《Rise of a Rogue Dungeon》Glossary


Warning! This Glossary contains massive Spoilers if you haven't read up to the latest chapter!

(On a side note, the Glossary is currently out of date due to me editing the earlier chapters of the story. So, for now, it will remain out of date until I get around to editing it when I'm done with all of the other chapters.)

Spoilers: Ratings and Rankings

Rating Tags: Lesser, Moderate, Greater, Exceptional, Unparalleled, Unique.

Ratings: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Mythical, Legendary, Semi-Divine, Divine.

Adventurer Rankings: F, F+, F++, E, E+, E++, D, D+, D++, C, C+, C++, B, B+, B++, A, A+, A++, S, S+, S++, X, X+, X++, Y, Y+, Y++, Z, Z+, Z++.


Spoilers: Titles New Title acquired! Pixie Slayer!

Unlocking Condition(s): Kill A Pixie!

Effect(s): Pixies and General Fae slightly distrust you when meeting.

Daemons and Undead are less careful and more trusting toward you.

(Title Note To User: This effect does NOT apply to High Fae!)


New Title acquired! Mana Drainer!

Unlocking Condition(s): Forcefully drain Mana from a living being!

Effect(s): Makes any future Mana drains easier to perform.

Unique Dungeon Effect: Unlocks Mana Leeches as a selectable race!

(Title Note To User: Unique Dungeon Effects are granted by Titles and Achievements that are uncommonly acquired by Dungeons.)


New Title acquired!

Mana Wielder!

Unlock Condition(s): Possess three or more Mana Abilities and create a Mana Skill.

Effect(s): Makes all Mana related abilities and skills cost 15% less to use.

(Title Note To User: This effect also applies to the increased mana cost of foreign assimilated monsters.)


New Title acquired!

Bat Slayer!

Unlock Condition(s): Kill more than fifteen Bats.

Effect(s): Pressures any Bats that spot you causing them to feel nervous in your presence and makes cave critters slightly attracted towards you.

(Title Note To User: This effect does not apply to Bats created by you.)


New Title acquired!

Challenger of Evolution!

Unlock Condition(s): Succeed in forcefully evolving yourself.

Effect(s): Evolution concedes to your will making any future forceful evolutions easier to perform, and increases the Evolution Potential of Abominations Slightly.


New Title acquired!

Caretaker of a Nifilim!

Unlock Condition(s): Form a pact of servitude or friendship with a Nifilim.

Effect(s): Nifilim are drawn to you and trust you more.

Unique Dungeon Effect(s): Due to the Nifilim's Fallen status the Title also grants a 25% cost reduction to Mind, Abomination, Unholy, and Demonic Floor Themes.


New Title acquired!

Architect of Life!

Unlock Condition(s): Create a Monster Race that didn't initially exist.

Effect(s): Increases Evolution Potential Substantially for the created race, and makes any future Monsters created by you Fortified Mentally, Magically, and Physically by 5%.


Unique Title acquired!


Unlock Condition(s): Must've acquired the Mana Drainer or Blood Drainer Title, Leeching Core Achievement, Loving First Achievement, and your first ever Progenitor must be a Tiny Lesser Mana Leechling or Tiny Lesser Blood Leechling.

Effect(s): Increases Affinity Outstandingly, and reduces the requirements of all Evolution Unlock Conditions for Leech Evolutions.

Unique Title Effect(s): Increases Intelligence, and Wisdom gain for Leech Monsters, and increases Evolution Potential Tremendously for Leech-Kin.



Spoilers: Achievements Dungeon Achievement Unlocked!

Solo Dungeon!

Unlock Condition(s): Be born unlinked to any Pixie and succeed in acquiring mana.

Effect(s): Mana Drain and Matter Assimilation become simpler to perform, and Comprehension increases rapidly opposed to other Dungeons.


Dungeon Achievement Unlocked!

Leeching Core!

Unlock Condition(s): Forcefully Drain Mana or Blood from a living being and select any variant of Blood Leechlings(UC) or Mana Leechlings® as one of the three first races of your Dungeon.

Effect(s): Greater affinity and evolution potential for Leeches and Strengthens Leeches within your Dungeon by 25%.



Dungeon Achievement Unlocked!

Rare Beginning!

Unlock Condition(s): Select a rare rated race as your beginning Race.

Effect(s): Elevated chances for races rated lower than rare to obtain a higher rated evolution.


Dungeon Achievement Unlocked!

Divine Assimilator!

Unlock Condition(s): Assimilate anything rated Semi-Divine or higher.

(This condition must be completed as an unevolved core.)

Effect(s): Discounts anything rated Semi-Divine or higher created via Mana shaping by 10%.


Dungeon Achievement Unlocked!

Monster Progenitor!

Unlock Condition(s): Create any available monster.

Effect(s): Makes the first created monster of any race more potent than its kin.


Dungeon Achievement Unlocked!

Novice Trapper!

Unlock Condition(s): Create any type of trap.

Effect(s): Anytime you make something considered a trap you regain 5% of the mana used in its creation.


Dungeon Achievement Unlocked!

Skill Creator!

Unlock Condition(s): Create a Personal Skill of any kind.

Effect(s): Lowers the activation cost of Personal Skills by 10%.


Dungeon Achievement Unlocked!

Abomination Core!

Unlock Condition(s): Select a monster evolution tagged as an Abomination as your first evolution.

Effect(s): Cause all Fae to distrust you when meeting and feel anxious in your presence, also increases affinity and evolution potential for Abominations and strengths them within your Dungeon by 15%.


Dungeon Achievement Unlocked!

Intellectual Core!

Unlock Condition(s): Posses 20 or more points in the Intelligence Stat.

Effect(s): Greater affinity and evolution potential with Elementals and strengths them within your Dungeon by 10%. Also increases the Magical Affinity of any created monsters.


Dungeon Achievement Unlocked!

Theme Virtuoso!

Unlock Condition(s): Acquire five themes or more, and all require to be unlocked for the first time in the world.

Effect(s): Makes it easier to combine themes and themes grant increased bonuses to their respective benefits.


Dungeon Achievement Unlocked!

Going Against Nature!

Unlock Condition(s): Perform an act which defies the will of nature.

Effect(s): Nature scorns your actions, making most beings wary of you. Empowers Abominations, Daemons, Demons, Undead, and Eldritch within your Dungeon by 10%.


Dungeon Achievement Unlocked!

Loving First

Unlock condition(s): Use your first selected race as your first Dungeon-Kin.

Effect(s): Increases Affinity and Evolution Potential Moderately for your first selected race. Your first selected race is also empowered by 5% within your Dungeon.



Spoilers: Appraisals Spoilers: Abilities & Skills Appraisal An ability unique to Dungeon Cores allowing them to view information about anything within their Dungeon. This also applies to the Status Window.


Mana Sight Differing from Mana Sense which can only see mana, Mana Sight allows Dungeon Cores to see through mana as if it were their eyes.


Mana Shaping Unique to Dungeon Cores Mana Shaping allows them to mold the world around them permanently, and even allows them to create life so long as they have sufficient mana.


Limited Telepathy Allows Dungeon Cores to transmit orders directly into the minds of its produced Monsters.


Matter Assimilation Causes any material, liquid, gas, energy, and life not native to the dungeon to be assimilated allowing the Core to recreate it via Mana Shaping.


New Skill Created!

Mana Discharge!

Effect: Causes the instant formation of a sphere of pure mana using ten points of mana and fires in the direction the user is facing.

Range: 30 Meters.


Spoilers: Monsters Please Select Starting Race Grobs, Rating: Lesser Common - Lesser Uncommon Trogs, Rating: Lesser Common - Uncommon Goblins, Rating: Lesser Common - Moderate Uncommon Gnolls, Rating: Common - Greater Uncommon Kobolds, Rating: Moderate Common - Exceptional Uncommon Orcs, Rating: Greater Common - Lesser Rare Mana Leeches, Rating: Lesser Rare - Mythical Demons, Rating: Common - Moderate Mythical Undead, Rating: Lesser Common - Lesser Legendary Elementals, Rating: Lesser Common - Exceptional Legendary



Grobs Grobs are a lesser species of Goblins with even less intelligence than their original race. They make up for this loss of intellect by having greater breeding and birth rates than even Goblins do. Allowing a tribe of ten Grobs to erupt into a tribe of thousands in mere days. Thankfully for the intelligent races of the world Grobs live deep underground in large caves and rarely ever leave their dwelling caves. Available Starting Grobs: Common Cave Grob (L-C), Cave Grob Hunter (L-C).


Trogs Trogs are a lesser species of Trolls, losing much of a Troll's famed physical strength Trogs gain intellect in return nearly rivaling that of Humans. Their breeding rates and birth rates are slightly lower than the average goblins. Trogs generally live deep underground in large caves similar to Grobs and frequently come into conflict with them leading to massive wars occurring between the two. Available Starting Trogs: Common Cave Trog (L-C), Cave Trog Hunter (L-C).


Goblins Standing no taller than three and a half feet these short menaces have brought no small headaches to humans for every goblin camp destroyed three more usually take their place no matter what efforts humans put forth trying to exterminate them once and for all. Goblins have weak physical strength being barely stronger than a 7-year-old human child they regularly use numbers to overwhelm and exhaust their enemies. Starting Available Goblins: Forest Goblins (L-C), Cave Goblins (L-C), Moss Goblins ©.


Gnolls Looking like a wild dog standing upright Gnolls gather and hunt in packs of twelve to fifty on regular occasions making them dangerous to encounter at any given time as their teamwork makes them a mighty foe in combat. Gnolls commonly live in forest or grassy plains where they hunt anything they can find, but they tend to avoid areas with large concentrations of humans such as cities, towns, and villages. Available Starting Gnolls: Plain Striding Gnolls ©, Stone Fur Gnolls (M-C).


Storm Hide Bear Frequently found living in caves situated on mountainsides storm hide bears possess vast physical strength and can augment themselves with the power of lightning making them deceptively fast relative to their size. Their appearance differs little to that of regular black bears with the only exception being the occasional sparks generated by their fur. Rating: Uncommon.


Kobolds Usually found in caves Kobolds share similar traits with Goblins except for their strength in which Kobolds vastly surpass Goblins. This high strength originates from the minuscule amount of Drake bloodline that exists within Kobolds and can be seen from their reptilian appearance. This bloodline and its benefits come at the expense of making them challenging to evolve beyond their first evolutions making them an unpopular starting selection among Dungeons. Available Starting Kobolds: Adult Kobold (M-C), Kobold Warrior (G-C), Kobold Hunter (M-C).


Drakes Giant reptiles feared for their draconic strength and often associated with Dragons don't actually share any blood with them as they're reptiles, and Dragons are overgrown flying lizards. Standing on four legs with a height of thirteen meters and a length of sixteen meters, Drakes bring fear to any who lay eyes on their majestic form, boasting pride and fury more considerable than that of even Dragons which are famed for both. Rating: Unparalleled Mythical.


Orcs Resembling Humans in many ways Orcs often believe themselves superior to them and often see Humans as cursed Orcs hence they oft call Humans Soft-skins. Orcs have a multitude of different variants such as Green-skins, Grey-skins, Dark-skins, Flame-skins, and the most common variant Brown-skins. Orcs are often seen as savage beasts, but truthfully Orcs are similar to Humans in almost every way and even boast higher kinship than Humans do; however, that doesn't make them any less brutal towards Humans. Orcs gather together in tribes led by their chieftains the strongest Orc in the tribe and routinely raid Human and Beast-kin villages kidnapping females to serve as mates and using males as food. Available Starting Orcs: Brown-Skinned Orcs (G-C).


Brown-Skinned Orcs They possess two times the strength of adult Humans however they lack the same intelligence Humans possess and boast the most savagery amongst the Orc species. Nonetheless, beware as killing too many of them may cause them to unite their tribes into mighty war host against those who would kill them. Rating: Greater Common.


Mana Leeches Mana Leeches are rarely seen by the sapient races of the world. Always living in Mana Springs leads them to be nearly unknown to the rest of the world. Mana Leeches vary wildly in size according to their age starting at just ten centimeters long and four centimeters large all the way up to two feet long and thirty-six centimeters large. Once they latch onto something with mana they won't stop until its wholly drained in which case for living beings means dead. When created by Dungeons sixty percent of mana they extract goes to the Dungeon Core. Available Starting Mana Leeches: Tiny Lesser Mana Leechling (L-R).


Demons Seen as the most brutal and vile race in the world demons are commonly hunted by the sapient races of the world with humans and elves actively hunting them any time they emerge regardless of where that may be. Demons consist of an endless variety of species with more constantly appearing from their otherworldly realm. Available Starting Demons: Imps ©, Fiends (M-C), Succubus (G-C), Satyr (G-C).


Imps & Fiends Commonly thought of as evolved Imps, Fiends are actually their own species possessing immense physical strength but no magical ability unlike their smaller cousin the Imp which boasts little to no physical power but has excellent control over magic being able to strengthen basic spells dangerously high without causing its mana to rampage. Imps look like a red-skinned human child with a mouth full of tiny pointy dagger-like teeth. Fiends have the appearance of an adult human bulging with muscle on every inch their body. Their presence grows more terrifying when you account for their height being three times that of the average human and their four demonic horns protruding from the top of their head. Imps, Rating: Common. Fiends, Rating: Moderate Common.


Succubus Bewitching engines of sex succubi can make the most willful men and women break under their fearsome skill in bed. Succubi use powerful illusion and mind magic to appear as their target's most extraordinary fantasy whatever that may be. They have the appearance of elves using their beautiful and luscious bodies to cause men and women alike to lust after them. Rating: Greater Common.


Satyrs Possessing strength greater than even Fiends and a sex drive as high as a Succubus. Satyrs are the horror of any women on the battlefield as they always target them first usually even attempting to violate seized women in active combat. Satyrs appear as giant goat-headed men towering at five times the average height of an ordinary man they commonly wander entirely naked ready to assault any women that are unfortunate enough to come across one. Rating: Greater Common.


Undead Considered the greatest enemy of the Aruba Theocracy, they've declared entire crusades against Dungeons, Elementals, and Necromancers using these beings. Dungeon created Undead contrary to their belief do not actually have captured souls as they are entirely formed by Death Element Mana and nothing else; which causes a death attribute soul to be born as their body forms. This does not apply to Necromancers and Death Elementals as they need a corpse and a soul to possess this corpse to create Undead. Undead can also rise on battlefields which haven't been purged of bodies. Available Starting Undead: Lesser Skeleton (L-C), Lesser Zombie (L-C), Lesser Ghoul ©.


Elementals All Elementals are born as wisps of differing elements however while Elementals may begin frail and arduous to evolve, at their peak, their magic can equal that of Ancient Dragons! Available Starting Wisps: Flaming Wisps (L-C), Water Wisps (L-C), Earthen Wisps (L-C), Wind Wisps (L-C), Frost Wisps ©, Lightning Wisps ©, Light Wisps (M-C, Dark Wisps (M-C).


Wisps An amalgamation of high purity elemental mana that's gained the ability to form simple thoughts like that of babies, are born with the innate ability to use basic spells of their given element. Rating: Lesser Common


Pixie Pixies first born along dungeons they've since spread across the world and are recognized as lesser fae by the sapient races of the world. Within Dungeons, pixies use their limited ability to convert ether to mana aiding in a Dungeon's initial expansion, they also teach and assist Dungeons in their decision making and serve as overseers of Dungeons stopping them from doing things which would harm the balance of the world. Rating: Greater Rare.


Shade Wing Bats

Adepts at stealth Shade Wing Bats are found in caves around the world hunting common cave critters and harassing any who disturb their resting places. Shade Wing Bats possess a moderate quantity of Shade Wing Zephyr Bloodline, a fact known only to few.

Rating: Lesser Common.


Shade Wing Zephyrs

Found nesting on mountaintops inaccessible to the sapients who try to tame them due to their high Dark Magic affinity. Shade Wing Zephyrs have become a near legendary sight in low altitudes instead preferring the safeties of the skies even at the cost of being forced to hunt stronger creatures than themselves. Leading to the small population of them growing sparser as they gather in groups and form large nests within mountaintop caves often clashing with Rock Lions which live in the same environment.

Shade Wing Zephyrs possess the innate ability to combine their Mana Pools to cast high-level Dark Magic spells of which they are so sought after.

Rating: Exceptional Uncommon.


Black Cave Bears

Black Cave Bears are a common sight around the world always living in caves, going out only when they absolutely need food. There isn't anything especially remarkable about them as they can't even evolve into Storm Hide Bears making them be seen as the weakest Bears in the world.

Rating: Lesser Common.



Humanoid versions of any monster available for creation.

Rating: Null.


Lesser Swamp Gators Found in almost every swamp, these Gators are small at only one meter long, but ferocious and even willing to fight losing battles to their deaths. Rating: Lesser Common.


Giant Red-Spotted Infectious Mosquitos Seen buzzing in swamps these disease-carrying nightmares are the terror of any sapient entering swamps for all the infections they carry which even with their low rating can be deadly if untreated magically. Rating: Lesser Common.


Soothing Swamp Striders These creatures found in every swamp in the world are entirely harmless unless they evolve and are largely ignored by most swamp living creatures. Rating: Lesser Common.


Razor Beak Helions Looking like common crows, Razor Beak Helions are often fatally overlooked by sapients traveling in swamps, and where there's one Helion, there are hundreds ready to swarm unassuming prey stripping their bones clean of any flesh. Razor Beak Helions are more active at night when they swarm into the skies like a living mass of darkness descending on any prey which catches their eyes. Rating: Common.


Vigor Bane Toads Not deadly alone, Vigor Bane Toads can release poisonous spores when threatened, capable of significantly weakening anything that inhales the spores, usually leading to their deaths. Rating: Lesser Common.


Signus Worms Tiny Worms found drifting in swamps; when they get into an open wound, they'll travel along the bloodstream until they reach the heart where they proceed in slowly consuming it causing an agonizingly slow death for their host. Rating: Common.


Ancient Basal Wyrm Wyrms are close cousins of Dragons but lack the same strength, however, while they don't have the power of Dragons their size dwarves that of Dragons more than fifty times over. This makes angering a Wyrm one of the most dreadful situation possible for any being no matter how strong they may be. Basal Wyrms sleep deep underground feasting on Mana as they sleep while their size scares off any would-be attackers making them rarely ever be awoken. Rating: Greater Legendary.


Cave Grob Berserker Although tiny Grob Berserkers can still exert considerable strength when wounded or enraged having the power to crush rocks with their bare hands. Grob Berserkers are considered honored among Grobs and often lead war parties against their hated foes, Trogs. Rating: Moderate Common.



Cloud-like beings Nifilim were Fae thought to be extinct by sapients, but they still wander the world unable to find safe refuge. Their near extinction status was brought about by the fact they're excellent enchantment material, causing sapients to hunt them to their current status. Nifilim over the thousands of years since they've gone into hiding have developed burning rage against the sapients who hunt them for making mere weapons, armor, clothing, and buildings. Nifilim can use Mind Magic, Illusion, Dark Magic, and Wind Magic with greater affinity for all of them making their repertoire of magic mighty indeed. Contrary to their cute appearance Nifilim have become heartless killers towards their hunters, but they remain kind and caring to those who haven't hunted them. Their old Fae statuses have been lost due to their downfall into darkness and corruption.

Rating: Exceptional Rare.


Leech-Kin The Dungeon-Kin version of Tiny Lesser Mana Leechlings, Leech-Kins are considerably fast, and their small size makes it difficult to spot them approaching until it's too late. Leech-Kins also drain much quicker than standard Tiny Lesser Mana Leechlings, and with their suckers, they also gain the ability to drain blood, albeit at a lesser rate than Vitriolic Leeching Abominations. Leech-Kins also gain Minor Dark Magic Affinity, allowing them to cast basic dark spells. They also possess heightened Intelligence, giving them a limited ability to command Tiny Lesser Mana Leechlings. Rating: Lesser Rare.


Cloud Stepping Rams Cloud Stepping Rams are renowned in the Kalnor Empire for their unique use of Wind Element Magic to create clouds beneath their feet as they prance through the skies unrestrained by physical terrain. Hunting these rams proves an arduous affair due to the clouds they tread upon being excessively large and surprisingly dense, giving them plenty of protection from sapients firing arrows or spells at them from the ground. Rating: Lesser Uncommon.


Spoilers: Plants, Ores, Stones, and whatever else Blood-Roots

Named after their blood red coloring, spear-like tips, and surprising toughness. Blood-roots have been the end of many individuals tripping and impaling themselves onto its sharp tip.

Blood-roots gain their impressive constitution by infusing mana across their entire stem, being so saturated with mana leads them to be valued immensely by various sapient races across the world.

Rating: Greater Uncommon.


Malfunctioning Titan Core

Titan cores, used to power the most powerful divine creations in existence, Titans.

Titans used unimaginable quantities of mana just to operate, mana provided by their Titan core by converting ether into mana allowing Titans to draw on a near limitless supply of mana.

This Titan core's malfunctioned causing it to absorb mana instead of converting ether leading to its surroundings being devoid of mana. Origin: Melkev Titan of Sundering. Rating: Exceptional Semi-Divine



Lakinite, the stone forming the body of Earth Element Titans, with a coloring of dull lead-grey Lakinite is often overlooked by sapient races for looking like ordinary stone, Lakinite is capable of hardening depending on the amount of mana poured into it, and when forming the body of Titans, it becomes nigh indestructible.

Rating: Greater Semi-Divine.


Elwind Stone

Elwind Stones only found in caves high in altitude or areas with high-levels of Wind element Mana. Elwind Stones are natural Mana converters, turning pure element less Mana to Wind element Mana, converting one point of Mana every ten minutes making them reasonably valuable to sapients and Wind element monsters.

Rating: Lesser Rare.


Phynxinite Phynxinite found only in high-altitudes, this ore's possibilities remain primarily unexplored by sapients, with the only exception being Gnomes who've long used the metal refined from this ore to insulate their sky-high homes from the high-altitude cold air. Phynx refined from this ore strangely resists both heat and cold, and can only be forged by imbuing Wind Element Mana into it, causing the metal to become soft and malleable. Rating: Exceptional Uncommon.


Spine-Roots Spine-roots are found in areas with abnormally high Mana levels, and can most often be seen rising from the land within the Otherworld of Demons. Spine-roots are incredibly hard and resilient, making any fragments from them exceptional armors and weapons material. Additionally, their heightened constitution over Blood-roots makes Spine-roots even greater enchantment material. Few sapients have ever laid eyes upon this plant, and even less have ever damaged one. Rating: Exceptional Rare.



Spoilers: Assimilations Assimilation complete! Assimilated blood-root contains elevated quantities of mana which has been absorbed [+11 Mana points]. Blood-roots may now be created at the cost of 233 Mana points per Blood-Root.


Assimilation complete! Lakinite may now be created at the cost of 460,128 Mana points per meter.


Assimilation complete! Pixies have been added as an available monster and may now be created at the cost of 600 Mana points per Pixie.


Assimilation complete! Storm Hide Bears have been added as an available monster and may now be created at the cost of 289 Mana points per Storm Hide Bear.


Assimilation complete! Assimilated Shade Wing Bat contained elevated quantities of Mana which has been absorbed [+17 Mana points]. Shade Wing Bats have been added as an available monster and may now be created at the cost of 2 Mana points per Shade Wing Bat.


Assimilation complete! Assimilated Elwind Stone contained elevated quantities of Mana which has been absorbed[+117 Mana points]. Elwind Stones may now be created at the cost of 902 Mana points per Elwind Stone.


Assimilation complete! Black Cave Bears contained minor quantities of Mana which has been absorbed [+3 Mana points]. Black Cave Bears have been added as an available monster and may now be created at the cost of 4 Mana points per Black Cave Bear.


Assimilation complete! Dungeon-Kins have been added as an available monster and may now be created at the cost of 422 Mana points per Dungeon-Kin.


Assimilation complete! Common Cave Grobs have been added as an available monster and may now be created at the cost of 1.5 Mana point(s) per Common Cave Grob.


Assimilation complete! Phynxinite may now be created at the cost of 527 Mana points per meter.


Assimilation complete! Assimilated Cloud Stepping Ram contained elevated quantities of Mana which has been absorbed [+79 Mana points]. Cloud Stepping Rams have been added as an available monster and may now be created at the cost of 199 Mana points per Cloud Stepping Ram.



Spoilers: Evolutions


Evolution: Lesser Mana Leechling!

Unlock Condition(s): Leechlings must drain anything six times.

The basic evolution for Tiny Lesser Mana Leechlings, gaining nothing but size these Leechlings are no different than before.

Rating: Lesser Rare. -

Evolution: Mana Fused Leechling!

Unlock Condition(s): Leechlings must drain Mana from fifteen sources and drain one thousand Mana or more.

Tiny Lesser Mana Leechlings who've drained a tremendous amount of Mana permanently infusing them with it. This gives them greater control over their pilfered Mana allowing them to release it in a Mana Burst causing catastrophic damage to anything caught within its relatively short radius of one meter. Their fusion with Mana causes their body to release a soft pale blue glow, dazzling unwary opponents and distracting those who are wary. Eighty percent of the Mana they drain goes to the Dungeon Core.

Rating: Lesser Rare.


Evolution: Storm Blood Mana Leechlings!

Unlock Condition(s): Leechlings must drain Mana from a Storm Hide Bear and drain five hundred Mana or more.

Evolved from Tiny Lesser Mana Leechlings, these new Leechlings can use the same augmentation as Storm Hide Bears do for their fast movements, allowing these Leechlings to catapult themselves onto unsuspecting prey from a distance. Once latched on they can paralyze their target with powerful electric currents and outright fry weaker prey, and they possess an insignificant amount of Lightning Magic affinity.

Sixty-five percent of the Mana they drain goes to the Dungeon Core.

Rating: Lesser Rare.


Evolution: Vitriolic Leeching Abomination!

Unlock Condition(s): Leechlings must drain Mana from something rated Mythical or above, and drain one thousand Mana or more, also requires for the Dungeon Core to have obtained any Fae Slayer Title and the Leeching Core Achievement.

Vitriolic Leeching Abominations are monsters reviled by any who set eyes upon them, appearing as a humanoid swarm of Leechlings these monsters drain Mana and Blood from just a touch, requiring any who fight them to be wary of every inch of their bodies. Being weak to Fire and Light, Vitriolic Leeching Abominations prefer the depths of dark and dank caves, where they stay preying from the shadows upon anything which crosses their path, however, beware as Fire and Light may be their weakness it also makes them go berserk with fury against those using these elements. They possess Minor Water Magic Affinity, Minor Dark Magic Affinity, and Little Ice Magic Affinity.

Seventy-five percent of the Mana they drain goes to the Dungeon Core and Fifty percent of the Blood they drain also goes to the Dungeon Core.

Rating: Rare.


Forced Evolution: Sacrilegious Rogue Dungeon! A Sacrilegious Rogue Dungeon's very existence defies the will of nature itself and evolves on its own instead of relying on natural evolutions. A Sacrilegious Rogue Dungeon's Mind may become unstable due to the forceful nature of its evolution, and all emotional restrictions placed on Dungeon Cores are lost. Nature will resist further expansion, making it two times harder for Sacrilegious Rogue Dungeon's to expand over the natural world.

(This does not effect creating Dungeon Floors.) The Dungeon Core will radiate an overwhelmingly Baleful Aura causing the withering death or destruction of anything weak in its surroundings.

(This Aura extends six meters in radius.) Increases Affinity and Evolution Potential monumentally for any Abominations, Daemons, Demons, Undead, and Eldritch created by the Dungeon. More Changes may be found within your Status!


Evolution: Mana Homogenized Leechling!

Unlock Condition(s): Leechlings must drain ten thousand Mana or more, and all ten thousand Mana must be drained from something rated Mythical or above.

Tiny Lesser Mana Leechlings who've overloaded their body with an enormous amount of Mana, their overload of Mana has prompted their body to be reconstructed entirely out of Mana, giving them significant control over Mana they steal and minor control over Ambient Mana. Allowing them to use a variety of Pure Mana based attacks, and similarly to Mana Fused Leechlings, they can release Mana they've drained in a Mana Burst. However, their explosion radius is four meters in radius and much larger than Mana Fused Leechlings's explosion radius of one meter. Their increased skill over Mana also allows them to detonate pockets of Ambient Mana, causing local Ambient Mana to destabilize and trigger a chain reaction of Mana Detonations within a radius of ten meters. They can easily be spotted from their overwhelmingly glowing sky blue body, and their appearance is challenging to make out because their body is constructed entirely out of Mana giving them a very indistinct lump shape. They've lost the ability to dazzle opponents like their Mana Fused brethren; instead, their bright glow makes it difficult for opponents to look at them without feeling like their eyes are burning.

They drain more Mana than average Tiny Lesser Mana Leechlings, and Ninety percent of the Mana they drain goes to the Dungeon Core.

Rating: Rare.



Spoilers: Floor Themes Congratulations! You've acquired the Isolation Caves Theme! Unlock Condition(s): Must've acquired the Solo Dungeon Achievement. The Isolation Caves are lightless caves made to disorient and separate groups, by teleporting invaders and swapping cave layouts. Monsters in the Isolation caves may occasionally teleport near invaders making them wary of every corner even dead ends. No monsters naturally wander this floor. No Monsters or Magic benefits present in this theme.


Congratulations! You've acquired the Parasitic Swamp! Unlock Condition(s): Must've acquired the Leeching Core Achievement. The Parasitic Swamp passively drains Mana from invaders at a rate of one Mana points a minute making this floor deadly to linger. It also possesses an artificial sky following its own day and night cycle, making it difficult for invaders to tell how long they've been on the floor. Also passively creates insects and weak monsters within the floor, rated no higher than Common. Benefits Leech Monsters and Blood Magic minorly.


Congratulations! You've acquired the Atrocious Halls! Unlock Condition(s): Must've acquired the Abomination Core Achievement. The Atrocious Halls contain experiments that will revile and inspire dread in any invaders, whether that be unholy beasts, the wicked torture of captured invaders, or their very imagination, the Halls will always find some fear in any who enter. Twisted Monsters wander the Halls, rated no higher than Common. Benefits only Monsters Tagged as Abominations minorly and doesn't benefit Magic at all.


Congratulations! You've acquired the Withering Forest! Unlock Condition(s): Must've acquired the Leeching Core and Rare Beginning Achievements. The Withering Forest causes anything within to slowly dry up, making invaders need to frequently drink water lest they become withered husks. The Forest also causes equipment used by invaders to degrade until they turn to dust, leaving any trapped within with no weapon, armor, or even clothing on their body. Withered husks of invaders haunt the Forest after their death, rated no higher than Moderate Common. Benefits Leech and Withered Monsters and Earth and Dark Magic moderately.


Congratulations! You've acquired the Elemental Dunes! Unlock Condition(s): Must've acquired the Intellectual Core Achievement and the Mana Wielder Title. The Elemental Dunes consist of a vast desert filled with elemental hazards rarely found in the normal world with tornados made of fire and rock, volcanoes erupting water and ice, stinging electrified gales, tsunamis of blood, lights darkening releasing a chilling wind around them, shadows radiating scorching light and various more fantastical and murderous hazards. Elementals wander the dunes, rated no higher than Moderate Common. Benefits Elementals and all Magic minorly.


Congratulations! You've acquired the Atrocious Heavenly Tower! Unlock Condition(s): Must've acquired the Abomination Core, and Divine Assimilator Achievements. A higher form of the Atrocious Halls, the Tower can create the fears of any invader wandering its floors and will torture captured invaders in unholy torture sessions displayed across the floors, prioritizing any friends or family located within the Tower. Abominations are found on most floors, rated no higher than Moderate Common. Benefits Abominations and Dark Magic greatly.


Congratulations! You've acquired the Plains of Lunacy! Unlock Condition(s): Must've acquired the Abomination Core Achievement and the Challenger of Evolution Title. The Plains of Lunacy causes any invaders wandering them to become easier to provoke and are more likely to make decisions they would never usually make. The Plains also causes people who've unstable states of mind to lose themselves gradually, eventually becoming a mindless beast which attacks anything it spots. Monsters capable of using Mind Magic wander the Plains, rated no higher than Moderate Common. Benefits Abominations, Demons, and Mind Magic Moderately.


Congratulations! You've acquired the Unholy Cathedral! Unlock Condition(s): Must've acquired the Divine Assimilator Achievement, Going Against Nature Achievement, and any Fae Slayer Title. Within the Cathedral Holy Spells are reversed causing the opposite of what it should be, and Healing Spells are also reversed causing damage instead of healing. Anyone entering with a blessing will find it has also reversed causing the opposite, and the connection to their God cut off. Daemons wander the Cathedral, rated no higher than Greater Common. Benefits Daemons, Demons, Abominations, Eldritch, and Dark Magic Moderately.


Congratulations! You've acquired the Flooded Leech Hollow! Unlock Condition(s): Must've acquired the Leeching Core Achievement and the Going Against Nature Achievement. The Hollow is completely submerged underwater making it incredibly difficult and dangerous for invaders to travel through, and the Hollow contains millions of tiny tunnels allowing Leeches access to any area within the Hollow making a swim through an immensely unpleasant one. Lesser Species of Leeches naturally swim within the Hollows, rated no higher than Greater Common. Benefits Leeches, Blood Magic, and Water Magic Greatly.


Congratulations! You've acquired the Wild Jungle of Exuberance! Unlock Condition(s): Must've acquired any Beginning Achievement and Architect of Life Title. The Wild Jungle of Exuberance is teeming with monsters at every corner and is considerably overgrown in all directions, impeding travel and exhausting invaders. The Jungle's boiling temperature within requires invaders to care not to overstress themselves as they make their way through the Jungle, else they'll fall prey to heat, before monsters. Monstrous Insects, Monkeys, and Cats prowl the Jungle, making every step further into the Jungle hazardous; rated no higher than Moderate Common. Benefits Insect, Monkey, and Cat Monsters Moderately, and doesn't benefit Magic at all.


Congratulations! You've acquired the Grove of Forgotten Beasts! Unlock Condition(s): Must've acquired the Architect of Life Title, Challenger of Evolution Title, and Rare Beginning Achievement or higher Beginning Achievement. The Grove of Forgotten Beasts contains beasts long lost to the world and is shrouded in mist for twenty-two hours a day, only leaving two hours where the Grove isn't veiled by mist. The Grove also causes minor illusions, attempting to lead invaders astray. Beasts long forgotten by the world, wander and lurk within the Grove, rated no higher than Moderate Uncommon. Benefits Bear Monsters, Cat Monsters, Bird Monsters, and Fae Moderately, also benefits Illusion Magic and Dark Magic Greatly.



Spoilers: Status N/A's Status Location: N/A's Dungeon Name: N/A Age: 1 Month Old Race: Sacrilegious Rogue Dungeon Level: 16 Integrity: 173/190 Mana: 770/830 Intelligence: 52 Wisdom: 26 Luck: 12 Dungeon Size: 19.39/26 Floors: 2/3 Floor Themes: Isolation Caves, Parasitic Swamp, Atrocious Halls, Withering Forest, Elemental Dunes, Atrocious Heavenly Tower, Plains of Lunacy, Unholy Cathedral, Flooded Leech Hollow, Wild Jungle of Exuberance, Grove of Forgotten Beasts. Current Integrity Status: Great, Mana Overburdening has begun to set in! Abilities: Appraisal, Mana Sense, Mana Sight, Mana Shaping, Mana Drain, Limited Telepathy, Matter Assimilation, Floor Creation, Baleful Aura. Skills: Mana Discharge. Available Monsters: Tiny Lesser Mana Leechling (L-R), Pixie (G-R), Storm Hide Bear (UC), Shade Wing Bat (L-C), Vitriolic Leeching Abomination ®, Black Cave Bear (L-C), Dungeon-Kin, Common Cave Grob (L-C), Cloud Stepping Ram (L-UC). Servants: Cie. Titles: Pixie Slayer, Mana Drainer, Mana Wielder, Bat Slayer, Challenger of Evolution, Caretaker of a Nifilim, Architect of Life, Leech-Kindred. Achievements: Solo Dungeon, Leeching Core, Rare Beginning, Divine Assimilator, Monster Progenitor, Novice Trapper, Skill Creator, Abomination Core, Intellectual Core, Theme Virtuoso, Going Against Nature, Loving First.


Spoilers: Floor Details Floor Details Created Floor Theme: Parasitic Swamp. Created Floor Name: Lyn Shade Parasitic Swamp. Floor Size: 5 km in radius. Number of Monsters Present on Floor: 0 Mana Points Used for Creation: 166 Dungeon Size Used for Creation: 1.1 Monsters will now be created every two hours in batches of fifty until reaching a maximum of two thousand five hundred. Monsters Automatically Created: Lesser Swamp Gators (L-C), Giant Red-Spotted Infectious Mosquitos (L-C), Soothing Swamp Striders (L-C), Razor Beak Helions ©, Vigor Bane Toad (L-C), Signus Worms ©.


Floor Details Floor Theme: Parasitic Swamp. Floor Name: Lyn Shade Parasitic Swamp. Floor Size: 5 km in radius. Number of Monsters Present on Floor: 5179 Monsters will be created every two hours in batches of fifty until reaching a maximum of two thousand five hundred. Monsters Automatically Created: Lesser Swamp Gators (L-C), Giant Red-Spotted Infectious Mosquitos (L-C), Soothing Swamp Striders (L-C), Razor Beak Helions ©, Vigor Bane Toad (L-C), Signus Worms ©.


Floor Details Created Floor Theme: Isolation Caves. Created Floor Name: Weaving Caves of the Lost. Floor Size: 165 km in total size. Number of Monsters Present on Floor: 6510 Mana Points Used for Creation: 12706 Dungeon Size Used for Creation: 16.5 No Monsters are automatically created for this Floor Theme. Monsters Automatically Created: None.


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