of just—”

The next time Adrian saw Alice, she was at the library, scribbling with intent on her notebook. He hadn’t been seeing her very often as of late. She’d quickly run off after classes, so they never had time to hang out.

So this is where she’s been. It was the library, as such he approached her discreetly from behind. He tapped a finger on her shoulder, whispering. “Alice—”

She yelped as she spun around. “A-Adrian? What are you doing here?”

“I was just returning some books I borrowed for revision.” He raised a brow. “Is something the matter?”

“N-no— I was just studying. I didn’t expect to see you…” she trailed off. Adrian was about to ask if she needed his help, but a librarian spoke up, louder than either of them had been.

“Please keep quiet in the library.”

Alice blinked. Then she hurriedly gathered her things, darting past Adrian. “S-sorry. I’ll be taking my leave now.”

Adrian narrowed his eyes. She was acting strange. He knew something was amiss. Returning his books to the counter, he paused as he remembered a similar situation. Nearly a year ago now.

Did Onia do something to her again?

Adrian marched to Alice’s room and rapped on her door. He had to know if she was fine, or if Onia had threatened her.

“Alice. Are you in there? It’s me, Adrian.”

There was no reply. But he saw the light seeping under the crack of the door. He tried knocking once more.

“I know you’re in there, Alice,” he said. “I just want to make sure everything’s fine with you. Can I please come in?”

There was a long pause. He waited, crossing his arms. Adrian glanced around the corridor, but no one else was around. Finally, the door creaked open as Alice peeked out.

“H-hey Adrian.” She spoke in a small voice. “What brings you here?”

“You’ve been acting weird lately.” He was blunt, straight to the point. “What happened?”

“N-nothing happened!” she squeaked, trying to shut the door. “I’m just studying, so please don’t disturb—”

Adrian jammed his hand between the doorframe, and grunted as it was crushed for a moment. Alice’s eyes widened.

“Goddess no— are you alright?

His face scrunched up in pain as he grasped his hand. “I… ouch… yeah, I’m fine.” He squeezed his way through the door as Alice backed up. “I’m here to make sure if you’re alright.”

“Me?” She hesitated as the door closed behind him. “I’m completely fine! What are you talking about?”

“Clearly you’re not.” Adrian looked around the room. He knew the kind of person Alice was. She was always neat and tidy. While she was a commoner like him, she was raised with the same class and grace as a noble. After all, her family was wealthy, unlike his.

And yet, her room was a complete mess. Books were strewn around, clattered all over the floor, while there were crushed pieces of paper spilling out of a small bin. Adrian frowned.

“What happened to you? What’s going on? And please answer honestly. I’m worried about you.”

Alice bit her lower lip. “I’m just studying. We have midterms coming up, and I was doing some last minute cramming sessions, and—”

Adrian gave her a flat look, clearly conveying how much he believed her story.

“I-I…” She pursed her lips.

“Alice.” He grabbed her by the hand. “I want you to tell me what’s wrong. Please.”

The blonde girl averted her gaze. “I was just… studying. To get to the top of the class. Because.. I wanted to prove myself.”

“Are your parents forcing you to do this?”

“No!” She waved her hands, rejecting the notion. “To the nobles,” she sighed. “I want to gain their respect, just like you did.”

Adrian snorted. “Those guys?” He folded his arms. “Who cares what they think. Look, Alice, if they’re bullying you again—”

“They aren’t,” Alice said emphatically. She tightened her fists as she stared at the ground. “But they might treat you differently because of me. And I don’t want that.”

“Alice…” His eyes widened as he realized what this was about. “That’s not—”

“Adrian, I know it’s… embarrassing, associating with me. And I’m grateful that you’re even willing to talk to me— that you care for me. But you don’t have to force yourself. It’s fine. I’ll just have to be someone that’s good enough to be around you.” She gave him a look of affirmation, and Adrian took a step back.

“That’s not…”

“It’s fine, Adrian. If I get to the top of the class—”

“Alice,” he cut her off, placing his hands on her shoulders. “That’s not it at all.”

“What?” She flushed, backing away from him.

Taking a deep breath, Adrian explained. “I’m not embarrassed to be around you, Alice. I didn’t want you to go to Onia’s party because I was afraid that they’d bully you. That you’d be uncomfortable amongst those nobles. I didn’t think you’d take it this way.” He closed his eyes, exhaling. “And that’s my fault. I didn’t think how you’d perceive it. I was being an idiot.”

Alice shifted slightly, practically hugging the wall with her back. “Y-you don’t have to feel bad, Adrian.” She tried to shake her head and smile. “I’m fine with this. Just take Faizan and enjoy yourself, alright? There’s no need to worry about me.”

“No,” he said, meeting her gaze. “I want you to come with me to Onia’s party.”

Her face burned her, even in the dimly lit room. “W-what? But I’m—”

“You’re my best friend, Alice.” He spoke insistently. “I don’t want you to feel excluded because I was being stupid, overthinking things.”

“Adria…” Alice was at a loss for words.

“And more than that—” He closed his eyes, blushing. “I want to dance with you. I’m not just going to go to a ball and dance with some girl I never met before. I don’t even know how to dance either. But if I had to dance with someone, it’d be with you.”

She blinked. Her eyes grew wide. And Adrian finished.

“So please, come to the ball with me. I’ll find a way to get Faizan in too. But I want you to come with me.” Adrian didn’t know why he felt so nervous to hear Alice’s answer. All he understood was that he was speaking from his heart. He wanted to go with Alice, which was why he was so annoyed with the nobles for the way they treated her.

He waited with bated breath as Alice looked away, her gaze shadowed over as she thought it over. Finally, she responded, almost like a squeak.

“Y-yes. I’ll go with you.”

Adrian let out a sigh of relief as Alice turned away. “Thank the Goddess—” He couldn’t even finish as she ushered him out of the room. “Alice, what are you doing?” he sputtered.

“I have to clean up! I have to—” She slammed the door shut, locking it. He heard a muffled squeal coming from inside. The girl was screaming in excitement into her pillow.

Adrian blinked. Then he felt his chest. His heart was racing, slowly calming. And he smiled. He was glad he managed to clear things up with Alice. He truly cared for her, and the fact that he thought he had upsetted her had made him angry at himself for a brief moment.

He strode away, leaving Alice’s room behind as he took in the Academy around him. If he had truly alienated the blonde girl, he was certain the rest of his time in the school would’ve been miserable and unbearable. His happy days would’ve come to an end once more, and he’d have hated himself for it.

“I’m glad we resolved it,” he whispered to himself.

That was the thing about change. Sometimes, it was so jarring, you noticed the difference between the past and the present, and it made you uncomfortable. Or, well, just plain confused.

But other times, change was subtle. It was so discreet, you’d never realized it happened. It’d only come to you in an epiphany, as you were walking down the hallway back to your room, and a random thought crossed your mind.

Wait. Adrian paused, looking down at the palm of his hands. He was happy. The time he spent with Alice— and not just her, but with Faizan, while also studying and learning in Xander’s Academy— had been nothing but memorable and joyous for the past few months. Especially after he got accepted by Onia, no longer bullied.

But that wasn’t right. He wasn’t supposed to be happy here. After all, when Adrian came here, he only came here for one reason. To further his goal. To help him find Melas, his long lost friend, and to exact vengeance against the Church and those who had killed Aria.

So, why was he happy here, amongst members of the Church? Amongst those who had killed Aria? It kept him up later that night as he tossed and turned in bed, unable to get a wink of sleep, questioning what exactly happened to have changed his feelings so drastically yet subtly.

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