《To Conquer Fate》Announcement: Short Break and future plans


Hey everyone, sorry for the absence and lack of chapters. I've been feeling more depressed than usual lately and it's made it hard for me to do anything creative, whether that's work on any of my current projects or starting something new. I wish I had some better news that more chapters are coming, but it might be a little while, as I don't want to make any promises I know I won't be able to keep.

While I'm here, I might as well take this time to give all you loyal readers an outline of my writing plans going forward. My current goals are to continue this story while going back and putting endings on my first two. I know exactly where I want the first arc/book for both of them to end, I just need to buckle down and get to it. After I get to a good stopping point with my first two stories, I'd like to then start a new one, one that will hopefully be more popular than this one lol. I'm also considering not writing a LitRPG, as I think I have trouble with them once the system I use become a bit unwieldy to keep track of later on in the story.

Obviously these plans are all theoretical right now, as I'm having trouble finding the energy/motivation to even write this story let alone work on other stuff. But my goal a few months down the road is to have endings on my first two stories and then have two stories running concurrently, this one and a new one. I have a good idea of what I want the new story to be, but I still only have a few chapters written so it's highly possible I'll change my mind and want to write something else, so I won't divulge anything here until I'm 100% sure I know what I'm writing.


Sorry for the break, and hopefully I will feel up to writing again soon. I guess that should be soon™ though lol. I haven't forgotten about my writing though, so as long as you follow my stories you'll see any new updates. Hopefully you guys can find other stuff to read in the meantime.

-Root Greevil

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